Planning My Wedding - Lari is married!

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Nov 18, 2017
Wedding recap: The Reception

Cocktail hour was nice. I was able to have one of each of our hors d'oevres and mingle and meet some of my husband's friends that I hadn't met before. Once they let people in, the bridal party headed into one of the rooms off the hall so the DJ could announce us.

We went to the dance floor to do cake cutting right away. I was so happy the DJ followed directions and put my Kina Grannis choice in and my mom says we cheated by feeding each other the cake with forks, but they were there at the cake table so why wouldn't we use them? Anyway, we sat down for dinner and the Best Man gave his speech and his toast after someone telling the DJ (his music choices were great, but he could have done a little bit better sticking to the timeline rather than waiting for us saying to go to the next thing). Food was excellent and I'm so glad I was able to eat and that my husband had fixed my snafu of not ordering meals for ourselves. Since the cake layer we cut was chocolate, I had the hazelnut for dessert. Yum!

First dance - for all our practicing we hadn't anticipated having a problem with my bustle like we did (if I'd known my mom had safety pins I might have pinned up the skirt earlier), so we tripped over my dress a couple times, but everyone seemed to enjoy it. Then my dad and I did our dance, and my husband's with his mom, and we reopened the bar a little early and everyone got out to dance. The coworkers I invited were probably the most fun. I was so glad one who I wasn't sure would make it showed up at dinner time. And then it was just fun party time, and we stopped by all the tables and said hi to everyone. I was getting really hot and when the photographers suggested going back outside and doing those few nighttime shots, it actually felt good to be out in the air instead of cold.

It was nearer to the end of the night when one of my husband's friends had set it up with the DJ to have him sing Bon Jovi. He was not expecting it, but was a good sport about it and we all enjoyed it. It was also closer to the end of the night when my mom realized she had safety pins and I pinned up the most draggy parts of the dress so I could get around easier.

And then the reception was over. People had been tricking out and the venue was nice enough to gather up all our stuff onto one table to pick up in the morning (an advantage of a smaller venue - for my sister's, they had to clean out everything right away).

Our little hotel room had a jacuzzi tub. After helping my mom clear out everything the next morning and pile it into our cars (I walked home and got mine), and losing my cell phone (which ended up being in my car) with a frantic search, I was able to rest my sore legs in a nice soak before we actually had to check out.

I should have recapped all this when it was more fresh in my mind, because now I'm not sure if we had the cake before our dance or not, but what I do remember is now much fun I had and how happy I was. I'm so glad I went ahead and had a wedding even with all the stress of planning, but I probably wouldn't want to do it all again! Once was enough. If my husband ever decides he wants a vow renewal, the planning will be 100% on him!

And finally two weeks from now we'll be on our way down under!


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
I love hearing about all the details! It does sound like everyone had lots of fun. It was a true celebration. I know your honeymoon will be grand. There will be less stress beforehand too. I think it was a great idea to have some time between the wedding and the honeymoon. You’ll be more rested and ready for more fun. Maybe you can find a moment each evening to jot some things down for your own Memory book.


Forum Helper
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Nov 25, 2013
It's so fun reading your recaps. It makes us feel like we were there. And I still love that Bon Jovi was part of your reception. Did someone get video of your husband singing? And, no, I don't expect you to post it here. :lol:
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  • #607


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Nov 18, 2017
It's so fun reading your recaps. It makes us feel like we were there. And I still love that Bon Jovi was part of your reception. Did someone get video of your husband singing? And, no, I don't expect you to post it here. :lol:
You know...I don't think so. Not that I know of. I could have gotten movies if I'd pressed record instead of just taking pictures, but I didn't think to.

Ah well.

We did early Christmas with his family yesterday and while I haven't gotten him a gift yet, the gift he got for me was kind of for both of us. It's a little camera we can mount somewhere so we can hopefully see the kitties while we're off on the honeymoon. Which we've finally finished booking!


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I should have recapped all this when it was more fresh in my mind, because now I'm not sure if we had the cake before our dance or not, but what I do remember is now much fun I had and how happy I was.
That, my Darlin' Girl, says it all! And one day very soon, that dance will be one of your MOST treasured memories, because of the little of the things that made the day totally unique!
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  • #610


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Nov 18, 2017
My photographer posted this shot today that the second photographer got.

I love it so much! Even though Lelia looks a bit awkward because that was the best way I could hold her without her running off.
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  • #616


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Nov 18, 2017
I'm not sure Sparkle wants us to go...


I'm going to pick out a few professional photos to share here at some point. I just have too much else going on to pick out pics for here and facebook. But I haven't forgotten!