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  1. M

    Deaf kitty not working out - sad to find her new home

    It has only been 2 months and yes it can take longer. I advise that you keep the two cats separated, except when supervised and give it a chance. If this does not work out, she is best rehomed to a home where she would be the only cat. She sounds like such a dear. I hope for the best for her!
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    Night time naughtiness

    Nothing to do but block the carpet and window screen depending on whether he's in or out. He's been taught by you waiting till he's made a ruckus for a while before letting him in or out, that if he is persistent he will get what he wants. Is he fed right before you go to sleep? Maybe if you...
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    Trying to introduce kitten to female cat...

    Actually it looks to me like everything is going right. You are gradually introducing them which is exactly what I would do. I say just keep at it and keep them under supervision until they have been a while together and seem at ease and relaxed in each other's presence. The relaxation is key...
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    Extreme behavior at vet

    Sounds like they're nickel and diming you. There any way you can switch to another vet? Seriously--this is a vet; what are they expecting. A domestic cat IS quite strong for its size but if they cannot handle a 10 pound animal then they should get some practice with actually handling animals...
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    How quirky is your kitty?

    My cat Ace talks to me, with everything he does. He makes little chirps when I look at him, touch or pet him and when I talk to him he will often meow back. Also if he meows to come in and I let him in he will sometimes go back out even with the window open and just meow and howl out there for...
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    Urine smelling worse after neuter

    It can take 2 or 3 weeks for those hormones to completely go away. Though the behaviour can change almost instantly; another part of it may be he is going more all at once in one shot and still has that tomcat smell, so it can be like a turbo whopper of a smell attack XD
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    Lilly is a monster girl

    A kitten that young already being a bully? 11 weeks has in my experience been more of a playing age than one where cats get serious about dominating others. Sounds like she has an alpha personality. This is just something the two cats will have to sort out largely on their own, though. normally...
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    Bachs vs Feliway

    If the kitten is wearing out or irritating your older cats you should separate them for at least part of the day and give the poor old folks a break That will give them some recovery time. Over time your kitten will calm down.
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    Former Outoor Cat Litterbox Issues

    You definitely don't want to let him outside during that first month or so especially. He hasn't adjusted to this as his home yet and probably would run away, not understanding. I'd first put plastic down on the carpets, anywhere you can. to minimise damage to your rugs. From there I'd increase...
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    Stress pooping/separation anxiety? Would another cat help?

    Maybe get a small dog if you know she's good with dogs? That is, if you have time for a dog. If not, I'd say it's worth a shot to take your chances and see. Maybe foster a cat or kitten that you could later keep if things work out? Because there is NO way to tell how it will go down, though...
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    Help! Getting a barn kitty!!

    If you put the kitten out there now he might not know it's his new home and run away. You should acclimate him to indoors areas first. Like others said get him to a vet and have him checked out. He is shaping up to be a beautiful kitty. Seal point longhair!!! He looks about 8 or 9 weeks old...
  12. M

    Why do cats always bathe themselves after being petted?

    Mine don't always do this. They seem to groom themselves after eating, most often in my experience. Cats are fastidious and this is for many reasons. It maintains health to keep clean plus keeps smells down which in the wild keeps them safe from predators and helps them sneak up on prey.
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    Cat won't stop pooping in the plants!

    I had a cat that did this once. This isn't actually a problem on the cat's part. It's confusion. It seems no different to a litterbox to them. It actually demonstrates that they have good litter habits. I'd do a combo of using large stones/covering plus moving the plant to another place if...
  14. M

    Lilly is a tiny terror

    The best solution? Get another kitten about her age. Kittens love to play, she is just being a kitten. This stuff is normal! But if you get two kittens they will expend most of that playing energy on each other and usually grow up to be very fond companions of each other for life.
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    Unpopular Topic - Cat Prozac???

    I don't think that trying mental medication for your cat when it is the best solution {and when non medicine things have been tried and do not work} is a bad thing at all. It is not a shortcut, it is a last resort. Neutering drastically alters hormonal balance. however it is usually a short...
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    Scared Cat May Have Run Away

    I'm glad to hear this has a happy ending!!! Sort of. There is a definite issue between your two cats. Kashi is living in terror of your other cat and she needs to have a place where she can feel it is safe to retreat to in your house. Other than just under a bed. Is there a way you can...
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    cat peeing/spraying

    Were these toms neutered early on {under a year} or later on? That can make a difference. Regardless...the first thing you do is thoroughly clean the area, and see if you can try and keep them away from seeing this cat outside and if you can keep the cat away. {the female cat.} This is why your...
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    Kitty Keeps Licking/Biting Fingers

    I had a cat like this, my mother's cat. She was a licker and biter. We called them love bites. They do not seem to be from aggression at all. More like what you say--she would sniff your finger, then lick it then bite it. I would pull my hand away from her biting range and just pet her head. It...
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    Does your cat loves the rain?

    If the rain is not cold, my cats sometimes do not seem to care about it. They will run outside in a rainstorm. Then I have to be careful when they come back in with mud all over their paws. If the rain is really heavy, though they seem glad to come in quickly.
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    Introducing a new cats in a new home

    I would say hold off on the full introductions unless you closely watch them. Looks like there will be no easy way to integrate these cats. Male cats can be very aggressive. And you cannot know for sure how they will be with a strange cat, until it happens. Just take it day by day and don't...