I've been adopted again! Kind of long,(sorry) & picts! :)


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Thanks Eric! I feel much better today. Pretty good actually! Must have just took the new dosage of my b.p. meds a few days to regulate. Hopefully, I will keep feeling this way.
I actually came home & did some cleaning while listening to music!
Hi Kelly, I just ran across your thread tonite and I too wish to know how you and Sammy are.:grouphug::grouphug2:
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  • #323

angels mommy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Hi Eric, Dreamer Rose, & dustydiamond! It's good to hear from you guys, & thanks for asking.
I know I haven't been around in a while. Everything is fine, & Sammie is great.
I had a couple of things happen over the course of a few months, along with work, & just life in general, have just stepped back a bit. (Don't check email every day, etc...). Being online just takes up SO much time! I'm trying to take some back!
On March 14th, (I think I told you about it, Eric?) I had a night that my blood pressure went up higher than normal.
I am on B.P. meds, so I was concerned. It was about 3xs higher than my normal range.
Living alone, I was a bit worried, & didn't want anything to happen, especially in the middle of the night, so I called my parents, & they thought I should go to the ER to get checked out...just to be on the safe side.
So, my dad said he would come pick me up & take me. All test ran, including a CT scan came back fine.
We ended up doubling my B.P. med dose, but taking 1/2 in am, & 1/2 in pm. (25mgs of Atenolol each).
The ER doc said she thought I was on a low enough dose to begin with, that it was safe.
So, now I just feel more tired than I already did! Especially after cleaning a house all morning, then maybe running errands, or coming home to clean my house, do laundry etc... there's always something to do, right?

In hindsight, I believe now that it was the passing of my friends cat that caused emotional stress, that increased my B.P.
Some of you may have seen me mention it in a thread. She was a white kitty named Lily.
My friend didn't have a very good vet, & she was really sick, so I finally got him to get her in at my vets.
After a few days she didn't make it. I was there for him the whole time, & I took him to say goodby to her.
I was really trying to be strong for him, but I was crying right along w/him! It was just too close to home for me.

At the time, (March), I had just marked the 1 year anniversary in Feb. since I said goodbye to Angel.
......At the same place. So it was really hard. I think it affected me a lot more than I realized!
In fact, my vet is so great, as soon as she came out of a room & saw me there, she said, "Is she OK?" meaning Sammie.
I shook my head yes, & just motioned to my friend, to let her know I was there w/ him.
(He had seen the other vet, the owner).

So from all of that, I now have a large 750.00 ER Dr. bill I am having to make small payments on!
All that for about 15-20 minutes of her time!! Thank goodness the hospital bill, test etc... were taken care of by charity care, since I qualified, & don't have insurance.

SO, If all of that weren't enough, then, a couple weeks later I had a small molar break about 3/4 off!! :shocked:
I went to the dentist, & the cheapest fix was to have a bridge. Well, not so cheap! Lets just say I pray that Sammie stays healthy, because the care credit is maxed out now, because of that tooth! (& so am I w/ all the extra bills!!)
Thankfully, I did fill one of my empty spots in my schedule w/ a small bungalow at the beach, but I still need at least one more client. I go back to the dentist on Monday to get the permanent bridge put in. I've had a temporary while waiting for the extraction (& bone graph) of the rest of the tooth heal (was one I had a root canal on over 20 yrs ago!)
So that ordeal had me in the chair for about 3 hrs, & my jaw was sore for a long time, had been getting headaches almost every day, etc.. figured out some were not just from that physical stress on my jaw, but were rebound headaches from the ibuprofen, so stopped that! So It's finally been about a week now w/o headaches..."Knock on wood!"
SO, let's just say, I feel like I am overdue for some good things to come my way!! "I have had enough!!"

In the meanwhile of all of that going on, is when the site made the changes. I no longer have been getting any of the threads I was active on, etc.. (just PMs),
so that was another reason, & w/ everything going on, I just let it go..... tried to have a little more down time. Funny, the only thread notification I have gotten was the one about Lucas's eyes.
I just hadn't taken, or made time to jump back in full force.
So, that's why I've been mostly MIA. ...but I'm still here. :)

Now, here are some updated photos of Sammie. Still sweet & sassy!
She's been a good girl. I literally pray over her every morning before I let her out. For protection from any & all harm in any way, to keep her healthy & close by. She is a good girl, She mostly stays up on the porch napping most of the day.
She just likes to be outside. I bring her in an hr, to a 1/2 hr before dark, & never let her out until after 7:00am, & after she has had her breakfast. :wink:
Here she is on the porch, laying in front of the Foxglove plant I got my mom for Mother's day.
This flower fell off a plant, so I put it on her head to take a picture. I could just hear her saying, "not funny, mom!"
Sleeping at the end of the bed.
Napping in the window
Her favorite corner of the porch to nap in
Sammy etc Feb.2017 005.jpg
Sitting on her tree, looking out the window
Sammy etc Feb.2017 013.jpg



TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Wow! You definitely deserve a break after dealing with all that. :cringe: :hugs: Sometimes we just have to prioritize differently for a while; but I hope we'll be seeing you more again!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 7, 2010
Naples, Fl
Glad to see your post and Sammie is beautiful. Take care of your health. I also have high blood pressure and am on meds for it. Also going thru dental work - broke a tooth and need a crown, but the tooth is attached to my partial so -- $1400 later. Now my husband has to have skin cancer surgery - a merkel cell carcinoma, which can be serious. Seeing the surgeon and will see what has to be done. May involve radiation treatment and chemo. Never a dull moment! Take care and would love to hear from you
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #326

angels mommy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Wow! You definitely deserve a break after dealing with all that. :cringe: :hugs: Sometimes we just have to prioritize differently for a while; but I hope we'll be seeing you more again!
Thank you! Yes, I think that about sums it up perfectly! I will be back around more sometime when things feel like they've settled down a bit, or maybe a little at a time, here & there. I miss you guys to much not to. :biggrin: :grouphug:

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Hi Kelly thanks for the update. Sorry to hear about all the health issues you have been having. Make sure you look after yourself. That was so kind of you to try to help out Lily, I am not surprised how difficult that must have been and how it brought back such painful memories. Sammie is so beautiful. I hope that rough seas are behind you
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #328

angels mommy

TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Glad to see your post and Sammie is beautiful. Take care of your health. I also have high blood pressure and am on meds for it. Also going thru dental work - broke a tooth and need a crown, but the tooth is attached to my partial so -- $1400 later. Now my husband has to have skin cancer surgery - a merkel cell carcinoma, which can be serious. Seeing the surgeon and will see what has to be done. May involve radiation treatment and chemo. Never a dull moment! Take care and would love to hear from you
Thanks Lana! Charlie is looking handsome there in your avatar! Yes, ALL of my dental, including my visit back on Monday for the permanent was 2,911.00!! :shocked:but cheaper than an implant. I think those are around 6 or 7 grand!!
At least they could do the max time of 24 months for deferring the interest, but unfortunately, I probably won't be able to still pay it off by then.
I hope everything goes well with your husband. I'm sorry to hear that.
Yes, never a dull moment....always something!! You guys take care too!:hugs:
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  • #329

angels mommy

TCS Member
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Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Hi Kelly thanks for the update. Sorry to hear about all the health issues you have been having. Make sure you look after yourself. That was so kind of you to try to help out Lily, I am not surprised how difficult that must have been and how it brought back such painful memories. Sammie is so beautiful. I hope that rough seas are behind you
Thanks Eric! :hugs: Yes, it was hard, but he is an old friend I'd grown up with, since before Jr.High, at church, so we go way back, & have always stayed in touch & been friends. I had to be there for him. He would have done the same.
YES, I hope the rough seas are behind me too!!
I hope you & Midy are doing well. :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
Wow, Kelly, you really have been through the mill! So glad that you are still on your feet and Sammie is happy and healthy! No kidding, I was really worried about you. I remember what you went through with Lily - I grieved for you. It must have been heartbreaking to go through that again. But the good news is that Sammie is doing fine and can give you some kitty kisses.:redheartpump: :redheartpump: :grouphug: Stay in touch.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Hi Eric, Dreamer Rose, & dustydiamond! It's good to hear from you guys, & thanks for asking.
I know I haven't been around in a while. Everything is fine, & Sammie is great.
I had a couple of things happen over the course of a few months, along with work, & just life in general, have just stepped back a bit. (Don't check email every day, etc...). Being online just takes up SO much time! I'm trying to take some back!
On March 14th, (I think I told you about it, Eric?) I had a night that my blood pressure went up higher than normal.
I am on B.P. meds, so I was concerned. It was about 3xs higher than my normal range.
Living alone, I was a bit worried, & didn't want anything to happen, especially in the middle of the night, so I called my parents, & they thought I should go to the ER to get checked out...just to be on the safe side.
So, my dad said he would come pick me up & take me. All test ran, including a CT scan came back fine.
We ended up doubling my B.P. med dose, but taking 1/2 in am, & 1/2 in pm. (25mgs of Atenolol each).
The ER doc said she thought I was on a low enough dose to begin with, that it was safe.
So, now I just feel more tired than I already did! Especially after cleaning a house all morning, then maybe running errands, or coming home to clean my house, do laundry etc... there's always something to do, right?

In hindsight, I believe now that it was the passing of my friends cat that caused emotional stress, that increased my B.P.
Some of you may have seen me mention it in a thread. She was a white kitty named Lily.
My friend didn't have a very good vet, & she was really sick, so I finally got him to get her in at my vets.
After a few days she didn't make it. I was there for him the whole time, & I took him to say goodby to her.
I was really trying to be strong for him, but I was crying right along w/him! It was just too close to home for me.

At the time, (March), I had just marked the 1 year anniversary in Feb. since I said goodbye to Angel.
......At the same place. So it was really hard. I think it affected me a lot more than I realized!
In fact, my vet is so great, as soon as she came out of a room & saw me there, she said, "Is she OK?" meaning Sammie.
I shook my head yes, & just motioned to my friend, to let her know I was there w/ him.
(He had seen the other vet, the owner).

So from all of that, I now have a large 750.00 ER Dr. bill I am having to make small payments on!
All that for about 15-20 minutes of her time!! Thank goodness the hospital bill, test etc... were taken care of by charity care, since I qualified, & don't have insurance.

SO, If all of that weren't enough, then, a couple weeks later I had a small molar break about 3/4 off!! :shocked:
I went to the dentist, & the cheapest fix was to have a bridge. Well, not so cheap! Lets just say I pray that Sammie stays healthy, because the care credit is maxed out now, because of that tooth! (& so am I w/ all the extra bills!!)
Thankfully, I did fill one of my empty spots in my schedule w/ a small bungalow at the beach, but I still need at least one more client. I go back to the dentist on Monday to get the permanent bridge put in. I've had a temporary while waiting for the extraction (& bone graph) of the rest of the tooth heal (was one I had a root canal on over 20 yrs ago!)
So that ordeal had me in the chair for about 3 hrs, & my jaw was sore for a long time, had been getting headaches almost every day, etc.. figured out some were not just from that physical stress on my jaw, but were rebound headaches from the ibuprofen, so stopped that! So It's finally been about a week now w/o headaches..."Knock on wood!"
SO, let's just say, I feel like I am overdue for some good things to come my way!! "I have had enough!!"

In the meanwhile of all of that going on, is when the site made the changes. I no longer have been getting any of the threads I was active on, etc.. (just PMs),
so that was another reason, & w/ everything going on, I just let it go..... tried to have a little more down time. Funny, the only thread notification I have gotten was the one about Lucas's eyes.
I just hadn't taken, or made time to jump back in full force.
So, that's why I've been mostly MIA. ...but I'm still here. :)

Now, here are some updated photos of Sammie. Still sweet & sassy!
She's been a good girl. I literally pray over her every morning before I let her out. For protection from any & all harm in any way, to keep her healthy & close by. She is a good girl, She mostly stays up on the porch napping most of the day.
She just likes to be outside. I bring her in an hr, to a 1/2 hr before dark, & never let her out until after 7:00am, & after she has had her breakfast. :wink:
Here she is on the porch, laying in front of the Foxglove plant I got my mom for Mother's day.
View attachment 183187 This flower fell off a plant, so I put it on her head to take a picture. I could just hear her saying, "not funny, mom!"
View attachment 183188 Sleeping at the end of the bed.
View attachment 183189 Napping in the window
View attachment 183190 Her favorite corner of the porch to nap in
View attachment 183191 View attachment 183192 Sitting on her tree, looking out the window
View attachment 183193

We are very glad to hear from you. Sorry for all your trials and troubles. Has your landlord left you alone? Thank Heavens you and Sammie are still together.:clap::grouphug::grouphug2:
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #332

angels mommy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Wow, Kelly, you really have been through the mill! So glad that you are still on your feet and Sammie is happy and healthy! No kidding, I was really worried about you. I remember what you went through with Lily - I grieved for you. It must have been heartbreaking to go through that again. But the good news is that Sammie is doing fine and can give you some kitty kisses.:redheartpump: :redheartpump: :grouphug: Stay in touch.
Thank you! Yes, I am very grateful Sammie has been good! Yeah, usually those kisses come at some crazy hour like 5:30 in the morning sitting on my chest, wanting breakfast! ...and I'm like "thank you, but EW, wet nose!" Blah!!:p
LOL! I have been teaching her, she has been leaning kisses pretty well. Before a treat, I'll say "kisses?" & she will usually do it. She's getting there. :thumbsup:

We are very glad to hear from you. Sorry for all your trials and troubles. Has your landlord left you alone? Thank Heavens you and Sammie are still together.:clap::grouphug::grouphug2:
Thank you! Yes, all is well. Nothing else was ever said. That was back in Oct. I think he didn't really care because he knows how meticulous I am, but because the neighbor made a fuss about it, only because I called when a visiting dog was barking a lot, is why she did that. Unfortunately, that's how they are. I just keep it "light & bright" w/ my landlord. I drop off rent, & he's usually in the middle of a haircut, so we do a little side hug, how are you, & I am out quickly!! I just try to be in & out! I try to stay under the radar. It's really been an answered prayer, because I don't know what I would have done! She wouldn't have done well anywhere else, she LOVES being outside, & she would be sad w/ a broken little spirit otherwise. Only because she came from around here, & knows the area, & stays close is she able to do that.
Like I said, she really just likes to be out. Most of the afternoon she will just sleep on the porch. I think she just likes to feel like she has the freedom. She's a good girl! :)

In fact, It's been raining, so I kept her in this morning when I went to work, (she got to go out twice & came bk before I left), It's been drizzling, so still made her stay in when I got home this afternoon, but it slowed down a bit, & she still wanted to go out, so since it's not storming, I let her. She stayed up here. She is in her bed out there, napping. I just went out to check on her & gave her kisses telling her what a good girl she is. She just likes to be out in the fresh air. It's nice out, because of the rain, it's really cooled off. it's 68 out right now!
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  • #334

angels mommy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Hi friends. So I got this picture of Sammie today, & was going to post it in the caption this, only to find out it's not here anymore. Well, for now anyway. So I thought I'd just post it here.
This afternoon when I got home, there she was laying up on the porch, saw her face, & laughed! I said, "Well someone had a good 'ol time roll'n in the sand today!" :lol:
I had to blow in her face, so she'd close her eyes while I was brushing it off of her. LOL!
"That's my girl!"


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  • #338

angels mommy

TCS Member
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Nov 5, 2011
rubysmama rubysmama , Thanks! Yep, she's a mess! LOL. She's a good girl. She doesn't sit up on the couch with me, like Angel did sometimes. I also still have 2 nice beds, but she hasn't been interested in either one. (They were washed, so don't have Angel's scent on them). But she'd rather stretch out on the floor, or under the coffee table. She's kneaded in them before for a minute, w/ just her front paws in, then walked away. She only has actually laid in them for a couple of minutes, then back out again.
I also got that big arched hard carrier back out again, thinking she would like it as a little "kitty cave, like Angel did,
but nope!
I even put treats in there. She'll go in long enough to eat the treats, then back out....Oh well.
Maybe one day.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #339

angels mommy

TCS Member
Thread starter
Top Cat
Nov 5, 2011
Hi guys! Last Saturday I got some fun shots of Sammie playing outside, just having a ball!
The look on her face is pure joy! I put just a few together for myself (today's my b-day) ,
and to share. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! :biggrin: She was being such a goofy girl!
I saw her out there, & I said "are you playing?" and she just rolled back and forth being a silly!

Sammie, the Silly Girl


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Hi guys! Last Saturday I got some fun shots of Sammie playing outside, just having a ball!
The look on her face is pure joy! I put just a few together for myself (today's my b-day) ,
and to share. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do! :biggrin: She was being such a goofy girl!
I saw her out there, & I said "are you playing?" and she just rolled back and forth being a silly!

Sammie, the Silly Girl
She is so beautiful. Love her white spot.:bigeyes::blackcat2::blackcat:
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