My Feral And Rescued Cats

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NY cat man

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Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
I'm lucky that my arthritis is mostly confined to my hands and shoulders. My knees still work, sort of; and my back still works, sort of, so as long as I don't overdo things I get along okay.
Michele and I used to hang out at a local pizza place often enough that the owner sometimes would sit at our table with us. He was from Italy, and though it wasn't on the menu, he would make a white pizza for her. It was baked in a wood-fired brick dome with a stone baking surface. Those were the days.


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
I actually love some things containing tomato but cannot eat them either. :dunno:
I don't think my distaste for Tomatos has a Physical reason. I just never took to them. Strangely enough, I am okay with Tomato Sauce and paste as well as Salsa and Bruchetta, but to eat an actual Tomato. BLAH!!!🤢 I just don't like them. I also can't stand veggie juices like V8-- which taste totally repulsive to me.

I hope you make it over to Ireland one day. It is just gorgeous--you will never forget it!!! I love Swiss chocolates, too. They are one of the best in the world!
Well, I hope the meds are working and your toe is feeling better. Don't worry Mackie, Banjo and the gang will take good care of you. 😉😸❤

Lari Lari Thank goodness there are others out there who hate tomatoes just as much as I do. I also don't drink OJ or eat Oranges because it builds up stomach acid for me. I have quite a few things I don't eat. I was a fussy kid growing up. Maybe some of it is instinctal as Jcatbird Jcatbird mentioned. I never eat Shellfish because I saw how crabs were cooked when I was young and thought it was cruel. Two of my siblings found out they were allergic to shellfish, so I wonder if that is true for me as well. In that case, I dodged a bullet. 😀


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
tabbytom tabbytom They are shady for me! Lol
They are related to “Deadly Nightshade!” 😳
That being said, they are also related to many things we love to eat and some things used as medicines! It’s all in how we use these things and how much we use. Lol Everything I’m moderation?

muffy muffy I can understand not giving up your favorite foods. I often cheat on my “not supposed to eat” list because I love a food. ;) I think different varieties of tomatoes are supposed to contain less of the chemical that causes inflammation but as NY Cat Man says, we are all different and that chemical may not even be affecting you. Having bad arthritis is rough, I am so sorry you have to deal with that but being able to have the things that give you pleasure may make other things more tolerable? Sarah was in a chair too but she LOVED to eat. Nearly any food was yummy to her. Tomatoes included! She found ways to enjoy life and that included yummy food.:hugs:
They tried to kill George with tomatoes? Cherry tomatoes? Maybe history got it wrong. He could not tell a lie, he cut down their tomato plant? Lol
I used to grow lots of them too. We had some acreage and the extra veggies came in handy for friends and family. I still enjoy growing things I can’t eat. Hmmm. A cat community would be really nice! We could all share the bounty! I guess I just need to get Banjo that flying Catavan! Oh. Wait a minute. Banjo might decide to do a tomato drop! Look out below!!!!:lol:
:bicolorcat: 🛩





N NY cat man Cherry tomatoes might be better because of growing conditions. That certainly would be a factor!! Soil content included. Some of the large varietties have been bred so that they have lost some of the good genes that made them so tasty. Old fashioned forms might be better. Those giant sized fruits are pretty though.
A white pizza? Sounds yummy! I would love the cheese and crust! Lol That was neat that you made friends with that man. He knew who appreciated his restaurant.;)
I have arthritis too. Wrists, knees, ankles, hands, shoulders, neck and back. Seems like anywhere I ever had an injury. I find that wrapping my wrists or some joints with an ace bandage and then working anyway tends to help a little. Not my back though. I would need a very large ace bandage! Lol:lol:

M maggiedemi No pizza for me. Even worse, no chili for me!! The thing that really tempts me most is Barbecue potato chips!! I see them at every checkout line and love them but usually resist. I ate them again about a year ago and they were so good but I paid for it. I can’t have the slightest amount of garlic or onion either and even garlic powder (which is on the chips) makes me pay. No gluten either. I have eaten some breads lately and am all itchy now. Lol Worth it!

Treasure will come somehow. Little windfalls or big tend to show up at times. Let’s hope for a nice treasure for you. Maybe there is a treasure chest buried somewhere near!! You just never know. People do find treasure sometimes. Have you ever seen the treasure that Mel Fisher found? He searched for many years for his treasure and is known for saying, “ Thiday’s the day!” One day, it was! Amazing story there. You can Google the Mel Fisher museum and watch a couple of videos. One of his daughter and one of his grandson to hear the amazing story and the persistence Mel had. He believed and he kept trying. There is treasure. We can’t give up!! Believe.

dustydiamond1 dustydiamond1 No orange juice? Okay. I’ll take the juice! Lol I love the orange and the juice. Funny how we have textural likes and dislikes along with flavors. I love chocolate but don’t like chocolate pudding. Lol I really love apples but don’t like applesauce.:dunno: Do you like orange marmalade? How about candied orange peel?

Lari Lari No orange juice but do you like lemonade? I love it! I just had some a couple of days ago. Yum!

The cats avoid me when I have citrus stuff. Lol

pearl99 pearl99 I bet that hot chocolate was rich and nice!! It probably started you off with lots of energy! Lol
No white pizza for me either. Arrrgggh. No garlic or onion in my future. I sure miss out on some tasty foods!
Hoping this is the last medicine I need for the toe. The meds make me feel kind of yucky. Time for some probiotics.

Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose I do wonder if picky eaters do have some instinctual preferences. I avoided some foods growing up but I was a kid that alway did as instructed by my parents so for me to refuse something was unusual. I was very stubborn when I got those feelings about some foods. To find out later that they really were a problem was kind of interesting to me. I watch the kitties here in the yard and they will avoid most grasses to pick through and find that one type of grass that they can eat. Even in the one they can eat, they search through to find a single blade that suits them. Also interesting. I always wonder what it contains that they need or desire.
Cooking crabs is cruel. These days cooks often dispatch them immediately before cooking. The reason is that they must be cooked before a chemical change takes place when they die. Still, better to dispatch right before! Poor crabs! I won’t cook or eat them even though I grew up on the water where they were a needed food source. I was taught how to obtain the foods of the sea but don’t desire them. I was the oddball of the family but my brother was too. Lol It finally rubbed off on others though. None of our family ever goes fishing, shrimping or crabbing now. No lobster either. Oysters are just something I never wanted to eat! Lol One look at them and I just could not do it. I was pushed to eat raw conch fresh out of the shell but, also cruel to me. That is a survival food in some places though so I understand why they are eaten.
Ireland! Yes. Such a beautiful Place! One day! I can always hope!


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
A day for Lady zoomies! Wild kitty still resides in her but refined lady too!

Hello Mackie.
I have a new joke Lady. Listen….

Okay. That was pretty funny!

I wonder if I can find a joke for Mackie. Surely I’m all these books you must have a good joke book?

You need to expand your library.,

Maybe I can think up something to make everyone laugh.

Hmmm. Nothing funny in there.

Nothing below either.

How do people think up jokes?

This takes some thought.

Any ideas hooman?

No joke books over there either? With all these books, no jokes. Huh.

Maybe if I zoom around and get my blood going, it will stimulate my mind.

Flight pattern started!


Downward thrust!!

Zoomie in progress!

From one side of the room to….

Above hooman!

Now for a….

Cat dance! Lol

Time to…

Descend on hooman!

I thinkI have an idea!

Muffin is a Tortoiseshell cat? Tortoise shells are from turtles?

If we put her in this box, she’ll be a box turtle!

We are not amused!



Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
They are shady for me! Lol
They are related to “Deadly Nightshade!” 😳
That being said, they are also related to many things we love to eat and some things used as medicines! It’s all in how we use these things and how much we use. Lol Everything I’m moderation?
Yea, they are deadly and yes, sometimes everything just a little over moderation as we love to eat them. Eat first, suffer later...........:insertevillaugh:


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I'm not sure if we have those around here, but I can look. Sound interesting...👍
I googled Cheese Straws. Those are called Breadsticks in NY! Or Cheese Breadsticks.
Huh...that doesn't sound like the same thing here. Our Cheese Breadsticks are actually breadsticks with cheese on top, or in the batters. The cheese straws are mostly cheese and butter, with just enough flour to hold them together.


So you can't have pizza?! 😭
White pizza is quite nice.

No pizza for me. Even worse, no chili for me!! The thing that really tempts me most is Barbecue potato chips!! I see them at every checkout line and love them but usually resist. I ate them again about a year ago and they were so good but I paid for it. I can’t have the slightest amount of garlic or onion either and even garlic powder (which is on the chips) makes me pay. No gluten either. I have eaten some breads lately and am all itchy now. Lol Worth it!
Well, SPIT, Jcatbird Jcatbird . I can never cook for you. I'm not certain I could cook a meal with absolutely NO onion or garlic. Or gluten. SIGH.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
If I'm going to drink my calories, it'll be in sweetened coffees.
Same here. I would rather have a desserty coffee than regular dessert.

being able to have the things that give you pleasure may make other things more tolerable
Story of my life. The little enjoyable things keep me going until I can escape this place.

Sarah was in a chair too but she LOVED to eat. Nearly any food was yummy to her. Tomatoes included! She found ways to enjoy life and that included yummy food.
Wish I could have shared a meal with you two. Sounds like you gave her a good life.

The thing that really tempts me most is Barbecue potato chips!!
I mostly just like Tortilla corn chips.

Treasure will come somehow. Little windfalls or big tend to show up at times. Let’s hope for a nice treasure for you.
I hope so, soon...

kept trying. There is treasure. We can’t give up!! Believe.
Okay. If you want me to, I will keep trying and not give up. Not sure if I believe though...

No white pizza for me either. Arrrgggh. No garlic or onion in my future.
You might be able to find an Alfredo Sauce without garlic? Or just make your own.

I was taught how to obtain the foods of the sea but don’t desire them.
I'm surprised you never became a vegetarian!

A day for Lady zoomies!
Lady brightens any day, no matter what she's doing...

If we put her in this box, she’ll be a box turtle!
Hee hee. Send that box turtle my way.

The cheese straws are mostly cheese and butter, with just enough flour to hold them together.
Huh...I've never seen those then. I don't think we have them around here, I would have to make them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Lari Lari No orange juice but do you like lemonade? I love it! I just had some a couple of days ago. Yum!
Ido! I haven't had it in a while, though. Sometimes we order from this place that does great Italian ices and frozen lemonades, but it's too cold for that now.

Same here. I would rather have a desserty coffee than regular dessert.
I mean, you know me. I'll take both!


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Mackie is gorgeous, medium longhaired tabby? :lovecat: Jcatbird Jcatbird I sincerely hope you are feeling better. You go above and beyond for the kitties who all need you so please, pretty please take care of yourself. 💖

Speaking of tomatoes I don't mind them and will use a slice in my sandwich but can't have too many due to the high acid content. However, I don't have a problem with pizza or pasta sauce. I love Italian food especially since it can be vegetarian.


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
Tell these to Mackie and the gang. They will get a good laugh. 😺😸😻

What’s a cat’s favorite TV show? CLAW AND ORDER
What normally happens when kitties go on a first date? THEY HISS
What’s a cat’s favorite cereal? MICE CRISPIES

I noticed the same thing with my outdoor cats and how picky they are with eating grass. They are definitely operating with some level of instinct. I look at my fussiness that stems from my childhood as a blessing, especially with shellfish which I could be allergic to just like my siblings. Also, just like Maria Bayote Maria Bayote said cooking crabs alive seem cruel and you could almost here them screaming in your head. I totally agree. Lol, I been invited to Clam bakes, but couldn't eat a thing there and was very turned off, so I stopped going to them. I been on vacation and drove through Rockport, Maine (Lobster capital USA) around dinner time and was like okay is there anywhere with in a 10 mile radius that serves turf, because forget about surf!!!😂 I am so not a seafood lover. I mean I have eaten in Red Lobster with my friends and ordered a chicken dish. They teased me about being the only person in a seafood restaurant who orders CHICKEN!🙄😁 We are the way we are for a reason and there is no shame in it. 🙂


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I mean, you know me. I'll take both!
I knew you were gonna say that. :lol: I should try dessert again to see if I changed my mind. Maybe an apple fritter or piece of apple crumble pie? Or crumb cake...

I love Italian food especially since it can be vegetarian.
Same. I love it so much I'm surprised I'm not Italian, but I look German, so I doubt it. 🍝🍕

I have eaten in Red Lobster with my friends and ordered a chicken dish. They teased me about being the only person in a seafood restaurant who orders CHICKEN!
Try ordering vegetarian, that will really shock them... :thumbsup:

catching fish with a hook and letting them suffocate is very cruel.
My friend posted a fishing video like that on Facebook celebrating as the fish slowly died. It made me very sad how people get desensitized to suffering of animals. 😢

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Reminded me one time when i was back in my home country. We went to the market and there was this fish that was still alive and somehow managed to spring to the cemented floor below. I was trying to catch it and was in the verge of tears because I could somehow sense it was in a panic not being in the water. From then on I also stopped buying that type of fish, a Tilapia.


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
tabbytom tabbytom Oh yes! I often eat first and suffer later. Lol I try to behave myself but someone keeps bring in “forbidden” foods!

Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 Thise are the cheese straws I referred to as well.
Actually, I am fairly easy to cook for. I just get things before the seasonings are added. Lol I had to figure it all out myself when I first got sick. I was in hospital and they would not let me go until I could eat a saltine and keep it down. Lol I kind of faked that but when I got home I began to experiment on my own to learn what I could eat. After a bit of healing time, my list expanded. Yay!!!! Slow but steady wins the race.

Flybynight Flybynight Mackie is a charming fellow. He is a laughing cat and is always making me smile. Not sure which painting you mean. I looked back and there are a couple in the different photos. Glad you liked one though!

M maggiedemi I like a meal and never have room for desert! Lol Sometimes I have a little sweet for a snack though. Not often. A friend brought me a 3 Mouseketeer bar today though. Oh….. Musketeer! Lol No wonder Mackie kept looking at the label!;):lol:

I think most of us live enjoying the smaller pleasures in life. Big ones are not as common but they do happen sometimes!! Appreciation of small ones is very important. They keep us all going.

I really wish you could have shared a meal with us. We both would have enjoyed that and I know she would have made you laugh. She was an expert at laughter.
Thank you. I did my very best to give her a good life. That mattered most of all to me.

Yes. I want you to! Never give up. Belief is something we chose to hold close. I hope you chose that. I believe you will. I believe enough for us both.
A vegetarian is something I would like to be but my body cannot digest waaay too many things.

If you see a box walking up the road, you know it’s a Muffin turtle! Lolololol I love the look she gave Lady!

pearl99 pearl99 Mackie probably thinks he is a lion! Lol He walks like one.
Lady loves giving Muffin a hard time. Nothing like hissing or anything, just generally sharing ,” looks!” She knows she can get a ride out of Muffin. Lol Muffin says plenty in return. Lol She goes…..” Meh!” I’m glad Lady made you laugh. She made me laugh too. Zoomies!

Lari Lari Oh yes! Frozen lemonade! Love, love lemonade. Lol I’ll drink good lemonade any time of year but hot days make it even better.

rubysmama rubysmama I think looking up jokes is purrfect. I have to provide a lot of jokes for Mackie and I think “research” is legal.:lol: I saw Lady talking to Banjo so maybe Banjo is teaching her the phone but I suspect she is more likely to just order her a joke book!:lol: Another opportunity for Banjo to shop.

A self Pawtrait?:flail: I like that one myself! I also know a cat that tried doing a pawtrait in paint. Guess who! I went around checking paws to figure out which cat got into the paint! I checked a lot of paws!:bicolorcat::bluepaw: I should have known! That’s one reason I let her use my phone for photos now. Less mess!

muffy muffy Yes. Having any creature suffer is awful! !!!!

Maria Bayote Maria Bayote I understand that! Poor fish.

neely neely Aww. I think Mackie blushed when I read your post to him. Kind of hard to tell through the tabbieness. Lol He is a medium fur. Almost a speckled or Mac herbal tabby. His stripes are more like dashes than lines. Lol As he moves the stripes ripple a little. He doesn’t have any floof though. Very silky but not long fur.
Awww. Thank you for the hopes and kind words too. I love all the kitties so much. They have been so good to me. They give me love by the time. I do my best to stay well for them. They need me to open cans! Lol
The meds make me feel a little icky but if they make me well, it is a small price to pay to keep having great kitty days! Really just a bit tired right now from the meds. Still wading through family stuff too. I finally got to talk to my brother so that was great! He is recovering from surgery so I was very glad to be able to hear his voice again. He was telling me about a tree outside his window. Very interesting thing. It is a Chaste tree. It was thought to stop reproduction in some creatures. Lol Thus the name ,”Chaste.” I don’t know if that is factual though.

Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose Claw and Order?!?!? Ahahahahahahaha!
A first Hiss? :flail:


Ummmm, I think I have seen Mice Crispies. :cringe: :lol:
Banjo and Whistle like Tony the Tiger so….they snitch Frosted Flakes.

They make Mice Crispies? Can I use the phone?

Those were funny! Everybody loves a kitten joke!

I like the Claw and Order one!



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