Krista's Care

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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Her eating started to slow last night. I had projected her to 4.5 oz had she finished all her portions (second dinner and two feeder mini portions—1 portions split across two feeders.). Instead she pulled up to 3.9 oz. She’s only had half of first breakfast and still working on the second half of second breakfast. Not sure what’s going on here. I did push her bupe dose back an hour but she did finish that first dinner. She had her next dose on time at 2 am and again at 10 am.

Anyway, I feel like I’m teetering on the edge of getting sick. I don’t have time for that. So I’m spending today in fever-break protocol: drink lots of water and sleep under every blanket I can until I wake up in a puddle of sweat. Krista has been curling up on me or next to me during this.
Furballsmom has good ideas and so do you! I remember one time sleeping with so many layers on I couldn't believe it -- and it doesn't even get cold in L.A. Metro! so I must have been sick. I get cold easily. Water sure can't hurt! Does Krista sleep with you? That's the best -- C.A.T. (Cat-Assisted Therapy) for whatever ails you! ;) :cloud9::catlove:


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Sep 7, 2018
EXCELLENT! Krista is adorable, BTW, in her latest pic. :loveeyes:
Are those pretty good? I haven't had one yet. I like the Morning Star Farms and Boca Burgers. That pic makes me hungry! :yummy:
Beyond tastes more like meat than Boca and Morning Star never tasted like meat. But what I really like about the Beyond BBQ is that it has cheese, BBQ sauce, and onion rings. It's the Western Cheeseburger. Even though I think Impossible makes a better patty, Burger King ruins it with their sad, soggy produce, and too much thousand island or whatever gross and lazy sauce they use.


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Sep 7, 2018
Furballsmom has good ideas and so do you! I remember one time sleeping with so many layers on I couldn't believe it -- and it doesn't even get cold in L.A. Metro! so I must have been sick. I get cold easily. Water sure can't hurt! Does Krista sleep with you? That's the best -- C.A.T. (Cat-Assisted Therapy) for whatever ails you! ;) :cloud9::catlove:
I mostly feel medicated or possibly over-medicated today. I took a TheraFlu in the morning that probably should have worn off by now. I also took a Mucinex because I've been taking Mucinex since the fires have fouled the air. Between the two medicines, I got two doses of the cough suppressant. It was the only overlap. I figured I'd sleep it off if it got weird. I don't feel particularly feverish. But I'm also not breaking a sweat bundled up under blankets. Since I get so few opportunities to just sleep, I may go back down for another nap or three.


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Beyond tastes more like meat than Boca and Morning Star never tasted like meat. But what I really like about the Beyond BBQ is that it has cheese, BBQ sauce, and onion rings. It's the Western Cheeseburger. Even though I think Impossible makes a better patty, Burger King ruins it with their sad, soggy produce, and too much thousand island or whatever gross and lazy sauce they use.
It sounds really good!


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I mostly feel medicated or possibly over-medicated today. I took a TheraFlu in the morning that probably should have worn off by now. I also took a Mucinex because I've been taking Mucinex since the fires have fouled the air. Between the two medicines, I got two doses of the cough suppressant. It was the only overlap. I figured I'd sleep it off if it got weird. I don't feel particularly feverish. But I'm also not breaking a sweat bundled up under blankets. Since I get so few opportunities to just sleep, I may go back down for another nap or three.
I know the feeling, being an insomniac! Hope you get that opPURR-TUNA-ty ;)


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Sep 7, 2018
I tried to bupe her before dinner, holding her in front of me, syringe to her mouth, and somehow got most of it sprayed in my face. I wonder how well I’ve actually been buping her.

I don’t want to double bupe her because I know she got some. Instead, I’ve added three drops of CBD oil to her tuna treat meal that I give her after bupe. I’m hoping that makes up for the portion of the dose that I’m wearing on my face. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤞

I don’t normally like to combine bupe and CBD as they share the same detoxification pathway in the liver. The two of them together can deepen the sedative effects of each. But I feel more confident that I’m wearing most of her dose. Not confident enough to give her another dose like the one I squirted on her chin yesterday. But confident enough that she didn’t get a full dose tonight. 😿


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Sep 7, 2018
Makes me wonder if I botched another dose or two last night or this morning. Maybe that’s why she’s slowed her eating.

If my pre-surgery observation of CBD with her holds, it might even pick up her appetite.

In any case, she had a lot of work done. She didn’t have that many teeth left but she had a few. Plus the roots. Probably all four quadrants of her mouth got some work. I believe I paid for four dental blocks.

Obviously I want to stop the weight loss and maybe put weight back on her. But she’s got the rest of her life to do that. For now, I want her to take the recovery at her pace and I’ll try better to get all the bupe in her face rather than mine next time.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Makes me wonder if I botched another dose or two last night or this morning. Maybe that’s why she’s slowed her eating.

If my pre-surgery observation of CBD with her holds, it might even pick up her appetite.

In any case, she had a lot of work done. She didn’t have that many teeth left but she had a few. Plus the roots. Probably all four quadrants of her mouth got some work. I believe I paid for four dental blocks.

Obviously I want to stop the weight loss and maybe put weight back on her. But she’s got the rest of her life to do that. For now, I want her to take the recovery at her pace and I’ll try better to get all the bupe in her face rather than mine next time.


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Sep 7, 2018
I think I did a better job with the bupe this time. I didn’t wear any of it. I don’t think she’s wearing it either. I plated an all tuna portion to see if she might eat it better. I also plated a smaller portion of rabbit by itself to see if that might appeal to her. We can try turkey tomorrow. I tried duck earlier and she nibbled. I’ll be surprised if she makes it to two ounces today. 😿 I’ll contact the dentist tomorrow.


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I think I did a better job with the bupe this time. I didn’t wear any of it. I don’t think she’s wearing it either. I plated an all tuna portion to see if she might eat it better. I also plated a smaller portion of rabbit by itself to see if that might appeal to her. We can try turkey tomorrow. I tried duck earlier and she nibbled. I’ll be surprised if she makes it to two ounces today. 😿 I’ll contact the dentist tomorrow.
*Hoping your prediction is surpassed, by a lot.* *Prayers and best thoughts of wellness for you both.* How are you feeling today?


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Sep 7, 2018
Last night, I decided I want her eating more than I want her eating better. I put out a half portion of tuna by itself at 2am after bupe. Picked up a clean plate. That took her to 2.5 oz for the day.

She finished first breakfast of just tuna (Tiki Cat Ahi Tuna, not tuna meat only.). I’m going to weigh the remainder (probably 3 or 4 grams), before changing it out for a new plate for second breakfast.


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Sep 7, 2018
Myself? I feel a little weak and run down but not sore or feverish. Mostly I feel medicated. I guess tomorrow morning will be something of a test for both Krista and me. I have to take my car back to the mechanic between her breakfasts. I’ll see about stretching her to a 12 hour bupe schedule tonight. 6 and 6. That way I can bupe her before I go. I’ll set out the timed feeders. And I’ll see how well I do for a few hours outside of the home.


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Myself? I feel a little weak and run down but not sore or feverish. Mostly I feel medicated. I guess tomorrow morning will be something of a test for both Krista and me. I have to take my car back to the mechanic between her breakfasts. I’ll see about stretching her to a 12 hour bupe schedule tonight. 6 and 6. That way I can bupe her before I go. I’ll set out the timed feeders. And I’ll see how well I do for a few hours outside of the home.
Sounds like she's doing well. Hope you soon will be, too. I know how you feel about being sick. I can't afford to be sick, either, and will drag myself on all fours if necessary to get my work done.


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Sep 7, 2018
Sounds like she's doing well. Hope you soon will be, too. I know how you feel about being sick. I can't afford to be sick, either, and will drag myself on all fours if necessary to get my work done.
Oh no! I’m the opposite. If I get sick, I shutdown and employ the fever-break protocol: take TheraFlu (usually the nighttime), drink water, and sleep under every blanket I can muster until I wake in a pool of sweat. This usually doesn’t take more than a day or two. Then it’s Mucinex for a month until the drip is gone.

I’ve been trying fever-break protocol this weekend. But my back is getting sore from being in bed all weekend. And I’m not sure if I’m sick or just (over?)medicated. I have been doubling up the cough suppressant because it is in both the Theraflu and the Mucinex. I should probably switch to the one without cough suppressant. But I figure if I’m going to sleep anyway, what difference does a little extra loopy make?

I don’t like to fight against being sick. I would rather go down and get through it as quick as I can. Unfortunately, I have a work project that requires results in two weeks in addition to returning to the dentist. Though I imagine that could be rescheduled if necessary as it is just a follow up. Mostly I need to get better so I can work outside of home again. I only get so much done with Krista doing laps between my lap, food, under the bookcase, and repeat. Since my lap is always the transit point before food, I grudgingly accept my role in her routine. 😹


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Oh no! I’m the opposite. If I get sick, I shutdown and employ the fever-break protocol: take TheraFlu (usually the nighttime), drink water, and sleep under every blanket I can muster until I wake in a pool of sweat. This usually doesn’t take more than a day or two. Then it’s Mucinex for a month until the drip is gone.

I’ve been trying fever-break protocol this weekend. But my back is getting sore from being in bed all weekend. And I’m not sure if I’m sick or just (over?)medicated. I have been doubling up the cough suppressant because it is in both the Theraflu and the Mucinex. I should probably switch to the one without cough suppressant. But I figure if I’m going to sleep anyway, what difference does a little extra loopy make?

I don’t like to fight against being sick. I would rather go down and get through it as quick as I can. Unfortunately, I have a work project that requires results in two weeks in addition to returning to the dentist. Though I imagine that could be rescheduled if necessary as it is just a follow up. Mostly I need to get better so I can work outside of home again. I only get so much done with Krista doing laps between my lap, food, under the bookcase, and repeat. Since my lap is always the transit point before food, I grudgingly accept my role in her routine. 😹
I hope it ends up working for you! I can't be in bed during the day and I don't really ever get sick. My meds consist of aspirin, Vicks vaporub, and some Ayurvedic cream for back pain, along with some triple antibiotic cream, and most recent additions are anti-itch stuff and a box of generic Benadryl which hasn't been used yet and probably won't ever be because I don't take drugs, except for aspirin.


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Sep 7, 2018
She finished second breakfast. I'm not going to deploy the feeders because I doubt I'll leave the house today. Instead, I plated another half portion.

A portion, what I'd like her to finish in four hours, is 42 grams or 1.5 oz. If she finishes four scheduled portions a day, that puts her at 6 oz. I'm comfortable with that. Then I load the feeders with a half portion each for daytime and overnight. If she eats all the feeder portions, that would take her to 9 oz for the day. This is where she's been before and where I'd like her to return again.

For now, when I say I plate a half portion, I'm plating 21 grams and hoping she'll finish that amount in the 4 hours she gets between first and second meals (breakfasts or dinners.) Then she gets all day or all night to finish second meals plus feeder portions. Since I'm not going anywhere today, she'll get her feeder portions combined on a plate and she gets six hours to work on that plate before first dinner. If she finishes all scheduled half portions, she will get to 3 oz with a burst opportunity of 4.5 oz if she finishes the between meals portions (feeder portions or extra plates.)

I'm happy that she's eating the Tiki Tuna half portions. But she's spending all morning under the bookcase. I wonder if this is tooth pain, digestive pain, or just feeling anti-social between meals.

Two issues I have with feeding her exclusively Tiki right now. First, it's what I consider underweight in energy provided. It comes out to 0.93 calories per gram. I prefer a food that is at least 1 calorie per gram. Otherwise she gets fewer calories than the weight she eats. That's what I call an underweight food from an ME perspective. The second issue I have, and it could become a more serious issue, is that tuna is already about as appealing a food as I can offer her. If her eating slows again from here, what else could I possibly offer more appealing than tuna? I might establish a baseline here with the tuna for another day and then offer turkey tomorrow. I'm hoping with a long enough tuna stretch, she'll get sick of tuna and turkey will become new again to her. The Rawz turkey is the most overweight food I can feed her at 1.28 calories per gram. I can feed her about 30% less by weight for the same number of calories. Or she can use those extra calories to regain weight.

I don't feel like contacting dentist on the weekend. Let's see what she does with tuna today and tonight. Let's check her weight tomorrow morning. Then I can contact the dentist to see if he recommends intervention like transdermal mirtazapine (I'm not pilling her for this two week recovery period) or compounded pred.


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
She finished second breakfast. I'm not going to deploy the feeders because I doubt I'll leave the house today. Instead, I plated another half portion.

A portion, what I'd like her to finish in four hours, is 42 grams or 1.5 oz. If she finishes four scheduled portions a day, that puts her at 6 oz. I'm comfortable with that. Then I load the feeders with a half portion each for daytime and overnight. If she eats all the feeder portions, that would take her to 9 oz for the day. This is where she's been before and where I'd like her to return again.

For now, when I say I plate a half portion, I'm plating 21 grams and hoping she'll finish that amount in the 4 hours she gets between first and second meals (breakfasts or dinners.) Then she gets all day or all night to finish second meals plus feeder portions. Since I'm not going anywhere today, she'll get her feeder portions combined on a plate and she gets six hours to work on that plate before first dinner. If she finishes all scheduled half portions, she will get to 3 oz with a burst opportunity of 4.5 oz if she finishes the between meals portions (feeder portions or extra plates.)

I'm happy that she's eating the Tiki Tuna half portions. But she's spending all morning under the bookcase. I wonder if this is tooth pain, digestive pain, or just feeling anti-social between meals.

Two issues I have with feeding her exclusively Tiki right now. First, it's what I consider underweight in energy provided. It comes out to 0.93 calories per gram. I prefer a food that is at least 1 calorie per gram. Otherwise she gets fewer calories than the weight she eats. That's what I call an underweight food from an ME perspective. The second issue I have, and it could become a more serious issue, is that tuna is already about as appealing a food as I can offer her. If her eating slows again from here, what else could I possibly offer more appealing than tuna? I might establish a baseline here with the tuna for another day and then offer turkey tomorrow. I'm hoping with a long enough tuna stretch, she'll get sick of tuna and turkey will become new again to her. The Rawz turkey is the most overweight food I can feed her at 1.28 calories per gram. I can feed her about 30% less by weight for the same number of calories. Or she can use those extra calories to regain weight.

I don't feel like contacting dentist on the weekend. Let's see what she does with tuna today and tonight. Let's check her weight tomorrow morning. Then I can contact the dentist to see if he recommends intervention like transdermal mirtazapine (I'm not pilling her for this two week recovery period) or compounded pred.
That sounds like a good plan, and good choices/amounts under the present circumstances. As for emergency foods, there are the Gerber second stages or Beech-nut meat-only baby foods, and things like Clinicare, and also it's helpful in some cases to blend or food process some of what she normally likes/eats and making a slurry, with water, which could be syringe-fed. Baby cereal and/or KMR mixed in are also choices. So it's not like there's nowhere to go from tuna, if necessary.


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Sep 7, 2018
That sounds like a good plan, and good choices/amounts under the present circumstances. As for emergency foods, there are the Gerber second stages or Beech-nut meat-only baby foods, and things like Clinicare, and also it's helpful in some cases to blend or food process some of what she normally likes/eats and making a slurry, with water, which could be syringe-fed. Baby cereal and/or KMR mixed in are also choices. So it's not like there's nowhere to go from tuna, if necessary.
She doesn't like any of those. I'm hoping she can eat enough tuna to get through her recovery and I can hopefully add turkey back into her diet as and when she tires of tuna. That's how it happened last year with pancreatitis. After a month or two of tuna, she got tired of tuna and took to turkey like it was her new favorite food. I'm hoping with a long enough turkey break, she'll have the same reaction again.


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
She doesn't like any of those. I'm hoping she can eat enough tuna to get through her recovery and I can hopefully add turkey back into her diet as and when she tires of tuna. That's how it happened last year with pancreatitis. After a month or two of tuna, she got tired of tuna and took to turkey like it was her new favorite food. I'm hoping with a long enough turkey break, she'll have the same reaction again.
Well, maybe you could puree the two of those together and make a slurry if she doesn't want other things. Just a thought, for if needed.
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