My Feral And Rescued Cats

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Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
I had a strange thing happen, Waffles' microchip came out through his skin! Never heard of that. Last evening he was on my lap and I was scratching his neck and felt a hard thing stuck in his fur, it turned out to be the microchip! It was stuck with a little dried blood.
Since I use feeders that open to each cat's microchip I have to get him in for a new one. I took it over in my hand and sure enough it opened his feeder.
Couldn't get a collar on him last night with the tag to open the feeder.
Ugh. He's so difficult to get in a carrier having been at least semi-feral so it's not going to be fun for either of us. He's never gone for the feeding in a carrier or being approached.
So weird that it came out! :dunno:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
pearl99 pearl99 OMC! One of several reasons I'm not in the microchip club. Hoping he will get his new one in without too much stress.
Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose I won't trade stories. I'm sure I don't need to. *PRAYERS* and BEST thoughts for you, for things to get un-rough quickly and for you to be able to have some calm time.


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
pearl99 pearl99 OMC! One of several reasons I'm not in the microchip club. Hoping he will get his new one in without too much stress.
Got it done. It wasn't too bad for him. I closed the door when he was in one of the bedrooms (is an office so no bed to hide under) and was able to towel him and place him in the carrier. He didn't yowl much and they did the chip while in the carrier. He won't talk to me for awhile but he's home and okay.
Just have to have him eat from his chip feeder to have it set to him only. The other two are in the basement until he eats. Whew! So weird.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Got it done. It wasn't too bad for him. I closed the door when he was in one of the bedrooms (is an office so no bed to hide under) and was able to towel him and place him in the carrier. He didn't yowl much and they did the chip while in the carrier. He won't talk to me for awhile but he's home and okay.
Just have to have him eat from his chip feeder to have it set to him only. The other two are in the basement until he eats. Whew! So weird.
Yes, weird indeed! Feliway spray has been VERY helpful at keeping cats in this furmily calm while in carrier and in transit. Just mentioning.
ConCATs! Hoping it stays in this time. Must be something to do with being "formerly fera!l"


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
Jcatbird Jcatbird So glad to hear that you are doing okay. Sorry to hear that your phone troubles are still ongoing. Sending love and hugs to you. Take care and have a good weekend. ❤😊
strider rose strider rose Thank you for posting an update about Jcatbird. Have a good weekend. 🙂
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Thank you so much. Prayers and good thoughts coming your way. These are very challenging times. I hope things get better for you. Have a wonderful Caturday😺 and weekend. ❤
Maria Bayote Maria Bayote Are you back from your vacation? I hope all is well. 😀

pearl99 pearl99 Wow! So glad you were able to get Waffles in the carrier and get him re-chipped. I was curious to see how common it is for microchips to move around and come out from under the skin and in this article it states 1 out of every 10,000 pets out of 3.7 million pets that they studied. There are some interesting things mentioned in this article. Here it is. Second Microchips: Should You Re-Chip Your Pet? - Michelson Found Animals Foundation

Wishing everyone here a great weekend. Take care.❤❤❤


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Vet appointment went well. Hek had a shot for her arthritis, which she will get monthly. We're going to try the thyroid medicine in Greenies pill pockets. If that does not work, we'll try her on a special thyroid diet. I'm hoping she will love the pill pockets! If NEITHER works, and I cannot get funding/transportation to take her out of town for radioactive iodine therapy, I'll keep her happy as possible until her weight loss gets unsustainable, then I'll break my heart and let her go.

I did have to laugh...when the vet administered the Solensia injection, Hek, who had been VERY subdued, blew up like an outraged dragon! Fur on end, all fours scrambling different direction, hissing like that aforementioned dragon. The vet and the tech had the biggest eyes, and both of their jaws dropped! They're used to her spiciness, but this was something else! However, they recovered quickly, as did she, and the tech remarked, "I was really startled, but she never tried to hurt me, just to get away." That's my girl! She's strong, and she will fight to get loose, but not deliberately cause harm.


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
Yes, weird indeed! Feliway spray has been VERY helpful at keeping cats in this furmily calm while in carrier and in transit. Just mentioning.
ConCATs! Hoping it stays in this time. Must be something to do with being "formerly fera!l"
Thanks for the mention. I've used Feliway in the past, I should get some spray to have on hand for times like this.
I sure hope it stays in too! It did for almost 7 years that I've had him, chances are good!

pearl99 pearl99 pearl99 pearl99 Wow! So glad you were able to get Waffles in the carrier and get him re-chipped. I was curious to see how common it is for microchips to move around and come out from under the skin and in this article it states 1 out of every 10,000 pets out of 3.7 million pets that they studied. There are some interesting things mentioned in this article. Here it is. Second Microchips: Should You Re-Chip Your Pet? - Michelson Found Animals Foundation
I read the article, wow, the chances of this are so slim, yet Waffles was chosen...
I did rechip due to having to use microchip feeders, would be hard to get a collar on him with the tag and more of a chance THAT would come off than the chip come out.
But, all done! Feeder programmed to the new chip and he's speaking to me again.


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
Thanks for the mention. I've used Feliway in the past, I should get some spray to have on hand for times like this.
I sure hope it stays in too! It did for almost 7 years that I've had him, chances are good!

I read the article, wow, the chances of this are so slim, yet Waffles was chosen...
I did rechip due to having to use microchip feeders, would be hard to get a collar on him with the tag and more of a chance THAT would come off than the chip come out.
But, all done! Feeder programmed to the new chip and he's speaking to me again.
Glad to hear that everything is working out with Waffles new microchip. Yes, Waffles is a 1 in 10,000 kitty according to that article. I hope this time the microchip doesn't migrate or come out. So glad that Waffles has forgiven you for the vet visit.😀 I had a kitty that went into hiding for nearly a week after a vet visit, it was that traumatizing to them and then they went back to their normal behavior acting as if nothing happened.

Well, thanks for telling your story. Hope you are having a wonderful Caturday.😺


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
We're going to try the thyroid medicine in Greenies pill pockets. If that does not work, we'll try her on a special thyroid diet. If NEITHER works, and I cannot get funding/transportation to take her out of town for radioactive iodine therapy, I'll keep her happy as possible until her weight loss gets unsustainable, then I'll break my heart and let her go.
If HeK does not take to the Greenies pill pockets can you get the transdermal gel form of the medicine which I assume is Methimazole?
I found that very easy to administer to Carleton especially since he's so difficult to pill and I could not hide a pill in any way shape or form. Eventually we did end up getting the I-131 treatment which has a very high success rate but we needed time to save up for it and the stimulus payment(s) during Covid helped too. Thinking of you and sending special thoughts for HeK. :vibes::vibes:🤗


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
If HeK does not take to the Greenies pill pockets can you get the transdermal gel form of the medicine which I assume is Methimazole?
I found that very easy to administer to Carleton
Actually, transdermal was the first thing I tried, as she is notoriously hard to pill. She hated the smell. I'd wait until she was asleep, and do it then, since she ran as soon as I approached with it on my fingers. After about six weeks, she abandoned her favorite sleeping places, and was living under my bed, where I could not reach her. She would only come out if I was undressed and IN the bed, or in the bath tub, or in my recliner with the footrest up. If I started to stand, she was back under the bed again. It took almost six months for her to trust me enough to go back to her normal routine. She's a hard-headed little thing! But thanks for the suggestion.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
If I started to stand, she was back under the bed again. It took almost six months for her to trust me enough to go back to her normal routine. She's a hard-headed little thing! But thanks for the suggestion.
That's how Carleton is with his blood pressure pill and it's not even that big so I understand what you went through with HeK. They are so incredibly smart, aren't they?


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
That's how Carleton is with his blood pressure pill and it's not even that big so I understand what you went through with HeK. They are so incredibly smart, aren't they?
They are! Terrifyingly so, much of the time!

Okay. Glad her phone works for you. 😢
Oh, Sweetie, is NOTHING personal, and her phone works off and on. I've tried for days to reacher her, finally get through, and two minutes in, the call drops. Many times. It's very hit and miss and miss and miss and miss and miss. And it is her entire area. I have another friend fairly close to her, and it happens with them, as well.
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