Search Results for Query: calming treats for cats

  1. T

    Calming treats for BOTH cats?

    As I previously posted, we have an adult female who’s is generally pretty docile but for whatever reason she corners my adult male who is generally pretty irritable and the hiss-fest and growling and stare-down ensues. No physical fighting other than a bat or two. Should both cats get calming...
  2. Furballsmom

    Problems with cleaning

    Hi, those outside cats are causing a lot of stress for your indoor kitties. The enzymatic cleaner is for addressing stains and odor, and needs to be used on every area/spot. A good blacklight (check the customer reviews), which can show a lot since it will also show old spots, can be helpful so...
  3. N

    Problems with cleaning

    Thank you very much for the info. I will try implement some of these methods. Not sure I can stop neighbour cats coming though, I think we have to move to a different place. My cats didn't have this behaviour when we were living in an apartment and all they had was balcony. There were other cats...
  4. J

    Reintroduction with cats - moving forward

    Hello, we are in the midst of a reintroduction of our cats after a redirected aggression incident. We are at a point now where we've got a wire gate up and we let them see each other for about 30-45 minutes in the evening during mealtime. However, the aggressor cat won't stop STARING. We feed...
  5. di and bob

    15 week kitten and 6yr old cat…confused! hide, or did he stand his ground? If he stood his ground it was testing boundaries. Just keep doing as you are. You might go to a Tractor Supply or a farm supply store and see if they have some calming treats for cats. give some to George and see if it helps calm him. This WILL straighten out!
  6. di and bob

    Cat is restless and wont stop meowing

    I think all of us have gone through this at one time or another, after burying numerous little ones who were killed outside and now my cats getting leukemia from being around ferals and strays, All my cats except for my outside strays are strictly indoors. Nothing is worth the heartache of...
  7. trudy1

    Cbd treats for cats?

    Do they work? Calming? Stress relief? any sources, brand? if it works I might grind some up and smoke it….like the college days in the 70s…ha!
  8. Alldara

    is there hope for my cat to blend in? am i doing this right?

    It takes awhile for senior cats to get used to a new addition. But if they are just hissing they're just saying, "hey! Back off!" One month is very early days in the introduction process. Try taking a dry washcloth and pet each of the resident cats with it and then pet the kitten with it...
  9. P

    Neutered Male Attacking Cats That Run

    There could be any number of reasons why he's chasing. Has he been to the vet lately to rule out any illness or injury? Do the cats have ample resources? It's ideal for every resource to be n+1. So you have 2 cats, 3 litterboxes, 3 cat trees, 3 water bowls, 3 of everything. They can act out if...
  10. Alldara

    Grieving cat

    I'm so sorry for your loss. Yes, cats can grieve friends even if they were bullies. Nobel grieved Lily very hard. She bullied him. Lots of extra attention, high reward treats. I kept a closer eye on his eating and litter habits. I also used cat calming music and Feliway.
  11. Alldara

    First post, Any advice or suggestions are most welcome!

    So one of the biggest issues is not having something for them to do during intros. She's charging it as in she's growling and is proofed up or she is hopping at/body checking the door and slamming her feet underneath? I would try spending as much of the day as possible doing gated...
  12. Lennybells

    New Cat with Mild Anxiety?

    She sounds scared of the carrier. Hobbes hates it but tolerates it. The plastic carrier is amazing for that. If she starts showing anxiety for other daily routines like nail clipping (that kind of stuff; things you have to do for her benefit) you might have to get her on meds for that. It...
  13. FeebysOwner

    Limbic Encephalitis - Rare autoimmune disease and seizures

    Hi and welcome to TCS, despite what brought you here. The first thing I did was search this site to see if any other members have ever posted about their cats having this disorder - and found none. I am amazed to find so much information on the internet but did not see any forums specific to...
  14. lisahe

    Is there a liquid treat that does not contain fish or chicken (possible allergens)?

    I don't know of any liquid treats that fit what you're asking for, though I use a "mousse" food to give medications to one of our cats. The Nulo food Ireland loves has chicken and duck so I realize that particular food may not work for you. It's the style of food I want to suggest: the...
  15. di and bob

    What to do....

    Yeah, you have not had a good start! 3 weeks is nothing in a cats mind, you will have to take it one day at a time. If you look at that vet visit through her eyes, she was taken from everything she knew to a strange place, and then a stranger came in and tried to grab her. She was terrified...
  16. M

    Worries about new cat

    I gave treats after a door crack encounter session where I played some of the recommended sounds and it seemed to help them tolerate each other for longer. My resident cat is still hissing/growling and tried to swat the new comer through the door but there seems to be some progress. I’m also...
  17. di and bob

    Two questions for the same kitty

    Cats will do that when they are upset. You might try two litterboxes for a while too, maybe with a different litter. some cats like number one in one box and number two in another! i really think this will resolve in time. You might try supervising a few more frequent visits with the other cats...
  18. Alldara

    New cat unaccepted

    It sounds like N wasn't ready for face to face meetings.. we can do all the right things, but we still need to go at the slowest cats pace. :) I'd recommend backing it up. There's no reason why N can't take some time in say your room for a couple hours while the kitten gets out with your male...
  19. lisahe

    Gabapentin for cat?

    Yikes, sorry to hear it went so badly, particularly since (IMO, anyway) that stuff's not the easiest to administer. (Of course not all cats spit it back at their people like Edwina did!) Those onesie things are not easy; our cats have needed that, too. You could try something like Composure...
  20. Alldara

    Panic attack ?

    Put some calming music on. Do something yo reset YOUR nervous system (cold shower, ice on your face or have a popcicle). Its been a stressful day and YOU DID IT. YOU MADE IT THROUGH. Its hard, i get it. We did it with Ghost recently. Once you do something to get your nervous system a bit more...