The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2020

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I know I don't. I have Facetime on my phone, and NEVER think to use it!
I notice people try to call me over the internet on Facebook, but it just says Error, you don't have microphone enabled.

Think When, mags💖
I'll try. I never thought I would have come as far as I have this year. So we'll see what I can do.

Mamanyt2953 I believe I am the last hold-out for a cell phone.
I don't have one either. It's hard, because some of my friends are addicted to their phones and they don't like to private message or email.

I recently lost my dear Mother aged only 99 yrs. young and I'm cryin my eyes out I miss her so much.
I'm so sorry. It must be hard to have a wonderful mother, then lose her. My mother used to be nice before she got religion when I was 6. I don't have a lot of memories of when she was "normal", but I remember one party she gave with all my little cousins and school friends. Then all those things stopped and I wasn't allowed to have friends anymore.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2019
Rough night last night. Isabelle, who hasn't been super cuddly or affectionate lately, bee-lined towards me when I started crying last night. I was laying on my side and she laid right against my arm, purring, and licking my face. She stayed until I calmed down, and then left.

sweet jane flash

TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 21, 2019
I notice people try to call me over the internet on Facebook, but it just says Error, you don't have microphone enabled.

I'll try. I never thought I would have come as far as I have this year. So we'll see what I can do.

I don't have one either. It's hard, because some of my friends are addicted to their phones and they don't like to private message or email.

I'm so sorry. It must be hard to have a wonderful mother, then lose her. My mother used to be nice before she got religion when I was 6. I don't have a lot of memories of when she was "normal", but I remember one party she gave with all my little cousins and school friends. Then all those things stopped and I wasn't allowed to have friends anymore.
maggiedemi thank you for condolence. ♥


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
To be fair, I think Facebook is kind of geared toward pictures. It's odd to see a text-only post; most people at least put a filler picture in.

But yeah. Facebook family members are annoying, lol.
I look at facebook every once in a while and i don't post pics, I hardly ever post anything unless it is about a particular subject on a particular subset of facebook. The general part is of no interest. This site is much better.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I can see how that would be annoying. Unfortunately, seems like photos are important to many people as seen in this interesting article Photos on Facebook Generate 53% More Likes Than the Average Post [NEW DATA]

It talks about how picture posts get 53% more likes and 104% more comments compared to "average" posts. Thought it was interesting and wanted to share. Seems people are hardwired to notice and interact with pictures more than text.
I think people are either illiterate or too lazy to read.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Mamanyt2953 I believe I am the last hold-out for a cell phone. I do not want one. :silver: :)
For the longest time I did not want a cell phone and I did not want to be at the mercy of every fool with a dime (yes, pay phones used to cost a dime, you do know what a pay phone is, yes?) so many times I did not answer my phone and I did not have an answering machine either, voice mail did not yet exist. Then my daughter who had a medical condition and a cell phone convinced me that I really needed one as I was at work on the phone a lot and she could not get through to me when she had an emergency. So I very reluctantly got one but shut it off when I was not at work. Well, guess what? My car broke down in the middle of nowhere and that cell phone came in awfully handy to call my insurance and a tow truck. Otherwise I would have been stuck out there until a Highway Patrol happened to come by which could have taken hours. This convinced me that cell phones weren't so bad after all, I can still shut it off but I take it with me everywhere, it does come in handy for all kinds of things.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I never use facebook except to see what my friends have posted. I don't want my life story published for anyone to see. Could in fact be very dangerous to reveal so much. I also agree with segelkatt that illiteracy and laziness to read are rampant.
President Trump is an example.

sweet jane flash

TCS Member
Super Cat
Jul 21, 2019
For the longest time I did not want a cell phone and I did not want to be at the mercy of every fool with a dime (yes, pay phones used to cost a dime, you do know what a pay phone is, yes?) so many times I did not answer my phone and I did not have an answering machine either, voice mail did not yet exist. Then my daughter who had a medical condition and a cell phone convinced me that I really needed one as I was at work on the phone a lot and she could not get through to me when she had an emergency. So I very reluctantly got one but shut it off when I was not at work. Well, guess what? My car broke down in the middle of nowhere and that cell phone came in awfully handy to call my insurance and a tow truck. Otherwise I would have been stuck out there until a Highway Patrol happened to come by which could have taken hours. This convinced me that cell phones weren't so bad after all, I can still shut it off but I take it with me everywhere, it does come in handy for all kinds of things.
segelkatt that is so good now you can call when you need help. I used to have a throwaway phone for emergency only but then I ended up chit chatting with my sister now & then until only 5 minutes left on it. Then I saw a homeless person who looked like they needed it more than me so I gave it away. That homeless person was so grateful, and it gave me joy to be able to give. I have not purchased another, my husband has one if I am out on the road with him. If I am out walking I've thought I should probably purchase another throwaway phone specifically for times I may need to call him for help because with Covid 19 I really do not want to knock on anybodies door to ask for use of their phone. Thanks for putting this thought back in my mind. I think I will go buy another throw away phone. 🌺 :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 18, 2019
So I finally found out that my summer field job would require people to wear masks while traveling in vehicles with each other, which makes me feel better. Now to see if i can pull this off. Probably will venture out and get fingerprinted here and hope they get accepted (police dept. closed for exact kind I need). Masks are required here, so hopefully I'll stay safer because of this. But I won't have an official job offer until I pass fingerprinting, which will be helpful to get housing down there and being allowed to stay in a hotel halfway through the 12 hour drive down. Let's see if I can do this!
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