Search Results

  1. Leomc123

    A tear jerker video of a guy receiving his Petsies Pet Toy - You may need tissues when watching this

    This guy received his Petsies clone toy after his pet died. This video made me cry.
  2. Leomc123

    MC RIP 30th March 2019

    This is a tribute to my MC who passed away last year on the 30th March 2019 . My little MC there has not been a day since you passed that i have stopped thinking about you, i miss your little meows , your morning and afternoon greeting at the door and the greets on the footpath when i would...
  3. Leomc123

    In memory of sweet Leo

    Today is exactly one year since my little leo passed away, he was such a gentle soul for a big cat. 13 years ago he just showed up in my backyard just hanging around, when i saw him i gave him a pet and some food and sat down with him. He wasn't afraid of me it was we kind of just clicked...
  4. Leomc123

    i found a few cat videos which are funny

    i found a few cat videos which are funny i hope you like them. They made me laugh i hope it makes you laugh too.
  5. Leomc123

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Australia !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi Everyone Just wanted to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone !! I also wanted to say thank you for all the help that all the members on this form assist with looking after our fur friends and most importantly assisting and providing emotional support when the moment is...
  6. Leomc123

    Strange Things not sure what to think of it

    I made a felted cat statue of my cat who passed away this year in march. The statue toy sits on a shelf on the right of my shoulder and out of my peripheral vision almost behind me , near my computer desk about 70 cm away. When i am using my computer doing a task etc, i suddenly have this...
  7. Leomc123

    anyone living in nsw (Australia) that can help a feral cat

    hi there is a feral cat that lives in greenfield park nsw with a swollen foot, it has been like that for two days. Is there an organisation that is able to catch her, treat her and bring her back to her colony ?
  8. Leomc123

    Experience at the hospital today

    Today i went to hospital for a medical condition. The Nurse who was examining me in the Triage section said to me " you look tacky" and then said to the other nurse " she looks very tacky" reffering to me. I didnt know what she meant that i looked tacky , i never got to ask her. The nurse...
  9. Leomc123

    Is Anyone Having A Crap 2019 ?

    Is anyone having the crappiest year in 2019 ? So far this year soon as it turned 2019 everything has gone to crap house for me. Its like every 2 or 3 days poo gets thrown in my face from all angles , at work, at home, finanically, socially, health wise , and phsycially and emotionally i am...
  10. Leomc123

    Dealing With The Guilt Of Ending A Life

    Hi everyone Just wondering how you guys deal with making that decision of ending a life. A few months ago i put both of my cats down and had to make that decision to euthanise. I know its the kindest thing to do for your pet when they are suffering in pain. Its that knowing that i was the...
  11. Leomc123

    Leo And Mc

    Today it is 4 months (Loe) and 1 month (Mc) since they passed away. It is still hard an i miss them very much. MC first Pic and second pic is Leo :(
  12. Leomc123

    Is This Coincidence Or A Sign From My Cats ?

    Tonight i went to drive through after a shitty day at work, and i pull up behind this car with this on his/her cat a pic on the left of a cat and on the right is another cat, on both images it is written " i love my cats" And i realized they look like my cats which passed away MC...
  13. Leomc123

    Atticus Lmao So True

  14. Leomc123

    Ok So My Neighbours Cat Shows Up In My Backyard, What Do I Do ?

    Ok so i went outside for a smoko just now at night, thinking about Leo and MC, and i hear a meow, and im thinking, poor cat is walking around somewhere in the bushes and how it sounds similar to leo or Mc but not really , and then i get up to go back inside and i see a cat walking up my back...
  15. Leomc123

    Omg I Saw My Cats Apparition Tonight

    Omg you guys will think i am crazy, but i swear it on my heart and to god, i just went out for a smokeo and sat on the stairs with my torch cause its night right now 11.32 pm. Before i went out i looked at the clock and it was 11.11 pm . I lit my first cigarette and let out a huge puff and...
  16. Leomc123

    Julian Assange Has A Cat Named Embassy Cat

    I never knew Julian Assange owned a cat named Embassy Cat Here is a pic of him which was found on the news today, what a cutey :)
  17. Leomc123

    Just Wanting To Say

    Hi I just want to say that to everyone here whos fur kitty has passed or is soon to pass, may god bless you all, you did all you can do, and those kittys are at peace in heaven, not suffering and where blessed to have loving people looking after them during their life, even if some were...
  18. Leomc123

    My Poor Mc :(

    Hi Everyone Today i am sad to say that my poor MC was euthanized 10.50 am on the 30th March 2019. This is 3 months after i have already put Leo down this year. And i am so upset and angry and depressed because two of my buddies is gone now :( And it feels so empty. She was old and she was with...
  19. Leomc123

    Laxapet Gel 100g - Cat Drooling And Looks Frightend

    Hi everyone 3 days ago i gave my cat Laxapet Gel 100g a 2 cm strip gel to help her with hairballs . Today this morning, my cat refused to eat, was drooling excessively (she never drools) , didnt want to drink or move. So i had a look at her again before i went to work after 30 minutes, she...