My Feral And Rescued Cats

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
When I went out to water the plants this morning, I found this- not one; not two; but three blooms on the 'Hello Screamer' day lily, with a whole bunch more in waiting.View attachment 426301
The 'Bestseller also has multiple blooms about to openView attachment 426302
And Grumpy is still hanging out in the flower beds to keep cool, and, as an added touch, Michele has been adding ice cubes to his water dish. He seems to like that.
Bravo Michele! for cooling Grumpy's water. Thoughtful of her.
"Hello Screamer"? Interesting names these lilies have!


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Ceramic or stainless it is! They have one big stainless bowl for the kibbles. But I guess I have to do some shopping on Saturday for new food bowls.
If you use ceramic or porcelain bowls, remember to soak it once a day with hot water. Ceramic and porcelain bowls may have hairline cracks that is not visible to the hooman eyes as these crevices harbors bacteria.

I soak my boy's polite once a day and wipe his mouth and chin after every meal.

And just because I think this is the most adorable little plant, here's a pic of a very small Bee Balm.
but three blooms on the 'Hello Screamer' day lily


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 I hope the bruise from Scamper is healing and you are on the mend.
Why, THANK YOU! Yes, two of the four scabs have already fallen off, and the bruise will fade very slowly over the next few days. LOL, with all these blood thinners, I am literally a chemically induced hemophiliac! If I even bump my hand, it will bleed under the skin until a big enough knot forms to pinch off the bleeder. That forms a bruise that then spreads and dissipates. I have no fewer than 8-10 bruises on me at any one time, most of which I have no clue about the source!


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Hi everybody. Still packing still moving 20 yrs wortn of stuff. Lots if boxes & bags to go through once we are settled. Lots of stuff to sell. Gypsy is handling things very well, eating, pooping and peeing as usual. Yesterday i disassembled her bedroom window nest which connected the window sill to her cat tree and in the kitchen cat dad dismantled her center island perches made up of 2 of his tall, 3 of his small speakers and a receiver covered in plastic and topped with taped on padding. It was her lounge, spa area and her launch pad to fridge top on the way to her aerie, a box lid atop 3 recievers and a large metal thingamajig which was my grandma's, which also was dismantled. I put her nesting box tops on a plastic shelf unit and she accepted the change although isn't happy that she is not as high in the air as before and can't look down on us. I moved her dining computer table back a few inches to make her launch from it to fridge top a bit easier. She is handling the upheaval of packing, our stress and stuff dissapearing very well, supervising and not hiding until the dreaded vaccuum cleaner comes to life but she appears much sooner than she did once it is gone. Supervisior stays safely out of the way on the porch staging area. 20220717_073801.jpg Accepting temporary aerie. Screenshot_20220717-074120_Gallery.jpg
Inspecting neighbors rock wall on quick trip outside. 20220717_080517.jpg Screenshot_20220717-074636_Gallery.jpg 20220717_080517.jpg 20220717_080602.jpg
Luckily the new place is down the alley only a half a block away so she is still in her former-stray neighborhood. A week ago yesterday we had furniture sitting on the concrete at bottom of our back stairs prior to loading on a friends truck when some rotten a$$whole stole the 3 drawers from my jewelry chest. Nothing of real monetary value but lots of mementos gone forever. Screenshot_20220717-090655_Gallery.jpg
Gypsy gave me a heart today. 20220717_072840.jpg 20220717_091229.jpg
Gotta get busy. Purrs and hugs to one and all.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Hi everybody. Still packing still moving 20 yrs wortn of stuff. Lots if boxes & bags to go through once we are settled. Lots of stuff to sell. Gypsy is handling things very well, eating, pooping and peeing as usual. Yesterday i disassembled her bedroom window nest which connected the window sill to her cat tree and in the kitchen cat dad dismantled her center island perches made up of 2 of his tall, 3 of his small speakers and a receiver covered in plastic and topped with taped on padding. It was her lounge, spa area and her launch pad to fridge top on the way to her aerie, a box lid atop 3 recievers and a large metal thingamajig which was my grandma's, which also was dismantled. I put her nesting box tops on a plastic shelf unit and she accepted the change although isn't happy that she is not as high in the air as before and can't look down on us. I moved her dining computer table back a few inches to make her launch from it to fridge top a bit easier. She is handling the upheaval of packing, our stress and stuff dissapearing very well, supervising and not hiding until the dreaded vaccuum cleaner comes to life but she appears much sooner than she did once it is gone. Supervisior stays safely out of the way on the porch staging area.View attachment 426512Accepting temporary aerie. View attachment 426513
Inspecting neighbors rock wall on quick trip outside.View attachment 426517View attachment 426519View attachment 426517View attachment 426520
Luckily the new place is down the alley only a half a block away so she is still in her former-stray neighborhood. A week ago yesterday we had furniture sitting on the concrete at bottom of our back stairs prior to loading on a friends truck when some rotten a$$whole stole the 3 drawers from my jewelry chest. Nothing of real monetary value but lots of mementos gone forever.View attachment 426524
Gypsy gave me a heart today.View attachment 426525View attachment 426527
Gotta get busy. Purrs and hugs to one and all.
Awwww, those hearts are consolation for what some heartless moron did. What a beautiful armoire! I love the finish. How awful of someone to do that! I had family jewelry stolen a long time ago and have never gotten over it. Maybe you could put an ad on NextDoor(?) to return it no questions asked? Just a thought, probably not a good one but...
I hope Gypsy will grow to love her new castle and enjoy her new catification!


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Oh, they will, without a doubt.
These could at least have left the drawers, though! A beautiful piece of furniture ruined. :fuming:
Yep, we checked for the drawers up & down nearby alleys & streets. We are right next to the alley so either someone going down the alley or our dubious neighbors (who denied everything) did a quick snatch of the 3 drawers. Thank Heavens whoever it was didn't lift the top or open the sides. Wasted my time making a police report. I'd had it for over 40 years :sigh: :sniffle::bawling::argh::cloudy::bat::angrywoman: :angryfire:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Yep, we checked for the drawers up & down nearby alleys & streets. We are right next to the alley so either someone going down the alley or our dubious neighbors (who denied everything) did a quick snatch of the 3 drawers. Thank Heavens whoever it was didn't lift the top or open the sides. Wasted my time making a police report. I'd had it for over 40 years :sigh: :sniffle::bawling::argh::cloudy::bat::angrywoman: :angryfire:
Makes me MAD!!! I hid mine in a place that isn't that concealed, but it's not out in a room.
Don't even start me on how dishonest, sneaky, conniving, greedy, avaricious, and EVIL too many people are. :fuming: May they roast.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Just popping in to wish everyone a Happy Monday.

Hope all is well at Chez Catbird. I know you're super busy Jcatbird Jcatbird , so don't worry about not posting here as often. And don't feel you need to post a long smile post, when you do. Just one pic of any of your cats will always make me smile, and I'm sure the others will agree.

And, also, just speaking for myself, but don't feel you have to reply/comment on my posts. Posting a precious pic of a cat, is much better use of your limited TCS time.

And because I love posting pics, and Miss Ruby is getting her beauty sleep, here's a day lily that just bloomed today for the first time. It's called Irresistible Charm.



Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Makes me MAD!!! I hid mine in a place that isn't that concealed, but it's not out in a room.
Don't even start me on how dishonest, sneaky, conniving, greedy, avaricious, and EVIL too many people are. :fuming: May they roast.
Agreed! There were many big pieces of furniture setting down there. Cat dad S & his wonderful helping friend J were carrying stuff down stairs. 20220718_122432.jpg I was up stairs looking for a screwdriver to remove the dresser mirror. The guys took a breather and got a drink before going back down. About a half an hour later the guys took a load down to the house while Gypsy & I kept an eye on the stuff to be loaded for a trip to the shed. 20220718_122447.jpg
I noticed the drawers were missi g and wondered why they took them out to carry it down stairs since it wasn't really that heavy. When they got back to reload I asked them where they were and that's when we realized they were stolen. Gotta go. Back to the salt mines.
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