The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2016

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TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I don't understand why anyone would be offended over receiving a gift.  And I adore handmade gifts.  I would take a handmade card over a store bought one any day of the week.  I'm far too lazy to make my own cards so major props to anyone who goes that route!  :)

Doctor gave me a prescription for Ambien.  Since I've been using benadryl and melatonin to sleep, he thinks maybe the yawning is caused by a "hangover."  I've taken Ambien before and it didn't leave me drowsy at all the next day.  He also gave me a letter for work saying that we're working on it and it may take weeks or months to sort out.  Surely that protects me from being fired, right?  If I still have trouble with yawning, he's gonna try something else.  Basically, it's experimentation.  Might end up doing a sleep study to see if I'm waking up repeatedly without realizing it.  He mentioned several possibilities.  The only way to deal with this is trial and error.  But, my doctor also things this is ridiculous.  


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I don't understand why anyone would be offended over receiving a gift.  And I adore handmade gifts.  I would take a handmade card over a store bought one any day of the week.  I'm far too lazy to make my own cards so major props to anyone who goes that route!  :)

Doctor gave me a prescription for Ambien.  Since I've been using benadryl and melatonin to sleep, he thinks maybe the yawning is caused by a "hangover."  I've taken Ambien before and it didn't leave me drowsy at all the next day.  He also gave me a letter for work saying that we're working on it and it may take weeks or months to sort out.  Surely that protects me from being fired, right?  If I still have trouble with yawning, he's gonna try something else.  Basically, it's experimentation.  Might end up doing a sleep study to see if I'm waking up repeatedly without realizing it.  He mentioned several possibilities.  The only way to deal with this is trial and error.  But, my doctor also things this is ridiculous.  
Ambien....shudder.  I hate that drug.  Not only did it give me weird hallucinations, it followed up with a migraine that sent me to the ER.   The mere name gives me the heebie jeebies.   Um.  That's not very supportive or helpful, is it?   Plenty of people have used ambien without any  problem so don't listen to me.  

If the Ambien doesn't work, you might consider asking your doctor about Lunesta.  I had very good luck with it for about two years but then it started to require higher and higher doses for fewer and fewer hours of sleep.   At that point, I was better off without it.   When it worked, I'd just fall asleep naturally and wake up after about 7 hours feeling wide awake.  For awhile, I thought I'd found a miracle drug.  Two years of good sleep and alert waking hours is nothing to sneeze at.

I don't know if the letter from your doctor will prevent you from being fired or not.  I think it depends on the laws in your state.  You might find this link helpful:     Regardless of the law, there's a good chance the letter might make a supervisor take the problem more seriously and know you're working on it, thus cutting you more slack than they are presently.

As for sleep studies, I've had three of them and my experience is that they should be called "stay awake all night and toss and turn" studies.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
LOL.  I've been on Ambien before.  Years ago.  I was fine as long as I went straight to bed.  If I took it and then remembered something I had to do, it would cause hallucinations.  So, I just started checking a to do list before taking it and all was well.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
I suffer from insomnia quite a lot, but I usually just take some melatonin and that knocks me right out [emoji]128564[/emoji][emoji]128564[/emoji][emoji]128564[/emoji]


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
Melatonin and benadryl put me to sleep just fine, but I keep yawning during the day and apparently that's a huge offense.  So, time to see if taking Ambien to sleep instead will stop the yawning.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I just sent a very frustrated e-mail to my boss and now I'm concerned that it may be seen as me being a smartass.

I e-mailed her a copy of the doctor's note.  Her response:

Okay good…When you are online, you can’t yawn and must sound professional and  connected at all times. Right?


My response to that:

I'm working with a doctor about the yawning.  That's all I can do.  It's not a voluntary thing.  And if I mute, I get in trouble for pausing during the survey and leading the respondent.  So, I really don't know what I'm supposed to do.

I've put in several more job applications at other places.  No responses yet.  I'm stressed out like crazy.  I'm trying to write a paper for school and having trouble focusing because I'm so stressed.  I had to borrow money from my mom today so the check I wrote for the new battery doesn't bounce since we had to get a tire and I had to pay for the Ambien prescription.  And I could't afford to get my antidepressants so I'm an emotional wreck anyway.
Last edited:


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I just sent a very frustrated e-mail to my boss and now I'm concerned that it may be seen as me being a smartass.

I e-mailed her a copy of the doctor's note.  Her response:

Okay good…When you are online, you can’t yawn and must sound professional and  connected at all times. Right?


My response to that:

I'm working with a doctor about the yawning.  That's all I can do.  It's not a voluntary thing.  And if I mute, I get in trouble for pausing during the survey and leading the respondent.  So, I really don't know what I'm supposed to do.

I've put in several more job applications at other places.  No responses yet.  I'm stressed out like crazy.  I'm trying to write a paper for school and having trouble focusing because I'm so stressed.  I had to borrow money from my mom today so the check I wrote for the new battery doesn't bounce since we had to get a tire and I had to pay for the Ambien prescription.  And I could't afford to get my antidepressants so I'm an emotional wreck anyway.
Your supervisor's original email was pretty dumb, considering you'd just emailed her a doctor's letter saying you couldn't control the yawning.  Your response to that doesn't sound like a smart ass to me but it is a bit abrupt in the way it describes the bind you find yourself in.  It might be worth sending a brief follow up actually asking her for her advice.  That will make her really think about what's going on, plus it shows her some respect.  

I know you hate to borrow money, but you should probably think about borrowing even more to cover your antidepressants.  Going cold turkey off many antidepressants can have very unpleasant consequences.   The withdrawal is more intense if you are already stressed out.  You can't let the absence of your medication cause you to do anything that might worsen your situation.  I've been there so can really empathize with what you're going through.  I just think it's essential to get that antidepressant prescription filled.  Insomnia is one of the things that happens when you're withdrawing from antidepressants, btw so you really might be shooting yourself in the foot by foregoing them.  Just something to think about - don't mean to lecture. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I would if I knew of someone who would be able to loan the money without having to go without something they need for themselves.  I need about $60 to cover the medication.  I already borrowed $70 from my mom.  I don't want to ask for any more because money is tight for everyone and she would give it to me, even if it meant she had to go without.  I know my grandma doesn't have it - she's living on social security and that isn't much at all.  And grandma would give me the money before buying food for herself.  My sister is pregnant with child #6.  I guarantee she doesn't have any extra money and all of my friends are just as broke as I am.  It's not pride holding me back - I just don't want anyone else ignoring their needs in place of mine and that's exactly what anyone in my family would do.  A couple years ago, my sister asked to borrow money - to pay to take her puppy to the vet.  One of the kids tripped over him and his head got hit pretty hard and he was having seizures.  I sent it to her, puppy ended up being fine, and a couple weeks later, she called me excited because her food stamps went through and she'd be able to eat more than 1 meal a day.  Then I read her the riot act for not telling me she was that short on money so I could have given her enough to get food.  She said she would have called if she was short on food for the kids.  Well, duh.  But she should have been concerned about taking care of herself, too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I sent this to her:

I'm just feeling very frustrated and stressed.  I hope the first thing the doctor is trying immediately solves the problem, but if not, I don't know what to do.  What should I do?  I can't prevent myself from yawning.  If I could, I would.  I can't afford to not work.  I had to borrow money from my mother to cover my medication.  The stress is causing other health issues, including migraines which are making it difficult for me to keep up with my schoolwork.  I keep getting hives over my whole body and I actually have sores from scratching them.  I've been nauseous and having difficulty eating.  I've tried everything I can think of.  The doctor said there are a dozen possible explanations and the only way to solve the problem is through trial and error.  So, I apologize if I sounded a bit abrupt in my last e-mail.  I'm doing everything I can.

And I don't feel like you're lecturing.  You're right - going off antidepressants cold turkey is a problem.  Unfortunately, with me being off work for the last week because they're buttheads, I'm out of options.  I ended up having to get the title loan after all just to make ends meet.  That went to the car repairs, cat food, gas, and the electric bill so it's gone.  I just want to go to bed and not leave it for the foreseeable future.  Unfortunately, that would only make things worse.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I would be thrilled to receive a hand-made present, whether it be a scarf, mittens, a loaf of bread, or some cookies or candy. 

That being said, one year, I made my own Christmas cards. The card had all six original RugCats on them and it took me a good month to get it all just perfect. I used PSP 7 and I cut out around each cat meticulously. I took so much time with that card. When she received it, my mother took great pains to call me to thank me for the card.....and then said, "But if you needed money to buy real cards, you could have asked me. Then you wouldn't have had to send this stuff out!" I was heartbroken. It was a really cute card, darn it. And it wasn't about money; it was about doing something myself. 

So I think my answer would be that most people would truly appreciate receiving a scarf that you made with your own hands. I would love it and think of you every time I used it.
That sounds adorable! (I wouldn't do that with my family, because their all boors who don't appreciate the effort into it. One year I made pop-up Christmas cards (complete with lights--Home Depot was amazing that year) for all my relatives. When the card was opened a tree popped up, and each tree was decorated differently. For instance, since DD is a hunter, his  tree had knives, guns, and garland while his GF, since she's into astrology, had the different zodiacs on it. And, what did I get for my hard work? A text that said "Merry Christmas. Thanks for the card." One  text. I sent them to fifteen different people (DD's side of the family is huge). Never went through that effort again.
Hand made presents are THE BEST. I have no use for a scarf because it never really gets cold enough to use one here but I'd still love it anyway. One of the kids would commandeer it anyway. Likely Sophie. She takes ownership of anything soft in my house. 

I send out cards but I never keep the ones I get. That one I would keep. What a great idea. Unfortunately If I sent out cards like that, no one I send them to would appreciate them. I'd get the completely fake, "Isn't that nice?" Then they'd trash talk me to each other about how I've gone off the deep end with that whole "cat thing". 

Have I mentioned how much I can't stand people who don't appreciate how amazing cats are? 
Oh, yeah. Me too. 
well thanks for the support guys. not only did i return to work i also applied for another job.
 I hope you find a job that's a perfect fit for you! (Which may not be the job of your dreams...)
Aaagh. I just looked at the new posters for work and they have dark-skinned people on them. The last time that happened I had to put up with a lot of vile comments. Now it's only going to be worse. I hope I can refrain from going off on a customer. Any "polite" (work-appropriate) suggestions for dealing with racists?
Here's what I do when people are being *cough* "intense" about that sort of thing at work--I play stupid. When customers ask me if I know that "they" can't be trusted I look puzzled and go, "Who? Students? Well, they are a little scatterbrained, but it is  time for finals." The store is under constant audio and visual surviellance (and I know that the security company is actually paying attention to what I do on shift, because they've called my boss to ask for the names of the songs I sing to myself when I'm working alone in the store), and I make sure all my customers know it, so they're a little wary of saying anything too  racist inside the store. It's fun to watch them try to twist their words so I can understand what they're saying without twisting them enough for anyone watching from the Control Room (as I call it) can take offense. But then, I'm mean like that. 
When I first looked at that picture I also thought what an odd way to use a dishpan, still haven't figured out what those two small compartments are for and the pan looks too small for either cats or dishes. Without dimensions the pic may be misleading.

I have one cat that climbs in the box and just barely, lifts her tail and lets go. Most of the time part of it ends up on the floor. I've tried everything (higher box - she won't climb in but pees next to the boxn, cut down one side - she climbs in and lets go over the down-cut side, little litter, a lot litter, different kind of litter, nothing works) I've thought of putting a diaper on her 
 but that's no solution as she is not incontinent, I don't have room to put steps in the bathroom and use a high box without a cut-down which wold eliminate the problem. This cat can and does climb and jump so there is no excuse for her not to use a box with high sides but the Persian would have a hard time getting in there with her short legs and no claws.
When the cats were kittens we had to put down pee paper, like for when someone's house breaking a dog. You might try seeing if she'll go on that.
I would be thrilled to death if someone gave me a gift for Christmas although I don't celebrate it.  Last year I was invited to a Chanukkah celebration, wonderful kosher food and presents for everybody, very unexpected as I thought it was just an invitation for dinner. Of course I thanked profusely and sorry I had nothing to give besides the bottle of wine I had brought as a hostess gift. Only a boor would be offended about a gift and that is their problem, not yours. 
That makes me feel better. 

I don't understand why anyone would be offended over receiving a gift.  And I adore handmade gifts.  I would take a handmade card over a store bought one any day of the week.  I'm far too lazy to make my own cards so major props to anyone who goes that route!  :)

Doctor gave me a prescription for Ambien.  Since I've been using benadryl and melatonin to sleep, he thinks maybe the yawning is caused by a "hangover."  I've taken Ambien before and it didn't leave me drowsy at all the next day.  He also gave me a letter for work saying that we're working on it and it may take weeks or months to sort out.  Surely that protects me from being fired, right?  If I still have trouble with yawning, he's gonna try something else.  Basically, it's experimentation.  Might end up doing a sleep study to see if I'm waking up repeatedly without realizing it.  He mentioned several possibilities.  The only way to deal with this is trial and error.  But, my doctor also things this is ridiculous.  
I hope that, between the two of you, you find something that works. 
 And it is  ridiculous.
I just sent a very frustrated e-mail to my boss and now I'm concerned that it may be seen as me being a smartass.

I e-mailed her a copy of the doctor's note.  Her response:

Okay good…When you are online, you can’t yawn and must sound professional and  connected at all times. Right?


My response to that:

I'm working with a doctor about the yawning.  That's all I can do.  It's not a voluntary thing.  And if I mute, I get in trouble for pausing during the survey and leading the respondent.  So, I really don't know what I'm supposed to do.

I've put in several more job applications at other places.  No responses yet.  I'm stressed out like crazy.  I'm trying to write a paper for school and having trouble focusing because I'm so stressed.  I had to borrow money from my mom today so the check I wrote for the new battery doesn't bounce since we had to get a tire and I had to pay for the Ambien prescription.  And I could't afford to get my antidepressants so I'm an emotional wreck anyway.
Well, all I can say is, patience. (I know it sounds trite, but it is true. I noticed that, in one of your posts, you mentioned how you were yawning after taking Benadryl to sleep and I have a question--have you tried lowering your dosage? Benadryl used to put me out for almost two days until I finally found my perfect dose--half a pill. (Just a suggestion--you can ignore me if you want.)

Another present question. I'm having trouble with two of the scarves. One is that Wal-Mart suddenly stopped carrying the color I needed for one of them (not sure why), and I've never managed to get a favorite color from the newest one on the team. Would it be okay to buy something to give them, so I can give everyone something, or would it come off as cheap?


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I would if I knew of someone who would be able to loan the money without having to go without something they need for themselves.  I need about $60 to cover the medication.  I already borrowed $70 from my mom.  I don't want to ask for any more because money is tight for everyone and she would give it to me, even if it meant she had to go without.  I know my grandma doesn't have it - she's living on social security and that isn't much at all.  And grandma would give me the money before buying food for herself.  My sister is pregnant with child #6.  I guarantee she doesn't have any extra money and all of my friends are just as broke as I am.  It's not pride holding me back - I just don't want anyone else ignoring their needs in place of mine and that's exactly what anyone in my family would do.  A couple years ago, my sister asked to borrow money - to pay to take her puppy to the vet.  One of the kids tripped over him and his head got hit pretty hard and he was having seizures.  I sent it to her, puppy ended up being fine, and a couple weeks later, she called me excited because her food stamps went through and she'd be able to eat more than 1 meal a day.  Then I read her the riot act for not telling me she was that short on money so I could have given her enough to get food.  She said she would have called if she was short on food for the kids.  Well, duh.  But she should have been concerned about taking care of herself, too.
Yeah, that makes sense that you don't want to ask for help under those circumstances.  You might try asking your doctor if he or she has any free samples of the antidepressant you take.   The pharmacy reps tend to be pretty generous when it comes to leaving samples with doctors.   Don't be shy about calling and asking if free samples are available. Doctors want you to be able to take the meds they prescribe so if they have the samples, they'll give them to you.  Again, this is all from experience.  You might also ask if there are any promotions available.  Pharmacy companies run those all the time for newish medications and it's another way to get your meds at low to no cost.  
I sent this to her:

I'm just feeling very frustrated and stressed.  I hope the first thing the doctor is trying immediately solves the problem, but if not, I don't know what to do.  What should I do?  I can't prevent myself from yawning.  If I could, I would.  I can't afford to not work.  I had to borrow money from my mother to cover my medication.  The stress is causing other health issues, including migraines which are making it difficult for me to keep up with my schoolwork.  I keep getting hives over my whole body and I actually have sores from scratching them.  I've been nauseous and having difficulty eating.  I've tried everything I can think of.  The doctor said there are a dozen possible explanations and the only way to solve the problem is through trial and error.  So, I apologize if I sounded a bit abrupt in my last e-mail.  I'm doing everything I can.

And I don't feel like you're lecturing.  You're right - going off antidepressants cold turkey is a problem.  Unfortunately, with me being off work for the last week because they're buttheads, I'm out of options.  I ended up having to get the title loan after all just to make ends meet.  That went to the car repairs, cat food, gas, and the electric bill so it's gone.  I just want to go to bed and not leave it for the foreseeable future.  Unfortunately, that would only make things worse.
Hopefully that email will help.  It definitely shows the bind you are in and the apology at the end is a nice touch.  

Ouch about the title loan.  The interest they charge should be illegal.  You didn't have much of a choice though.  This is what bothers me about those loans - they take such advantage of people in desperate straits.  

Maybe going to bed isn't such a bad idea.  Curling up with the boys might really help with the stress.   It also might help recharge you so that you can cope more easily with all the worry.  You do have a lot on your plate right now.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I would go to bed, but I have a paper to write.  It's not a difficult paper.  The difficult part is focusing under all the stress.  I will definitely call and see if they have any samples.  Thanks for the suggestion.

I've been taking 2 benadryl.  I've tried taking 1 and I can't get to sleep.  I used to be able to sleep after taking 1, but not anymore.  The doctor wanted me to stop taking melatonin and benadryl entirely and just take the ambien.  When I took it years ago, I didn't have any kind of "hangover" in the morning.  So, hopefully, that's all it is.  And of course the stress they're putting me through makes it even more difficult to sleep so they're just kind of piling it on - or that's how it feels to me.  I read the e-mails to my mom and she says in this state, it is illegal to fire for someone for a medical issue when under the care of a doctor and she says what they're doing could be seen as harassment and to save all the e-mails so I have a leg to stand on if something does happen.

So, I'm gonna force myself to focus and get this paper written.  If I could just get going, I'd have it done in half an hour.  When I'm writing, I just start typing and before i know it, I have a paper.  And I invariably ace it.  Getting started is the hard part - especially when I'm anxious.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
And on top of everything else, I just found a flea on Mickey's nose.

First of all, HOW???  It's the middle of December.  In Missouri.  We're dealing with below 0 temperatures.  And they NEVER GO OUTSIDE!!!  Second of all, there is no way I can afford flea treatments right now and I'll need to treat all 3 of them.  Seriously?  Maybe I'm getting whiny, but enough is enough!!!


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I would go to bed, but I have a paper to write.  It's not a difficult paper.  The difficult part is focusing under all the stress.  I will definitely call and see if they have any samples.  Thanks for the suggestion.

I've been taking 2 benadryl.  I've tried taking 1 and I can't get to sleep.  I used to be able to sleep after taking 1, but not anymore.  The doctor wanted me to stop taking melatonin and benadryl entirely and just take the ambien.  When I took it years ago, I didn't have any kind of "hangover" in the morning.  So, hopefully, that's all it is.  And of course the stress they're putting me through makes it even more difficult to sleep so they're just kind of piling it on - or that's how it feels to me.  I read the e-mails to my mom and she says in this state, it is illegal to fire for someone for a medical issue when under the care of a doctor and she says what they're doing could be seen as harassment and to save all the e-mails so I have a leg to stand on if something does happen.

So, I'm gonna force myself to focus and get this paper written.  If I could just get going, I'd have it done in half an hour.  When I'm writing, I just start typing and before i know it, I have a paper.  And I invariably ace it.  Getting started is the hard part - especially when I'm anxious.
Oh Alicia, I feel so bad for you..((hugs)).. kind of been in your situation before.. 

Your mom had good advice. Make sure you keep a copy of any and all e-mails, and doctors notes.. and each time, you get 'written up' keep a copy of that.. and if you have any verbal conversations with the superiors, immediately write down what was said.. it could help you in an harassment suit....

What ever you do, do not take the blame for anything.. just keep saying that you are under doctors orders and are following his advice and guidance.. that you are working on solving the "issue"... and do not sign anything .... if worse comes to worse; if you get a sense of foreboding, please contact legal aid--they can provide free advice.......

Even if you are under a doctor's care, if you are an "employee at will", meaning no contract, then you employer can find someway of firing has been done time and time again...

Also, I would not tell them that you are not taking a prescribed medication.. that could backfire; or that you are having other issues... just my opinion.... 

In the meantime.. I would probably start looking for some other job...if possible.. I do not like the way this is headed...sorry...

As far as your antidepressants... some drug companies offer a discount plan.. you could look it up on-line.. personally, I would not stop taking the antidepressant.. the side effects of withdrawal are huge... especially during this time frame in your life.. and the ramifications I do not want to get into...

I am sorry if I am adding to your stress.. again, I have been there so I know what I am talking about.. ((hugs))


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
And on top of everything else, I just found a flea on Mickey's nose.

First of all, HOW???  It's the middle of December.  In Missouri.  We're dealing with below 0 temperatures.  And they NEVER GO OUTSIDE!!!  Second of all, there is no way I can afford flea treatments right now and I'll need to treat all 3 of them.  Seriously?  Maybe I'm getting whiny, but enough is enough!!!
You're not whining.  You're venting.  

You wouldn't have some blue Dawn dishwashing soap on hand by any chance?  It's safe to bathe cats in it and between that and a flea comb,  it'll keep the problem from getting worse until you can get actual flea treatment.   Check out this thread:   [thread="150059"]Dawn To Get Rid Of Fleas​[/thread]    It's a pretty old but has some good info in it.

As to where the fleas came from - could they have come from Mickey? You're right -  below zero temperatures are enough to kill all stages of the flea life cycle so it's unlikely you brought them in from outside.   However, they might have hitched a ride on you if you were somewhere inside where fleas were present.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 21, 2016
Well looks like I have a new cat hanging around here. It is gray + black. I have named it Moochy. He is far more feral than Smokey + Smokey is feral. What he does is waits till Smokey eats + he eats left overs. I now put extra food so he can get enough. I need a trap badly to TNR. Yes I will not let a cat freeze nor go without food. That means I have no choice but to adopt. Today is my 60th birthday + He came around again for the 3rd time. HE IS MINE !!!


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
They were all treated after Mickey moved in.  So I don't know.  But I was complaining to my mom and she just happened to have flea treatment so she's gonna take it with her to work tomorrow and I'll pick it up from her there.  So one problem solved.  Yay for that.

I've been putting in applications elsewhere.  So far, nothing, but it's only been a couple of weeks.

Thanks for letting me vent.

I dug through everyone's fur and didn't find more than that single flea so they obviously aren't too bad.  I mean, I know I won't find any on Connor.  Finding a flea in black fur is next to impossible.  But if he had a bad infestation, I'd find more on the other two.  At least I can treat them before it gets any worse.  I just don't get how the little *******s have survived.  Don't they know they're supposed to die in the winter?  The neighbors have a dog that goes potty outside - maybe she has a few fleas that have survived because she isn't out long enough for them to freeze and maybe one found its way into my apartment.  She's a German shepherd, so she has really thick fur and fleas would be pretty hard to spot on her.  Crafty little buggers.  They need to find their meals elsewhere.  My kitties need all of their blood.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
You can't really tell in this picture, but the border around the black scarf is teal, and in person it looks great. (Yeah, the pink ones took a while. I have nothing against pink as a color mind you, but I don't like working with it too much.) I also have a box of Godiva chocolate bars (long story, but they weren't a present), so I was thinking of giving two of my coworkers a bar each, just so everyone can have something. (PS:, the border around he purple scarf is the color I was going to make scarf number eight, but Wal-Mart stopped carrying it! 
) Do you think that would work, or would it look like a cop-out? 


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I think it will work out fine.  They're awesome; I love them.

I've noticed that Wal*Mart has a bad habit of discontinuing things people like.  There was this straightening spray I used to get when I was a teenager.  Adored it.  Guess what?  They stopped carrying it.  And Pantene Blonde Expressions, which I love cuz it makes my hair glow - gone.  I could make a list as long as your arm.  Wal*Mart is evil.  Unfortunately, here, we have no other options.  We're supposed to be getting a Hobby Lobby, though - according to the rumor mill.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I think it will work out fine.  They're awesome; I love them.

I've noticed that Wal*Mart has a bad habit of discontinuing things people like.  There was this straightening spray I used to get when I was a teenager.  Adored it.  Guess what?  They stopped carrying it.  And Pantene Blonde Expressions, which I love cuz it makes my hair glow - gone.  I could make a list as long as your arm.  Wal*Mart is evil.  Unfortunately, here, we have no other options.  We're supposed to be getting a Hobby Lobby, though - according to the rumor mill.
I don't know if it'll be different where you live, but our Hobby Lobby actually tries to compete with Wal-Mart for sheer cussedness. Sure, they have insanely good coupons and deals, but it has such huge original prices that it's cheaper (not to mention easier) to somewhere else for crafting needs. Anywhere  else.
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