Cat on Miralax for Pancreatitis


TCS Member
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Mar 15, 2024
My cat is 14yo, orange domestic shorthair mail; has pancreatitis for at least 2 years. He was on paxil transdermal for 4 years, then changed to prozac due to constipation. He was still constipated on Prozac transdermal (but better) and he was started on daily Miralax. I cannot be sure exactly when, but his pretty litter changed color from normal to abnormal. After assessment he was diagnosed with ideopathic cystitis. (No bad bacteria though). He was diagnosed with pancreatitis some months later. I believe that the cystitis is stress-induced from the pancreatitis. His pancreatic enzymes have increased with each bloodwork. We have decreased prozac to minimal dose, 0.5mg twice per week, but Miralax daily and the pancreatic enzymes are still increased. Diet has been changed to different brands, hydrolyzed low-fat protein and Fortflora, but makes no difference in pancreatitis. There is no exposure to any chemicals/flea collars. Filtered water only. We are changing Miralax to Lactulose, if I see improvement I will report. I believe that this is definitely related to constipation or the Miralax, OR the excipients in the transdermal. I don't understand why there is essentially no research on such a common affliction. We have had multiple assessments, bloodworks (including GI panel), urine tests, stool tests, bacteria tests, ultrasounds, hours and hours of research. I strongly believe this is treatable. Also have his brother, and my other cat has No pancreatitis. I appreciate hearing Any connection that you have made with your cat's pancreatitis. I appreciate any feedback on what has helped your cat.

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi T TonyTiger83 and the warmest of welcomes to the forum !

I'm at a bit of a loss here, because it seems you believe that Miralax is being used to treat pancreatitis in your cat and that using it or withdrawing it will directly affect the pancreatitis. Miralax will have no influence whatsoever on this condition.

Miralax has only one use and that's to increase the hydration inside the intestines......and thereby relieve/prevent constipation which results from dry stool.

Lactulose, as well, has only that same effect. It does/will not affect pancreatitis.

[Most people find that lactulose is difficult to use with cats and that cats dislike it. Consequently, most folks use Miralax. They are interchangeable.]

I don't see that you've mentioned pain control medication anywhere in there.......both cystitis and pancreatitis are well known to cause pain and must be addressed.

I think you'd benefit from a comprehensive, reliable and plain-language explanation and coverage of pancreatitis. I'd recommend this one. There are many references to kidney disease in there. You can ignore those, the core information there is common to all cats.

There is also an online community/forum of folks who are caring for their cats with pancreatitis - that's likely where you'll find the greatest number of people in one place who are dealing with this very difficult condition.......there's a link to that group at the very bottom of the page I gave you above.

Keep us updated.........and, we'd love to see a pic or two!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
white shadow white shadow thanks for that info. I have two that apparently have pancreatitis. (One appears possibly chronic - the other acute.) I was given pretty much zero info on it. So this helps - thanks a lot!

T TonyTiger83 A couple of things I can tell you from, my own experience, my Charlie has quite a few issues, including pancreatitis. What I learned early on from a wonderful vet about his constipation was that he also has idiopathic cystitis. What the vet told me, which I was surprised I didn't sort out myself, was that if Charlie is in pain in the litter - he will avoid the litter and "hold" potty. So there becomes a cycle. If his pee hurts he holds it and guess what - becomes constipated. If he's constipated and hurts - he holds the pee - causing cystitis. There is a pattern and correlation.

He never minded the Lactulose but what I did notice is that it seemed to upset his tummy. So - Miralax has now been my go-to. (Use what works for your baby. What one rejects another might do better for - each kitty is unique.) :-)

What is even stranger is he seems to need less Miralax than the recommended start dose. To me this is almost like he just needs a slight boost as something is off in his guts somewhere.

If your kitty stops eating from a flare-up - the most important thing will be to get food in them. I have an appetite stimulant (pill form of Mirtazapine) on hand at all times because of this.

I see you are giving a pro-biotic as well. That one did nothing for Charlie either. This is the one we are currently trying GI Portfolio - Grey Wolf for Veterinary Professionals - the FIBRE BOOST +GI™ one. I will tell you now that Charlie HATES it BUT that being said it's taken quite a while but he will take bits of it in his food. At some point, I hope to increase it to what they say the dose should be, as we are nowhere near that, but baby steps and it does seem to help.


As white shadow white shadow pointed out - pain management is important. That constipation/cystitis cycle I spoke of above is a classic reason why. The other reason is to keep them eating.

So, the other thing I have on hand always is gabapentin. When he's in pain, a small amount of gabba usually takes the edge off for him. You could talk to your vet about that as well and see if that would help your baby too. Is it used daily - no as it's not needed daily. Gabba also has a cumulative effect so you want to avoid daily use if possible. I can often tell though when he's headed into pain and try to get in front of it.

Take this back to your vet and see what they think. Perhaps these things could be of benefit to your baby too.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
T TonyTiger83 I'm back. I have some additional info and some questions.

I noticed before that you have your baby on prozac but was on paxil transdermal prior. I assume it was for behavior issues? Please correct me if I'm wrong. I bring this up as in the past I have discussed with Charlie's vets something similar as he has some issues in that regard. I lovingly reference him as my schizophrenic one. No joke. I really think he has a mental disorder of some kind. We were discussing possibly placing him on Amitriptyline for it. I read the VIN info on it and went - not yet - and only if I really have to. I'll take the scars and such right now as he has mild HCM. (though we are currently revisiting if it's progressed.)

It sounds like our two furkids have some close similarities so I hoping you don't mind that I join this thread with you, rather than starting another (there are quite a few Pancreatitis threads) and maybe between us- and the good souls here we can navigate this together. As honestly - when it comes to this I really feel lost as you are right, there are a great deal of question marks with this illness - and I have two of them now with it.

Charlie just had his annual on monday. His last ultrasound was July 2023 when he stopped eating. At the time I was also dealing with Mia being diagnosis with a cancer and fighting that battle. I lost her two days after his ultrasound. 29 days from her diagnosis - and it was not a good death. (Just to give you some context in why I've been slower to handle this as much as I should have been.)That ultrasound came back as nothing showing on the pancreas (normal) BUT a Positive fpli.

BH, the other one was the opposite - Negative fpli test BUT her ultrasound showed:
"There are abnormal intestinal wall changes that could account for the patient's change in appetite. The pancreas also appears consistent with chronic inflammation however acute inflammation is not seen at this time. If the patient exhibits intermittent signs, flare ups of pancreatitis could be considered. There is no evidence of overt neoplasia. Treating for suspected IBD would be reasonable. The urinary debris is likely benign material such as lipid or inactive cellular debris. It also likely represents the proteinuria which may be of renal origin even though the kidneys are grossly normal. The bladder wall finding is likely a benign cyst."

Her second ultrasound showed, interestingly enough, the cyst had vanished but also "Possible chronic pancreatitis ."

Other than the occasional "I'm not eating this" and I have a few days of making sure she starts to eat again - she seems pretty stable.

Charlie blood work from Monday now shows high levels for the pancreatic test and slightly elevated liver. ( I should have that full report tomorrow so I can read it.) I'm already aware he has food allergies that we think we resolved as no more leg chewing bawled for server years, and also some sort of IBD / IBS. So there is the triaditis on him. (He's got a list - including asthma.)

What I learn today is:

I'm not to ever give him different food. Apparently even one meal that's different can cause a flare up. Did not know this. I was always told there was no coloration with food and pancreatitis - apparently this is wrong. I know in dogs it's a thing - especially fats but of course cats are a different beast.

I'm going to try to get as much info as possible as right now I really feel ill prepared to manage this. Knowledge helps with that.

My thoughts and questions for you:

What was your babies ultrasound like? I assume they did the pancreatic test based on the blood work showing increases? Do you suspect any food intolerances or allergies along with it? I know you said you tried different foods, but based on what I was told today about the food I wonder if this is why you were seeing an increase?
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  • #5


TCS Member
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Mar 15, 2024
Hi feral,

1) paxil/prozac: aiden was on paxil because he was urinating everywhere in my home, everyday. We adopted him at age 7, and he came like that. It was comming from anxiety. It stopped on paxil, but overtime he got VERY constipated and lethargic on this and we switched to Prozac. Although Prozac still causes some mild constipation and dry mouth.Amitriptyline was discussed but I know that’s more drying, so I advocated for a different one. It’s hard to say if these anti anxiety help for ibs because he was constipated. But, I believe it may help.

2) Aiden has the same readings on his last ultrasound about cystitis. I caught the cystitis because we use pretty litter and i csught the color change. And it is idiopathic cystitis, although my vet now suggests it could be stress induced from pancreatitis? My vet never discussed pain meds for cystitis, but many people on the forums encourage it. And that makes sense to me. He just started pain meds a few days ago and he definitely presents better in his behaviors.

3) my cat has pancreatitis and ibs, but no liver involvement. The problem is their physiology is different and there is not enough research on this collective disease. I have read so many articles and posts. It could simply be genetic and happens in older years. Or gi bacteria imbalance may play a part as they move up the gi tract ti additional gi organs. Or soemthing else we are not aware.

4) his last ultrasound was Oct 22. We might do one, but I’m afraid the anesthesia and the post shave aftermath might be too much for him. We are doing a focused gi panel first. A gi panel looks at vit b12, if it is pancreatic insufficiency and some other labs. Cat must fast 12 hours. Depending on those results, we might consider the US in a few weeks.

5) diet: Aiden eats 1/4 cup of food twice per day. ImBut he goes back and forth now. He hasn’t been eating it in one go ( but he was eating the full amount 2-3 weeks ago).I would love him to eat more and gain weight but that isn’t my goal for now. He was on royal canin hydro/so for 6 years. Then in 2023 with the pancreatitis, the vet recommended purina hydrolyzed because it has a low fat content and easier on the pancreas. I believe it made a difference, maybe even for his ibs too. Of course he lost weight naturally with the lower fat content. I wish he ate wet food, but he won’t. I’ve tried everything know to civilization; he won’t. At this point we have done all types of gi test over the years. He originally was said to have food intolerance, yes. But i believe there is a micro flora/gi bacterial piece that causes the sensitivity. I have my gut on fortiflora which kinda does something, but not really a game changer. I have purchased an a top pro biotic for him, but I’m not sure if it’s too late or if he will even try it. Btw I also had my cat on cystiphan from the UK, after the cystitis occurred last year. I think it was positive, it helped with a very slight limp he had.

feral, I’m sorry about your loss of Mia. I don’t know how other cat parents manage. I’m in awe of the cat communities and the beautiful parents who give a quality family life to a cat, and help manage them as they age. I’m glad Charlie is still managing. Give him a pet for me.

hope this is useful.
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  • #6


TCS Member
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Mar 15, 2024
Regarding the gabapentin daily message. As of this week I’m probably giving my cat gabapentin daily. People keep saying “flare up” but I feel that’s for more acute diagnosis type? Aiden has chronic pancreatitis. So won’t he need gabapentin daily, probably indefinitely? Unless I can figure out a focused treatment for his condition, which seems devastatingly unlikely.

Take this back to your vet and see what they think. Perhaps these things could be of benefit to your baby too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
Waiting for the vet to call. While they let me know is fpl was very high yesterday when they called, I didn't get the impression he was in bad shape... ... I got the blood work back today and it's really bad. I've put in a call to the vet for a chat.

Update: Bless them, they called back and told me not to worry. If he starts vomiting daily they will need to hospitalize him but as he's not vomiting daily we can watch him closely and get the ultrasound ASAP. Which we are just waiting on a date for.

I'll put his carrier close by and the ER is already on my phone programmed so if need be ... I hope not.. but if need be ... I'll rush him there.

Hi feral,

1) paxil/prozac: aiden was on paxil because he was urinating everywhere in my home, everyday. We adopted him at age 7, and he came like that. It was coming from anxiety. It stopped on paxil, but overtime he got VERY constipated and lethargic on this and we switched to Prozac. Although Prozac still causes some mild constipation and dry mouth.Amitriptyline was discussed but I know that’s more drying, so I advocated for a different one. It’s hard to say if these anti anxiety help for ibs because he was constipated. But, I believe it may help.
Hi TonyTiger!

Good for you for advocating for him. Especially since he is on dry food - that added pull away of moisture would be a double whammy for him.

2) Aiden has the same readings on his last ultrasound about cystitis. I caught the cystitis because we use pretty litter and i caught the color change. And it is idiopathic cystitis, although my vet now suggests it could be stress induced from pancreatitis? My vet never discussed pain meds for cystitis, but many people on the forums encourage it. And that makes sense to me. He just started pain meds a few days ago and he definitely presents better in his behaviours.
Stress could be a factor. I could see where that is reasonable thing to suggest. Stress causes all sorts of issues so it wouldn't shock me at all to find out there is a correlation. Charlie and BH are both high strung cats.

We tend to forget that pain causes stress and if we think about it - how cranky can we human get when we are in pain?

I'm so glad to hear that the pains meds are helping a bit with that.

3) my cat has pancreatitis and ibs, but no liver involvement. The problem is their physiology is different and there is not enough research on this collective disease. I have read so many articles and posts. It could simply be genetic and happens in older years. Or gi bacteria imbalance may play a part as they move up the gi tract ti additional gi organs. Or soemthing else we are not aware.
Charlie just recently - this last bloodwork shows small liver involvement now. So it's emerged within the last 6 - 8 months. Something to keep in the back of your mind about.

Imbalances also make sense. I've always known something was up with Charlies GI tract since he has food allergies (really sensitivities) and his bowel movements are often hard and he doesn't go number 3 daily. Normal for him is every 2-3 days. I would almost hazard a guess that this illness starts in the gut tract somehow. Either unbalanced, or a slow moving digestive system - which would cause a host of issues - but also malabsorption.

4) his last ultrasound was Oct 22. We might do one, but I’m afraid the anesthesia and the post shave aftermath might be too much for him. We are doing a focused gi panel first. A gi panel looks at vit b12, if it is pancreatic insufficiency and some other labs. Cat must fast 12 hours. Depending on those results, we might consider the US in a few weeks.
Oct 22 2023? If so do they really think he needs another this soon?

Let us know how his GI panel looks once it's completed if you wouldn't mind.

5) diet: Aiden eats 1/4 cup of food twice per day. ImBut he goes back and forth now. He hasn’t been eating it in one go ( but he was eating the full amount 2-3 weeks ago).I would love him to eat more and gain weight but that isn’t my goal for now. He was on royal canin hydro/so for 6 years. Then in 2023 with the pancreatitis, the vet recommended purina hydrolyzed because it has a low fat content and easier on the pancreas. I believe it made a difference, maybe even for his ibs too. Of course he lost weight naturally with the lower fat content. I wish he ate wet food, but he won’t. I’ve tried everything know to civilization; he won’t. At this point we have done all types of gi test over the years. He originally was said to have food intolerance, yes. But i believe there is a micro flora/gi bacterial piece that causes the sensitivity. I have my gut on fortiflora which kinda does something, but not really a game changer. I have purchased an a top pro biotic for him, but I’m not sure if it’s too late or if he will even try it. Btw I also had my cat on cystiphan from the UK, after the cystitis occurred last year. I think it was positive, it helped with a very slight limp he had.
The food is a very interesting note. Charlie and BH are also on royal canin hydro/so. No discussion of changing it. The "purina hydrolyzed because it has a low fat content" it's the low fat content here that has me puzzled. Did they mention why? Now I know for certain dogs need low fat if they have pancreatitis - but I was informed that does play a role with cats the same way. Did they say the reason for the switch?

Cystophan has D-glucosamine sand that's good for joint / tendon health. I looked up Cystophan and I like the way that looks.

What pro-biotic did you choose and have you found it helpful yet - or to soon too tell?

feral, I’m sorry about your loss of Mia. I don’t know how other cat parents manage. I’m in awe of the cat communities and the beautiful parents who give a quality family life to a cat, and help manage them as they age. I’m glad Charlie is still managing. Give him a pet for me.

hope this is useful.
Thank you TonyTiger. It's been 8 months - feels like yesterday. I've lost little ones before but her loss and how has really gutted me. I'm coming to accept that I'll never be 100% at peace with it.

I'm in awe too. Especially this site - people here are beyond amazing.

Yes, this info is very useful. I'm seeing somethings more clearly and it's giving me things to think about and ask. I appreciate that.

Hopefully anything I'm able to share with you will be of some help to you and your boy too.

I spoke to soon about Charlie, while no one indicated yesterday how bad his newest results really were... I received the bloodwork this AM and it's extremely bad right now. So much so I've put a call into the vet as I want to know how to help him right now, if there is anything I can do. I'm also shocked that it wasn't mentioned just how bad this blood is. I'm a bit in shock about that.

His platelets are incredibly low as are some other blood points... and the kicker.... they said the was high - but dear lord that is the understatement of the year!!

Here it is:


Regarding the gabapentin daily message. As of this week I’m probably giving my cat gabapentin daily. People keep saying “flare up” but I feel that’s for more acute diagnosis type? Aiden has chronic pancreatitis. So won’t he need gabapentin daily, probably indefinitely? Unless I can figure out a focused treatment for his condition, which seems devastatingly unlikely.
Yes, acute would be a flare up I believe but I think even chronic goes into some form of stability and then shoots up. I could be wrong.

Could be gabapentin or even buprenorphine. I would be asking the vet about both options.

Once the vet calls back about that HOLY COW BATMAN underestimated High FPL result - I'll ask about both and see what info I can get for you to take back to your Doc. << update: no info on this yet.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
T TonyTiger83 One more thing I thought of after my chat with the vet for you to ask your vet.

Nausea can be an issue and if Adien starts to really have issues with eating I have some Cerenia on hand for that. It might be wise to perhaps ask your vet if you could get some of that and also have that on hand in case of an eating crisis.
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  • #9


TCS Member
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Mar 15, 2024
T TonyTiger83 One more thing I thought of after my chat with the vet for you to ask your vet.

Nausea can be an issue and if Adien starts to really have issues with eating I have some Cerenia on hand for that. It might be wise to perhaps ask your vet if you could get some of that and also have that on hand in case of an eating crisis.
*I Have Cerenia Transdermal coming in tomorrow. You are not the first person to mention this. However, I keep reading that it can cause heart issues if taken more than 5 days in a row. I've read anecdotally, some cats take it routinely three days spread out in the week. I've also heard Zofran is good too, even with Cerenia, concomitantly. Thank you for the reinforcement. Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough or doing the right thing.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
*I Have Cerenia Transdermal coming in tomorrow. You are not the first person to mention this. However, I keep reading that it can cause heart issues if taken more than 5 days in a row. I've read anecdotally, some cats take it routinely three days spread out in the week. I've also heard Zofran is good too, even with Cerenia, concomitantly. Thank you for the reinforcement.

Yes, I don't think it's meant for long term accept in extreme cases. I forgot too that one (Cerenia) is for vomiting caused often by nausea which is why I think they start with that one.While Zofran (Ondansetron) is more for just nausea and yes they are used together sometimes. From what I know Zofran (Ondansetron) is a very powerful one. Make sure you get the fact sheets on all of them.

Be aware that mirtazapine and Zofran (Ondansetron) cannot be given together as it's a VERY high risk of serotonin syndrome if you do. So keep that in mind as well.

You're welcome for the reinforcement. :-) You are very helpful for me too.

Sometimes I feel like I'm not doing enough or doing the right thing.
Pretty much this right here is exactly how I feel as well.

When I read the report today and then learned they may hospilize him... and they would have had I not been on top of it - I burst into tears and broke down at my office. All I kept thinking is "how can you say I'm on top of it if he's not doing well. I'm completely failing him." That and "I can't lose another one." So I know how you feel. Every move you make you are second guessing. It's especially hard with something like this when the info is so limited. It's frightening.


I know Amitriptyline and Zofran (Ondansetron) cannot be given together as it's again another VERY high risk of serotonin syndrome if you do. So do check that Zofran (Ondansetron) can be used with the Prozac transdermal... and by high risk I mean my very was so adamant about those two with Zofran (Ondansetron) that they must have told me 12 times, emailed it to me and three different people told me at the office, once when I called to see if it was ready, once when I picked up and a voice mail when I got home.

So be sure to check into that too.

BTW at the time the Zofran (Ondansetron) wasn't for Charlie - it was for Mia.
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  • #11


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 15, 2024

1) Charlie & Aiden, long lost litter siblings?: My cats were born in IN. I Believe our cats have so much in common. My cat also has the constipation IBS for years. Whereas most cats seem to have diarrhea-type. Years later he developed the cystitis and the pancreatitis within the same year. I wonder if they have the same etiology?

2) GI Panel: Have you had a GI panel on Charlie? I get my results, hopefully, next Weds. I'm kind of hoping it shows EPI because that is fairly treatable. It also looks at B12 deficiency which can cause anemia and such. Cat has to fast 12 hours too.

3) Bloodwork: I'm so sorry about Charlie's blood work. It sounds like multiple systems are not involved. I hope that your vet understands how serious this is for you.
Is he on any anti-inflammatory treatments?

4) Food: My vet said that a lower fat content food is a better option for pancreatitis in cats, in his experience. I also read that this may not be true for cats, as it is with dogs. But, his GI definitely likes this food a little better regardless. He still is drinking well on it too. Some of the Hydrolyzed/SO make them drink more. This one is not SO, i don't think, but still drinking.

5) His U/S was Oct 2022. And his symptoms are so much worse now. My vet says that it could be useful. We will continue that convo next week.

6) I was kind of a train wreck at the vet this AM. We did our bloodwork. I also requested extra fluids, just 100mL for Aiden. Everyone there checked his skin and gums and said he doesn't appear to need them. He looks well-hydrated. Maybe it's just me : /

7) Regarding your loss: I completely 100% understand. My empathy goes out to you and everyone who has been heartbroken. I worry I won't be functional, and I'm only quasi-functional atm. You could always consider a therapist? I'm starting one after this, and not ashamed of it. I need to be 100% for my family. Maybe there are support groups on the Internet?

8) Probiotic. I haven't started it yet. We have so much going on. I will comment on that if we get it going. He might refuse to accept it.

Corresponding is always so grounding. Thanks Feral


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
Whoops somehow that posted! Give me a second to correct LOL


1) Charlie & Aiden, long lost litter siblings?: My cats were born in IN. I Believe our cats have so much in common. My cat also has the constipation IBS for years. Whereas most cats seem to have diarrhea-type. Years later he developed the cystitis and the pancreatitis within the same year. I wonder if they have the same etiology?
Sounds like it! He a canuk - I think ...Southern Ontario - right by the boarder - so who knows. He was found in a ditch at about 6 weeks old. I was supposed to foster and give him back and he was pooping blood less than 24 hours in with a bad case of Giardia. Needless to say - he was not going back.

It sounds like they do have the same etiology. The pancreatitis came a few years after the cystitis but really I think I should say it was finally diagnosed. I think it was present long before it was confirmed.

2) GI Panel: Have you had a GI panel on Charlie? I get my results, hopefully, next Weds. I'm kind of hoping it shows EPI because that is fairly treatable. It also looks at B12 deficiency which can cause anemia and such. Cat has to fast 12 hours too.
I don't think we have yet - if we did it will be on his bloodwork as his bloodwork is extensive. I do a full CBC and urine every year. It's on my list of asking the vet for the exact reason you mentioned, EPI.

3) Bloodwork: I'm so sorry about Charlie's blood work. It sounds like multiple systems are not involved. I hope that your vet understands how serious this is for you.
Is he on any anti-inflammatory treatments?
I hope they do. By the sounds of things today they were surprised when I asked if we could do the heart ultrasound and GI one together - but that's in May - as it's the first time the cardiologist is available.. When I saw the bloodwork results I completely lost my mind called and said - nope GI ultrasound now, now, now, please. Having a freak out over here. The vet tech had said "I knew when you saw the bloodwork you'd be calling."

The way they presented it on the phone - so calm- and so - just watch him and if this this or this happens call us and we'll have to take more steps had I know it was this bad - no way would I have suggested to do them both in May. This could have been a disaster.

We had talked about pred for inflammation but they want the ultrasound before we go that route.

Side note on that: he's on a puffer for his Asthma - it is a steroid. He doesn't need it all the time. Normally two or three times a year for a month or two. The vet has suggested, as I let her know his breathing is a bit funky lately, that I should do the inhaler twice a day instead of one. The interesting thing i always noted was that while on his inhaler - the constipation was much better.

4) Food: My vet said that a lower fat content food is a better option for pancreatitis in cats, in his experience. I also read that this may not be true for cats, as it is with dogs. But, his GI definitely likes this food a little better regardless. He still is drinking well on it too. Some of the Hydrolyzed/SO make them drink more. This one is not SO, i don't think, but still drinking.
This is good to know - thank you. I was told point blank notto change anything about his diet right now but I think I should talk to them about these options once I get him truly stable.

5) His U/S was Oct 2022. And his symptoms are so much worse now. My vet says that it could be useful. We will continue that convo next week.
That long back - yes I would think it would be very helpful to get a good look.

6) I was kind of a train wreck at the vet this AM. We did our bloodwork. I also requested extra fluids, just 100mL for Aiden. Everyone there checked his skin and gums and said he doesn't appear to need them. He looks well-hydrated. Maybe it's just me : /
Yup I understand this to. Keep a little book and write things down that are happening and questions. I find that helps ground me a lot and gives me a focus point. (Plus you don't forget things that may be important for the doc to know.

Side note here for you: If you haven't already be sure to get a full copy of his records and always up-to-date. If you ever have to take him to ER or anything - you are going to want those records will you. I hope you never have to do that though.

I keep an up-to-date copy of all of mine at the ready. Be sure to get the vet notes too and READ them. They are human and make errors or interpret what was said or translate through someone else off sometimes. It's happen to me more than once. Plus you might read a thing or two not spoken to you but are in the vets minds. Charlies report today - there was a note about a possible biopsy. That was never mentioned to me - but now I am aware about where the docs mind is and it is helpful.

7) Regarding your loss: I completely 100% understand. My empathy goes out to you and everyone who has been heartbroken. I worry I won't be functional, and I'm only quasi-functional atm. You could always consider a therapist? I'm starting one after this, and not ashamed of it. I need to be 100% for my family. Maybe there are support groups on the Internet?
I have considered one. I'm giving myself a full year to mourn her. If I still feel the same as I do now that might be an option to find some peace with it. My friends have been great, my mom - lovely but doesn't want me to cry over it. We deal with loss very differently. Mia died in my arms in the parking lot of the vet - so you can imagine how awful that was for her and for me. an hour before her vet appointment she started to turn - badly and quickly. I had a choice. Let her die at home or try to help. I chose to try.

One of my friends when Mia passed asked what they could do to help. I said "Help me find or build a time machine." A bit later they turned up at my door with 32 pages worth of theoretical physics very very written - for a time machine. That's a friend. Without question lol.

I get the quasi-functional!

There is an internet group for pancreatitis: FelinePancreatitisSupport Group I think we should join that too as we might find info that can help us and others. I think I had joined when he was first diagnosed but the chaos of the other issues took priority.

8) Probiotic. I haven't started it yet. We have so much going on. I will comment on that if we get it going. He might refuse to accept it.
Charlie tends to reject a lot of things too. So I totally hear you there.

Given Mr. Aiden pets from me too. Charlie said thanks for yours for him!

Corresponding is always so grounding. Thanks Feral
It really helps. So thank you too! We can try to keep each other balanced. :-)
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  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #13


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 15, 2024
I joined that other pancreatitis group too. They are also a wonderful community. You should join.

I'm very sorry to hear about Charlie possibly needing hospitalization. That sounds devastating. At least he would be getting the treatment that he needs. You sounds like a wonderful cat mom. You are doing your best. You are going above and beyond to give Charlie quality. Continue to look forward to every interaction that you have.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
I joined that other pancreatitis group too. They are also a wonderful community. You should join.
Hi TonyTiger!


I'm very sorry to hear about Charlie possibly needing hospitalization. That sounds devastating. At least he would be getting the treatment that he needs. You sounds like a wonderful cat mom. You are doing your best. You are going above and beyond to give Charlie quality. Continue to look forward to every interaction that you have.
Thanks. I made it clear today that if ever one of my babies is in trouble - don't pussy foot around it and do not to take my feeling into account at all as it has to be about them - not me. That misunderstanding could have turned out really badly had I not been in the habit of getting and reading their reports. So it was important I let them know bedside manor isn't alt hat important to me and if they feel I don't understand the seriousness, either by the way they've presented it - or something else. Slap me upside the head. I won't mind.

Thanks. I'm trying.. as are you with Aiden. We'll be advocating for our babies so that's a bonus! I'm pretty frightening to be honest but one step at a time. One foot in front of the other.

Spoke to him doc today - and I understand why they are watching and not treating. They want the US first. Makes sense. So i'm on a watch. He was playing like a crazy kitty this AM so I'll take that as a good sign. Guarded - but good.

He's having his US on Monday morning so we'll see what's up. I'll probably get the results Tuesday and post here.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
I'm going to chime in because I've got 2 kitties who've been diagnosed and successfully treated for pancreatitis in the past 9 months. The normal treatment is steroids for 10 days, and supportive meds such as Zofran for nausea or Cerenia, and Mirataz if they are not eating. My vet described pancreatitis as the feeling of being punched in the gut and if the pancreas isn't happy, then the rest of the body isn't happy. My male cat had an US in December and thankfully, his pancreas was normal, as was everything else except his intestines and he was diagnosed with IBD. His recovery has been a long one from first pancreatitis to now IBD, but he's doing well now. My female kitty has recovered and did not need an US as she bounced back.

From my experience with both of my kitties, their main symptom was inappetence or wanting to eat but then not eating. However, vomiting is a common symptom of pancreatitis. I didn't do a drastic change of food, but I did introduce some foods that do not have gum or carrageenan in them and that's seemed to help.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
stephanietx stephanietx thank you so much for chiming in. It's appreciate a lot. I'm sure that it is for T TonyTiger83 as well.

I have two as well. We appear at the start of it but it looks like Charlie might be acute and BH Chronic. That could change though.

I'm going to chime in because I've got 2 kitties who've been diagnosed and successfully treated for pancreatitis in the past 9 months. The normal treatment is steroids for 10 days, and supportive meds such as Zofran for nausea or Cerenia, and Mirataz if they are not eating. My vet described pancreatitis as the feeling of being punched in the gut and if the pancreas isn't happy, then the rest of the body isn't happy. My male cat had an US in December and thankfully, his pancreas was normal, as was everything else except his intestines and he was diagnosed with IBD. His recovery has been a long one from first pancreatitis to now IBD, but he's doing well now. My female kitty has recovered and did not need an US as she bounced back.
I have to say that I loved the word successfully. That brought a smile to my face for you and makes me feel a bit more hopeful.

Ouch on that description of what it feels like for them. Poor babies.

I remember the vet mentioning the steroids and I think we are waiting until after the US Monday to determine the action taken. I have
Cerenia, Gabapentin and Mirataz on hand. So it's good to know some of that is the same for you.

So so very happy that your babies are bouncing back.

From my experience with both of my kitties, their main symptom was inappetence or wanting to eat but then not eating. However, vomiting is a common symptom of pancreatitis. I didn't do a drastic change of food, but I did introduce some foods that do not have gum or carrageenan in them and that's seemed to help.
Charlie's is a combo of inappetence and tossing his cookies.

Once we are out of the woods I really do want to revisit foods with the doc as well. For now I've been very sternly told not to change anything or even give him one different meal. I appreciated that sternness as it makes sure that I understood the importance.

Are you monitoring that SPEC FPL-FELINE levels? I assume yes but wanted to ask. I'm going to request that is a standard on their tests going forward. I'm sure they would anyway - but just in case.
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  • #17


TCS Member
Thread starter
Mar 15, 2024
That sounds good. I’m glad Charlie is a good eater still. That’s the toughest part with this condition. Getting the food and water in the .


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
F FeralHearts , we tested him in August/September when he was officially diagnosed with pancreatitis and then again in December as part of the GI panel. His original test was the in-office test that takes 45 mins to get results. For my girl, we did the GI panel just to rule out other things and to check her overall health since she's not had bloodwork in awhile. We basically treat by symptoms. She is also asthmatic and gets steroids as needed, which also helps with her pancreatitis.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
Charlie's been dropped off for his abdominal US. I'm trying to stay centered but it's not easy. His last one in July did should any issues with the pancreas at that time but crystal on and in the kidneys. I checked it against another US from 2018 for his abdomen and it read the same. It did show some issues in his GI tract then but nothing on the July one. I hope this one tells us what's gonig on with this boy - more importantly I hope whatever is happening we can correct.

That sounds good. I’m glad Charlie is a good eater still. That’s the toughest part with this condition. Getting the food and water in the .
It absolutely can be. Right now he is eating. I remember when I brought him in before - he wasn't. I was terrified. mirtazapine transdermal had zero impact on Mia when she wasn't wating and when I had to give it to Charlie when he stopped eating I had little faith it would work. It did though I was was sooooo relieved.

From what I understand now the mirtazapine are better than the transdermal. The other reason I have the pill form of mirtazapine on hand is that the transdermal has a 30 day life once opened and I wanted something on hand without that worry.
Def talk to you doc about these options.

F FeralHearts , we tested him in August/September when he was officially diagnosed with pancreatitis and then again in December as part of the GI panel. His original test was the in-office test that takes 45 mins to get results. For my girl, we did the GI panel just to rule out other things and to check her overall health since she's not had bloodwork in awhile. We basically treat by symptoms. She is also asthmatic and gets steroids as needed, which also helps with her pancreatitis.
I think I'm going to talk to them about a GI panel. I don't believe this was ever mentioned for any of them. It sounds like it may yield helpful information though.

Charlie's Asthmatic too. He has an inhaler. People look at me funny when I tell them I see a marked difference in his constipation when he uses it. It used to be two - three times a year he needed it for a month or two. (Almost like it was seasonal issues) As time progresses I think he might now need it daily. I've been doing twice a day now as per the doc last week.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 4, 2018
T TonyTiger83 How is Aiden doing?

Hopefully I will have some news on HRM Charlies Ultrasound tomorrow. He's holding his own atm. BH sadly is having some eating issues and puked yesterday so I'm monitoring her too now.