Search Results for Query: chin acne

  1. S

    Is this chin acne?

    I noticed this on Tuesday under my cats chin. I'm hoping is only chin acne. I do clean my cats bowls regularly and use stainless steel bowls. I feel like ot got a tad bit bigger since Tuesday, not much though. Thoughts?
  2. ty3535

    Chin Acne?

    Hi! My indoor cat has a dirty/scabby area/bump on the side of his face. He’s had chin acne before due to stress (he had to have a complicated surgery that really stressed him out) but it didn’t look exactly like this. That was an actual pimple with a white head and this looks more like black...
  3. B

    Acne or ringworm?

    Hi all I noticed a bald spot under my cats chin (to the right side). It has small black scabs. What do you think it is? Its little bit far from where usually cat acne appears so I thought it might be ringworm? she is scratching it a lot. Any one experienced this before?
  4. Alldara

    Chin acne??

    Hey all. Is this related to his chin acne? It looks like it could be a pimple. I haven't been on cleaning his chin with a toothbrush lately and he does get cat acne there. This wasn't there yesterday. He lays like this on me frequently. I did notice acne in that spot yesterday. He doesn't...
  5. J

    Does this look like feline acne?

    My kitten recently started developing these bald patches of skin and they are growing. The one by her whiskers just appeared today. Our other cat is dealing with feline acne underneath his chin. We switched their bowls to metal and have been cleaning them after each use. His seems to be getting...
  6. H.R.Cole

    Severe Non Regenerative Anemia Suspect Secondary to Mycoplasma Infection

    My cat, Charlie, is an indoor only, neutered male, orange tabby domestic (American) short hair, estimated age is 11 years. Charlie’s history is mysterious, complicated, and frankly sad at times and I will do my best to be concise (but still long… he’s had a busy life) Early 2015 — a friend...
  7. meownomania

    Cat scratching his chin raw

    My cat, starting this morning, has been scratching his chin repeatedly. When i noticed it was all red and irritated. does anyone know a potential cause for this? or have any solutions? i’ll take him to the vet if the issue persists but is there anything i could try before it gets to that point?
  8. gabicards

    Feline acne question

    Hello, Opening a new thread for this now that it seems more obvious that the issue is indeed feline acne. My cat's skin was infected back in January, and it seems that we've solved that particular issue - the skin is now a healthy color, no red spots, and no longer looks inflamed. However now...
  9. S

    Rescue cat with acne (?), getting worse despite treatment

    At a small rescue where I volunteer, there is a young cat (female, spayed) with this terrible “dirty chin”: black crust and a few bald spots on it. The vet first diagnosed as cat acne, then as yeast infection, supposedly not contagious to other cats. Despite treatment, it’s not getting better...
  10. xlynnbbyx

    Water Fountain Recommendations

    Hello everyone! I wanna start off saying it has been a good awhile since I posted anything here. I’m doing good so are Casper, Scooter & Nera(my dog). It has been almost 7 months since Scooter had a UTI in Sept 2023. He has not had any issues! It’s been 2 or 3 months since I worried about him...
  11. HBERRY

    Is this a dental abscess?

    My cat has been off her dry food for two days now(will only eat wet) and acting like she is in pain when she chews. I checked her mouth today and noticed she has a lump. Does she have an infection?
  12. K

    Cat acne, what do I use?

    Hi, my cat has started getting acne in his chin after switching his bowl to a flat type, it's not plastic he's just a messy eater. My vet recommended benzoyl peroxide for when he gets break outs but for the life of me I can't find anything to get. Does anyone who has dealt with this issue...
  13. Shawna87

    Black spots on chin

    Hello everyone! It’s me again 😂 does anyone know what these black spots on my girls chin are? What can I do to treat them if necessary? I didn’t know them a month ago but recently they just started appearing. Thank you so much! She doesn’t hold still for nothing so you’ll have to zoom in on the...
  14. Y

    I thought it was feline acne but now im not so sure! Any thoughts ??

    Hello ! My name is Karlee and I was hoping someone might be able to help me figure out what is going on with my fur babies. So in my house , I have a LOT of fur babies. I currently have 3 big dogs, 9 cats and probably around 6 aquariums. The other day I noticed one of my older cats, Mallory...
  15. P

    Bald Spots and Hairloss

    My cat is losing hair like crazy! At first it was circular patches on paws so with my research I thought it was ringworm. I took him to the vet. They didn’t believe that to be the case but they took samples to test anyway and I’m waiting on those results. They gave me chlorhexidine ketoconazole...
  16. BeccaT

    How does my cat keep getting a dirty chin?

    This somewhat related to my previous post about my cat who I first suspected had something wrong with her gums, to then be told she had fleas on her chin, and now I'm not even sure if she had fleas. She seems to be doing good overall, her energy is back and she's (mostly) back to her old self...
  17. Mac and Cats

    Cat acne -- do you think this requires a vet visit?

    Hi, I feel kind of stupid for posting this because I've dealt with cat acne with various cats over the years. With this particular cat, we've dealt with cat acne with her a bit over the years and she hasn't had any issues since I switched to stainless steel plates a few years ago. Usually...
  18. S

    Help. What’s wrong with my baby kittens face

    Hi I adopted two twin kittens however one has these black scabs in his chin see picture does anyone know what that is ? I thoughtnotnwad From the boys playing and biting each other. But I don’t know he’s acting and eating ok
  19. U

    my cat has black spots??

    My cat developed this a while ago along with ringworm so the vet thought it was just that, the ringworm is almost completely gone but these spots won't leave and keep coming back. They're like scabs and come off completely but will come back. Any idea what it could be ??
  20. marthacunningham

    Scab?? or something on my kittens chin

    Hello!! I recently noticed there was something that felt hard when petting my kitten on her chin. i ended up thinking it was just something that got stuck on there and wiped it down, but it definitely looks like it could be something else? Can anyone possibly help me figure out what it could be...