Scared semi feral stray cat hiding for a month


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 28, 2023
Upstate NY
Yeah I'll do it. It feels like I have a strange magical creature in my house that just poops and eats but I can't see or touch.
LOL, our last cat, Tiger, was like that for almost a year after we brought him home from the Humane Society. Even though the Humane Society didn't know anything about hm other than he was neutered, declawed, and estimated to be 3 - 5 years old, he was someone's pet and not feral.
As many others have said, patience is key. It cannot be stressed enough. Cats can't read a clock or a calendar.
Hang in there, you got this :)
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  • #102


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
One year? Wow. How did you manage to get him out of his shell?

LOL, our last cat, Tiger, was like that for almost a year after we brought him home from the Humane Society. Even though the Humane Society didn't know anything about hm other than he was neutered, declawed, and estimated to be 3 - 5 years old, he was someone's pet and not feral.
As many others have said, patience is key. It cannot be stressed enough. Cats can't read a clock or a calendar.
Hang in there, you got this :)


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
One year? Wow. How did you manage to get him out of his shell?
Many many hours of going about my business talking to him and a ' treat trail" leading to me..... You can read Timmys story,it's quite long but hopefully encouraging " Timmy,Cold Turkey thread)

I did meet Timmy 3yrs ago when his leg was broken & I discovered him under a bush.... I took care of him until he was well and ever since then he used to come around every night( hidden) & watch me with my cats( leash walks) and doing my nightly chores on the property... 2yrs later I took over his " feeding" as the person who left treats for him left the State & contacted me (she watched him from her balcony,terrified of him for 6yrs)


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 22, 2023
Just brought home a stray cat that I've known for 4+ years. He was very friendly outdoors but has a more timid nature. He's about 5.

I've put him in a room so that he'll adapt better.
Since then, he has been:
- hiding in a way that he doesn't see me when I enter the room
- ignoring all treats I put out (kinda steps over it), even the ones he used to eat when he was an outdoor cat. I've changed out the treats and he only eats them occasionally.
- only coming out at night or when the house is quiet (when we're sleeping or out of the house)
- ignored all attempts to play
- eating drinking and using the litterbox well
- ignores catnip pillow

I've tried to:
- block off all hiding spots except the donut bed, which he primary hides in now
- sit in a room quietly with him
- put a piece of clothing so he will get used to the scent
- put on feliway and calming music
- play with him (but failed)
- put food out at a set time: I've tried to feed wet food at a certain time so he will associate me with food. However, his fear prevents him from coming out immediately to eat and I got worried that the food goes back. I now put dry food down at 9pm and clear it the next day. As much as I don't want to free feed, I don't want him to starve. So now I kinda shake the kibble in the bowl when I come in.
- respecting his space and not approaching him cause he clearly doesn't want to

I feel like I've done everything I know to do. I don't know what else to do and it's making me very sad. This is especially so cause we were friends before and now I can't even get to see or pet him.

Do I just wait it out? What do I do?
I don't intend to put him back; he has made some progress (ie not running so quickly when he hears things) but it's not much and slow.

I've read forums about playing music with vocals so he'll get used to it so I'm trying that now. But overall I feel very demoralized and sad. I feel I've done all I know to do. Mentally I know he will take time, have read threads here saying that some cats take months to get out of hiding. I also feel that I've done the wrong thing, and have been trying to block out those doubts, cause I feel all cats should have a loving home, especially since I stay in a city. I also feel sad that I can't really get friends over cause I'm worried the sounds will scare him.
Girl been there, please don't beat yourself up. I have Bella which was our hotel mascot. She would let me pet her every where all day long. When it came time to get her lord you would have thought I was going to harm her lol. My friend said use a bigger carrier and she was right 💜. I got Bella home and at first she hid, didn't use the litter box etc. She is a pro at all of that now. I would truly say just give your furr baby a chance to just decompress, I use music in with Bella it is a live feed that plays soft relaxing music and shows all kinds of fish, sharks, dolphins,and pretty jellyfish. Not sure if that is the reason she is calm or not, yet it seems to help. Not sure if anyone would agree yet I feel like once the kitty is comfortable then rhe hiding will be less and less. We have to remember that they lived on the streets for so long that things will take time. Street kitties are some of the hardest to crack in my opinion. I have 3 kittens at home and they all can see each other under the door and swat with purpose as they do. But it gives them that safe zone. Please please give yourself a break you are taking care of the fur baby and you need to know you are doing the right thing. We are here for you in every way 💜💜💜💜.


TCS Member
Young Cat
Mar 28, 2023
Upstate NY
One year? Wow. How did you manage to get him out of his shell?
Patience and perseverance. Cats, like people, have their own personalities. Some are introverted, like Tiger, very skittish and cautious where others are very social and friendly. I adjusted our lifestyle and expectectations around his needs and didn't try to force him into ours.
Our current cat, Lunar, is the polar opposite of Tiger. She was out socializing with our (then) 5 year old granddaughter within 2 days of being brought home. Here she is a week later.



Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Patience and perseverance. Cats, like people, have their own personalities. Some are introverted, like Tiger, very skittish and cautious where others are very social and friendly. I adjusted our lifestyle and expectectations around his needs and didn't try to force him into ours.
Our current cat, Lunar, is the polar opposite of Tiger. She was out socializing with our (then) 5 year old granddaughter within 2 days of being brought home. Here she is a week later.

View attachment 465185
Granddaughter looks very gentle and Lunar looks very co-operative- lol,very cute ( both)
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  • #107


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
To update, whiskers has definitely associated us with food. He now comes out of the donut hiding spot almost immediately (1,2 minutes) after we leave the room, cause we do usually leave treats after cleaning or spending time with him. I'm not sure if that really counts as progress but that was something I wanted to establish for a while.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
To update, whiskers has definitely associated us with food. He now comes out of the donut hiding spot almost immediately (1,2 minutes) after we leave the room, cause we do usually leave treats after cleaning or spending time with him. I'm not sure if that really counts as progress but that was something I wanted to establish for a while.
Yes it is progress- you'll see Whiskers coming out with you present soon as you might hang around a little longer speaking softly on your way out and on your way in- associating your voice with being a good and familiar sound...... surely it is progress
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  • #109


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
Yeah I always explain to him what I'm doing and tell him what a brave good boy he is today.
Maybe I'll hang around a bit longer when I put down dinner.

Yes it is progress- you'll see Whiskers coming out with you present soon as you might hang around a little longer speaking softly on your way out and on your way in- associating your voice with being a good and familiar sound...... surely it is progress


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
To update, whiskers has definitely associated us with food. He now comes out of the donut hiding spot almost immediately (1,2 minutes) after we leave the room, cause we do usually leave treats after cleaning or spending time with him. I'm not sure if that really counts as progress but that was something I wanted to establish for a while.
Yup, good progress. Yes, stay with him longer after his meal otherwise he thinks you are just the server :lol:
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  • #111


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
Yeah I was just cleaning his room and decided to put the treat before cleaning this time instead of after. When I left to put something, he stuck his little head out but quickly went back in when I came back into the room. He knows I give food but he's still scared of me I suppose. I'm sitting in the room with my back facing him, hopefully that's less intimidating to him.

Yup, good progress. Yes, stay with him longer after his meal otherwise he thinks you are just the server :lol:


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Yeah I was just cleaning his room and decided to put the treat before cleaning this time instead of after. When I left to put something, he stuck his little head out but quickly went back in when I came back into the room. He knows I give food but he's still scared of me I suppose. I'm sitting in the room with my back facing him, hopefully that's less intimidating to him.
Don't worry, he's getting use you. Keep it up!
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  • #113


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
There's this weird crying sound in my house that my husband thinks it's whiskers. I'm thinking it's from another house. What do I do if it's from whiskers? I can't do anything much cause he's still scared of me and it's worrying me. He's eating and using the litterbox well. Nothing strange from the camera either. This worries me greatly :(


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
There's this weird crying sound in my house that my husband thinks it's whiskers. I'm thinking it's from another house. What do I do if it's from whiskers? I can't do anything much cause he's still scared of me and it's worrying me. He's eating and using the litterbox well. Nothing strange from the camera either. This worries me greatly :(
It probably is Whiskers you're hearing -I know it sounds like kitties are " crying" but it's how they sound meowing- it's how they talk ( usually to get a humans attention)

So although it sounds like crying ,Whiskers is probably saying " anybody out there? How about a snack"-its very likely he wants something .You think he doesn't like you and is scared of you but he just might like it when you're around- cats are social creatures - even when you go in his safe room and he hides he's getting to know you

I do not think there's anything for you to be concerned about- meowing for you to hear is a good thing

My Graycie will make the strangest meow sound sometimes - its when she has one particular toy and she want to give it to me or show me she has it,like a prize as if she caught a mouse..I say " oh what a good girl" and then she's quiet when she gives me the toy,lol The point is it truly sound like crying but she's talking to me from another room,calling out:" I have something for you".....
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  • #115


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
Thanks for this. I've never heard whiskers cry like this tho when he was an outside cat tho. That's what makes me very concerned. He has a very high pitched miao and this sound just sounds sad.

It probably is Whiskers you're hearing -I know it sounds like kitties are " crying" but it's how they sound meowing- it's how they talk ( usually to get a humans attention)

So although it sounds like crying ,Whiskers is probably saying " anybody out there? How about a snack"-its very likely he wants something .You think he doesn't like you and is scared of you but he just might like it when you're around- cats are social creatures - even when you go in his safe room and he hides he's getting to know you

I do not think there's anything for you to be concerned about- meowing for you to hear is a good thing

My Graycie will make the strangest meow sound sometimes - its when she has one particular toy and she want to give it to me or show me she has it,like a prize as if she caught a mouse..I say " oh what a good girl" and then she's quiet when she gives me the toy,lol The point is it truly sound like crying but she's talking to me from another room,calling out:" I have something for you".....
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  • #116


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
Is this just like a baby? Do I just ignore the crying sound if I don't think anything is wrong? He isn't acting any different, and if anything he's actually improving cause he comes out so quickly for food the moment I leave the room. It used to take him hours but now it's a matter of minutes.


TCS Member
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Forum Helper
Jul 21, 2023
Northeast Ohio
I think that sometimes that very high pitch meow is asking if anybody is there and it may differ from cat to cat. I've got 2 cats taken from outdoors, one will use that high pitch meow, almost sounds like he's asking a question, when he can't find me. The other cat makes a tiny chirrup sound when I ask him where he is.

I answer both of them and it seems to satisfy them.
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  • #118


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
The more I think about it, the more worried I get. He doesn't seem to have any health issues from what I see from the camera though. If anything, he's improving. Why the crying?
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  • #119


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
I should say that I did bring him to the vet when I first brought him home and he's fine.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
The more I think about it, the more worried I get. He doesn't seem to have any health issues from what I see from the camera though. If anything, he's improving. Why the crying?
Like I said- it sounds like a baby "crying"' it is the sounds a cat makes- cats don't meow to one another to " talk"-this is how they get a humans attention---- as D DeesCats mentioned that she simply acknowledges her cats " calling:" and it seems to satisfy them- that's usually all it takes ,I answer too and then they are quiet ( satisfied)

If its like a howling to be let out then yes,you'd ignore it( is he meowing at the door- do you see in the camera?).... If they simply want to know where you're at- answer

He's nuetered ,right?