What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I know what you mean by a hot housing market. We bought our house in 2005, and paid $79,500 for it. We just got a new assessment notice of $158,000, which sounds great, until the thought creeps in about how much it would cost to buy one in another state that isn't NY; one where people aren't actively trying to get out of. True, we are in western NY, in a smallish town, where living costs are lower than in a big city, but they are still higher than they are in a lot of other places. What to do; what to do?
My friend lives in FtLauderdale- her Moms house they built in the early 50's is in a low income area,literally falling apart,needs a new roof and major electrical rewiring amongst many other things ( 3very small bedrooms ,2baths ) just went on the market for $360k......and the lot is very small between 2shacks

The market here is INSANE as everyone is going South..... if I had the means I'd be gone in a minute!


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Nov 21, 2023
My mom and stepdad were looking at houses in my area to move back here. They own a big house in the area and have tenants in it; but they don’t need so much house anymore unless all the grandkids show up. It just wasn’t worth it! So now they are in the awkward spot of not renewing the lease so they can move back. The family renting is from their church. 😣 Even with 4 months notice for the tenant its just not our nature landlording.

My inlaws were also considering a slight downsize to be even closer to my sister in law but decided it wasn’t worth it. Their current home is built into a hill with a daylight basement; but you can absolutely live upstairs in one level only. And they’d already done some renovations when DHs grandmother lived with them so it’s accessible with reduced mobility.
That is an awkward spot to be in with so many families living long term in rentals, but sadly in the current market there will be a lot of situations like this.

I’ve been hopeful that maybe the interest in downsizing may give us a chance to find a place out here for a decent price, but due to the area most places that are newer/good condition are also absolute mansions on 30-100 acres that no normal person needs for 2-3 people and 3 cats 😂 I considered if it was big enough it could be converted to a duplex but I’m not sure I want to live that close to my sibling that also is looking to buy lol


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 10, 2022
I know what you mean by a hot housing market. We bought our house in 2005, and paid $79,500 for it. We just got a new assessment notice of $158,000, which sounds great, until the thought creeps in about how much it would cost to buy one in another state that isn't NY; one where people aren't actively trying to get out of. True, we are in western NY, in a smallish town, where living costs are lower than in a big city, but they are still higher than they are in a lot of other places. What to do; what to do?
Aren't Prices going crazy. What bothers me the most is the yearly property tax. When I purchased my Condo in 1997 for $75k, I paid $1200. a year with Military exemption . Currently my place is accessed for $176,910. And my tax is now over $3400 a year. Seems the tax its raising every year. We haven't left as my DW likes her job.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
My husband has a dessert a day rule where we have a slice of pie or some cookies with coffee everyday, rather than indulging constantly.
Whatever keeps your life balanced! I have diabetes, and take Metformin. I give myself 1 "Free Day" a month to eat whatever I want. LOL, my doctor is ok with it now, although he monitored things very closely at first. Last time I was in, he asked what I had for free day, and I told him, "A pizza and half of an apple pie!" He laughed, and said, "Your A1C is great, and your glucose level is perfect, so have at it." Knowing that day is coming when I can indulge makes it easy to "behave" the rest of the month, and my body handles it well. Am very aware that not all could.

Don't know if I mentioned this already but in 5 weeks, my partner, my mom, and my parents (and me of course) will all be in Jamaica. On my mind is how to keep the mosquitos at bay.
Bounce fabric sheets tucked into clothing (through a belt, peeking out of a pocket, etc) will do the trick. I started doing that in Louisiana, and if it will keep THOSE at bay, they should work fine in Jamaica!


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
I keep thinking about all those hyper-healthy people who never let themselves indulge in anything. One day, they'll be in beds dying of nothing whatsoever but the J P FROG syndrome..."Just Plain F-word Ran Outta Gas."

I have my grandmother's dutch oven, and I treasure it! I also have her cast iron 12" skillet. SO many things I just won't make if I can't make them in cast iron! Treasure it, take care of it! Chili is SO much better when it cooks in cast iron, as is cornbread.
I found a recipe for cornbread using cast iron skillet on the stove top. No flour used!

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Deep breath. I’ve offered my services to the local TNR group as a cat transporter to and from the vet’s office. I’m trying not to see it as a betrayal of my love of Zorro…I know he would want me to do this. It just means recognizing that there are other cats in the world that also need love and help, so, if I get the call up, I will carry his spirit with me in my heart. Problem is, I have a pickup truck so not even sure I can be useful. Time will tell.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Gracie's look of betrayal this morning is weighing on my heart so much. I let her upstairs while I got ready for work. Everyone was happy and roaming around. Everyone got fed and ate their entire breakfast. Then it came time for me to leave. I thought about leaving her upstairs but the last thing I want is to receive a text saying that they got into a fight right after I left. I honestly don't think that would happen at this point as things have been really calm over the last week. I just can't pull the trigger and leave her upstairs just yet. I am really hoping that come Monday, I can. She will be upstairs starting later this morning and will remain upstairs throughout the weekend as long as everything stays positive. If there are zero hisses this entire weekend, I am pretty confident I can trust them together while I am not home.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Stovetop Cornbread

Cornbread made with cast iron skillet on stove. Came out very good! Only bakes for 5 minutes. No flour
Half the size of corn bread. Might have it for breakfast
Saved that one! Just right for "quick and easy." I also make cornbread in my waffle iron, to serve with stew and chili. I just place the cornbread waffle on a plate, and plop whatever it is on top of it.


3 cats
Top Cat
Apr 20, 2014
Saved that one! Just right for "quick and easy." I also make cornbread in my waffle iron, to serve with stew and chili. I just place the cornbread waffle on a plate, and plop whatever it is on top of it.
I liked that you could really taste the cornmeal. Also made this
Sweet Potato Frittata
Had cornbread with it


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Purrfect Meow Purrfect Meow
Food prices. Ridiculous. Anyone remember double bubble two for a penny or 5 cent cokes. Not that I remember those times! ;)
I don't remember those prices but I do remember you could get alot of gum , sucker candies and licorice with one dollar-enough for all the kids in the neighborhood

Purrfect Meow

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 29, 2023
Purrfect Meow Purrfect Meow
Food prices. Ridiculous. Anyone remember double bubble two for a penny or 5 cent cokes. Not that I remember those times! ;)
I don't remember those prices but I do remember you could get alot of gum , sucker candies and licorice with one dollar-enough for all the kids in the neighborhood
I remember doing dishes and putting on supper for a 10 cent allowance. And boy did I covet that allowance.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 22, 2020
Food prices. Ridiculous. Anyone remember double bubble two for a penny or 5 cent cokes. Not that I remember those times! ;)
Don't remember prices that low but I do remember not so long ago when I could feed my family of 4 for less than $200 per week. And that was with buying name brand items. Now I have to try to keep it under $300 and most of the items are store brand too.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Food prices are actually ridiculous! Astronomical. I can remember when I began shopping for myself. A full week was only $40-$60...
Now, If I get away with $100, it is a bargain! That is including paper products, and sometimes a 'treat'.. I do not use paper plates. It is for Paper towels, napkins, tissues, toilet paper.. and I buy store brands.

The prices of produce is incredible. Salads-- Yikes! I do not eat much meat, mostly chicken or a baked potato, etc...

Purrfect Meow

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 29, 2023
Food prices are actually ridiculous! Astronomical. I can remember when I began shopping for myself. A full week was only $40-$60...
Now, If I get away with $100, it is a bargain! That is including paper products, and sometimes a 'treat'.. I do not use paper plates. It is for Paper towels, napkins, tissues, toilet paper.. and I buy store brands.

The prices of produce is incredible. Salads-- Yikes! I do not eat much meat, mostly chicken or a baked potato, etc...
I hear you, I buy bran flakes for breakfast and they have doubled in the last 2 years. I buy no name brand now, don't like them as much but at least they are not double in price. Salads I agree, half the time my fruit for the salad goes bad and that is only a day or two in. Very frustrating. The pandemic changed everything. I've heard from friends in the academic world that it will take 20 years to recover what the world lost in the pandemic.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I liked that you could really taste the cornmeal. Also made this
Sweet Potato Frittata
Had cornbread with it
Saved that one, too. I LOVE quiches and fritattas!

Food prices. Ridiculous. Anyone remember double bubble two for a penny or 5 cent cokes. Not that I remember those times! ;)
I do remember that. I also, just to keep it in perspective, remember that the minimum wage along about then was $1.00 an hour. And I remember when you could fill the tank of a VW bug that was on Empty, and get change back from your $5.00 bill. Again, the minimum wage was MUCH lower.

When I was in college, I held a salaried position that paid $100.00 a week. My father remarked that I was extraordinarily lucky, as a grown man could support a family of four, decently, on that salary. And they could.

I guess the upshot is, while we are being nostalgic about those low, low prices, we forget those low, low wages.