The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
@Alice catlady - Don't let Shane Kent Shane Kent see the cat flower pot; remember, he lives in Canada which is right next door to Norway by dogsled in Winter.

Furballsmom Furballsmom - Now and then, older kitties remind us that Life isn't something to be taken too terribly seriously.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 - Not to worry; in the end, each one of us will be judged by how well we treated those who were smaller and weaker than we were.
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine -- yeah, kind of the reverse of what they say my ancestors did, but from the other coast. *Wait...WHAT?*:confused:
True, true. And we do make our heavens and our hells right in our own lives, on this earth, as well. For those who show love and caring, life is often like :bliss: (in other words -- pretty PAWSitive!)

*Big Elvis. Little Tarifa.*


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Ohhhhh my! Yes that would be very interesting! Now I am laughing again! I can hear it now, my teen is such a finicky eater. They are supposed to eat green vegetables but he just refuses. He plays with his food! All he ever really wants is treats! I took him to be groomed the other day and he screamed about getting a single hair cut. Too bad catnip won’t work on them. You know I think I saw a flea on him too! I can’t imagine how I’m going to give him a bath! Tee hee I love funny!
By the way, I come from a long line of Kent’s. Lots of cat lovers.
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 I am glad you like my kitties. I know they would love you. They are all special. My best furriends!

OK, I never know when someone is kidding or not. Is this teen a human or a cat? I say " woanders lacht man anders", meaning: somewhere else people laugh about things that they don't laugh about here, humor is culture bound. People tell me I do not have a sense of humor. I do but it is different from American humor and most American humor I don't get, for instance slapstick, I find that just stupid, I find most of it hurtful. Does the butt of a joke think it's funny? I don't think so, it's hurtful to that person. I don't apologize for my "lack of humor", I would just like for people to understand that humor is culture bound. What some people here find to be thigh-slapping funny I might find mildly amusing if that.

Going through stuff I need to toss or otherwise get rid of I found this collection of furry creatures that belonged to my late daughter. She was an adult but loved stuffed animals and cats.
There were at least 100 that I gave to the Kiwanis as they were not "used" but sat on a shelf or on her bed, most of them were teddy bears, I gave her a new one every time she went to the hospital which was many times. These cats were still around, I don't know why.
Sorry about the pic being do dark but the flash on this camera does not work.
The tall cat is a Siamese with its paw raise up in greeting, the white cat is semi-long haired with blue eyes, then there is a nest in back on the right with two grey and white kittens in a basket and there is the red and white tabby in front with green eyes laying on its back.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
@Boris Diamond that sounds like 7 hours very well spent to me. Wow, 43 neuters in 2 days! That's good work.

You're right. For all his annoying little habits he is invaluable when it comes to helping me socialise other cats. Guess we're stuck with each other.

Just because it's hot and the cat has a lot of fur does not mean the cat feels hot. Panthera is black and shorthaired, he lies in the sun although it's 90F out there. Chamouti on the other hand has all that red Maine Coon fur and still hangs out on the sofa if he is not lounging on the tiles. Long-haired cats Do NOT need a haircut just because it is hot. Ask any vet. The cat knows to find a cool place if needed.

Another flea market! Oh, imagine the untapped wonders that await you there.

I admire your self control. Just taking pictures rather than indulging in retail therapy.


I took Forest Cat for a hair cut today. He usually only gets a trim once a year, but as this heatwave is expected to last for another month I thought he'd feel better with some of his fluff shaved off.

I went to pick him up at 4 pm and the groomer, the vet and all of the vet techs came out, bowed very low and said,

"We're so very sorry, but....."


and then just as I was about to burst into tears the vet explained that they had managed to nick Forest with the clippers. He has a tiny little cut in his armpit. (I've done far worse to myself shaving my legs.) The vet staff all took it very seriously. They put a stitch in and gave him some painkillers and antibiotic cream and asked us to bring him back next week so they can check it.

It's very sweet of them. I understand that these things happen and I'm very grateful to them for taking such good care of Forest.

He seems completely fine. He's strolling around with his tail in the air doing his "Check out my new do" parade for the other cats.


As they wouldn't take any money for the hair cut I bought a few extra treats and canned goodies for the cats to share. We're lucky to have such a great vet.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Just because it's hot and the cat has a lot of fur does not mean the cat feels hot. Panthera is black and shorthaired, he lies in the sun although it's 90F out there. Chamouti on the other hand has all that red Maine Coon fur and still hangs out on the sofa if he is not lounging on the tiles. Long-haired cats Do NOT need a haircut just because it is hot. Ask any vet. The cat knows to find a cool place if needed.
segelkatt segelkatt - I think that part of the reason that Norachan Norachan takes Forest Cat in for a Lion Cut is that he wants the other cats to think he's cool. She's a Forest Cat Ego Enabler!


It's an exquisite night here now that we've dropped back down to 69º again. The sky's ablaze with stars. It's Summer (if you're not in the Southern Hemisphere, of course) - take some time to get out into the night air and to enjoy Nature's own light show - the constellations.
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
segelkatt segelkatt , I do try, and sometimes really fail when I'm typing away and use "the vernacular", to keep in mind the fact that this site is comprised of a lot of people from really diverse backgrounds and cultures. I apologize for that.
Does the butt of a joke think it's funny? I don't think so, it's hurtful to that person.
Actually, I'm completely with you regarding some American humor, it IS in bad taste or worse.
In any case, if I'm not mistaken the initial comments were about teenager felines and then morphed to jcat's comments about teenager humans...

Thank you so very much for sharing about your daughter's teddy bears and the cats - it reminded me of when I was small, and there was a big brown bear in my room that was enormous - bigger than me :).

Here are a couple of photos I've gotten these past couple days, the apple is an Enterprise, the insect is one of those "I have no CLUE what this critter is but it's very interesting looking LOL" and another one of the roses that has caught a second breath this season;


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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
OK, I never know when someone is kidding or not. Is this teen a human or a cat? I say " woanders lacht man anders", meaning: somewhere else people laugh about things that they don't laugh about here, humor is culture bound. People tell me I do not have a sense of humor. I do but it is different from American humor and most American humor I don't get, for instance slapstick, I find that just stupid, I find most of it hurtful. Does the butt of a joke think it's funny? I don't think so, it's hurtful to that person. I don't apologize for my "lack of humor", I would just like for people to understand that humor is culture bound. What some people here find to be thigh-slapping funny I might find mildly amusing if that.

Going through stuff I need to toss or otherwise get rid of I found this collection of furry creatures that belonged to my late daughter. She was an adult but loved stuffed animals and cats.View attachment 245953 There were at least 100 that I gave to the Kiwanis as they were not "used" but sat on a shelf or on her bed, most of them were teddy bears, I gave her a new one every time she went to the hospital which was many times. These cats were still around, I don't know why.
Sorry about the pic being do dark but the flash on this camera does not work.
The tall cat is a Siamese with its paw raise up in greeting, the white cat is semi-long haired with blue eyes, then there is a nest in back on the right with two grey and white kittens in a basket and there is the red and white tabby in front with green eyes laying on its back.
Hopefully people do understand that humor is different for every culture and even every person. I think it is very positive that you let others know that there are differences just in case they don’t realize it. Sometimes a little explanation goes a long way towards mutual understanding. I am so glad you expressed that!
As for the conversation you wondered about , we were making a play off something said that could have been taken two different ways. It was said that Little Boy could handle feral teenagers. Although Little Boy is a cat and actually handles feral cat teenagers I envisioned him handling people teenagers. I thought that would be an amazing quality for a cat to have! Any parent of a teenager here would find that very helpful! Can you imagine a cat who could control an unruly teen person? That would be unusual. That was why we smiled. I don’t know if that humor will translate. I hope that you will be able to smile over us just feeling a bit silly. I don’t like slapstick either. I also agree that I don’t want any person to be the butt of a joke. I do love lighthearted humor. For me any positive reason to smile is a good thing. I hope I am sending you a positive smile. That is my intention. In fact I hope to send smiles to every heart here.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Just because it's hot and the cat has a lot of fur does not mean the cat feels hot. Panthera is black and shorthaired, he lies in the sun although it's 90F out there. Chamouti on the other hand has all that red Maine Coon fur and still hangs out on the sofa if he is not lounging on the tiles. Long-haired cats Do NOT need a haircut just because it is hot. Ask any vet. The cat knows to find a cool place if needed.

Yes, you're right segelkatt segelkatt None of my other long haired cats need haircuts, but Forest seemed very uncomfortable. He's a cotton haired Persian, so his coat is quite different to my smooth coated, long haired cats.

He's spent the past few weeks sleeping in the sink, hasn't had much appetite and even threw up on one of the hottest days last week. He's a lot more playful now and ate a good breakfast this morning.

I think getting a trim was the best thing for him in this case.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
He's a lot more playful now and ate a good breakfast this morning.

Norachan Norachan - Bob was just sitting on the desk beside me reading your reply and said, "See? See? Pony-riding girl finds a way for giant fluffy cats to eat bigger breakfasts!!!"

He claims that he's going to Japan, but I sincerely doubt that he'll get much further than the food bowl.



TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
We had some nice rain go through today but I didn't step outside long enough to see if it's really helped the weather. The frogs in my yard seemed pretty happy though. I've been seeing itty-bitty baby ones hopping on the patio in the evening when I go check my plants.:hearthrob: They can't be bigger than a nickle; so not even an inch. Just tiny and cute!! And welcome to eat any bugs they want!

I am very very thankful for central air in all this weather. I spent today using up my summer squash and zucchini making breads. I ended up with 5 zucchini breads and 6 summer squash breads. I nearly ran out of several ingredients; but I figured it out. So far 2 of the summer squash breads have stuck to the pans. :cringe:I'm hoping I just tried to remove them too soon. I decided to splurge on some extra pans at the store the other day. It turned out to be a great decision because it really helped me get a routine going. I did learn not to squish 4 pans in the oven though. They took much longer to finish baking. I guess that could be the problem too. I know I greased well!:gaah:

All of the breads have fresh blueberries and most have fresh grated lemon rind too. I forgot with one batch. Oops! We've taste tested one zucchini bread and it was good! I'll keep out a summer squash bread too probably. The rest are going in the freezer for the winter. :yummy:

I managed to make my favorite chili-lime chicken for dinner tonight too. With jalapenos from my garden. They were a bit hotter than usual! I removed all the seeds and ribs too. Not so hot my kids didn't eat it; it was just good! :anticipation:

(I just jumped out of my chair thinking I haven't checked the stove in a bit... Um thats because I'm done. :flail: I need to go to bed!!)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Just because it's hot and the cat has a lot of fur does not mean the cat feels hot. Panthera is black and shorthaired, he lies in the sun although it's 90F out there. Chamouti on the other hand has all that red Maine Coon fur and still hangs out on the sofa if he is not lounging on the tiles. Long-haired cats Do NOT need a haircut just because it is hot. Ask any vet. The cat knows to find a cool place if needed.

Yes, you're right segelkatt segelkatt None of my other long haired cats need haircuts, but Forest seemed very uncomfortable. He's a cotton haired Persian, so his coat is quite different to my smooth coated, long haired cats.

He's spent the past few weeks sleeping in the sink, hasn't had much appetite and even threw up on one of the hottest days last week. He's a lot more playful now and ate a good breakfast this morning.

I think getting a trim was the best thing for him in this case.

@Norachan: I also have a Persian whose fur tangles so easily you could just about watch it getting matted, I did not know that was called cotton-haired. It was so matted that I got her a lion cut about a month ago and she looked and still does like a cat from Mars as my daughter commented. See the pic above. We did not have a heat wave then like we have now and the poor little thing was shivering so bad without her fur that she was curled up in her bed and still shivered. I finally put a heating pad into her bed under her blanket and she spent almost all the time in there she was so cold. Now we have a heat wave and her fur is growing back in so the heating pad is gone and she has found a different place to sleep but does not seem to be suffering from the heat either. It will take another month before it is as long as it was before and starts tangling again. She is also an all-indoor cat unlike Forest who runs around outside. Chamouti's fur never tangles and he has enough hair for 2 cats but it lays down, does not stick up at all. He does not seem to be suffering from the heat but he does not go out on the patio either like that fool Panthera.
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Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
Awww, she looks so sweet! I actually like the lion cut. I know it's not to everyone's taste, but I think it really suits Forest.

He loves going out in his enclosure. Another advantage of him having a trim is that he doesn't come back in with twigs and leaves and seeds adorning his belly.


This picture was taken a few months ago. The weeds are way over his head now.


Got to borrow a mower from someone.



May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
I've been away for over a week, so much to catch up on. My daughter who moved to the west coast earlier this year was in for a visit and we spent the time doing all her favorite things. One of which was going to our lovely Botanic Garden. I had no idea there was a Marilyn Monroe rose, did you?
Botanic Garden Marilyn M rose.jpg


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Hi everyone!
The cicadas are singing their scratchy buzzy songs, my cat is sitting in the wildflowers at the back of the yard, and those three kittens from India that were having a very challenging start in life (lost mama, then lack of nutrition, plus a very distracted vet to say the least) are now doing really well!! All thanks to the consistent care of their finder and a cat welfare organization called Cattitude there in India. :woohoo:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
View attachment 245979

Got to borrow a mower from someone.

Norachan Norachan - You can borrow mine. Owed to the drought, I've cut the lawn twice in twenty-six days. Typically it takes about 32 hours a week to maintain. When you're ready to return it, just put Carpet and Forest Cat inside and lock the doors.


We're getting a little break from the heat here today, but the real 'break' is the break which Antonio65 and his beautiful girl Pallina got overnight. She made it through the post-surgical night, and took nourishment this morning through an e-tube. Her vitals are good and her temperature has returned to the range of normal.

To her surgeon, to everyone on TCS who added their support, their good wishes - and especially, their Prayers for Pallina's recovery - bravo! Every one of you deserves to go out for ice cream today! Hey. Hey! Bring me back a hot fudge sundae, okay?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
segelkatt segelkatt Thank you for your thoughts on humor, which mirror mine exactly! and to others weighing in on the subject. I love diversity and humor but NEVER mean humor at someone else's expense, or any "humor" which is cruel. That's not humor -- that's a sick mind, and I want no part of it. But personally, I've always found our (Indigenous) humor to be very subtle, gentle for the most part, and extremely ironic, as much of it deals with our own suffering and endurance. I'm told a lot of it is not understood by others and I'm not surprised about that. Other cultural humor that I'm fond of is in the same vein, for the most part. It's a way of trying to deal with the harshness of life and its seeming unfairness, in a way where instead of becoming mired in self-pity, we turn it "up" and make it a PAWSitive thing that helps us to get through the day to day.
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine that is stupendously wonderful news. Thank you for the UPdate on Pallina. May she continue to improve, strengthen, and bask in the glow of all of the caring, love and *PRAYERS* going up for her.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Jcatbird Jcatbird --I love your light-hearted humor. I don't like slapstick either. I had a friend who used to love playing practical jokes on me, she would pour salt in my drink/food if I left the table at a restaurant. I don't get it. Don't mess with my food! :headscratch:
My positive for this post is another example of reconnecting with people over cats. I just found out that my best friend from high school is going to school to be a Vet Tech. There are only 2 vet clinics in my small town and she interns at the other one, not the one my cats go to. But we might have to switch if she's any good! What is the difference between a Vet and a Vet Tech anyway?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Jcatbird Jcatbird --I love your light-hearted humor. I don't like slapstick either. I had a friend who used to love playing practical jokes on me, she would pour salt in my drink/food if I left the table at a restaurant. I don't get it. Don't mess with my food! :headscratch:
My positive for this post is another example of reconnecting with people over cats. I just found out that my best friend from high school is going to school to be a Vet Tech. There are only 2 vet clinics in my small town and she interns at the other one, not the one my cats go to. But we might have to switch if she's any good! What is the difference between a Vet and a Vet Tech anyway?
Some people call that "practical joking". I call it a disturbed person, and yeah, I'd tell them in no uncertain terms to stop it. I've come up against stuff like this in my life and I get a bad reaction when I do so. That won't stop me.
Here ya go: Difference Between a Veterinarian & a Veterinarian Technician
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