Recent Content by MoxieinMaine

  1. MoxieinMaine

    My Cat Knows When I'm Sick

    I had a somewhat scary event earlier this year where I passed out unexpectedly (Moxie was in the room with me at the time). When I came around on the floor, she was up by my head, gently nudging my face, as if to see if I was alright. I made it back to my bed and she followed me in and cuddled...
  2. MoxieinMaine

    Black Cats Only

    It's true - and sad about people not wanting black cats! When I adopted Moxie, there were so many other black cats and kittens at the shelter. She was the last one left of her litter, I suspect it was because she was solid black. :( She's such a sweetheart though, which I've found with other...
  3. MoxieinMaine

    Black Cats Only

    So many gorgeous black cats here! My own sweet little Moxie is growing up into a beautiful kitty
  4. MoxieinMaine

    Love Names For Your Furkids

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who comes up with nicknames! Moxie: Little Love, Baby Cat, Moxie Sauce, Little Girl, Moxie-Foxy Nicknames I gave my old cats (still living at my parents' house) Mia: Mia-Bear, Miss Mia, Mimi, Mini Mi, Little Mi Muffy: Fluffy Muffy, Little Miss Muffy, Muffers...
  5. MoxieinMaine

    Question Of The Day, Wednesday, October 11, 2017

    Well...I've gotta hop on the Princess Bride train (a lot of people put that!) since it was the theme of my bachelorette party. I'm not really embarrassed about that, though. I still like some kids movies - Finding Nemo is one of my weaknesses and I still cry buckets at this old cartoon version...
  6. MoxieinMaine

    Freya The Healer

    What a sweet story! After some similar stuff that I've experienced with my cats, I really do believe that they can sense when something isn't right with us. You are lucky to have Freya there for you! She's such a beautiful girl too! Sending good thoughts to you and hoping that your rls...
  7. MoxieinMaine

    Pawing My Face As A New Habit

    My 6 month old kitten had started doing the same thing recently, seemingly out of nowhere. It was definitely an attention seeking behavior, as she would do it in the early morning - "feed me/play with me mom". It was a little disconcerting to be woken up by little needles in my face...
  8. MoxieinMaine

    Playing Fetch.

    Moxie is my first cat to ever play fetch and she really only likes to do it with her favorite soft ball or lately, paper balls. All she has to do is hear the paper crinkle and she'll come running. Her favorite place to play is in the long hallway so sometimes she'll come out there with her toy...
  9. MoxieinMaine

    Does Your Cat Sleep In The Bed With You? If So, What Position Does Kitty Usually End Up In?

    My kitten generally likes to sleep between me and my husband, but if I lie on my back, she'll snuggle up around my neck and chest :redheartpump: She used to plop herself down directly on my face (attempt to smother me?), but she's getting too big for that and usually rolls off it she tries...
  10. MoxieinMaine

    Cutest Color For A Cat

    So many adorable kitties in this thread! I love all colors, but if I have to narrow it down, I'm torn between two choices... I've always been partial to tortie/calicos, but now that I have my black baby, I can't imagine anything cuter! The black kitten is my Moxie, and the tortie was my old...
  11. MoxieinMaine

    Hi From Maine!

    :thanks: for the welcome, everyone! Moxie is a lot of fun and has really brightened our lives. For those not from/familiar with Maine, Moxie is a type of soda found here. It definitely fits her bubbly personality!
  12. MoxieinMaine

    Hi From Maine!

    Hi everybody! Long time cat lover here and figured it was time I joined a forum to talk with some other cat lovers. I've grown up with cats in the house (my first word was actually kitty, haha), but my husband and I just recently adopted our very own little girl, Moxie. She's almost 5 months...