The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 22, 2015
The other day I got a picture of Milly eyeballing a black and grey finch (I think it was a finch). It was one of those great mornings that my husband and I call a "Mega Morsel Morning", when all the tinier birds flit from branch to branch outside our windows, chomping on gnats and mosquitoes, singing and chirping. (The "Morsels" are the birds... e.g. just the right morsel size for Milly to eat if she were able to capture them!)

Some of you here in the Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser might remember when I built that shelf for Milly. Well, it turns out that the board I had used wasn't quite strong enough for Milly's intense Zoomies -- plus the brackets were a bit short for that particular board, and so the shelf started to sag. I have had to prop it up with a Perry Mason hardback because I didn't want to dismantle the whole thing and fix it properly.

Have a good night, everyone!
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
The other day I got a picture of Milly eyeballing a black and grey finch (I think it was a finch). It was one of those great mornings that my husband and I call a "Mega Morsel Morning", when all the tinier birds flit from branch to branch outside out windows, chomping on gnats and mosquitoes, singing and chirping. (The "Morsels" are the birds... e.g. just the right morsel size for Milly to eat if she were able to capture them!)
View attachment 245794

Some of you here in the Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser might remember when I built that shelf for Milly. Well, it turns out that the board I had used wasn't quite strong enough for Milly's intense Zoomies -- plus the brackets were a bit short for that particular board, and so the shelf started to sag. I have had to prop it up with a Perry Mason hardback because I didn't want to dismantle the whole thing and fix it properly.

Have a good night, everyone!
*That'll work,* PushPurrCatPaws PushPurrCatPaws ! Quite nicely. The first morning I woke up in the Mojave, the silk tree outside my window was FULL of these little coral and caramel colored finches singing up a storm and doing their bird things. The cats were still down the hill at that point and missed this magical morning I will always remember. Truly PAWSitive!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
@raysmyheart - I'm actually about 7 hours away from home in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for a short trip. We don't have nature like this in Chicago, it's a different kind of beauty.

@Shane Kent - I really love that song.

New pictures!
Here is a shipwreck:

Here is something I didn't buy:

Here's a pasty:

Here's a bookstore/coffee shop:

Here's a bag I didn't buy:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
*That'll work,* PushPurrCatPaws PushPurrCatPaws ! Quite nicely. The first morning I woke up in the Mojave, the silk tree outside my window was FULL of these little coral and caramel colored finches singing up a storm and doing their bird things. The cats were still down the hill at that point and missed this magical morning I will always remember. Truly PAWSitive!
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - If I didn't know better, I'd think that you and @raysmyheart were hoggin' all the birds; she's had a Red Finch and Purple Finch outbreak this year, and my population has been falling off. Here, however, it's because some of the larger songbirds' habitat has been restored in the naturalised area between the lawn and the woods. Three pair of Orioles now inhabit a strip of first growth trees and scrub no bigger than 50 feet by about 300 feet; where I cleared around the Mulberry last Autumn, a pair of Scarlet Tanagers (only the second nesting pair I've ever seen here) has rewarded my many scratches and thorn-pokes with their bright red presence, and after years of habitat-building among the Lilac screens which hem the house in to the north, the Bluebirds have finally begun moving toward the house, and entertaining the cats at the kitchen and dining room windows.

Mother Nature, encroaching on the house? Little in the world more positive than that, except perhaps for a nice MLT - a mutton, lettuce and tomato sandwich, where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomato is ripe. They're so perky, I love that, eh @FlawlessImperfection ?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Yesterday my father in-law showed me where there is another flea market on the way to the cottage:) It is only open on Sunday so I will have to leave the cottage early one Sunday to go there on the way home. Not this Sunday because Monday is a holiday so I won't be leaving the cottage until Monday.

I actually got 5 of the Goebel cats but two are damaged:( The Pawsitive is that I got them from a thrift store auction where you write your bid in a book. I only paid $12 Canadian for all five. Three are in perfect condition which works out to $4 each and if I got them from an antique store or the Internet I would pay far more than $4 Canadian each:)

Lari Lari - I meant to write last night those photos are awesome and Toto's Africa even more awesome. Was late and I was tired so I forgot to mention it. I love that song, can hear it in my head and just imagine being there.

Jcatbird Jcatbird - Cats taming teenagers is funny. Could you imagine the cat conversations. Today I got my teenager to use the toilet but they got scared afterwards so I put them back in their safe room:) They seem rather bored in their safe room so I got them a Sony Playstation.
Ohhhhh my! Yes that would be very interesting! Now I am laughing again! I can hear it now, my teen is such a finicky eater. They are supposed to eat green vegetables but he just refuses. He plays with his food! All he ever really wants is treats! I took him to be groomed the other day and he screamed about getting a single hair cut. Too bad catnip won’t work on them. You know I think I saw a flea on him too! I can’t imagine how I’m going to give him a bath! Tee hee I love funny!
By the way, I come from a long line of Kent’s. Lots of cat lovers.
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 I am glad you like my kitties. I know they would love you. They are all special. My best furriends!

Boris Diamond

Cat Valet
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I quit volunteering at the cat rescue in the big city north of here. I had a few health concerns and it wasn't practical. I came in contact with a shelter in the county where I live. I liked them, and when I thought I could help with animal rescue again, I filled out an application there. A week later I went by and asked them if they needed help with anything. In my experience, it is best to be persistent if you are truly interested in helping at an animal shelter. I was gratified when they asked me to help with their spay and neuter clinic!

The first day I helped check in the dogs and cats, get those into carriers who did not have their own and then load the carriers onto the truck. The next day I helped unloading the carriers, keeping the paperwork straight and guiding animal owners to their pets. Then I carried our empty carriers, about 25, out the back door and washed them.

I worked about 7 hours in two days and 43 dogs and cats were neutered.

There were a bunch of cute kittens and some nice dogs. One kitten turned out to be too small to spay so she stayed at the shelter until a foster could pick her up later that day. It has been a while since I spent some time with a kitten. Her name is Peach and the name is well-chosen. She is as sweet as a peach! Sigh. Bliss. :redheartpump:

The people were sweet, kind and gentle. I like them and I think they like me. They have my number and I told them to call if I could help with anything. But I will probably go by next week, just to make sure I get in on what is happening there!


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Boris Diamond Boris Diamond that sounds like 7 hours very well spent to me. Wow, 43 neuters in 2 days! That's good work.

I'd take him any time, but you can't afford to be without him.
You're right. For all his annoying little habits he is invaluable when it comes to helping me socialise other cats. Guess we're stuck with each other.


Yesterday my father in-law showed me where there is another flea market on the way to the cottage
Another flea market! Oh, imagine the untapped wonders that await you there.

Here is something I didn't buy:
Here's a bag I didn't buy:
I admire your self control. Just taking pictures rather than indulging in retail therapy.


I took Forest Cat for a hair cut today. He usually only gets a trim once a year, but as this heatwave is expected to last for another month I thought he'd feel better with some of his fluff shaved off.

I went to pick him up at 4 pm and the groomer, the vet and all of the vet techs came out, bowed very low and said,

"We're so very sorry, but....."


and then just as I was about to burst into tears the vet explained that they had managed to nick Forest with the clippers. He has a tiny little cut in his armpit. (I've done far worse to myself shaving my legs.) The vet staff all took it very seriously. They put a stitch in and gave him some painkillers and antibiotic cream and asked us to bring him back next week so they can check it.

It's very sweet of them. I understand that these things happen and I'm very grateful to them for taking such good care of Forest.

He seems completely fine. He's strolling around with his tail in the air doing his "Check out my new do" parade for the other cats.


As they wouldn't take any money for the hair cut I bought a few extra treats and canned goodies for the cats to share. We're lucky to have such a great vet.

Alice catlady

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 2, 2018
I am so happy today! :bliss:I think it was in this thread someone said that Pan (our big 8 kg male) might like to watch the kittens play. And after today I agree 100%.

I’ve just been out for a walk with the kittens again, and like always, Pan stopped by to watch us. At the end of our little walk, he came over and laid down close to Nala. Less than 1 meter away. And then he started slow blinking at her, and she returned it. So they were just loafing there for a little while, blinking at each other. Please tell me I’m not reading to much into this, and that this really is a good sign? :lol:

Other than that, Sorry for the missed posts, I’ve been super busy with painting, new floors and going to Sweden. :)


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi everybody!
Alice catlady Alice catlady that's a very good sign!

I met the most darling sweet cute adorable labradoodle at a woodworking store yesterday.
--I want one-- LOL
Not sure what the cat would think, however :lol:

Got the first tomatoes of the season, yummy!

Jcatbird Jcatbird , your story of your cats was wonderful to read, thank you for that.

I had this post partly typed up last night but thanks to a full scale summer cold in my head making it a bit challenging to think, especially after a Rockies series loss, I thought I'd wait.
I guess you could say I feel a responsibility to be "on my game" when I'm here. That's the standard you-all set, so a tip o the hat to ya ;)

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine the thoughtful, and hard!!, work you've done around your place is a testament to the fact that one person truly can make a difference. Kudos to you!

I could split this next off and make another post, but I have no shortage of positivity. I just wanted to comment that having found this site and being able to help cat owners warms my heart. Having discovered the remarkable people that comprise this community, well, that's an enormous positive in my life that I didn't expect, and am very appreciative of!
You all are very special people :gift:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
I quit volunteering at the cat rescue in the big city north of here. I had a few health concerns and it wasn't practical. I came in contact with a shelter in the county where I live. I liked them, and when I thought I could help with animal rescue again, I filled out an application there. A week later I went by and asked them if they needed help with anything. In my experience, it is best to be persistent if you are truly interested in helping at an animal shelter. I was gratified when they asked me to help with their spay and neuter clinic!

The first day I helped check in the dogs and cats, get those into carriers who did not have their own and then load the carriers onto the truck. The next day I helped unloading the carriers, keeping the paperwork straight and guiding animal owners to their pets. Then I carried our empty carriers, about 25, out the back door and washed them.

I worked about 7 hours in two days and 43 dogs and cats were neutered.

There were a bunch of cute kittens and some nice dogs. One kitten turned out to be too small to spay so she stayed at the shelter until a foster could pick her up later that day. It has been a while since I spent some time with a kitten. Her name is Peach and the name is well-chosen. She is as sweet as a peach! Sigh. Bliss. :redheartpump:

The people were sweet, kind and gentle. I like them and I think they like me. They have my number and I told them to call if I could help with anything. But I will probably go by next week, just to make sure I get in on what is happening there!
Boris Diamond Boris Diamond - Yours is another great Heart which I admire. I'm exhausted simply from reading your two-day account at the shelter!

Norachan Norachan - You're indeed fortunate to have such a caring and responsible veterinarian. A great vet is worth his or her weight in salmon gold!

Enormous pawsitive today: Pallina - the apple of Antonio65's eye - underwent an Hepatic resection this morning, and survived the three hour surgery. She's not out of the woods for a few days, but Antonio's incredible determination never to give up on the kitty that he Loves is a testament to strong will and undying Love.

If you have a moment today, a Prayer for Pallina's recovery and continued good health would, no doubt, be very well-received. Stopping in on Antonio's thread, and adding a few words of support would doubtless be equally appreciated:

Pallina's Final Battle


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
My PAWSitive *PRAYERS* for Pallina continue. TSVM for the heads-up, 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine . *And we're not bird-rich here, though I do have a blue jay couple close by almost all the time and I'm quite fond of them, as they seem to be of me. I've named both of them Azul. Because, you know, it's impossible to tell them apart. I think they're Mexican jays and they have no crests, are colored exactly the same, and are the same size.*
Alice catlady Alice catlady I haven't been fortunate enough to have a trip to Sweden, but I DID get my new IKEA catalog yesterday, and that is always cause for celebration here, as a lot of my furniture comes from there and it's my favorite place in the world, apart from the Mojave and my house. I call it "Disneyland for adults" ;) And we have the largest IKEA in the US now!
That IS a very good sign, by the way. I've read several accounts of big male cats loving kittens and "babysitting" them. There are even videos on YouTube, if I'm remembering correctly, of big mature males and little feral/orphaned kittens.
Norachan Norachan -- Big sigh of relief that Forest Cat is okay!!!
Boris Diamond Boris Diamond -- good on ya!!! :yess::thumbsup::goldstar:

Alice catlady

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 2, 2018
My PAWSitive *PRAYERS* for Pallina continue. TSVM for the heads-up, 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine . *And we're not bird-rich here, though I do have a blue jay couple close by almost all the time and I'm quite fond of them, as they seem to be of me. I've named both of them Azul. Because, you know, it's impossible to tell them apart. I think they're Mexican jays and they have no crests, are colored exactly the same, and are the same size.*
Alice catlady Alice catlady I haven't been fortunate enough to have a trip to Sweden, but I DID get my new IKEA catalog yesterday, and that is always cause for celebration here, as a lot of my furniture comes from there and it's my favorite place in the world, apart from the Mojave and my house. I call it "Disneyland for adults" ;) And we have the largest IKEA in the US now!
That IS a very good sign, by the way. I've read several accounts of big male cats loving kittens and "babysitting" them. There are even videos on YouTube, if I'm remembering correctly, of big mature males and little feral/orphaned kittens.
Norachan Norachan -- Big sigh of relief that Forest Cat is okay!!!
Boris Diamond Boris Diamond -- good on ya!!! :yess::thumbsup::goldstar:
Funny you should mention it, because I’ve thinking and hoping that Pan might remember something about kittens. I got Medusa way too early, at 4-5 weeks, because the owner said that if I didn’t take her, he would take her out in the garden and find a big rock. So I took her, and she was scared to death and way too small. At the time, Pan was a about 16 weeks and had been with me for 4 weeks. Long story short, he became Mr Mom. :D Showing her how to cat and also loving her in every way. He was a big part of getting her secure and healthy. So I’ve been wondering if just maybe he remembers something about kittens being ok. One thing is for sure, I’m both happy and a bit surprised about Pan comming around first. He is a big, sweet loaf of goof, but out of the three adults, he is also the one who can get stressed and too protective. He has attacked dogs, a few of the smaller dogs had to go straight to the vet. The attacking is always when he feels the need to protect his humans outside, if we’re not around, he will just run away from dogs. So I wasn’t afraid he would do that to the kittens, but out of the three, he was the one I was worried about, when I got the kittens. So it so nice to see him being ok with them. Even being ok with them spending time with my hubby, his number one human. So I’m really happy with all this. Medusa is also tolerating them, Lillegutt is still a bit freaked out. But he has never been around kittens, so I guess that’s natural. He seems to think they might be some kind of alien miniature cats. :lol:

Oooooooo, I love Ikea! I might be going to our local Ikea next week.:hyper: It’s like walking into a sweet little fairytale, where everything is polite and PC. But at the same time, it’s also a big maze, and I always end up spending a lot more than I was planning on. :lol: They get you with having a whole, big part with small stuff. Ooooo, I need a new flower. And a candle. And some batteries. And a blanket. And, and, and, and.. I’m not even sure I knew that you had Ikea in the US. :lol: Did you find anything fun in the new catalog?

I live a two hour drive from the border to Sweden, so every now and then, we do the same as a lot of other Norwegians, go to Sweden for shopping. ;) Norway is fairly expensive, so in the places close to the border, you’ll probably find more Norwegians than Swedish people. The prices in Sweden is lower, so you can save a lot by going there every now and then. That, and it’s a nice little trip, and the Swedish coastal town we go to is really cute. Norway and Sweden has a strange little way of getting along, Swedish people come here to work, we go there to shop. :lol:

And something else that is positive, in less than two weeks I’m going to Prague, and I’m really looking forward to that. This is my third time, and I keep falling more and more in love with the city.

And I also send a lot of positive thoughts to Pallina. :heartshape:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Funny you should mention it, because I’ve thinking and hoping that Pan might remember something about kittens. I got Medusa way too early, at 4-5 weeks, because the owner said that if I didn’t take her, he would take her out in the garden and find a big rock. So I took her, and she was scared to death and way too small. At the time, Pan was a about 16 weeks and had been with me for 4 weeks. Long story short, he became Mr Mom. :D Showing her how to cat and also loving her in every way. He was a big part of getting her secure and healthy. So I’ve been wondering if just maybe he remembers something about kittens being ok. One thing is for sure, I’m both happy and a bit surprised about Pan comming around first. He is a big, sweet loaf of goof, but out of the three adults, he is also the one who can get stressed and too protective. He has attacked dogs, a few of the smaller dogs had to go straight to the vet. The attacking is always when he feels the need to protect his humans outside, if we’re not around, he will just run away from dogs. So I wasn’t afraid he would do that to the kittens, but out of the three, he was the one I was worried about, when I got the kittens. So it so nice to see him being ok with them. Even being ok with them spending time with my hubby, his number one human. So I’m really happy with all this. Medusa is also tolerating them, Lillegutt is still a bit freaked out. But he has never been around kittens, so I guess that’s natural. He seems to think they might be some kind of alien miniature cats. :lol:

Oooooooo, I love Ikea! I might be going to our local Ikea next week.:hyper: It’s like walking into a sweet little fairytale, where everything is polite and PC. But at the same time, it’s also a big maze, and I always end up spending a lot more than I was planning on. :lol: They get you with having a whole, big part with small stuff. Ooooo, I need a new flower. And a candle. And some batteries. And a blanket. And, and, and, and.. I’m not even sure I knew that you had Ikea in the US. :lol: Did you find anything fun in the new catalog?

I live a two hour drive from the border to Sweden, so every now and then, we do the same as a lot of other Norwegians, go to Sweden for shopping. ;) Norway is fairly expensive, so in the places close to the border, you’ll probably find more Norwegians than Swedish people. The prices in Sweden is lower, so you can save a lot by going there every now and then. That, and it’s a nice little trip, and the Swedish coastal town we go to is really cute. Norway and Sweden has a strange little way of getting along, Swedish people come here to work, we go there to shop. :lol:

And something else that is positive, in less than two weeks I’m going to Prague, and I’m really looking forward to that. This is my third time, and I keep falling more and more in love with the city.

And I also send a lot of positive thoughts to Pallina. :heartshape:
My god, what a monster that man was!!! May he face Justice!
Oh, yes, a good amount of my furniture and textiles are from IKEA. The Burbank, California store closest to me is the largest in the US. They had a nice big one but they needed to build a bigger one. The parking lot is like Disneyland. I also LOVE the food there. My idea of an amazing meal is to eat there. I bought their excellent coffee -- I hear Swedish people are VERY serious about coffee and I also used to get Gevalia coffee -- along with a bag of their vegetable balls "Gronsaksbullar" (with the umlaut over the "O") which I am fiercely protective of.

I love the catalogues and keep all of them! This one has a few cats in the photos and I especially love this. I am on their listserv so I get all their emails as well as their catalogues, and I wrote them and asked them to include more cats in their catalogues. :clapcat: (Cats sell merchandise. It's a proven fact.) Of course I want everything! But I'm very strange -- I like to daydream about being at IKEA, even living in one. Yes, my house is beautiful and has a lot of IKEA things, but when I go to IKEA I feel like I'm in my "happy place". :cloud9:
Have a wonderful time there!
IMG_2944 (1).JPG

Some IKEA furniture


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 those photos are all your house? I can see why you like it there :)
...although I could say something about that cleaning thing you mentioned the other day … :thud:

I have rain, busy hummingbirds --plural, in fact, I can't believe it still LOL

And I got to witness what a 13-year old cat is like when he is purely, completely joyful. It was totally unexpected and utterly delightful to see him be so thrilled to do something he's usually not allowed to do. Kittens are one thing, but this was amazing and such a gift to witness!! :lovecat:

Alice catlady

TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 2, 2018
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06

Yes, he was a horrible man. My friend was getting an older cat from them, and asked me to come. It was just bad all over, for both animals and human children. Medusa used to be terrified of feet, so I’m guessing she was used as a football. For a long time she would run into hiding if you just walked in her general direction. Now she is a 13 yo lady, and she is small and quirky, not too crazy about humans she doesn’t know, but all in all a loving and sweet cat. :) So she made it, even with the rough start.

Hahaha, I love that you asked them to do that! :hyper: Cats in the catalog is good! I also love IKEAs food. :lol: The coffee and bullar are good. I also love those little princess cakes, and my freezer is full of Ikea cinnamon buns. :lol:

Thank you for the pictures! You have a lovely home! I LOVE the pinkish color on your wall! Very on trend for Scandinavia 2018. :D I also have a lot of Ikea at home, and we have some of the same stuff. I love my malm dressers in black and white. :lol: I’m really into the so called Scandinavian style, and Ikea does that at a good price. I also buy a lot of my interior from H&M. They have some really cool cat stuff, like this flower pot:


And because I live with Pan and his big claws, I also like that I can buy new covers for my Ektorp sofa. :lol:

Here is a picture of part of my TV room before I started redoing it (it’s a mess atm), and I think most of it is Ikea:


Yup, the only thing in this photo not from Ikea (furniture) is the TV bench. :lol: That’s something I bought used and painted. And I painted it again today.

And with a red cover for christmas:


Aaaah, I can’t wait to have it back, without all the mess. :lol:

(Sorry for any random typos! I’m on my phone, and sometimes when I write English, the autocorrect will swap words for similar words in Norwegian. It is driving me a little mad!)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Ah, yes, Furballsmom Furballsmom - a mature cat playing is a joyful sight! I like to get mine "flying" with the da Bird feather lure toy. They may be 14, 13, and 10, but don't tell them that ;)
And Alice catlady Alice catlady -- Devils like that are already in the hells of their own making. They have no souls.

You also have a beautiful home! And that cat pot -- I wish I had some of those!!! I did get a black and white cat pillow the last time I was there:
*I did not "need" it, but I could not resist it especially for the price. It shouted my name. Or should I say, yowled.*
Oh, well, your English, with or without autocorrect, is so much better than my Norwegian as not to even be commented upon. And I could not type a very long message like that on my phone. I would just give up in frustration. My keyboard, even though it is not the best, is so much better than a smartphone screen!
I just chose all of the colors for the walls when I knew I would have to be moving down here. Most of them were chosen with my mom in mind, as this used to be my parents' home and she was very creative with decorating.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Alice catlady Alice catlady -- I really like the grays and blacks in your first furniture photo, that goes together so nice.
Furballsmom Furballsmom -- We think you're really special too, and probably the most positive person here. I should take lessons from you. ;)
My positive today is another one about family reconnection. Two of my relatives were not speaking, so I kinda let each one think that the other one wanted to go to lunch. So they met halfway between their homes in Lake George, NY and had a nice lunch. I didn't get any credit because somehow they both thought it was their idea. But I guess all that matters is that they made up!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Alice catlady Alice catlady - Don't let @Shane Kent see the cat flower pot; remember, he lives in Canada which is right next door to Norway by dogsled in Winter.

Furballsmom Furballsmom - Now and then, older kitties remind us that Life isn't something to be taken too terribly seriously.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - Not to worry; in the end, each one of us will be judged by how well we treated those who were smaller and weaker than we were.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I didn't get any credit because somehow they both thought it was their idea. But I guess all that matters is that they made up!
Look at you - I've got nothing on you - you ROCK!!
--thank you :)

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine Oh my goodness yes. The joy of him, the joy IN him, was something to behold.

Had a nice little rain, settled the dust very nicely. Now the sun's out - making those onions grow. WOW, picked a little early so I could chop some up for dinner, and my my MY, the tears they were a streamin' LOL
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