My Feral And Rescued Cats

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
but I did get it 2x at BJ's.
Ha! You must live in the North East like me! I think that's the only place that has BJs Warehouse. :)

We all have those days we need a big hug. Hang in there.
Thank you. I always try to simply "hang on" in hopes that things can get better someday for the cats & I. ☀

Wishing one and all here a Happy Mew Year 2022! Hope things will be better
Thank you. I hope so too. :crossfingers:

rubysmama rubysmama --That quote is so true. We have to simply Go On...Learn & Keep Going. 🚶‍♀️

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
One of our local store shelves are so bare of national canned cat food brands
I have been having problems also with my cats' preferred brand and flavors. Felix Cat food in jelly is zero existence in all physical and online stores from where I am. Now I have been feeding them Fancy Feast which is their second option, but they do not eat it with the same gusto as they do with Felix.

HAPPY 2022 everyone! Here's praying that we have way better lives this year, financially, mentally and healthwise. So that we can continue our mission to get out there and save more cats (and dogs) in need. Hats off to all kitty lovers and kitty heroes. May the force be with us all!


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
I have a lot I want to say to everyone here but it will probably take me a post or two because I have been going hard for awhile and there are so many here that I need to thank for being here to offer love and support. Please hang in there with me!
The first time I came looking around on TCS I was looking for help. Little did I know the extent of the help I would find. Kind of funny looking back now. After reading posts by others I thought, maybe I am pretty fortunate. I have gotten a few cats to safety and I see other people here who are struggling against similar circumstances. Some have it even harder and some are being criticized for their efforts just like I have been criticized. Then I thought, maybe I can offer what I found or offer my gratitude for what they are doing. I am not alone. Maybe I can offer encouragement. Maybe, together we can be stronger? I figured out how to post for the first time and then I went back to trying to get kitties inside. It was a pretty good while before I returned. I had been through some very exhausting days and nights but again, I saw others working sooo hard when I came to TCS! Some were very discouraged, just as I was ,but in my eyes, they were cat guardians and kitty heros. That was when I posted the post you see here as the beginning of this thread. I was looking for hope and I found it. In my efforts to give encouragement I actually got more than I gave. Each time I felt exhausted or that I would not be able to get through to all the cats in the colony, someone here spoke to me. They told me of their struggles, experiences, offered support or just gave me a smile and that gave me strength to continue. It finally hit me that the kitties here had a story for others. They were teaching me things and giving me love that I should share with every person who helped to bring them to safety. The cats of Chez catbird became the cats of every house here. I thank every person who has posted their sympathy to me and told me of their own sorrow of losing BJ. That lets me know that I did manage to share the love these cats give and, in return, the cats got more love than I ever dreamed possible. BJ got so much love! I never could have done that alone. Thank you!! We go into a new year together and stronger for all the love that circulates among us and among all the cats who are touched by any hand or heart here. I know that BJ is watching from under a beautiful cloud that he is wearing as a cat hat.

I took these photos very shortly after he went on his next great adventure. I did not alter them at all. I don’t know what I caught in that last one but it is not like any light anomaly I have caught in a photo before. Take it as you wish.



M maggiedemi BJ hugged you from a distance and can now hug you every night. He guards you. The angels were always here.
Thank you for telling me about the award. I had not seen it before you posted about it but it comes at a time that helps. I have felt a great debt of gratitude to everyone here and if I have given any of that back, it is a great comfort to me. I do hope I have been a true friend to you in every sense of the word. It is my belief that we should be doing our part to help each other in this world and to help all living creatures. We are the keepers of the gardens and guardians of this earth. If we don’t nurture and preserve all that is good…. Who will? I get a halo? That would be great! A continuous loop of prayers. That must be why I get through things.

dustydiamond1 dustydiamond1 Thank you for being our voice while mine was hushed. I know that helped me and helped others. I love the rainbow paws picture.

Maria Bayote Maria Bayote Sad days but I hold on to all the happy and amazing days. That is how we get through, we hold on when the waves threaten to sweep us away and remember what they gave us. They give so much! It does “suck” but it would be even worse if we had missed the chance to know such an amazing cat. What if he had never come in? I am so very grateful that he came to spend his days with us all. So very grateful for all he taught us about the lives and abilities of cats. As much time as I have spent with cats you would think I know what cats can do. Nope! What I know is a drop in the bucket and I know that because BJ told me so. He expanded my world.

BellaGooch BellaGooch BJ was so very sweet. With the help of your prayers, I will rest.

Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 I know he is there with your Dad and Sarah and Smokey and so many others. He deserves rainbows and cat dances. A star winked at you? I am quite sure that was BJ. Did you see the photo above?

Norachan Norachan No matter how large the Clowder, losing any one of them is huge. I know you know that too. BJ was the last cat of the colony in and I was so thankful he was safe. I remember saying that if the last cat of the colony ever came in, we would have to celebrate. We did. It will remain a celebration of a very special life and a very special cat. Thank you for understanding that I have been a little tired and overwhelmed. The love shared here kept me going.

Lari Lari I think you did know him personally. Our cat in the hat. I could hear through your posts about him that he held a special place in your heart. That is very personal. He made us smile too! You gave me a beautiful image and I smiled at the thought of him with a new type of hat. Maybe he liked hats because he was always an angel who was missing his halo.

tabbytom tabbytom It helps me to know how much BJ was loved. This Pawverb is especially appropriate. BJ did save me and many others. I can almost feel a kitty paw patting my head.

rubysmama rubysmama Shock and pain. Lots of tears.I hate knowing how many people are so sad but it also tells me how much love was here for him. At least we can be here for each other and for his furmily. Those were not ugly tears you shed, they are the water droplets that will form the prisms that cast rainbows for his next dance. If a tidal wave of tears comes by, do not fret, We are just making sure there are giant rainbows surrounding BJ. I love the photo tribute. All the photos of BJ make me smile. How can I resist that cat? I keep using the word amazing in reference to BJ and he was but someone else used the word awe. I was in awe of BJ every waking moment. Beyond cat, beyond human and beyond any creature I have known. There was something in that cat that I cannot name but it beautiful, funny and always a surprise. Blessed. Yes.

CL56 CL56 Yes. Heart broken too. I know that BJ carries a piece of each broken heart with him though. He will take those pieces above the rainbows so that we can all feel the freedom of an endless expanse of beautiful skies when all the pieces are joined together. I would bet that he is working on mending the pieces now.

Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose I am sad but sad for us. We hurt but BJ does not. BJ accomplished so much in such a short time. He spent his life working to give to us all and now it is time for him to be able to play. He is probably trying to get all the angels to give him kisses now. Prayers and hugs rec a felt!

N NY cat man Words go fail. It has taken me days to find my voice again. I found it when I went back through all my memories of calling to BJ in the woods and finally having him answer me.It was one of the most amazing memories I will ever have and I can still feel the joy of that moment. I think that is what he would want most. He was always all about offering comfort. Besides being a rescuer, he was a lover and therapy cat to all creatures.

muffy muffy It really helps to have everyone here now. You and all our other friends will get us through this. Beloved cats and beloved friends!

Flybynight Flybynight It is so comforting to have friends like you here. The hugs remind me to take care of myself. I will. BJ would be glad to see hugs sent.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 I appreciate the consideration of waiting to talk to me. I would also want you to know that I would always make time to talk to you as long as I am awake. Sleep has taken me out a bit recently because of long hours that I did not speak of during past weeks. I know that your fervent prayers and wishes will help to carry me and family during this time. Posts like that lift me up. I feel your strength.

pearl99 pearl99 That was a great tribute! Thank you for pointing it out because that, your post and all the other posts have been a great tribute to my friend and loved one, BJ.

Thank you to everyone who has sent a PM and posted here. It has been an absolutely beautiful outpouring of love and affection for BJ and all here at Chez Catbird. You are all part of our furmily and all helped to rescue these kitties. You are our heros!:grouphug2:

At some point I will post some unshared photos of BJ that may bring smiles but for now, we will close out the year with a ray of sunlight. May it bring a warm glow to every heart. :redheartpump:


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Happy New Year to everyone! Banjo has been patiently waiting to return.

I am waiting!!!!!

Patiently? Ahhhh, yeah, right.

Get up hooman!’

If I pull the pillow out from under you, will you get up?

We have things to do.

We need to wash toys.

I know Banjo.

Unfortunately, the washing machine broke!!

This thing broke?

Well that’s not good! With all the work I have been doing, now I have to fix the washing machine?

A cat’s work is never done!

Uhm. Maybe someone shouldn’t have stashed toys in the motor? I think your credit card might be in there too. It was Whistle who borrowed it.

Thank you Banjo! Smiles to start off the new year. Love, hope, health and strength to all.
May 2022 be a very good year for everyone.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
The first time I came looking around on TCS I was looking for help. Little did I know the extent of the help I would find.
This is the real cat site. Real cats and real hoomans. Glad that you've found this site and have been helped and in return, you and your kitties are giving back to the community here.

Thanks too you and all the kitties at Chez Catbird for being an encouragement to many that needed help


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Jcatbird Jcatbird : Lovely to see you posting again.:hearthrob:

I'm so glad back when you were searching for help with rescuing the ferals, that you stumbled upon TCS, and that we were able to offer encouragement and support to you, and that you in return gave us hours and hours of kitty stories and smiles. Learning to know and love your cats, also has meant that along with the smiles, we've shed some tears, but through both the laughter and the sadness, we've all been here for you, and for each other.

I see the sky was a beautiful clear blue, the day BJ gained his wings. :angel3:
And the last pic, is surely a sign that he is still keeping an eye on you and his feline family. :angelcat:

Loved the Banjo smile post. :bicolorcat:
Hope your washing machine isn't really broken, or if it is, that is it an easy repair job. :crossfingers:

Happy New Year to you, the clowder, and all the TCS members who follow this thread. I hope 2022 is a good one for us all.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Happy New Year to everyone! Banjo has been patiently waiting to return.

I am waiting!!!!!
View attachment 406207
Patiently? Ahhhh, yeah, right.
View attachment 406211
Get up hooman!’
View attachment 406213
If I pull the pillow out from under you, will you get up?
View attachment 406214
We have things to do.
View attachment 406215
We need to wash toys.
View attachment 406216
I know Banjo.
View attachment 406217
Unfortunately, the washing machine broke!!
View attachment 406218
This thing broke?
View attachment 406219
Well that’s not good! With all the work I have been doing, now I have to fix the washing machine?
View attachment 406220
A cat’s work is never done!
View attachment 406221
Uhm. Maybe someone shouldn’t have stashed toys in the motor? I think your credit card might be in there too. It was Whistle who borrowed it.
View attachment 406222
Thank you Banjo! Smiles to start off the new year. Love, hope, health and strength to all.
May 2022 be a very good year for everyone.
Maybe Banjo can effect a repair of the stubborn machine? Obviously she needs those toys to be washed!
There are definitely messages in nature and in dreams for those who will see, and know.


Pearl, my labrador who loved cats. RIP.
Top Cat
Aug 28, 2016
Colorado, USA
Good to see you, Jcatbird Jcatbird ! I hope you are feeling more rested and have slept :redheartpump:.
In the first picture on the right I see BJ with a new cloud hat and maybe that's Smokey climbing up a cloud in the middle!

Washer broken?! Well Banjo is skilled.

Love the sunrise/sunset picture. A good reminder a day is a new dawn.

I agree about TCS and the help and companionship. It's helped me be able to take in a couple more kitties, with all the knowledge and support here.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Here's praying that we have way better lives this year, financially, mentally and healthwise.
Yes! Especially financially. 💰

we go on, we look forward
Yes. Onward and Forward with your help. 🚶‍♀️

Please hang in there with me!
If you want me to, I will! 🤝

Take it as you wish.
That first pic looks like a kitty face! :)

He guards you. The angels were always here.
I like that idea. I could use a guardian angel right now to protect me from the evil one, or get away from her...:crossfingers:

I do hope I have been a true friend to you in every sense of the word. It is my belief that we should be doing our part to help each other in this world and to help all living creatures.
Oh for sure. You grabbed me back from the darkness a billion times. I owe you my life. :hugs:

I would bet that he is working on mending the pieces now.
Mending the pieces, I like this. Hope it happens. 🙏🙌

We need to wash toys.
I love this idea! Wish I was there to do it. Do you have a utility sink? I wish I had one. 🧼🧽

Unfortunately, the washing machine broke!!
Maybe Banjo can convince you to get a front loader now! I like them sooo much better, just sayin'...;)

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Banjo researching washer repair
This made me laugh real hard. Thanks Banjo. Such a cutie.

Yes, may we have much better lives this year. 2021 was tough, really tough. But at least we have each other, our families and our closest friends who are our support system.

Cheers to 2022!


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Did you see the photo above?
I did, indeed! He will never be more than the whisper of a thought away from any of his people who need him. He was just that kind of a cat!
they are the water droplets that will form the prisms that cast rainbows for his next dance.
Dance on, BJ, dance on, until, one by one, we dance with you in joyous reunion!


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
tabbytom tabbytom Thank you!!!! :heartshape:This is the “REAL” cat site! :yess::clapcat: I am so very glad that my path brought me here! I think back to that night and it is truly inspiring that I landed here out of the maze that is the internet. I had NEVER joined any site but I was so moved by what I read here that I joined. THE cat site! I hope I have been giving back and encouraging. The kitties of Chez Catbird are part of this community and I cannot imagine that anyone could see their stories snd not be encouraged by them. All of the kitties on thecatsite encourage me! Cats are extraordinary! :lovecat4: It was a lucky day for me and for these kitties when we found TCS. :redheartpump:

gilmargl gilmargl Aww! We laugh together, smile together and cry together. I think many hearts are United here and we are never alone. Thank you. I think blessings are often needed here and I am grateful that you ask for that for us. I think he has been taking care of me because he has sent furry angels here. I hope you laugh a lot more and are blessed as well.:hugs:

rubysmama rubysmama I am glad to be back. I always miss being away. It just took me some time to rest and gather my thoughts. I knew that sharing the kitties had shared the laughter and then it hit me that we also shared the pain. That part had never been my intention but to see how much the kitties are loved really touched my heart. These kitties are TCS community kitties and not just the cats of Chez Catbird.They sure have gotten a lot of love!

Isn’t it neat how some things work to bring us where we need to be? Of the many times I had looked at cat things on Google, it wasn’t until that night that I came straight to thecatsite! It was the first time I had searched for cat help and I found it. One of the people here , somehow, noticed me post sporadically over a few months and made the effort to message me. That person encouraged me to return and, even though I felt I had little to offer and NO experience, that person gave me the encouragement I needed to return and write. I will never forget them and what they did for us. Now will I forget any other here. It changed my life.

The sky was beautiful blue the day BJ flew away. That photo was taken right outside the window where we had been sitting and enjoying the sunshine just minutes before. I was trying to take a minute before driving and just snapped the pictures without even seeing that anomaly. When I got home and looked, I saw that. I took many quick snaps there in the exact spot but only one had the “eye in the sky” appearance.
The washing machine really is broken. It went out in the middle of the chaotic week. I think it is the suspension arm that holds the tub up and in alignment. I just hope it did not bend the axel. Either way, I cannot fix it. Too heavy for me to lift and take apart. Maybe if all the kitties lifted at once? Lololol Heave Ho!
Happy New Year to all. Positive thinking! It will be a great year! ;):cloud9:

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Banjo might do the repair but she will need all the frogs around here to help! Lol Cats are very good at accomplishing things we never dream they can do.
There are messages all around us. We just have to see and recognize.

pearl99 pearl99 Thank you! Good to be here. I totally think BJ is wearing a stylish cloud hat. It makes sense that Smokey would be there too. Showing him the way!

The dawn of a new day. A fresh start for the world.
So TCS helped you take in two more?!?! That’s wonderful! We do get a lot of ideas and help here.

Purrfect! I love that! Little pink tongue too!

M maggiedemi Indeed! Onward and forward with friends who hang in there with us. Of course I want that!:hugs:
Kitty face ? Yep!

Anytime you need a flashlight to get through the dark, I’ll be there. That’s just what friends do. You don’t owe me a thing. It was done out of love. Also what people who love you would want for you. I’m very glad you are here! What would o do without you? :hugs:
No utility sink. Whatever washing machine o can find is what I may have to get. Many are on back order and I need one now if mine is shot. At this point, whatever works. Lol

Maria Bayote Maria Bayote It made me laugh too! Dear Banjo the tech cat!! I am praying for a great new year for us all. It was tough. Very. We are due for better days but you are right, we have each other.:grouphug::redheartpump:

Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 He is that kind of cat and I think our escort for the future is watching over us.
Now I have an image in my mind of him dancing. Bj and Smokey on hind legs, in each other’s arms, dancing! :)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
may we have much better lives this year
Yes! I'm hoping for it. For us all, kitties & humans... 🙌

I hope you laugh a lot more and are blessed as well.
That says it all. I hope so too. Laughter and Blessings. 🌠

then it hit me that we also shared the pain.
Yes. I hate burdening others with my pain. I would rather be happy & light all the time. But that just isn't possible here. ☹

There are messages all around us. We just have to see and recognize.
Yes, if we can overcome the fear. ;)

Anytime you need a flashlight to get through the dark, I’ll be there. That’s just what friends do.
Yes, I need my flashlight. :hugs:

No utility sink.
Where do you wash the litter boxes? In the tub? Utility sinks are the best. I hope to have one someday. :crossfingers:

our escort for the future is watching over us
I like this idea! I need an escort to guide my feet. 🚶‍♀️

Bj and Smokey on hind legs, in each other’s arms, dancing
Demi used to dance when he was allowed down cellar. But there is just too much clutter down there now I'm not allowed to clean. 😢


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Yes. I hate burdening others with my pain. I would rather be happy & light all the time. But that just isn't possible here. ☹
Please don't think it's a burden when share your pain with us, M maggiedemi . We're here for you, with an ear to listen, or a shoulder to lean on. And, remember, we worry more when you're not here. So vent away, when you need to. We're here for you. 🤗

Where do you wash the litter boxes? In the tub? Utility sinks are the best. I hope to have one someday. :crossfingers:
Just chiming in here, and this would probably be too costly for Jcatbird Jcatbird 's clowder, but I don't have a utility sink either, so no where to easily wash out Ruby's litter box. However, once I found Petkin litter box wipes the problem was solved. They do an excellent job, and don't even take too many (usually 3) to do a thorough cleaning job.
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