Search Results for Query: prozac for cat

  1. Elizabeth Sanders


    My most recent street rescue has turned out to be the most aggressive cat I’ve rescued in more than a decade. She is completely calm with people- but if she sees another cat she’s after it in total silence and full on attacks. She even tried tonight to run out the door and attack one of our...
  2. C

    What dose of Prozac?

    For those who have cats on Prozac what dosage are you giving and how long did it take your cat to adjust? My boy has been sleeping a lot more since starting it though today he was awake and playing more. We are on week 3 of 5mg daily.
  3. V

    Urine retention on Prozac (fluoxetine)

    Hi all, New here but my female cat (9 years old around 15lbs) was put on Prozac at my request due to increased anxiety and over licking her stomach. She has been on it about a week. Since about day 3 I’ve noticed she holds her urine for more than 24hours sometimes up to 36/48 hours. She is...
  4. T

    Cat on Miralax for Pancreatitis

    My cat is 14yo, orange domestic shorthair mail; has pancreatitis for at least 2 years. He was on paxil transdermal for 4 years, then changed to prozac due to constipation. He was still constipated on Prozac transdermal (but better) and he was started on daily Miralax. I cannot be sure exactly...
  5. aelovina

    Experience with cats on Prozac/fluoxetine?

    Yesterday I took our 7yr old fixed male, Sunny, to the vet. He's in good health, but has some anxiety and has been displaying territorial aggression with two of our other cats. The vet recommended Prozac to help with the aggression. We'll be trying pills first since that's the least expensive...
  6. J

    Prozac & urinary retention? Advice needed FLUTD kitty

    Hello! My cat Baloo, male age 8, has been experiencing FLUTD for the last 2.5 months. Blood in the urine. We tried gabapentin & prazosin first along with prescription urinary food (calm care from royal canine). But as soon as he would be off the gabapentin the blood in the urine and straining...
  7. C

    Post-vet-visit smell

    Maybe two days, in my experience. My anxious cat, Ori, would hiss and be stand-offish to any cat that visited a vet for a day or two. Since he's been on Prozac, actually that behavior has stopped and last time he actually helped groom the smell out of her! (Of course the prozac isn't long term)...
  8. K

    Female cat not using litter box after fav human return home from a month away

    Help please, 3 year old tabby stopped using litter box. I am her human. I was away for month and half to take care of father on hospice. Approximately a week of returning home, she stopped using litter box. Will pee and poo all over the house in different parts of the house. Has been cleared...
  9. rubysmama

    Kitten to multi-cat household introduction not progressing

    ...discuss it. Here's the ones with aggression in the title: Aggression/Inappropriate Urination - Prozac? Aggression in Cat, PROZAC? Prozac For Cat Aggression Aggressive Cat, Vet Prescribed Prozac Aggression behavior - Calming collar/diffuser/prozac Here's the link to all the threads with...
  10. EllieE83

    Cat less affectionate on Prozac

    Hey I’d love you to share the outcome…. I’ve just put my cats on Prozac for anxiety and spraying and they are being super snobs when usually super affectionate :(
  11. A

    Scared of my 11 year old cat

    If the vet does a thorough workup and comes up with nothing, ask about behavioral meds. Prozac, Paxil and Zoloft are all prescribed for cats and might help, if this is behavioral. My brother had a cat that would lash out for most of its life. Many years later, his partner remains scared of...
  12. V

    Aggressive Cat, Vet Prescribed Prozac

    In a similar situation to you. In week 3 of Prozac for intercat aggression. If the initial aggression was 100%, now it’s probably 25% which is a great improvement. How long did it take for you to see full benefits of the med?
  13. R

    Post PU Surgery Worries

    Man I'm glad I stuck to my guns. I'm having to titrate myself by sectioning out the powder (decided I didn't feel like dealing with the office and pharmacy background tells me this is fine) and he's down to 25 mg twice a day. I know it's not his pee cause he isn't licking himself like he used to...
  14. artiemom

    Shelter cat is broken and super depressed

    Adopting an older cat, is always expensive, initially. Especially when one has been in the a shelter for a long period of time. Personally, I would try a bit of the prozac--- at least have it in the house. See how Cosette is a week or so after the script comes in; before you decide to use...
  15. Mac and Cats

    Urine retention on Prozac (fluoxetine)

    I've had 3 cats on Prozac in the past and all three of them urinated less frequently while on it. So, I think it is for sure just a side effect of Prozac. I mentioned it to two different vets and they did not seem concerned at all.
  16. T

    Urinary Issues/ Prozac Suggested by Vet

    Hello, so my 4 year old girl cat has been having ongoing urinary issues for like 4 months. She’s been peeing in the litter box 24/7 in small increments, sometimes peeing blood, and crying out a lot as well as excessive grooming down there. I’ve taken her to the vet more times that I can count...
  17. daryl the cat

    Cat doesn’t seem himself on behavioral medication

    Sorry I have no advice, but I just want to chime in that I'm in the same situation. My cat has been on Prozac for 8 days now because of barbering and anxiety from another cat. I know it's early, but he's even more jumpy now than before. He has become anti-social and is no longer interested in...
  18. S

    Too much Prozac for my kitty??

    Hi. It Medicine to ease the feline mind The below is copied from the Merck Veterinary Manual “Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, including fluoxetine, sertraline, and paroxetine, have been used to treat psychogenic alopecia, allergy-related pruritus, owner-directed aggression, fearful...
  19. F

    My cats are driving me crazy

    Dude is 11? He may have hyperthyroid disease. My cat had it and he drove me insane with his meowing. He would not stop no matter what. Meds helped a lot. Or he could benefit from taking kitty prozac (fluoxetine) for anxiety.
  20. T

    Cat on Miralax for Pancreatitis

    Hi feral, 1) paxil/prozac: aiden was on paxil because he was urinating everywhere in my home, everyday. We adopted him at age 7, and he came like that. It was comming from anxiety. It stopped on paxil, but overtime he got VERY constipated and lethargic on this and we switched to Prozac...