Scared semi feral stray cat hiding for a month


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Update: whiskers is still fairly scared of me. I can see from the camera that he's in a relax laze but when I come into the room, he kinda sits in a loaf, or something even with the front paws up standing. He does blink back to me but sometimes after cleaning his room (softly) he is too scared to eat churu.

I'll just keep on spending time with him. He doesn't have a locked gaze on me anymore. He does look away.
Here are some articles for you to read :-

How To Get A Cat To Come Out Of Hiding? [Answered] - TheCatSite

Stress in Cats - The Ultimate Guide - TheCatSite

16 Top Cat Experts Share Tips For Dealing With Timid Cats - TheCatSite

10 Must-know Tips For Happy Living With A Shy Cat - TheCatSite
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  • #142


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
Thanks for these. I've done everything I've known to do: giving him a safe space, feliway, spending time with him. I think he just needs time. That's something I've accepted and is willing to give him. Yesterday I got quite discouraged at his lack of progress but I guess progress isn't linear and he's already come a long way.



Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Thanks for these. I've done everything I've known to do: giving him a safe space, feliway, spending time with him. I think he just needs time. That's something I've accepted and is willing to give him. Yesterday I got quite discouraged at his lack of progress but I guess progress isn't linear and he's already come a long way.
Yes, giving him more time is important. No point rushing him and at the end get back to square one again.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Thanks for these. I've done everything I've known to do: giving him a safe space, feliway, spending time with him. I think he just needs time. That's something I've accepted and is willing to give him. Yesterday I got quite discouraged at his lack of progress but I guess progress isn't linear and he's already come a long way.
There's nothing to be discouraged about- Whiskers is home,he's safe,he's not outside freezing or Lord Knows where or what-he is fine,he is eating,he is drinking,he's not bouncing off the walls and he's not depressed ( if he was depressed he'd not be eating)

So what's there to be discouraged about ,you need to be patient and good things are worth waiting for..... keep going about your business,spending time near him and he'll come around- when he is ready to

charbby charbby I don't know what kind of cleaning your doing in his room besides his litter box,food & water dishes but I do hope it's not vacuuming and overhauling the room- it's great to have everything clean and tidy but some things can just wait,just putting that out there for consideration

I love a clean house,I really do and I like watching TV & all things I normally do but when I first brought my boy in to what mustve seemdd like some terrifying strange alien planet to him I put my normal life on hold( and I'm an extreme quiet person that lives alone) -as a matter of fact I researched to find the quietest vacuum made because mine would suck tye paint of the walls! I can't tell you how long I waited to vacuum the house,I joked with friends that I no longer had carpet ,it was cat hair!

Fast forward a bit- that's all behind,TV sounds like WWIII,vacuum all the time and life went right back to normal -I just gave up a very little to get back a whole lot-.... yesterday I dropped a bunch of utensils emptying the dishwasher- all 5cats jumped in the air but 2seconds later they were right back in the kitchen looking at me picking it all up..... because I'm there and they all trust me

Anyway,I have no idea about your household but I do know that we've got to slow everything down to accommodate a new and very frightened little being - and it's temporary

Please ,,be encouraged - it's all temporary,this time next year when Whiskers is sitting beside you getting petted your going to barely remember these times
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  • #145


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
Hmm someone was telling me here not to tip toe around him but to carry on things per normal to desensitize him from the sounds. I am mindful of how things sound to him but life does need to go on.

There's nothing to be discouraged about- Whiskers is home,he's safe,he's not outside freezing or Lord Knows where or what-he is fine,he is eating,he is drinking,he's not bouncing off the walls and he's not depressed ( if he was depressed he'd not be eating)

So what's there to be discouraged about ,you need to be patient and good things are worth waiting for..... keep going about your business,spending time near him and he'll come around- when he is ready to

charbby charbby I don't know what kind of cleaning your doing in his room besides his litter box,food & water dishes but I do hope it's not vacuuming and overhauling the room- it's great to have everything clean and tidy but some things can just wait,just putting that out there for consideration

I love a clean house,I really do and I like watching TV & all things I normally do but when I first brought my boy in to what mustve seemdd like some terrifying strange alien planet to him I put my normal life on hold( and I'm an extreme quiet person that lives alone) -as a matter of fact I researched to find the quietest vacuum made because mine would suck tye paint of the walls! I can't tell you how long I waited to vacuum the house,I joked with friends that I no longer had carpet ,it was cat hair!

Fast forward a bit- that's all behind,TV sounds like WWIII,vacuum all the time and life went right back to normal -I just gave up a very little to get back a whole lot-.... yesterday I dropped a bunch of utensils emptying the dishwasher- all 5cats jumped in the air but 2seconds later they were right back in the kitchen looking at me picking it all up..... because I'm there and they all trust me

Anyway,I have no idea about your household but I do know that we've got to slow everything down to accommodate a new and very frightened little being - and it's temporary

Please ,,be encouraged - it's all temporary,this time next year when Whiskers is sitting beside you getting petted your going to barely remember these times
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  • #146


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
Update: i put his food bowl directly in front of him during dinner time and he ate some while I was there. He also started grooming when I was there after eating! I'm taking this as a win


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Hmm someone was telling me here not to tip toe around him but to carry on things per normal to desensitize him from the sounds. I am mindful of how things sound to him but life does need to go on.
Carry on with the daily chores. He'll get use to the sounds of daily chores except sudden loud sounds like slamming the door, shouting or hammering etc......

Update: i put his food bowl directly in front of him during dinner time and he ate some while I was there. He also started grooming when I was there after eating! I'm taking this as a win
This is a good sign. Eating and grooming in front of you shows much confidence.

Was just spending some time with him today
He's a lovely boy :hearthrob::redheartpump:
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  • #149


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
He's still scared of me though. He doesn't dare come out of the box unless I lure him out with churu. When he senses I'm about to enter the room, he sprint back to the box :(


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
He's still scared of me though. He doesn't dare come out of the box unless I lure him out with churu. When he senses I'm about to enter the room, he sprint back to the box :(
Announce your arrival by calling out his name sweetly and lovingly and don't just walk right in. Once you announced your arrival, go on your knees and peek into the room and keep calling him. Once you see him, slow eye blink with him and then slowly crawl your way in.

Repeat this every time you enter his room. He'll recognize your footsteps and your voice. Once you are n the room, sit down and slowly inch towards him. Keep doing this till he no longer hides.


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Hmm someone was telling me here not to tip toe around him but to carry on things per normal to desensitize him from the sounds. I am mindful of how things sound to him but life does need to go on.
Yes- I believe I am the one that said to go about your business so he gets used to the sounds of daily activities- but I have no idea what that is to anyone else( lol)- no what I mean?Plus,I have no idea if your kitty cat has ever been inside a home at sometime in his life,feral,semi or stray---- so all those things factor in

For example,I explained what I had to do to help Timmy acclimate to the indoors- he's WORST case scenario so often a good example to encourage others and proof that ANY kitty can be successfully transitioned to the indoors and to a domestic state.... I have the good fortune of knowing his history from the day he was born,outside to a 2nd Gen feral and has been rogue for 6yrs prior to my intervention- not an easy but to crack but certainly doable🤗👍

I visit with a neighbor friend sometimes and her idea of daily housekeeping is pulling couches,wall units etc away from the walls and vacuuming the paint off her walls with an old canister type vacuum that she drags behind her as it crashes into everything throughout the house- lol,I kid you not.I nearly have a nervous breakdown in her house - thank goodness she has no pets😂

Anyway it's difficult to assess any situation without seeing it for yourself- I could tell you stories that would have you ROFL of the home visits I've made over the years to assess behavioral issues - to each his own

So yeah,carry on in a normal way but keep in mind the cats levels of anxiety ( or not) just by being aware of their body language .....I had an extremely frightened true 100 percent older feral to acclimate,undoubtedly this is not your case - if my boy was cornered by anyone they were sure to be sliced n diced,Whiskers gives no indication of being a feral .....

Anyway,Whiskers progress should have you doing cartwheels- he's looks alert, curious,relaxed ,comfy,in great condition and sure is a cutey pie! Hope that clears up any mixed messages you may have been confused by❤
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  • #152


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
Yeah I already do this. But when I call his name (close to the door) before I enter the room, I can see him sprinting to the box from the camera. That makes me a little sad :(

I also do it when I leave the room, cause he does get startled when I stand up. I will stand up and slow blink and slowly retreat backwards.

Announce your arrival by calling out his name sweetly and lovingly and don't just walk right in. Once you announced your arrival, go on your knees and peek into the room and keep calling him. Once you see him, slow eye blink with him and then slowly crawl your way in.

Repeat this every time you enter his room. He'll recognize your footsteps and your voice. Once you are n the room, sit down and slowly inch towards him. Keep doing this till he no longer hides.
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  • #153


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
Update: he ate his food almost immediately when I brought the bowl to his box! Usually I would need to lure him out with churu and point him to the bowl but today he took to it almost immediately and ate it in front of me. He still is very on guard when I enter the room; I think it's cause he can't see who it is? He relaxes into a loaf after I slow blink at him. Progress is progress, even though it isn't linear or immediate.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Yeah I already do this. But when I call his name (close to the door) before I enter the room, I can see him sprinting to the box from the camera. That makes me a little sad :(

I also do it when I leave the room, cause he does get startled when I stand up. I will stand up and slow blink and slowly retreat backwards.
Update: he ate his food almost immediately when I brought the bowl to his box! Usually I would need to lure him out with churu and point him to the bowl but today he took to it almost immediately and ate it in front of me. He still is very on guard when I enter the room; I think it's cause he can't see who it is? He relaxes into a loaf after I slow blink at him. Progress is progress, even though it isn't linear or immediate.
Your answer to the above question is in this post of yours. Give him more time to settle down. He's doing great except that at times he's just unsure. Just keep assuring him and don't give up.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Sep 7, 2023
I've been following this thread since I signed up here and while it may not seem like it to you, I think you're making great progress.

The photo you posted does not represent a scared cat at all, in my opinion, even if his actions has you thinking otherwise. Keep up the hard work!
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  • #156


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
Maybe that's cause I only take photos after he relaxes. It takes about 5 minutes of talking to him and blinking to him to get him to relax haha

I've been following this thread since I signed up here and while it may not seem like it to you, I think you're making great progress.

The photo you posted does not represent a scared cat at all, in my opinion, even if his actions has you thinking otherwise. Keep up the hard work!
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  • #157


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
This is his face after I removed the litter box from his room. Some sounds could be heard outside of my husband cleaning it etc and spooked him.



Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
This is his face after I removed the litter box from his room. Some sounds could be heard outside of my husband cleaning it etc and spooked him.
It is normal for cats to be or get spooked. My boy gets spooked all the time. He's already 8 years old and he's still doing the same thing. Any loud sounds like vacuum cleaner or he sees me taking out poles that hangs clothes to dry or people talking loudly outside the house, he gets spooked and goes into hiding till all coast is clear.

So again, I say, it's normal for them to get spooked and go hide. Just keep encouraging him and tell him it's ok and whether or not he continues to hide, it's ok. He's just taking cover for his own safety.
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  • #159


TCS Member
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Adult Cat
Nov 20, 2023
Yeah I get. My short term goal is for him not to tense up when the door opens. Then the next step is not to hide when the door opens. Baby steps.

It is normal for cats to be or get spooked. My boy gets spooked all the time. He's already 8 years old and he's still doing the same thing. Any loud sounds like vacuum cleaner or he sees me taking out poles that hangs clothes to dry or people talking loudly outside the house, he gets spooked and goes into hiding till all coast is clear.

So again, I say, it's normal for them to get spooked and go hide. Just keep encouraging him and tell him it's ok and whether or not he continues to hide, it's ok. He's just taking cover for his own safety.