My Feral And Rescued Cats

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Dec 5, 2017
United States
I must keep it quick tonight. I have a very full schedule over the next days. Fortunately o have lots of backup from kitties to help.
Tonight seemed like a good time to Whistle while I work!

I could help!

Banjo isn’t the only one who knows stuff!

Can I do the bookwork? I can count using my toes.

Gee. I don’t think I have enough toes for everything.

I need your catculator. If all the cats come in, I can use their toes!

Just Whistling while you work is relaxing?

I think so too. It must be a lullaby! ;)

I think we could all use a little help from our friends.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
From all of us here in Catsite and all the kitties around the world, wishing you a
My bday is on Tuesday. Now I have a wonderful picture in my mind of all the kitties around the world wishing me a happy bday. Thank you so much! ❤

I think she’s pretty too. I was really surprised to see her out there as a feral.
If Maggie & Demi are brother & sister, then I suppose their mama would have to be a feral calico like Lady to have kids with all those colors.:think:

I’ll have to get you a list.
Yes! I wanted to ask you for a kitty list, but didn't know if that was too nosy. :lol:

Banjo isn’t the only one who knows stuff!
Ha! That made me laugh. He sounds just like a sibling being jealous. Or is it envious? 😁

Hopefully nothing like this happens if any of the clowder decide to assist.
Ha! I'm weird, I love it when my cats do funny naughty stuff like that. I'm like, you're a spunky kitty! :thumbsup:


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Good luck with your taxes. Hopefully nothing like this happens if any of the clowder decide to assist. View attachment 349884🤗
I keep going back to look at this and laugh every time!
Direct hit of every paper on the desk. That cat had excellent aim! Precision skid! Cat skating! :flail:
Even if that happened here.... I would only be interrupted by laughter. It’s easy to pick up the papers when you are rolling on the floor.


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
M maggiedemi I think Whistle was just giving a gentle reminder that he is equally as important around here. Each cat contributes with their own special talents and they all need to be needed. Don’t we all? Equal love from all and for all.;):redheartpump:
If you want to be surrounded by cats on your birthday..... I know of a very good spot! :)

rubysmama rubysmama Thank you for putting up the list! It saves me time that I need right now. Some days there just aren’t enough hours in the day. :hugs: It can be a bit confusing for others to keep up with the cats around here. Lol Especially if I throw in a fur ball by posting about kitties that were adopted pre thread or kitties that weren’t here very long before getting adopted.:lol: Remember Eisenhower, Backpack, Man and Manny? Uncle Mitty? Beauty, Bee and Emoji? No? Not surprising.:runaround:It’s been a long and furry process. Turtle? My very first posted photo on TCS.


Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 I am so glad you didn’t melt and had a great sale! :clap2::clapcat::woo:
Whistle says you must have whistled while you worked! Perfect timing with the weather too!

Furballsmom Furballsmom You and me both! It was melting weather here and I kept hoping one of those cool bubbles would float over the yard sale. :) It’s hard enough to have a yard sale without the heat!


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
I ended up getting diverted from my work today. I got a call to go and check in on a friends cat! I mentioned many, many posts back about a Flame point kitten. The friend needed Spay and Neuter resources for some kittens and I was able to connect her to the resources here. She has had to be away from home and her SO had to move AND relocate their kitties. I went to do a little home check in. The Flame point won’t allow much in the way of human contact so....
The SO picked me up this morning in his Semi! Wheeee! Adventure time for me! Lol
I got to do a “ride along” as he made a delivery to a very large box store shipping point. Jeepers! Thousands of Conex storage containers and this guy managed to put the one we were hauling into place with only inches to spare on either side! I wasn’t allowed to take photos inside the drop off point but I could snap a pic from outside. It doesn’t do justice to the amount of containers there or the rainbow of colors. I know it was just another day in the life of a trucker but I think he got to see it through a fresh set of eyes today. It’s quite an important job. We are all very dependent on people like him ( and many others in the supply chain) for our daily needs.

The view from high in a semi! Lol

It was a fun ride to other towns.

Just a small sample of the conex containers at one of many shipping points for one box box company.

When we finally arrived at the new home of the Flame Point, I was greeted by the two dogs there with lots of happy licks. Lol I have known the dogs for a couple of years and they remembered me. I was also greeted by their beautiful Calico cat that was a feral rescue not long back. I had helped find resources to get her kittens adopted just a few months ago. She’s a sweetie. Then it was time to see the Flame! Wow. I saw a long haired with cat with a bit of ginger in the tail. That kitty came right up to greet me and was a total lap cat! So affectionate. The SO just stood there as the kitty and I got acquainted. “Who is this?”, I asked. The SO started laughing. Apparently I was petting the untouchable flame! He is all grown up and much changed from when I last saw a photo! A fluff ball! I guess I smelled like a lot of very friendly kitties! I felt very honored to be allowed to touch the untouchable! I can report back to his mom that he is settling in very nicely. The plan is to get my cats to lay on some towels that I can send back with the SO to put on the sofa to see if the untouchable flame will come and allow others to touch him now! I will be going back to make other visits. I didn’t try to photograph him this time because I didn’t want to scare him off after I got such a kind reception. Maybe next time? We’ll see if I am received well next time. At any rate, the kitty allowed me to check him over and give a flea treatment. He’s just gorgeous and seems muscular and healthy. Perhaps an updated vet check in the near future. His coat is silky and very fluffy now. He doesn’t have nearly as much ginger coloring now but his blue eyes are stunning.

I returned home to open the door and find my shoe! Wha.......?

Lol Banjo!

I missed you too!

Oh. I should have known! Banjo was lonely and after I got home, she went to look for Froggie too.

It was a hard day without a human or a Froggie!!

A frog shoe will have to do!

Maybe a frog shoe will attract a frog.....

Or this frog is better than none?

You are a patient cat?

You want to show this to Froggie? It’s a frog lure? I don’t know Banjo. Will it work?

Ha! Of course it will Mom! There's Froggie!

The shoe isn’t as handsome as you are Froggie.

I had no idea that Banjo recognized that I had frog shoes! She knows what she loves! The other kitties greeted me too and I distributed treats to let them know that I missed them too. It was an interesting day! I wonder where my other shoe is now?


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
t can be a bit confusing for others to keep up with the cats around here. Lol Especially if I throw in a fur ball by posting about kitties that were adopted pre thread or kitties that weren’t here very long before getting adopted.:lol: Remember Eisenhower, Backpack, Man and Manny? Uncle Mitty? Beauty, Bee and Emoji? No? Not surprising.:runaround:It’s been a long and furry process. Turtle? My very first posted photo on TCS.
I don't remember all of them, but Eisenhower, Man and Manny, and Emoji sound familiar. :catlove:

I got to do a “ride along” as he made a delivery to a very large box store shipping point. Jeepers! Thousands of Conex storage containers and this guy managed to put the one we were hauling into place with only inches to spare on either side! I wasn’t allowed to take photos inside the drop off point but I could snap a pic from outside. It doesn’t do justice to the amount of containers there or the rainbow of colors. I know it was just another day in the life of a trucker but I think he got to see it through a fresh set of eyes today. It’s quite an important job. We are all very dependent on people like him ( and many others in the supply chain) for our daily needs.
Oh, what an adventure! And you're right we are very dependent on people like him. Especially now with the US/Canada border closed to all but essential travel, such as truckers. If not for people like him, we'd be seeing lots of empty store shelves, particularly in the produce section, where so much of our fruit/vegetables come from the US. And I think the US would be seeing shortages as well, since raw materials for many US factories are sourced from Canada.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
If you want to be surrounded by cats on your birthday..... I know of a very good spot! :)
You know I'd already be there if you lived in NY. ;)

I had no idea that Banjo recognized that I had frog shoes!
Where did you get the froggy shoes? Banjo didn't order them for you? 🐸

Apparently I was petting the untouchable flame!
Was he a former feral? You do have a way with ferals, I've never seen anything like it. I'm still trying to tame mine after 6 years. :vancat:

NY cat man

TCS Member
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Aug 6, 2018
Those truck pictures brought back memories- not because I ever drove over the road, but because I spent 40-some years fixing them. One of my employers wanted me to get my commercial license, but I always refused, because he would have had me spend more time driving than fixing, and there was no one else to do the fixing, and I had my hands full as it was. The horror stories I could tell are considerable in number. Of course, they were all company drivers in company trucks, so, as one driver told me "I ain't got a nickel in it" when I got after him for doing something stupid. Owner-operators are a different story, of course, as if their truck breaks, there is no one else to fall back on. I am ever so glad to be retired from all of that.


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
rubysmama rubysmama You have a very good memory if those names sound familiar! Those kitties were in the earliest bunch of kitties that I was trying to help. I would not expect anyone to remember all the names. Lol If the current kitty names are remembered, that’s pretty amazing.👍
That was an adventure since I have never ridden in a semi. It had everything a person could need for long distance travel! Even a microwave! It’s a bit like a turtle being able to carry his house with him everywhere. I imagine the driver needs place to take naps and breaks. Thank goodness for the ones out there doing that job and so many other important jobs.

Furballsmom Furballsmom I think it might just be the shoes! Maybe everyone should have frog clogs? The shoes make the cat person? ;) It probably helps that I carry cat and Froggie scent. I certainly was happy that I could report back that the flame kitty is doing very well. It just takes time for them to adjust.

M maggiedemi I know you would be here with a Lady in your lap! She would keep you in “petting mode!”

Banjo would like to take credit for ordering the shoes but my Dad actually sent them. He knows we like Froggie. Lol Maybe Banjo put a bug in his ear about them. :lol: Hint, hint!

The flame was a feral but I can’t take credit for his reaction. He has been around my human friends but remained aloof. The genetics mostly I think. I don’t know why he accepted me unless he just picked up on my joy to see him or the scent of the other kitties. Maybe both. I didn’t realize when I approached him that he was the cat that was untouchable so I had no nervous vibes or anything for him to sense. I just saw a sweetie that I was going to give a bit of loving. He accepted what was offered. Cats! Lol :dunno: They have their own opinions.

N NY cat man You had a tough job as a mechanic! I know those trucks take a beating. Especially in slow traffic when it comes to the transmission. Constant shifting! It must have been frustrating trying to keep them going. You were the only one keeping them on the road? :worship: I don’t know how you did it! The fellow I ride with is an owner operator and has to maintain his truck. I’ve heard how much it takes. He loves his job but it has challenges. I expect he looks forward to the day when he can retire.


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
A blast from our past? I think these photos will jog some nice memories. Some may not have been posted. It all started when I spotted Uncle Mitty and his sister Beauty. They were inseparable at first. When I realized that Uncle Mitty needed help, the rescues began.
I did not know that Beauty was pregnant. I suspect BJ was the Dad. She had her kittens inside so they were the first kittens. They were not adopted until they were nearly grown! Brother Chessie was adopted first.

Uncle Mitty and Beauty before coming inside.

Bee and Emoji.

Emoji always had catitude! Lol

Brother Chessie.

Bee stood for Beeeeeeast! Lol He also had catitude.

Black bear was separated from Goldie and siblings but found another litter to join and claimed Man, Manny, Eisenhower and Backpack as brothers.

Man was the larger one and Manny on right.

All males, they remained very close.

Backpack got his name for very good reason!

Alley as a young lady on left and Mittwo on right. Mittwo was sister to Uncle Mitty and my current Mitsy. Therefore, Mittwo is Aunt to Banjo and Whistle!

This is a young Kodiak. Her brother , Black Bear has joined the litter with Man and Manny.

Yound Mitsy trying to catch a squirrel.

Where did they go?

Canned food is easier.

Family photo of Chessie, Uncle Mitty, Beauty, Bee and Emoji.

It’s easy to see that Uncle Mitty was related to my Mitsy.

A Bee face attitude! Lol

Family resemblance here too but not by color. Lol

I never knew the parents of Man and Manny but Backpack sure looked a lot like ...

A cousin to Beauty and Bee!

Black bear was not of the same litter ( middle) but he and the other boys loved each other. Eisenhower on left.

Beauty certainly had the fluff!


And sister Mitsy who we all know as mother to Banjo and Whistle.

Anyone confused yet? Lol Who could ever remember all these little faces and names? They were the start of the rescues, the inspiration for this thread and the reason I was searching the Internet.
Thank goodness for the support I received from all the people here at TCS. Also, thank goodness for the people out there who adopted and love the kitties. I still remember each kitty and the gratitude I still feel for everyone who cared. :thanks::touched:You don’t have to be a kitten to find love. Older cats can get adopted too!


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
:touched:You don’t have to be a kitten to find love. Older cats can get adopted too!
So nice to have the history! (Cat-story?) What you have done is amazing. :redheartpump:
Amen to your above statement. It's senior cats for me from now on. (Gracie is now 13, and Ziggy is 14! They both had August birthdays.)


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Anyone confused yet? Lol Who could ever remember all these little faces and names? They were the start of the rescues, the inspiration for this thread and the reason I was searching the Internet.
Thank goodness for the support I received from all the people here at TCS. Also, thank goodness for the people out there who adopted and love the kitties. I still remember each kitty and the gratitude I still feel for everyone who cared. :thanks::touched:You don’t have to be a kitten to find love. Older cats can get adopted too!
I'm so glad you found TCS, so that we were able to offer support as you were out crouching in the swamp trying to convince feral kitties that coming to live with you and the growing clowder would be the best decision they ever made. :petcat:

I'm also glad you found TCS, otherwise none of us would have ever gotten to follow the never ending, loving adventures at Chez Catbird. :catlove:

It's senior cats for me from now on. (Gracie is now 13, and Ziggy is 14! They both had August birthdays.)
Good for you for adopting senior kitties. :redheartpump: And happy belated birthdays to Gracie and Ziggy. 🎂
BTW, if you haven't posted there yet (I lose track of all the birthday cats) there's The Birthday Thread 2020


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
I'm so glad you found TCS, so that we were able to offer support as you were out crouching in the swamp trying to convince feral kitties that coming to live with you and the growing clowder would be the best decision they ever made. :petcat:

I'm also glad you found TCS, otherwise none of us would have ever gotten to follow the never ending, loving adventures at Chez Catbird. :catlove:

Good for you for adopting senior kitties. :redheartpump: And happy belated birthdays to Gracie and Ziggy. 🎂
BTW, if you haven't posted there yet (I lose track of all the birthday cats) there's The Birthday Thread 2020
I am so glad Jcatbird Jcatbird found here too. And that I started reading this thread!

rubysmama rubysmama , yep after starting to volunteer at a shelter I decided seniors for me for the rest of my life. And it's heartwarming to see patrons come in specifically wanting adult/senior cats. They do get adopted!
I will check out the BD thread! Had not come across that yet.


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
tabbytom tabbytom Sorry about that! That’s kind of how I felt when I started finding kitties! I would catch a few and then discover more. Momma would turn up with kittens and just when I thought I had an accurate head count, I would discover that one I had though was gone was actually hiding kittens. At first I only knew of Four regular residents and one that had come and gone for years. I thought she belonged somewhere. I didn’t even know about BJ yet. Then I began to make the connections. BJ and Mitsy begat Banjo and Whistle as well as the Cloud babies. Jazzy begat Callie, Kelly, Thrasher, Goldie etc. Goldie and Blue begat Mountain, Kodiak and Black Bears. The family tree is extensive and has a few spots where I do not know the parentage. That wild cat seems to have played a big part in the mystery lineage. It was a true race against time for many reasons but I had to stop the population increases. :stars: I wasn’t even sure if I could but we never know unless we try!

pearl99 pearl99 Thanks but much of the credit goes to such wonderful kitties and those who encouraged me as I went. It wasn’t exactly popular with many around me but it was always suppported on TCS. Fighting local
public opinion is never easy but doing it while trying to plod through the swamp every night and worry about kitties was worse. Purr sistence won out. ;)
I am so glad that you found TCS too! If you enjoy the thread here then that makes us smile! Also grateful that you are helping senior kitties. The thought that seniors do not adjust is not accurate. Old or yoing, it is the individual cat and the human interaction that matter. BJ is a prime example of an old feral socializing purr ectly. I could not have asked for a more loving fellow. Laps rule! I wish more people would follow your lead and consider adopting seniors. :clap2::goldstar:Hearing that people are coming into the shelter for seniors is very encouraging news. Happy Birthday to Ziggy and Gracie!:celebrate: Thanks for volunteering at the shelter!

rubysmama rubysmama It was quite serendipitous. I was just going around the Internet with hope. I needed information but I found much more. So did the kitties! I think it was very nice of the kitties to try and return the love by giving us their stories. The kitties are generous with their smiles too. Never ending. :lol: I certainly hope so. Some of the younger kitties may be doing the writing later but I think they’ll be very happy to step in.
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