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  1. A

    Our New Bedtime Routine

    Hello, all! This is Autumn- Daddy's over there curled up in the fetal position and crying after another brutal day at work, so I'm typing this out today. A few days ago, Daddy looked into one of the tanks for the "other pets" (as if Daddy could ever love anybody but me). I think it was the...
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    Meet Neville!

    Hello, all! Yes, that crazy pet guy is at it again. This time, introducing Neville, my new Berber skink. He is super friendly and came from a not-too-amazing (but not horrendous) situation. He's ten, and the owners just didn't want him anymore. I started by fixing his lights- he didn't have UVB...
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    Meet Hermione!

    Hello, all! For those of you who have read my other new pet posts, you know of my tendency to get pets some consider frightening. Well, this one is no exception. She is absolutely terrifying and not for the faint of heart. Seriously. Turn back now. ... Are you still here? Good. Face the great...
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    I Feel Like A Terrible Person For This...

    Hello, all. So, my cat Autumn has a tendency to go places she is not allowed. There are only two, really; on top of the tarantula tanks (only one of which she can reach anyways), and on top of the snake tank. Tonight, she went on top of the tarantula tank, again. Now, I had an atrocious day at...
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    Introducing Tauriel (or Gimli?)

    Hello, all! Finally got my second tarantula, a Mexican fireleg. I was told it was female, but it appears to be male. I am putting it to the experts on Tarantula Forum to figure it out. I'm wanting a female because they live longer and I can keep my badass elf lady name theme going (hopefully...
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    Bald Patches On Neck/shoulder

    Hello, all- My cat, Autumn (1 year old) has recently developed some bald patches on her neck and shoulders. She had a Furminator package done at PetSmart and I didn't notice them then, nor did the groomer. She eats a high-quality, grain-free diet that is almost entirely free of chicken (just...
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    Meet Galadriel!

    Hello, all! Just got a new baby for free. She is tiny (fits in the palm of my hand), very furry, and has big, sad eyes and buck teeth. She is two and a half years into a thirty-some-odd year lifespan. Okay, so those buck teeth? They're more like fangs... And she has eight eyes. One for each...
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    I Want Another One...

    Cats really are like potato chips. I find myself wanting a second one. I feel like Autumn gets lonely and bored and needs a friend. I tried once before- it was a bad experience, mostly due to me. I was in a bad place, mentally, regarding my anxiety due to some stuff at work. It was during a...
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    Am I A Terrible Person? Or, Scare The Cats, Twopence A Bag.

    So, I was working on setting up my new humidifier for my hermit crabs. Autumn, ever the curious kitty (you know that saying about curiosity and cats?) decided the Lowe's shopping back the stuff came out of bore investigation. So... She investigated. And the loop got hooked on her collar. Which...
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    Suggestions For Non-toxic House Plants?

    Hello, all! TL;DR available at the bottom! I'm wanting to beautify and enrich my home with some houseplants, but of course I want to ensure that my kitty will be safe and comfortable in our home. I have low-light conditions (unless the heat and UVB lamps for my various terrariums increase that...
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    My Boring Life (a Wrestle With Hermit Crabs)

    You know you have a boring life when the most interesting thing that happens to you is a very slow, two-day-long, nearly-stationary fight between two of your pet land hermit crabs over the same fabulous bit of real estate. Ricky and Fred had been locked together for about two days. I couldn't...
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    Introducing Nagini!

    Hello, all! Last night I finally got my long-awaited royal python, Nagini (which makes me Voldemort, I guess)! My phone is borking up, so I can't do photos right now. Nagini is just shy of two feet long right now. Gender is undetermined and I am not paying $89 for my vet to do it, so we're...
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    How Do I Keep My Cat Off My New Terrarium?

    Hello, all! I just set up a beautiful new terrarium for a royal python I will be coming into possession of tomorrow. I have two terrariums already, and she leaves them alone for the most part, but this is in a more accessible place and has a more delicate lid that I doubt can support her...
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    Cat Haz Sneeze

    My cat, Autumn, has sneezed a few times this evening... Something to worry about? She's not sneezed often before. Usually isolated incidents. The few times tonight were about half an hour to an hour apart. One sneeze each.
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    Mildly Concerned About Water Consumption

    Hey, all! So, until recently, I was putting two bowls of water out for my baby, both in different rooms and apart from the food. I recently upgraded one to a Whisker City fountain bowl, and keep the other in the living room, hoping eventually to just use the fountain because it's a little less...
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    You May Be A Cat Person If...

    Simple enough. Just post those funny, odd, or sad things that are the hallmarks of being a cat person. Just kidding, there are no sad things, because cats are heavenly emissaries of joy and tranquility. Your posts should continue the sentence begun, 'You may be a cat person if...' You may be a...
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    Product Review: Thing-ama-string

    So, I was shopping at Pet People (which, despite the fact that I work at PetSmart, is a very nice company with great products. I wish PetSmart got on board with the same food ethics...) and saw a product called Thing-Ama-String by Moody Pet, Inc. I will start off by saying that my cat, Autumn...
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    Menagerie Maxima!

    So. I will update this thread as my population changes, but I will preface this by saying I am not a hoarder. I take very good care of all of my pets and love them very dearly. The fact that I have so many is due to me working in a pet shop and having no social life to speak of. They are my...
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    Torti Or Calico?

    Hello, all! I have a one-year-old kitty named Autumn that I (and the adoption agency I got her through) describe as a torti. She is almost entirely deep brown with tan... except for a teensy (about half a centimeter square) patch of white fur on her chest. Does this make her technically a calico?
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    Meow! Meet Autumn (and Me!)

    Hello, there! Proud servant of multiple pets, including- you guessed it- a cat! Boring bit about the hooman first. I work at PetSmart, so even though this is my first cat (I've had her about six months now), I went into it with loads of information and experience working with the cats at my...