The "what's On Your Mind?" Thread -2018

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
When I broke my arm in 2012 the first orthopedic surgeon to look at the X-rays said it was beyond his ability to repair; I needed a specialist. Note: I never even saw this surgeon - this was based entirely on my X-rays. And in 2014 I got a letter from a doctor I'd never heard of, informing me that he was changing to a new practice. It was the first orthopedic surgeon; they just did a bulk mailing to everyone in his files.

My husband is in 5th stage renal failure - totally dependent on dialysis, no kidney function at all. He's also diabetic. He can't take metformin for the diabetes because dialysis machines are unable to remove it from the blood stream, and yet every time he visited his PCP a few years back the doctor would say "Remind me again why I don't have you on metformin?" so Roger found a new doctor. Shortly afterward it came out that the doctor had been prescribing large doses of opioids for himself; he was a junkie.

kashmir64 kashmir64 , it's no wonder the patient portal wouldn't let you cancel the surgery - there was nothing to cancel! :lol:



Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
God in Heaven, at the "scary doctor stories"! I have (mostly) been blessed. Of course there was my orthodontist. HE was carried out of his office raving after chasing a patient around the exam room with a drill. The day after my braces came off. I really think he is the reason that I now have dentures. He LEFT baby teeth in my mouth, even with the braces, and when an adult tooth finally erupted (7 years behind schedule), it pushed my entire upper set out of alignment..again.

He was so nice at first. Talked me into quitting my job and moving in with him so I could go back to school. Then I was trapped. And all my friends and family were in Missouri and couldn't help. I was the perfect victim.
People like that are very, very good at what they do. They can read a person's vulnerable spots like we read an email, and everyone has a vulnerable spot. They are master manipulators and, too often, by the time you realize how bad it really is, you are so worn down and worn out that you don't have the energy to save yourself. I'm just glad that you got out.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I got out because I thought I was pregnant. I refused to raise a child in that environment. Even after the hospital stay, I went back. I was alone, had nowhere to go (the dv shelter I went to would only let me stay a month), and he said all the right things. But, when I thought I had more than just me to worry about, I found another DV shelter and was able to stay for 3 months until muy mom got her income taxes and bought me a plane ticket home. I left everything I owned. And I wasn't pregnant, but I guess it was a good thing I believed that I was for a few weeks.


TCS Member
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Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
The littlest puppy didn't make it through the night, but that's not surprising, just sad. They're looking more and more like puppies each day at least! The other one that wasn't doing as well has been doing a lot better. With luck he'll pull through. Fingers crossed!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
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I'm almost through planting my summer garden. Not much to look at as I grow a lot of stuff from seeds like the corn that's under the green cover to protect the seeds from hungry crows. The 3 round covers are over little tomato plants, once they get bigger and the nights are above 60F I will remove the covers and put cages on them so they won't flop over, the 5 peppers will do ok without covers and so will the one zucchini. Hopefully the beans and cucumber seeds will prove to be of no interest to the birds and that all seeds will sprout.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I am so jealous. Even if I could convince myself that all the hard work is a fun hobby and will pay off in the end, I have a black thumb. I might risk an herb garden, but even that is almost certainly doomed. I kill catnip plants. I killed an aloe vera plant. I brought a jade plant to where it was a stick and one leaf. I gave that to my FIL as a last chance at life before giving up and tossing it, and he resurrected it to where it tried to take over one entire corner of his dining room.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
It's been awhile since I posted here..
Monday they laid off those who were on the list-some took early retirement or volunteery layoff to save some jobs. Lost my 2nd shift guy who I trained to do a bunch of stuff. They moved 3rd shift guy to 2nd shift. he's pretty upset and the tasks have shuffled to both of us-it's not too bad. I also now come in at 6am due to no coverage on off shift to try to mitigate lost tooling or weld wire not properly dealt with. So for thur and fri I got here at 6. today is a regular day-and I am already tired.

This is only for 3 more weeks then back to regular hours-there's chatter about another layoff in May/June but so far the big wigs claim nope..huh. Well if they don't get any work to keep 90 people busy-there's no choice to then do another 30% reduction-which won't be me yet. They have to get rid of 80 people before I get hit-and if that happens I doubt they will keep this place going for 10 workers but maybe since the stuff with the EPA would make it impossible to sell the area here...long story.

So for now my world is ok...but I worry for my coworkers who now got shuffled onto 2nd shift to replace the 15 guys they booted. It's really strange not seeing all them on my shift...some are working to leave due to them not wanting 2nd shift.

I still have the itch to pack up my stuff and just move cross country..been feeling this for a year now...I don't want to leave as I love the seasons but I hope to find good employment-if not I know other states have cheaper housing and just lower cost of living BUT the taxes for income/sales still high in my taste..some of my coworkers purchased houses in the southeastern part of the country..not sure I want to move- I think I need a long vacation and visit areas to see what I like. I hate the hot heat so that's one reason I want to stay here...decisions decisions..oh Jon said hell no to moving south....which I think will change if I actually make the move...

he's still fighting against getting surgery...but I have backed off-will wait until next month to bring it up again-eventually he will tire of sitting around not being active-sometimes we have to just back off and let them make their own!

Max's Human

Alpha Cat
Nov 25, 2017
Back from the doctor. This is the third time I've seen her, so she really doesn't know me. My tennis elbow tendon decided to ramp up the pain in only about a week.

I walked into the doctor's office nice and pleasant, only sign I was HURTING was telling them I didn't think I could write my name on the clipboard. I'm dressed quite stylishly because shoelaces hurt a LOT, buttons are just not possible and sweat pants elastic waistbands take some firm tugging to get over my hips. Loose skirt with a huge zipper I could manage one handed and flats sounded low pain. Thankfully I own a band bra because I lost the ability to manage bra fastenings yesterday.

I didn't ask for pain pills and I wasn't showing my agony. I asked for a steroid shot. She couldn't give that. I've got a prescription for prednisone, but she also decided to give me oxycodone. If I wasn't screaming (which I want to do) and she doesn't know me enough to know I'm not a junkie, I'm surprised it was offered. Glad, because I need pain relief long enough to get some decent sleep, but surprised.
A friend was diagnosed with lung cancer and had a lung removed. The next day the hospital administrator shared the news that he had pneumnia and NOT CANCER!!!! He was not allowed to go back to work due to working in a plant. He was forced into disability and a very early retirement!. When iI was young I thought doctors knew everything, guess not!

Mother Dragon

Cat slave
Top Cat
Oct 17, 2006
Suburban Houston, TX
I am so jealous. Even if I could convince myself that all the hard work is a fun hobby and will pay off in the end, I have a black thumb. I might risk an herb garden, but even that is almost certainly doomed. I kill catnip plants. I killed an aloe vera plant. I brought a jade plant to where it was a stick and one leaf. I gave that to my FIL as a last chance at life before giving up and tossing it, and he resurrected it to where it tried to take over one entire corner of his dining room.
I had a friend whose mother had the blackest thumb of all. She killed a plastic plant. She put it on a little shelf over the butane stove and it melted!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I've always had a green thumb, but even if I thought the cats would leave them alone ,I couldn't have houseplants with my allergies. I wish I had space for a vegetable garden, though.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
I've always had a green thumb, but even if I thought the cats would leave them alone ,I couldn't have houseplants with my allergies. I wish I had space for a vegetable garden, though.
Do desert plants trigger allergies? I thought they didn't.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
Not all are prickly. That poor tortured jade plant for example, or the aloe vera that was toast. A lot of succulents are pretty and prickly free and don't seem to produce a lot of pollen.


Slave of Bastet's acolytes
Top Cat
Mar 31, 2016
It could be a dust allergy. It could be that there was no rain to wash away whatever pollen was present. If in a big area (like half of urban Arizona) it could be that the out of state people had to bring their flowerbeds with them and no rain to wash all that pollen away. It could be an animal allergy, and general theme, no rain to wash all that away.
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