The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2020

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Yeah we get training on recognizing scams and trying to talk customers out of sending money in those cases (some people are bound and determined to be scammed!), but what if the customer hadn't told me the circumstances? That's a lot of money to lose. I didn't give them the Postal Inspector's number but I will if they come back.


Extraterrestrial Being
Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
On my mind... wondering why no one wants to work with me or be my friend... For one of my classes, the instructor gave us the opportunity to make our own groups. I posted in our class group chat that I needed a partner and someone messaged me privately asking to work with me. I agreed. A little while later he said his old parent wants to work with him so he's going to work with them instead. Completely leaving me alone and with no one to work with. I feel pathetic for crying over it but I'm already struggling with feelings of being unwanted and this just rubbed salt into the wound.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Completely leaving me alone and with no one to work with.
I'm sorry this happened. People can be disappointing. I feel like people are acting odd since the cold weather hit, some of my friends have gone totally silent and some of my favorite cousins too. Or maybe it's stress over Corona or the election?


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Finished watching the Queen's Gambit tv show a few days ago. Such an emotional ending and a very enjoyable show. Anybody else watch it?

Does anybody have any recommendations of shows to watch on Netflix they'd recommend? Need to find something new to watch.

Find it funny how two shows I watch just came out with episodes incorporating corona virus. One was Superstore, which is a parody of working at "walmart" and the other was the good doctor, which the episode started in "April" and would flash a couple weeks out as things progressed. Half way through, but it has been interesting to watch but also feeling my anxiety go up since so many patients portray struggling to breathe. As someone with asthma, it is hard to watch at times but enjoying the episode nonetheless.

Has anybody else had tv shows they watch incorporate the virus into the story line?
Try watching Virgin River, on Netflix.. it is a bit slow to start, but you will fall in love with it.. a nice story.. People are anxiously awaiting season 2.

OMG.. another one is a Rescue type/family oriented show.. I forget the name, but it is with the youngest of the Baldwin brothers. He is a recent widower, who moves his family into an old aquarium, (the city found, and created the hoe for him), when he takes a job as head of a rescue department, in a very small town, in Canada. His sister-in-law live i the same town, they all grew up there.. It is a good series.. only one season, though...It is good to watch-- to see how, he and his 3 kids adjust from LA to a small town.. I did like it.. Hopefully, it will return...

I will eventually check out Queens Gambit.. I heard a lot of good things about it.

I could not get into Schitts Creek.. I thought it was really kind of inane.. kind of stupid.. I watched 5 episodes and quit.. Same with Tiger King...


TCS Member
Young Cat
Oct 27, 2020
On my mind... wondering why no one wants to work with me or be my friend... For one of my classes, the instructor gave us the opportunity to make our own groups. I posted in our class group chat that I needed a partner and someone messaged me privately asking to work with me. I agreed. A little while later he said his old parent wants to work with him so he's going to work with them instead. Completely leaving me alone and with no one to work with. I feel pathetic for crying over it but I'm already struggling with feelings of being unwanted and this just rubbed salt into the wound.
I feel this way all the time, so can totally relate.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
On my mind... wondering why no one wants to work with me or be my friend... For one of my classes, the instructor gave us the opportunity to make our own groups. I posted in our class group chat that I needed a partner and someone messaged me privately asking to work with me. I agreed. A little while later he said his old parent wants to work with him so he's going to work with them instead. Completely leaving me alone and with no one to work with. I feel pathetic for crying over it but I'm already struggling with feelings of being unwanted and this just rubbed salt into the wound.
Group projects are the worst. I never liked them any way they were given. I had two classes in college where they actually went well. One; my BFF from High School was in so we were lab partners. The other was a public speaking class and I actually had cool people in it who cared about their grades. I was sooo disappointed when I heard my friend had group projects even while getting her degree completely online. 😣

My senior year of high school my English Lit teacher grouped us up by how we sat (alphabetically in rows). Somehow I sat with football players around me. So it was 3 football players and the President of the Latin Club.:flail: It wasn’t the worst group because they were all pretty nice guys and one our class valedictorian. It was just awkward for me being so quiet. Thankfully that didn’t require outside of class time because I definitely didn’t run in the cool kid circles. I wasn’t disliked; but people would have noticed. I probably would have had to tell some preppy girls to chill out. I didn’t want their little boys... I heard how they talked about their “weekend activities” enough in class. 🤪


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I may have saved a cat from declawing today.

It was really warm today. Unusual for November. So my friend a few doors down asked if I wanted to bring my kids to the park with her and her kids. I said sure. We went out and there were 3 kids playing and Aedan wanted to play with them. I told him we were going to the park. And these kids said, "We'll go ask our mom if we can come!" Um, ok. So they come running back and said she said ok. Well, my friend and I decided to poop by their house to make sure. And I was talking to their mom and somehow got on the subject of her new cat.
I recommended my vet for getting him neutered and she asked if he does call removal. Hold up! So I explained how declawing is an amputation and all the problems it can cause and she said, "oh, i don't want to hurt him. He's just still a kitten and I'm getting scratched up. I recommended a scratching post and suggested getting pet nail clippers or claw covers. I hope she listens!!!
And then my friend and I supervised 10 kids at the park. She has 5 all on her own. But everyone had a good time.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
On my mind... wondering why no one wants to work with me or be my friend... For one of my classes, the instructor gave us the opportunity to make our own groups. I posted in our class group chat that I needed a partner and someone messaged me privately asking to work with me. I agreed. A little while later he said his old parent wants to work with him so he's going to work with them instead. Completely leaving me alone and with no one to work with. I feel pathetic for crying over it but I'm already struggling with feelings of being unwanted and this just rubbed salt into the wound.
I would work with you if I could. :hugs: ♥


Cat Food Bowl Referee
Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
Looking at my cam playback and laughing. Last night I had a cam on the ground in the driveway to catch any cats or other critters crawling under the car (long story). Anyway I also had some food on the side of the house for the wandering cats. The wandering cats ate, leaving food. I then noticed a little black hand playing with the cam and then a huge body with stiped tail (raccoon) go back to the bowl to eat. So I rewound and sure enough the raccoon came to eat, noticed the cam was not pointing fully on him and came over, turned the cam to face the feeding bowl and then went back. I guess they're so used to having the cams facing the food bowls he though that was how I wanted the cam to sit. So if any other critters did go under the car I missed it. Also IR light wasn't very good the way the raccoon moved it but oh well. It was still cute. Can't wait for Wyze to ship the new and improved cam at the end of this month

Also kind of proves my point that all this behavior is taught. This raccoon is from a long line of descendents of a pair of raccoons who were pets and taught all of this. The male would come and visit me nightly and chatter away through the window.
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Cat Food Bowl Referee
Top Cat
Apr 15, 2019
St. Louis MO
Odd. Missed a call from London. Not sure who it is but I had scheduled a talk with someone (spiritual wise) for a free 15 minute consultation for Saturday via Zoom. Missed the call from London, called back in case it was about tomorrrow and the woman screamed at me on the phone saying I'm a stupid b for calling back and hung up. What the heck? BTW: it isn't the woman I'm supposed to talk to tomorrow as I just asked her via PM.


TCS Member
Apr 30, 2005
Where my cats are
Odd. Missed a call from London. Not sure who it is but I had scheduled a talk with someone (spiritual wise) for a free 15 minute consultation for Saturday via Zoom. Missed the call from London, called back in case it was about tomorrrow and the woman screamed at me on the phone saying I'm a stupid b for calling back and hung up. What the heck? BTW: it isn't the woman I'm supposed to talk to tomorrow as I just asked her via PM.
So I guess it wasn't The Queen. :crazy:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
Sweet tea is pretty easy to make. I think you use something like 1 1/2 or 2 cups of sugar per gallon to get it as sweet as the store-bought stuff. I only use 3/4 cup of sugar for homemade tea but I'm not southern, lol.

Do they have Milo's there? I'm just hooked on Milo's sweet tea, although the Walmart brand isn't bad.
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