The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2016

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TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
I hate leather furniture.  It's horrible in cars because it's either too hot or too cold.  And you stick to leather.  It's pretty common for me to wear nothing but a t-shirt and panties when I'm at home.  I don't want to have to worry about my bare legs sticking to my couch.
I agree. And leather shows more damage as far as cat's claws are concerned. Their claws leave tiny little "pinholes" in leather.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I avoided leather for ethical reasons, but when my then-husband took the beautiful brocade-upholstered sofa my aunt had given me, which was clawed to the wood on the arms and therefore always covered, to the dump without even asking or telling me, we needed to buy a new sofa plus other furniture for our new home, and we decided on leather.  I got the furniture and I have to say I don't regret the choice.  Leather ages beautifully, cleans up very well (I use an orange-oil furniture cleaner), and does not seem to attract cats.  My cats rarely even jump on it unless I am sititng on it or there is company here.  So yes, I would recommend leather for those reasons.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
THANK YOU for what you did, @segelkatt  , and for being able to empathize, to whatever degree you do, with all of "the rest of us" who would almost certainly not be welcome to put up our own decorations for our holidays.  I know most of us in that camp understand the fact that Christianity is the dominant religion in US, but it would be nice if all of us could publicly appreciate, and even share, things that are special to us -- it would certainly foster tolerance and educate people to that fact that each of us is worthy of respect and tolerance, and can be appreciated for what makes us, us!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Excellent and thanks to that lady for doing what any decent person would do (and too few people DO do!) 

As for the resting places, there are so many places where this is so for me.  I hate leaving my beloved ones!  I always cremate if I can, but it is not always possible. 


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I have come up with Shadow, Torty, Shelby, Pepper, Any ideas???
Banath, which is the phonetic spelling of the Gaelic for "Blessed."
and now for something totally different. I'm still considering some new furniture for my living roo. I'd thought of leather but now am thinking about microfiber. So I am wondering if anyone has had experience with that considering we all have cats? None of my cats right now claw furniture but I've had some in the past that did and you never know if one of them will change their mind and start scratching. I've heard that microfiber is woven so tight that cat claws can't get in there. True?How easy is it to clean up in case one of them barfs on it?
Microfiber is wonderful with cats.  When Hekitty was a wee kit and climbing EVERYTHING, my roommate bought a beautiful microfiber sectional.  Never did see any signs of damage, although H. and her sister (belonged to the roommate) spent most of their time climbing around on it.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I spent much of my childhood in India, where the holidays are absolutely magical.  We enthusiastically joined in, even though they weren't technically "our" holidays and we always had a great time. I treasure my memories of the silent beauty of twinkling lamps in Diwali and the hilarity of being covered in colored water in Holi.   Not only did the Indian people not mind our involvement, they were delighted by it, generously sharing in the spirit of the holiday.  Meanwhile, we also celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and the 4th of July so the way I saw it, we lucked out and had double the fun.  Maybe it is for this reason, that I have never understood this sensitivity over holidays.  If non-Christians want to decorate for their holidays, it's just more interesting eye candy, a chance to express friendship and an opportunity to learn something, not an insult to my belief systems.   Although I understand the resentment felt over the presence of Christmas trees in government buildings, I don't mind them as long as everyone else gets to display their holiday decorations as well.  It's when Christmas trees  become the only acceptable holiday decor that it bothers me.  I just think all people should be allowed to celebrate their own holidays and, if welcome, to join in those of others.  
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Thank you everybody for their input on leather vs. microfiber furniture. I guess the microfiber people have it. I had also read a review from a mail order furniture site where somebody had bought a sofa and mentioned that an unexpected bonus was that they had two cats who immediately climbed up the side of the sofa and there were not even pinholes left in the microfiber. The particular sofa I was thinking about had what they called "low pile micro velvet' which some customers had described as resembling crushed velvet and others to the fabric used on lint brushes, that red stuff you use one way to remove cat hair and the other way to get the cat hair off the brush. I have also just invested in a hand vacuum with a pet hair remover and it works like magic, really gets all the hair and crumbs off any kind of fabric, even the olefin carpet when I see clumps of hair left by the new red Maine Coon, Chamouti, and I don't want to pull out the big vacuum. 

By the way, Chamouti has decided this is really his new home, he has been here about 7 weeks, he likes to be with me in the evening (he sleeps all day), jumps on my desk when I'm at the comp and lays down on the keyboard, and likes to snuggle with me, purring like mad. he snuggles like a big teddy bear and does not  mind at all that I hug him like one. Panthera is jealous but he sleeps with me so he really should have no complaint. His buddy is the foster, Patrick, the other two old ladies ignore him. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I spent much of my childhood in India, where the holidays are absolutely magical.  We enthusiastically joined in, even though they weren't technically "our" holidays and we always had a great time. I treasure my memories of the silent beauty of twinkling lamps in Diwali and the hilarity of being covered in colored water in Holi.   Not only did the Indian people not mind our involvement, they were delighted by it, generously sharing in the spirit of the holiday.  Meanwhile, we also celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and the 4th of July so the way I saw it, we lucked out and had double the fun.  Maybe it is for this reason, that I have never understood this sensitivity over holidays.  If non-Christians want to decorate for their holidays, it's just more interesting eye candy, a chance to express friendship and an opportunity to learn something, not an insult to my belief systems.   Although I understand the resentment felt over the presence of Christmas trees in government buildings, I don't mind them as long as everyone else gets to display their holiday decorations as well.  It's when Christmas trees  become the only acceptable holiday decor that it bothers me.  I just think all people should be allowed to celebrate their own holidays and, if welcome, to join in those of others.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
I agree, Margd. Christianity is the dominant religion in the US, so I don't mind displays in public places. But all the other celebrations are welcome. Let's cheer them all!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Last night made me want to run away.

We had a big storm yesterday.  About an hour after the storm ended, we decided to make a Wal*Mart run.  About half a mile away, we got a flat tire.  Since it was midnight, we didn't have a whole lot of options.  John drove very slowly to the nearest gas station to try to put some air in it, hoping that would get us home.  Got there and the tire was off the rim.  So, no go.  Park the car at Wal*Mart next door and neither of us had our phones with us.  Cuz we're dumb.  Use the phone at the customer service desk to get ahold of his mom who drives us home and I text my big brother (not really, but I've known him since birth, so yeah) to see if he can take John to work today cuz they work the same shift.  Then, the power goes out.  This is like 3 or 4 hours AFTER the storm ended.  Anyone wanna explain that one?  Cuz I don't get it.  So, everything in my apartment is electric except for my 3 heating pads.  They run on purr power.  Felt around in the dark until I found a cell phone and called my mom to see if she can call the electric company for us and report the power outage since I have no internet with which to google the number is the power is out.  *Note to self - post the number on the fridge*  She discovers that her power is out, too.  So, for some reason, hours after the storm was over, power was out all over Kirksville, Greentop, and Queen City.

It came back on sometime in the night.  But we would have frozen without my snuggly heating pads.  And now I have a paper to write and I can't find my textbook anywhere.  This apartment isn't that big!  How in the *&)^*#% did I lose my textbook?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Okay, I need some help here. RB is an RPG (currently he's playing something called Force of Will) obsessed, techno-geek (who thinks that Best Buy's Geek Squad is a bunch of hacks taking advantage of people who aren't as knowledgeable about technology as they should be), and I still need to get him something for Christmas! 
 My problem: everything on his list is subject to becoming technologically obsolete at any moment, or he's already bought it for himself. (Yes, I know, but it happens every birthday/Christmas.) Does anyone have any suggestions?


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I haven't heard of Force of Will.  Does it have things you can purchase in-game?  I play WOW and there are a dozen things I would buy if I had the cash.  I've also played LOTRO and it was full of things I wanted.  Maybe you could get him a Force of Will gift card?


Extraterrestrial Being
Top Cat
May 30, 2016
Floating Untethered In The Stratosphere
My current mood:

I saw this AMAZING litter box on Amazon for cheap ($2.99) yesterday and I decided to buy it later that day but I needed to put money on my card first. By night, I check again and it said that the item was no longer available from the seller I wanted to buy it from. I literally shed a tear. It had AMAZING reviews and I fell deeply in love with it. I couldn't find it anywhere else online for that cheap (all over $20; some ever for $80+). #WorstTimeOfMyLife


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Last night made me want to run away.

We had a big storm yesterday.  About an hour after the storm ended, we decided to make a Wal*Mart run.  About half a mile away, we got a flat tire.  Since it was midnight, we didn't have a whole lot of options.  John drove very slowly to the nearest gas station to try to put some air in it, hoping that would get us home.  Got there and the tire was off the rim.  So, no go.  Park the car at Wal*Mart next door and neither of us had our phones with us.  Cuz we're dumb.  Use the phone at the customer service desk to get ahold of his mom who drives us home and I text my big brother (not really, but I've known him since birth, so yeah) to see if he can take John to work today cuz they work the same shift.  Then, the power goes out.  This is like 3 or 4 hours AFTER the storm ended.  Anyone wanna explain that one?  Cuz I don't get it.  So, everything in my apartment is electric except for my 3 heating pads.  They run on purr power.  Felt around in the dark until I found a cell phone and called my mom to see if she can call the electric company for us and report the power outage since I have no internet with which to google the number is the power is out.  *Note to self - post the number on the fridge*  She discovers that her power is out, too.  So, for some reason, hours after the storm was over, power was out all over Kirksville, Greentop, and Queen City.

It came back on sometime in the night.  But we would have frozen without my snuggly heating pads.  And now I have a paper to write and I can't find my textbook anywhere.  This apartment isn't that big!  How in the *&)^*#% did I lose my textbook?
So the car continues in its attempts to dominate your holiday?  Nasty old thing!  The evening sounds like a real nerve-frazzler all right.  I think someone needs to give you a flashlight.  [emoji]127873[/emoji]   

Did you ever find your textbook?  Usually when I have something disappear it's because I've put something down on top of it.  Or something has put its own feline self down on top of it. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
So the car continues in its attempts to dominate your holiday?  Nasty old thing!  The evening sounds like a real nerve-frazzler all right.  I think someone needs to give you a flashlight.  [emoji]127873[/emoji]   

Did you ever find your textbook?  Usually when I have something disappear it's because I've put something down on top of it.  Or something has put its own feline self down on top of it. 
Yeah.  I loved my car - even though it's an older model.  I haven't had a single issue with it (other than the minor nonissues I knew about when I bought it) until now.  And now she's being a b****.

Found the textbook.  I think a furry something knocked the blanket off the computer chair on top of it and for some reason, it didn't cross my mind to pick up the blanket and look under it until I wanted to cuddle under the blanket.  But now I don't feel like writing the paper cuz I'm tired and frustrated.  So I'm gonna take a 1 day late penalty and do it tomorrow.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I doubt that the number of unbelievers on TCS is unusual.  I think it's just that TCS is our safe place, where we know we can talk about it without being attacked, as long as we're not trying to convert anyone to our viewpoint.

Regarding leather furniture, we used to have some, left behind by my parents when they moved to Oregon.  It was horrible.  The cushions developed creases which turned into tears.  (And please note that this would have happened even if we hadn't had cats.)  Sweet Thing didn't scratch it, per se, she just liked to climb it rather than leaping onto it, and she used her claws as pitons.  We will never deliberately have leather furniture again.

Isn't it peculiar that religious people usually want to convert you to their way of thinking but atheists don't give a hoot what you think and just leave you to whatever delusions they think you have? I've never heard of an atheist trying to "convert" you, just trying to show that your logic is somehow full of holes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Isn't it peculiar that religious people usually want to convert you to their way of thinking but atheists don't give a hoot what you think and just leave you to whatever delusions they think you have? I've never heard of an atheist trying to "convert" you, just trying to show that your logic is somehow full of holes.
I'm Christian.  My abusive ex was an atheist and was constantly putting me down for being Christian and trying to make me feel stupid.  I have to thank him for that, though.  Before getting with him, I'd been through the worst kind of hell I can imagine and I was having a lot of doubts and moving away from God.  However, I'm insanely stubborn so if someone tries to push me in a certain direction, I'm going to go the opposite way.  So, by trying to turn me away from God, he pushed me back to Him.

I'm not going to try to convert anyone.  If someone has questions, I'll be happy to answer them.  But if someone has no interest, I feel like trying to force my beliefs on him/her is just pushing him/her further away, which is the exact opposite of the intended goal.  I feel like your heart has to be open to it for words to fall on anything other than deaf ears.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I haven't heard of Force of Will.  Does it have things you can purchase in-game?  I play WOW and there are a dozen things I would buy if I had the cash.  I've also played LOTRO and it was full of things I wanted.  Maybe you could get him a Force of Will gift card?
From what I can tell, it's a card game of sorts. He's made two different decks, has some weird sixteen-sided die, and two books that made my college anatomy and physiology textbook look lightweight. (The books, FYI, were on  the Christmas list that he wrote for AWM and I.) I called the shop he got those things at, but they don't sell gift cards. (Something about it ruining the integrity of the shopping and playing experience. I didn't really understand most of what the guy was saying.) You can see the problem.
I'm Christian.  My abusive ex was an atheist and was constantly putting me down for being Christian and trying to make me feel stupid.  I have to thank him for that, though.  Before getting with him, I'd been through the worst kind of hell I can imagine and I was having a lot of doubts and moving away from God.  However, I'm insanely stubborn so if someone tries to push me in a certain direction, I'm going to go the opposite way.  So, by trying to turn me away from God, he pushed me back to Him.

I'm not going to try to convert anyone.  If someone has questions, I'll be happy to answer them.  But if someone has no interest, I feel like trying to force my beliefs on him/her is just pushing him/her further away, which is the exact opposite of the intended goal.  I feel like your heart has to be open to it for words to fall on anything other than deaf ears.
Now, this does bring up a good point. I've been working on scarves for my coworkers since October (the pink took a while; I don't like working with it), but should I be worried that the presents would offend them? I mean, I'm just trying to celebrate the best way that I know how, by giving presents. Is that going to offend someone?
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