Search Results

  1. Blakeney Green

    Traveling From United States To Canada With Foster Kitten

    I already know the basics of traveling between the US and Canada with cats (I lived in Canada when I got Zephyr and Maisie and brought them back with me to the US,) so you don't need to take the time to explain those things, but I have a couple of specific questions that concern the difference...
  2. Blakeney Green

    Round Growth Along Kitten Gumline

    I'm having another issue with my foster kitten that seems unrelated to his megaesophagus. Today I noticed a growth along Froggy's gumline by his molars. Unfortunately I couldn't manage a picture of it (I only have two hands and he was uncooperative ;)) but it's about the size of a lentil and the...
  3. Blakeney Green

    Other Foods With The Same Texture As Sheba?

    Are there any foods that have the same soft and very fine texture as Sheba paté? I'd like to try adding some variety to Froggy's diet. It doesn't necessarily have to be a "good" food (though that would be a bonus) since unfortunately long-term health is probably not a factor for him.
  4. Blakeney Green

    Sheba Perfect Portions Versus Regular Sheba?

    This may be a weird question, but is the difference between Sheba Perfect Portions and the regular cans just packaging, or is the content actually different? Specifically, is the texture the same for the pate varieties? I'm at the point where I don't need such small portion packages anymore...
  5. Blakeney Green

    Dental Care For Special Needs Kitten

    So, I really need to start cleaning my foster kitten's teeth. The thing I'm not sure about is how his special needs will affect that. Froggy has megaesophagus and can't swallow very well. I need to make sure I don't choke him with dental products or excess saliva. He also gets most of his...
  6. Blakeney Green

    Muscle Contraction In Foster Kitten's Paw?

    Today my coworkers and I noticed that my foster kitten (Froggy) was having what looked like muscle contraction in his right front paw after I fed him. His middle toes were pulled back so they were contracted shorter than his outer toes. It didn't seem to cause him any discomfort but appeared...
  7. Blakeney Green

    Slow Feed Bowl For Kitten?

    I'm looking for advice on either where to buy or how to make a slow feed bowl for an undersized five month old kitten who eats wet food dissolved in KMR. Everything I have been able to find is either too big for him or is designed for a solid diet. I really need to try to slow down his food...
  8. Blakeney Green

    Injectable Antibiotics?

    I tried searching for this info online but it got kind of confusing, so just wanted to see if anyone knows - what are other options for injectable antibiotics for cats besides Convenia? Thanks!
  9. Blakeney Green


    My little Toad, sitting pretty! :)
  10. Blakeney Green

    Where Can I Buy Supplies To Microchip My Cats At Home?

    This seems like a stupid question, but where can you buy supplies to microchip your pets at home? I found microchips on Amazon, but I need to be able to actually implant them and that's the piece I'm missing. Thanks!
  11. Blakeney Green

    Natural Remedies For Chronic Kidney Disease?

    Has anyone tried any natural remedies to help a cat with chronic kidney disease? Was there anything you found to be effective to support the cat's health? Thanks! :)
  12. Blakeney Green

    No Signature Option?

    I'm trying to change my signature to include my new kitten, but I can't seem to find a link for signature options. I did a forum search and followed the directions I found, but I just don't have that option in my drop down menu from the red bar. Any ideas?
  13. Blakeney Green

    Introducing Myself And My Kitties

    Hi! I'm a new member here, and wanted to introduce myself and my cats. :) I have three kitties - Maisie, Zephyr, and Cullen. (They're all boys, despite Maisie's name. ;)) I had a fourth cat, Bentley, who unexpectedly passed away just under a year ago. In addition to being a cat owner myself, I...