My Feral And Rescued Cats

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Nov 25, 2013
rubysmama rubysmama Well that’s a strange collar! Lol Poor Doggie! They do get into things! Hoping for a great day for everyone and no getting stuck! Lol
I wonder how they got him out?
Hopefully it's just an optical illusion, and that he wasn't really stuck.

At least we know cats are smarter than to get into any similar type of predicament. Then again, maybe not. :lol:



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Dec 5, 2017
United States
rubysmama rubysmama :flail::flail::flail::flail::flail::flail::flail::flail::flail::flail::flail::flail:Twice in my life I have had to climb to rescue a cat stuck…… in an empty old birds nest! Must have been disappointing for the cat to get there and nobody was home! “Where did everybody go? No one to fly me back down? Uh oh….. hooman!!! Get the ladder!”:blackcat: I named the cat Raven.

NY cat man

TCS Member
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Aug 6, 2018
Twice, before we brought her inside, I had to get a ladder to fetch Miss Eleanor down from a tree. Of course, both times it was night time and raining......of course it was. Both times I was surprised that she didn't try to claw the snot out of me, as we weren't all that well acquainted yet. I just wrapped her up in an old Army jacket and when she was on the ground, she simply walked away without even a 'thank you' head butt. That's cat gratitude for you, I guess

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Beautiful Samson pics. :redheartpump:

Maybe chicken wire with smaller gaps in the mesh?
Actually the wire mesh on their catio has smaller gaps than the others I see at the hardware store. (I call every wire mesh as "chicken wire". LOL.)
But an adult finger can still go through. Remember my story of that one time when a bad neighbor extracted Marble from my catio without my permission, claiming it was his kitten? Then let him roam outside until he was seriously hurt and subsequently died. Still makes me think how that man extracted Marble from the catio when my husband made sure it could not be easily messed upon.

Bet Mackie will chuckle if he sees the pic.
Oh poor naughty baby. :redheartpump:

t least we know cats are smarter than to get into any similar type of predicament. Then again, maybe not.
Just this morning Graham was (again) on top of the birds' cage, which was placed high above. Graham has always been a high jumper, but usually always has trouble getting back down just like what happened this morning. I had to wake up my hubby to get her off from where she was.

Come to think of it, now I am sure Graham is 1001x better as she is back to her old mischievous self. LOL.


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Smile! You’re watching a cat that still remembers what it was like to be feral. Flowers never lost her love of…..


What is she doing?

She is hunting!

There are mice here somewhere!

One mouse caught! Lol

I must collect more prey.



Three mice?

Is that a mouse?

Must do the sniff test.

Smells like prey to me!

Flowers has always…

Been a collector! Lol

The more prey,

The better!

Once she collects them, she stores them away in her cat spot. Forever! Lolololololol

What are you doing Whistle?
Flowers is hunting! I don’t want my favorite prey to disappear! I am protecting my ball!

Awww Whistle. You still have some feral instincts too!
Smart kitties! It’s always a busy place no matter how long a feral has been social.


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
strider rose strider rose I have not heard that one before! :flail:Mackie will love it!
Maria Bayote Maria Bayote I did remember the story of Marble. That’s partly why I was trying to think of more barriers. A second mesh wire, slightly off set from the first might make it more time consuming and a little harder for anyone to interfere.
Graham must be feeling much better! Dear Graham! I think that is a very good jumping kitty! Lol Very good news indeed! :heartshape::clap2::happycat::tabbycat:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
You can always look for me here but often I am elsewhere. Long, long story!
You're so mysterious...I got a new cell phone, unlimited talk & text for poor people! Not much internet time though, but I use my desktop for that anyway. :thumbsup:

Banjo says to tell you that brothers can be Gremlins! How many Gremlins do you have?????
I got 3 Gremlins! Two of them are being nice to me right now though. The 3rd one is almost never nice to me. :devilish:

I do have a step Dad.
Is that the Dad you always talk about though? Or is that your real Dad? Is your regular Dad still alive? :headscratch:

Regular days and ways and peace are the best! Sending hope for all peaceful days!
I'll take that and raise you one. :cloud9:

Can’t reach it, Don’t need it!
Hmmm....Life metaphor perhaps? :think:

Some more Samson pics.
Awww, look at that baby's belly. 😻


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
M maggiedemi Lol I am not at all mysterious but it is fun to imagine that I might be! :chessirecat: This thread isn’t really about me though. It’s about cats and cat lovers and the things people need to know about ferals. It’s about rescuers/adopters and love. They all go together. When I first came to the site I felt I knew nothing. I was definitely learning. I saw others in the same situation or worse. So, I just wanted to share what little I knew and to offer some support for others who were doing the right thing. I heard from some who felt embarrassed by helping ferals. Some were criticized for taking on a problem that was not “their problem”. The thing is…suffering is everybody’s problem. If one person turns their back when they can do something to ease suffering then suffering continues. I never intended to write here. I just responded to a few elsewhere. After all, who am I? I am just one average human. Maybe in some ways I am less? IDK but when I saw people doing great things but being criticized, it seemed that someone else should say, “ Bravo! You are a hero!” If everyone tried to end suffering, while we cannot save all, we could stop so much pain, hunger, sadness and make the world better. That is worth doing! If every human realized that “if they are not part of the solution, they are part of the problem” wouldn’t suffering needlessly be much less? Hopefully! By writing the stories of the kitties, the struggles, the vet visits, the help found, the programs found or lost, the cats found or lost, the humans that make the laws or break them, the need to make laws to protect the animals AND the humans that simply try to ease suffering (TNR being a big part of that) I thought other rescuers might find some little thing that might help them too. Those who followed from the start helped me by walking the path with me through my own efforts to rescue, socialize, adopt out, losses, worries, sadness and criticisms. Some may not know how much they helped me! They did. Much of my own, personal struggles are not written but some people read between the lines. I still fight my own battles and I still have at least one person who sees these beautiful, loving fur babies as “a burden in my life.” They could not be more mistaken but that is their own battle within their heart, not mine. Telling about myself, short of my mistakes or things to work through as I did the rescues, was never my intention. While I don’t wish to mislead about rescuing being without problems, or the difficulties of letting the beautiful kittens go somewhere else to be loved, I do want it to known that anyone can do something. Even an old lady with many restrictions in her life. You just need to care. You just need to try. One life saved is everything to that one life. Every life counts. Your life counts, my life counts and every other life counts. Every life! I was given a truly great opportunity here on TCS to tell the stories of over a hundred beautiful cat lives! With that, others were able to come here and speak up about their own adoptions, rescues, knowledge of TNR, laws, lessons, health care, tricks and tips, sadness, struggles and triumphs! Above all, love of life. How great is that?!?!?!?! Even when I am not here, I hope the ripple of the tiny pebble I dropped into the water will go on forever. The one who respects my heart is my Father, The one who shares my thought is my brother, the one who knows my mind is my sister, the one who nurtures my life is my mother. Whether by birth or simply through love of each other, we are family. I am simply a ripple but ripples count. I wish everyone would know that and be moved by a simple ripple.
I have posted this once quite a time back and the ripple hit another shore and came back.
I’ll raise you another! :):grouphug2:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I am not at all mysterious but it is fun to imagine that I might be!
I don't think mysterious is fun at all. Ha! I hate wondering...👎

I still fight my own battles and I still have at least one person who sees these beautiful, loving fur babies as “a burden in my life.”
Well maybe you'll tell me the rest of that story later? I'm always around. How is my little princess Lady? And my spicy Muffin cake?
I wouldn't mind some new pics. I tried to take some pics of my cats with my new cell phone, but they look so old in pics! It made me sad. I guess they are seniors now though, almost 9 years old!!!

That song is beautiful!


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
tabbytom tabbytom A cat can be trusted to purr. Dear kitties. I love the Pawverb! Some humans will purr when pleased! ;)

M maggiedemi I hope you can get some photos of the kitties. It would be nice! Tag! You’re it! Lol Time for you to show us your kitties!

Furballsmom Furballsmom Agree! At nine they are middle aged?


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I tried to take some pics of my cats with my new cell phone, but they look so old in pics! It made me sad. I guess they are seniors now though, almost 9 years old!!!
Oh, Darlin Girl, I will quote for you one of the sweetest, loveliest things I have ever run across. "The setting of the sun is no less lovely than the Dawn." They are beautiful at every age, but each age has its own peculiar beauty.


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
Over 40 degrees outside today with lots of sun but wind a bit nippy. Weird for February. Gypsy had leapt onto the Honeysuckle hedge to put the fear of Cat into the sparrows. She hung there for a second then dropped to the ground (before I could get a picture of course) and ran to me for a treat, which she always gets after an unsuccessful hunt.


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
Just for laughs....................................

Today is World Happy Husband Day.
Let us keep 2 minutes silence and read some quotes of great personalities.

First quote
After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin, they just can’t face each other, but still they stay together.
– Al Gore

By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you’ll be happy. If you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.
– Socrates

Wife inspires us to great things and prevent us from achieving them.
– Mike Tyson

I had some words with my wife, and she had some paragraphs with me.
– Bill Clinton

There’s a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It’s called marriage.
– Michael Jordan

A good wife always forgives her husband when she’s wrong.
– Barack Obama

When you are in love,
wonders happen.
But once you get married, you wonder, what happened.
- Steve Jobs

And the best one is…

Marriage is a beautiful forest where Brave Lions are killed by Beautiful Deers.
- Brad Pitt

World Happy Husband Day !! 💐😀🎉😇🎊😅
Laughter Therapy 😂😁😜🤣

While getting married, most of the guys say to girl's parents,
"I will keep your daughter happy for the rest of her life".

Have you ever heard a girl saying something like this to the boy's parents like "I will keep your son happy for the rest of his life"????

Nooo.... because women don't tell lies! 😀😜


A small argument between a couple turns violent.
Husband says: Don’t let the animal in me come out!
Wife replies: Who’s afraid of a mouse??


If wife wants husband’s attention, she just has to look sad and uncomfortable.
If husband wants wife’s attention, he just has to look comfortable & happy.


A Philosopher HUSBAND said:- Every WIFE is a ‘Mistress’ of her Husband…
“Miss” for first year & “Stress” for rest of the life…


Do you remember the tingling feeling when you took the decision to get married?
That was common sense leaving your body.


Son : Dad, l got selected for a role in a play for annual day!
Dad: What role are you playing?
Son: A husband!
Dad: Stupid, ask for a role with dialogues!


Man outside phone booth: “Excuse me, you are holding phone since 29 minutes and you haven’t spoken a word”.
Man inside: “i am talking to my wife!”


A very intelligent girl was asked the meaning of marriage.. She said- “sacrificing the admiration of hundred guys, to face the criticism of one idiot.”


Position of a husband is just like a Split AC, No matter how loud he is outdoor, He is designed to remain silent indoor!


Husband to wife : U should learn to embrace your mistakes…..
She hugged him immediately.
.........laughter works like medicine! ✌✌✌✌

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Gypsy had leapt onto the Honeysuckle hedge to put the fear of Cat into the sparrows. She hung there for a second then dropped to the ground (before I could get a picture of course) and ran to me for a treat, which she always gets after an unsuccessful hunt.
Beautiful Gypsy! :redheartpump: :redheartpump:

"Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals. Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul."
It's funny that when I was very young all I wanted was to get older. Now that I am at this age, looking at the mirror is an effort. Where have all those years gone by? But, the quote is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
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