The "What's on your mind?" Thread -2016

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
And this is what it looks like inside.

Paul in a grump because he failed to hornswaggle me into an extra meal

Chula in the Land of Nod.

It may be beautiful outside, but we're not going anywhere today! 
It looks much the same at my house, both inside and out.  And, unfortunately, I do have to go somewhere today. 
  I'm currently trying to work up the gumption to do it.

I had to put something out on our front porch early this morning and Jasmine said "Oh, let me!  I want to help you outside!"  Her collar got broken recently, but I grabbed her by the scruff (just in case) and let her have a good, long look outside the door.  She decided that maybe it's a good day to be an indoor kitty, after all. 



Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Maybe three or so decEvery ades ago, we were visiting my mother in Florence, Oregon for Christmas.  Florence is on the coast, about halfway between Washington and California.  The nearest city is Eugene, so my mother subscribed to the Eugene newspaper.

I was astonished to see an article in the paper saying that a local pagan group was suing the city of Eugene because of their Christmas tree, on the grounds that it was a symbol of Christianity and therefore offensive to non-Christians.  I could have understood it (though not condoned it) if a Christian fundamentalist group had sued, over this blatant pagan symbol, but the pagans?!  That's just weird.

I am astounded at the number of folks who say they are Pagan, but who have no clue about different pantheons, traditions from different areas, not the least idea.    I guess they are the equivalent of what my dad called "country-club Christians...go to the "right" church, never mind what you believe.  Every religion has them, those who treat the religion as an accessory, almost, I suppose.    Half of them have only the vaguest grasp of the tenets of their religion, and of that group, some 5-10% aren't sure what a "tenet" even is.  SIGH...

Originally Posted by Swamplady
I hope this a good place to type what just happened. 

Cally has been watching the Christmas tree every night from her cat tree. She was in her tree tonight meowing like crazy. I had fed her already so I know it was not hunger. She has fresh water + I pet her. Well I noticed the Christmas tree was not turn on yet. I turned the tree on and she stop her meowing. I think that is cute. She was missing the twinkling little lights.
You'll have to buy one of those short strings of lights for the mini-trees, and put them in an empty jar for her for after the holidays!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 21, 2016
My friend/landlady told me today that she is now taking care of a 100% feral cat up on her ranch. She noticed in her food garden. Now she is feeding it, made it a hay bed under the shelter on her ranch. She said it eats like it has not eaten in quite awhile. Just like Smokey is here you cannot touch it The cat is a torturous calico. mostly black. She wants me to help her name it. She is there 4 days a week + 3 days here. She fed the cat before leaving to come here. She had a huge dog dish where she filled it with Cat Chow. Her dog Big Boy crossed the bridge awhile back. She has a pet burial place on here land. Right now 4 pets are buried there.

Well that is what is on my mind. 


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
My friend/landlady told me today that she is now taking care of a 100% feral cat up on her ranch. She noticed in her food garden. Now she is feeding it, made it a hay bed under the shelter on her ranch. She said it eats like it has not eaten in quite awhile. Just like Smokey is here you cannot touch it The cat is a torturous calico. mostly black. She wants me to help her name it. She is there 4 days a week + 3 days here. She fed the cat before leaving to come here. She had a huge dog dish where she filled it with Cat Chow. Her dog Big Boy crossed the bridge awhile back. She has a pet burial place on here land. Right now 4 pets are buried there.

Well that is what is on my mind. 
  It is always so good to hear that a feral cat has found a caretaker, especially in the winter.  Do you have any names in mind,  yet?  

One of the things I regretted about selling my house was that my first cat Poppy and four parakeets were buried there.   I envy your friend her land!  


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 21, 2016
My friend/landlady told me today that she is now taking care of a 100% feral cat up on her ranch. She noticed in her food garden. Now she is feeding it, made it a hay bed under the shelter on her ranch. She said it eats like it has not eaten in quite awhile. Just like Smokey is here you cannot touch it The cat is a torturous calico. mostly black. She wants me to help her name it. She is there 4 days a week + 3 days here. She fed the cat before leaving to come here. She had a huge dog dish where she filled it with Cat Chow. Her dog Big Boy crossed the bridge awhile back. She has a pet burial place on here land. Right now 4 pets are buried there.

Well that is what is on my mind. 
  It is always so good to hear that a feral cat has found a caretaker, especially in the winter.  Do you have any names in mind,  yet?  

One of the things I regretted about selling my house was that my first cat Poppy and four parakeets were buried there.   I envy your friend her land!  
I have come up with Shadow, Torty, Shelby, Pepper, Any ideas???


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
@Margd - Those are two beautiful kitties you have. Such lovely, healthy coats!
Thank you. 

Chula has always had a nice coat but Paul's has really improved since I switched him from gravy style FF to Sheba and FF pates.   He used to have serious dandruff and it's almost all gone now.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
and now for something totally different. I'm still considering some new furniture for my living roo. I'd thought of leather but now am thinking about microfiber. So I am wondering if anyone has had experience with that considering we all have cats? None of my cats right now claw furniture but I've had some in the past that did and you never know if one of them will change their mind and start scratching. I've heard that microfiber is woven so tight that cat claws can't get in there. True?How easy is it to clean up in case one of them barfs on it?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Maybe three or so decades ago, we were visiting my mother in Florence, Oregon for Christmas.  Florence is on the coast, about halfway between Washington and California.  The nearest city is Eugene, so my mother subscribed to the Eugene newspaper.

I was astonished to see an article in the paper saying that a local pagan group was suing the city of Eugene because of their Christmas tree, on the grounds that it was a symbol of Christianity and therefore offensive to non-Christians.  I could have understood it (though not condoned it) if a Christian fundamentalist group had sued, over this blatant pagan symbol, but the pagans?!  That's just weird.

When I was still working  and the cubicle next to me was empty people in the office (this was a state office not open to the public) decided to use that space to put up a Christmas tree. Not being a Christian or any religion but a dyed in the wool atheist and everybody knew it,  this did offend me, they could have put that tree anywhere but next to me with all its blinking lights and message. I said nothing but hung a big piece of paper on the outside of my cubicle that said HUMBUG! on it. When I came to work the next day somebody had ripped down my paper BUT the Christmas tree was in another part of the office, far away from me. Without saying  a word I got what I wanted: the tree  away from me with its implications whatever they were. Personally, I did not think the tree belonged into a state office, we had  Jews and Muslims in the office also and I think one man was a Hindu and  Vietnamese who were nor Christians (Buddhists?) I could just imagine the hallabaloo that would have ensued if they had put up whatever decorations  they thought was appropriate for their holidays whenever they were. I think if it offended others it was up to them to voice their objections, without their input I was not going to  speak for them.

Looks like we've got quite a few non-believers on this site. or maybe people are just not as shy as they used to be regarding their non-belief.


TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
People are horrible.  I can't imagine vandalizing a store like that.  My grandma would pop me one!

John and I got into an argument.  Nothing important; people disagree sometimes.  And Connor and Murphy are here snuggling me.  Guess they've picked sides.  Mickey isn't snuggling anyone.  Must be his way of remaining neutral.  LOL


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
and now for something totally different. I'm still considering some new furniture for my living roo. I'd thought of leather but now am thinking about microfiber. So I am wondering if anyone has had experience with that considering we all have cats? None of my cats right now claw furniture but I've had some in the past that did and you never know if one of them will change their mind and start scratching. I've heard that microfiber is woven so tight that cat claws can't get in there. True?How easy is it to clean up in case one of them barfs on it?
I have a microfiber couch and it's fantastic. Nothing pulls when they claw it and it cleans with plain water. No holes from claws, either, and one more thing, fur doesn't stick to it. I need a new footstool myself, and it has GOT to be microfiber.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
and now for something totally different. I'm still considering some new furniture for my living roo. I'd thought of leather but now am thinking about microfiber. So I am wondering if anyone has had experience with that considering we all have cats? None of my cats right now claw furniture but I've had some in the past that did and you never know if one of them will change their mind and start scratching. I've heard that microfiber is woven so tight that cat claws can't get in there. True?How easy is it to clean up in case one of them barfs on it?
We have microfiber. Our cats don't scratch furniture at all, but I believe it is a lot harder to scratch up microfiber than leather for sure. Ruby puts her claws in it when she jumps up (since she's not a big cat) and you can't see the marks. The hair also really doesn't stick to it.  Water washes it easily with no problems. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 21, 2016
​Milda is taking the adoption of the feral black cat serious. She has bought enough cat food for a month. She has a mat that is suppose reflect heat + a igloo ice chest to make a house. The cat's name is Sprinkles. She says that describes the cat. I am happy this feral cat has a home.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
What a great video!  For some reason, my favorite carol is "Mary's Boy Child," by Jester Hairston.  I'll have to find it again, but there's an episode of Amen (the sitcom, with Sherman Hemsley as a pastor), where the church choir is involved in a Christmas carol competition with several other church choirs and can't decide on what to sing.  Jester Hairston plays Rolly Forbes, an elderly parishioner and member of the choir.  When they're all talking about their favorite carols, someone suggests "Mary's Boy Child" and Rolly says "I've never cared very much for that one" (or words to that effect).  They finally decide that everyone in choir will get to solo one verse of their favorite carol.  Somehow, Rolly ends up doing a verse of "Mary's Boy Child."  They end up winning the competition.  I wish I could remember the name of the episode.  It's on YouTube, in three parts.

@Tallyollyopia, I'm not at all surprised that drunk people aren't amenable to explanations that it's as much as your job is worth for you to sell to them.  It kind of goes with being drunk, as does the vandalism.  Sounds like you had a really rotten night.

I hope tonight's better.
Sometimes people are really spiteful and ugly.  This sounds like a truly horrible night.    In all the years I worked at a grocery store, I never had to deal with anything like that.  Only someone who has never gone hungry would casually destroy food.  Although I'm not  sure I believe in karma, I'm kind of hoping it does exist.  Some cosmic  justice needs to happen to this creep.    
Here's hoping my manager found whoever did it.
Love that Christmas Carol..."Mary's Boy Child"  and have you heard the one, "Mary, Did You Know?"  I think those are my favorite ones...

@Tallyollyopia    Thanks for Snoopy!! I have a Snoopy Winter Mug which I am drinking my coffee out of right now...

Man, what a night you had.. that is a nightmare.. unfortunately, some people are really mean drunks.. It was probably one of the ones you refused the liquor was out of meanness and spite....

Hopefully, it will be quieter the next time you go in....and with nicer really have a hard job..physically and mentally....((hugs))
That's one of my favorite Christmas songs, and I hope it's better tonight. 

People are horrible.  I can't imagine vandalizing a store like that.  My grandma would pop me one!

John and I got into an argument.  Nothing important; people disagree sometimes.  And Connor and Murphy are here snuggling me.  Guess they've picked sides.  Mickey isn't snuggling anyone.  Must be his way of remaining neutral.  LOL
I hope whoever did it gets blacklisted. Or forced to clean the store for a night. Either works for me. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
We have microfiber. Our cats don't scratch furniture at all, but I believe it is a lot harder to scratch up microfiber than leather for sure. Ruby puts her claws in it when she jumps up (since she's not a big cat) and you can't see the marks. The hair also really doesn't stick to it.  Water washes it easily with no problems. 
Thank you. I hope a few other people will comment also. I know people who do have leather and their cats don'tr scratch either. I have an office chair that is leather and Vinyl, I don't know which part is which and no cat has ever scratched any part of it. I also had just bought this 20 year old car to replace my wrecked van and I think the upholstery is microfiber, it feels and looks like really short velvet and that upholstery is like brand new, no stains, rips or scratches and rips. and any mess just wipes right up or off.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Thank you, I hope more people will comment.
I wish I could offer some info but my couch is corduroy. While it doesn't show much in the way of scratching damage, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't clean up very easily. 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jan 21, 2016
Today is the second time I find a strange cat eating Smokey's left over food. It is a gray and black male. Tabby. I find myself thinking if this cat keeps getting along with Smokey then I will keep the feral. There is enough room outside for two feral cats. First I have to TNR him. I will call him Moochie. I will watch if he keeps returning. If so I will have another cat. 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jul 17, 2014
Littleton, CO
Maybe three or so decades ago, we were visiting my mother in Florence, Oregon for Christmas.  Florence is on the coast, about halfway between Washington and California.  The nearest city is Eugene, so my mother subscribed to the Eugene newspaper.

I was astonished to see an article in the paper saying that a local pagan group was suing the city of Eugene because of their Christmas tree, on the grounds that it was a symbol of Christianity and therefore offensive to non-Christians.  I could have understood it (though not condoned it) if a Christian fundamentalist group had sued, over this blatant pagan symbol, but the pagans?!  That's just weird.

When I was still working  and the cubicle next to me was empty people in the office (this was a state office not open to the public) decided to use that space to put up a Christmas tree. Not being a Christian or any religion but a dyed in the wool atheist and everybody knew it,  this did offend me, they could have put that tree anywhere but next to me with all its blinking lights and message. I said nothing but hung a big piece of paper on the outside of my cubicle that said HUMBUG! on it. When I came to work the next day somebody had ripped down my paper BUT the Christmas tree was in another part of the office, far away from me. Without saying  a word I got what I wanted: the tree  away from me with its implications whatever they were. Personally, I did not think the tree belonged into a state office, we had  Jews and Muslims in the office also and I think one man was a Hindu and  Vietnamese who were nor Christians (Buddhists?) I could just imagine the hallabaloo that would have ensued if they had put up whatever decorations  they thought was appropriate for their holidays whenever they were. I think if it offended others it was up to them to voice their objections, without their input I was not going to  speak for them.

Looks like we've got quite a few non-believers on this site. or maybe people are just not as shy as they used to be regarding their non-belief.
I doubt that the number of unbelievers on TCS is unusual.  I think it's just that TCS is our safe place, where we know we can talk about it without being attacked, as long as we're not trying to convert anyone to our viewpoint.

Regarding leather furniture, we used to have some, left behind by my parents when they moved to Oregon.  It was horrible.  The cushions developed creases which turned into tears.  (And please note that this would have happened even if we hadn't had cats.)  Sweet Thing didn't scratch it, per se, she just liked to climb it rather than leaping onto it, and she used her claws as pitons.  We will never deliberately have leather furniture again.



TCS Member
Top Cat
May 25, 2016
Kirksville, MO
I hate leather furniture.  It's horrible in cars because it's either too hot or too cold.  And you stick to leather.  It's pretty common for me to wear nothing but a t-shirt and panties when I'm at home.  I don't want to have to worry about my bare legs sticking to my couch.
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