What's For Dinner? - 2020

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Lunch was Small Batch Organics Cherry Vanilla Bean granola cereal with 2% milk.

For dinner I made a one person casserole. It was better because I left out the weird stuff. I just used corn tortillas, chickpeas, tomato sauce, rice, cheese, breadcrumbs. I did throw in some diced mango, that was kinda weird. I used olive oil instead of melted butter in the breadcrumbs and it worked so much better! They didn't clump at all and they spread easier, not sure why.

I'm not sure if I got the spices exactly right, I used dried cilantro, since I didn't have any fresh. Also cumin, chili powder, black pepper, garlic parsley salt. 1/8 tsp of each.
Recipes are great guides. They teach us the basics and we can go from there. I also enjoy experimenting with food. I wish I could eat strictly as a vegetarian but health issues keep lots of veggies off my diet. I do miss being able to eat whatever strikes me. In my book, if it tastes good and it’s allowed, eat it. Lol I do love throwing fruit into things.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
M maggiedemi I know I was recently kvetching about the NY Times vis-a-vis their baking recipes that were not available and I thought they should be. BTW - when I looked on line for three of the six recipes I was interested in they were available, still NY Times just older, not that same day.

Anyhow - they are running some pieces by Melissa Clark for cooking from your pantry while sequestering. I mention this to you because rather than rigid specifics she writes that you can use this or that instead of . . . Some include meat, which won't be of interest to you. But here's one for congee that I thought you might like. When Making Congee, a Little Rice Goes a Long Way And I've started making her frittata A Frittata You Can Have for Lunch or Dinner which Himself really likes.

You should be able to access either one of these links on your PC but not both unless you clear your browser history inbetween.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 15, 2014
...with the cats...
i'll heat up a serving of lasagna (that i made Saturday -- two roasting pan size and one 9 x 13 pan of it, cooled, then sliced into 40 portions. i wrapped/labeled/froze 36 portions, and 4 servings were kept in the fridge for dinners). a blondie with dried cherries in it for dessert -- later in the evening. :yummy:


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
Winchester Winchester I know you're a Penzey fan but here's a artisanal spice maker in your area you might want to check out: Makers of Handcrafted Spice Blends by CalicuttsSpiceCo

I had leftovers tonight. Tomorrow... maybe leftovers from lunch? We're having Dominican food tomorrow at work. I've never had Dominican food before so I'm not sure what to expect.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
When I was first married and new to this country I hardly knew how to make anything but salad and how to bake a pound cake. So the first letter I sent home was to beg for a cook book. My new husband ( now long gone after he deserted me, a different story) loved my mother's cooking. So as soon as I got my new cook book which was meant to TEACH somebody how to cook, which it did, for Christmas some 6 months later, I started following the recipes to the letter, of course simple stuff to begin with. How the heck to you make a brown gravy when you have no idea? This book told me exactly. Sometimes I had a hard time finding what I was looking for at the store as I did not know the English name for it, long before the Internet which has a fabulous translator, and sometimes just had to substitute. I could not find chives or mushrooms, finally found some of those in a can. Some veggies nobody had heard of at least not in that neck of the woods where people ate steak and potatoes and did not want to eat any veggies if they could help it (thank goodness those days are past and I don't live in that area anymore). Within a very few years I had turned into a good cook and by now I am an excellent cook and I love cooking. I don't have to look into cookbook anymore for every little thing either. I think the greatest compliment by my now-ex was when he said "I like your cooking better than your mom's". WOW!
I still look into that old cookbook every once in a while, the covers are gone, the pages are mostly yellow, grease stains and fingerprints all over it and it really is falling apart. For some reason people have gifted me with a slew of cookbooks, do they think I don't know how to cook although they love to come over for dinner? I have picked up a few oversized ones with gorgeous illustrations of foreign cookery myself over the years. I have one on Jewish cooking, Middle Eastern cooking, Microwave cooking, how to cook venison (my son-in-law sends me a care package with venison every once in a while when he has been lucky going out hunting in Montana where he lives), Great Rice Dishes, a cookbook from the Mormon church (ugh, lots of jello salads I can do without), one from a monastery and my latest one Classic Chinese Recipes which I use a lot. I also have one on Japanese cooking but after perusing it several time I have not found a single recipe I even want to try, too much shellfish which I can't eat. I think if someone asked me what kind of cuisine comes out of my kitchen the most, I would say Fusion with overtones of French cuisine. Of course some of the dishes are strictly home in a certain part of the world but when it comes to just putting something on the table the French influence is always there. Spaghetti and meat sauce, (never meatballs which are an American invention) gotta have a good red wine in it, that's the French; red cabbage with pork and potatoes, a good German dish, it too gets French red wine and cloves in the cabbage and suddenly is not all that German anymore. Lots of sauces, and I mean SAUCES, not gravy, again the French touch, that's what I am talking about. Gee, I miss cooking for a crowd, or at least for 6. But I have not lived here long enough to have made any friends and then this damn bug came along and put everything on the back burner.
So for tonight I think I will make me some crepes, slather them with butter (all French cooking uses loads of butter), put some fancy marmalade or other preserve on them, roll them up, sprinkle some powdered sugar on top and call it dinner. Yum, my mouth is watering already so I better get started on them,


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Found a different way to fix pork chops
There is nothing about those chops that I do not LOVE! Will be trying them very soon!

SO...tonight, I'm going to have a roast beef sandwich from leftover pot roast, and a side of the veggies, reheated. Gotta use those up!


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Winchester Winchester I know you're a Penzey fan but here's a artisanal spice maker in your area you might want to check out: Makers of Handcrafted Spice Blends by CalicuttsSpiceCo
Oh wow, LTS3 LTS3 They're located in Hershey, which is about 90 minutes or so from here. They're more expensive than Penzey, but some of their mixtures look really good! I'm going to do an order and see what I get. If this Sheltering ever stops and we feel comfortable going out a bit, we'll take a drive down. I'm always up for visiting new places. Thank you!

The country style ribs weren't quite thawed yesterday, so we ended up with the last of the BBQed chicken legs in the freezer that we were going to have tonight. Menus just flipped. The chicken thawed, so we had baked potatoes in the Foodi Grill. During the last 15 minutes or so of the potatoes cooking, I threw the chicken legs in the Grill, too, to warm them up. Along with a salad, it worked.

Tonight, we're having the ribs. I'm going to put them in the casserole crock pot and let them cook in the applesauce BBQ. I'll put them in around 10:00 or so, since the casserole crock pot tends to cook quicker than my older ones. We'll have them with a salad. King Arthur posted a recipe for a Tender White Cake on FB and it's been calling me. We have some strawberries left yet, so I'll halve the cake recipe for a 9-inch square cake pan, frost the finished cake with a vanilla frosting, and serve with a topper of berries. Fresh mint tea to go with.


TCS Member
Aug 29, 2014
The Dominican lunch was pretty good. I had stewed chicken with rice and veggies. It was a big bowl of rice with two large bone-in chunks of the thigh. I did end up taking half home for dinner and I still had about a cup of rice leftover from that 😮 I put the rice in the fridge for now but may end up freezing it. I might have leftovers from tomorrow's lunch (fried rice) for dinner.
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