The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
This'll be a weird positivity post, but 4 years ago I reached my rock bottom. I was severely depressed and didn't really recognize that I was because I didn't feel anything. I was apathetic to everything. I didn't want to die, I just wanted to stop existing. My mom took me to the ER 4 years ago today and while I struggled several more months with my depression, October 1, 2014 was the lowest I had ever been. I officially considered my depression in remission in August 2015. So today is a day that reminds me that there is a chance for happiness even after battling depression for 11 years. Making sure I stay mentally healthy is a daily task, but it's not as difficult when my brain is actually functioning as it should.


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
The television will be on today quite a lot, the Cubs/Brewers tiebreaker now, then the Dodgers/Rockies tiebreaker, and Broncos football tonight :thumbsup:
Unfortunately the Cubs lost to the Brewers but fingers crossed they'll win one for the gipper tomorrow. :crossfingers:

My pawsitive is that Carleton spent the entire day by my side yesterday when I was feeling ill. :catrub: His comfort and companionship must have worked because I feel 100% better today.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
neely neely nopies nope nope it'll be the Rockies all the way ;)

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine I'm glad you enjoyed those pics! As I did the Leaves on the Lawn photo. Calm, and again, peaceful :)

MonaLyssa33 MonaLyssa33 You are AWESOME!!

M maggiedemi I felt that way too, --19 years old and by golly he knows what he wants and how to get it :cloud9:

1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1 were the birds you mentioned Loons? ...oh, no, i'll bet they were sandhill cranes lol
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
Shane Kent Shane Kent Your cat figurines are always one of my favorite thing to see. The vontives are so sweet. I love the positioning of the cats. I look forward to seeing any new bird pictures you may get.
MonaLyssa33 MonaLyssa33 Your story may well inspire others. I think you are super! Thank you for letting others know you can beat depression. That is a definite positive!
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 To answer your question about the rescue group, I don’t know but they can be found by a simple Google. I am not always impressed but this was a very positive person!
I saw your burn reference. I am so sorry you suffered that. I am delighted you are with us here. Elvis can make a bed? You love laundry? Come visit anytime! My cats help with chores but they charge a lot.
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine The leaves falling on the Cat was very cute. It brought a smile. The swan scene was stunning. neely neely I am so glad Carleton was able to heal you! Cats are good at that! It’s great you are back to 100%.
1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1 I had to laugh about the story of feeding the turkey to the cat! I am glad your wife loves kitty too so that you survived that!
Furballsmom Furballsmom Awesome redirect to the cat photos and story! Very pretty fall color.
M maggiedemi As always, I read and enjoy your posts. I am glad you survived the strange big attack! The song about 2Sparrows bright my kitty Kodiak running. She watched the whole video. I wonder if she expected birds?!?!? Lol Here she is! She watched so intently I had to laugh. I thought you would too so here she is

My own positives for today? My kitties surround me! My confederate rose ( Hibisus mutabilis) is blooming. My father called me for a nice long chat yesterday and he thinks he has found some land nearby where I could happily move with all of my kitties. A positive thought! He also sent me a darling cat tea towel that arrived today. A friend is here visiting. I may have a chance to visit most of my family later in the month! All very positive things.


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
are you and the kitties, and everyone there, ok?
Hi Furballsmom,


We're fine, thanks. I haven't had much time to post recently because I've been so busy at work. I work free lance so for the past 8 months or so I've worked 2 half days and 5 full days a week. This week I finally get some time off.


I have lots of plans, but I'm trying to remember to relax a bit too.

A big typhoon came through here on Sunday and knocked our power out. We had no electricity for 48 hours, but it's back on now and I'm going to be having a long, hot bath soon.


Good news is that only a few branches came down and the enclosure fence wasn't badly damaged this time. None of the cats even tried to escape. Good kitties will be getting some extra treats for that.


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Oh. Norachan Norachan I'm SO glad you and the kitties made it through!! - smart cats LOL

Speaking of, Jcatbird Jcatbird , YOUR kitties especially Kodiak are smart as well ;) , and that confederate rose is simply gorgeous!!

I have a typing helper this morning - he says "hello, everyone, never mind, it's a grey day so i'm going back to my eve more important job of sleeping"

Which is to say, a sleeping cat is definitely a positive :)

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Furballsmom Furballsmom Loons calling out on the bay:) Not the best video, I shot it with a cell phone.

Today we switched cell phone providers. I had all the account settings ready and so far so good. A nice smooth transition will make my boss happy. I am down to only two different cell phone brands from 4 different brands which will make my job a little easier.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
A big typhoon came through here on Sunday and knocked our power out. We had no electricity for 48 hours, but it's back on now and I'm going to be having a long, hot bath soon.
Norachan Norachan - It's not like I worry about you or the cats when it's a billion degrees below zero there, and you have 90 meters (whatever they are) of snow, but have you looked into propane or dual fuel generators for emergency use?

A bit more rain overnight, thankfully, and we've finally come up to "normal" for our per-quarter precipitation. Chinese Chestnuts, Horse Chestnuts and Black Walnuts are beginning to drop, and squirrels appear to have come from as far away as Australia to reap their nutty bounty.

Not quite a year ago, in the "yellow wood" where the foxes play:



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
MonaLyssa33 MonaLyssa33 --Glad you got your happiness, thanks for sharing that. :redheartpump:

Jcatbird Jcatbird --Ha! I'm glad Kodiak enjoyed my song. Thanks for the pic, it made me smile. That's wonderful about your dad, I know they help when they can. :)

Shane Kent Shane Kent --Nice! We're getting all high-tech with videos now? I can't even take a decent picture yet. I need to buy a smartphone.

Positive: You all can probably guess my positive for this morning. It rained! :cheerleader:
I get my turn tomorrow at the washing machine, so all is right with the world.

Secret of Life by Faith Hill


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
Shane kent - Wild grapes, woodbine and Sumac - all three are always good for a little early Autumn colour. Kinda reminds you a little of Boundary Waters, Algonquin, and the Adirondacks, doesn't it?

Mother Nature's spaced the two Great Lakes storms an hour apart this afternoon - perfect timing for fox feeding! M maggiedemi - The storm looks to be about half way through where you are, and the leading edge of that storm is what R raysmyheart should be seeing right about now. From here, this looks like this might be an all night / all day / all night rain, and we'll finally be ahead of schedule for precipitation for the year.

I'll drop one more October photo here - maybe my favourite of all time. A bright sunny later October afternoon, looking south, with the Mute Swan breeding island at the left edge, center. This was the last pair of swans that year, the cygnets already having flown. Next day, this pair was gone as well. Nice memory.

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Incredibly beautiful photos of Autumn 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine especially here with the Mute Swans, what a wonderful capture you got that Fall. I love photos of pathways in Nature also and yours are really striking with the Autumn foliage. Thank you for posting these!

Shane Kent Shane Kent , I have never heard the call of the Loon around here and it is hauntingly beautiful.

MonaLyssa33 MonaLyssa33 I love your avatar, it is an adorable photo!

I was thinking about some of the sights I got to see this Summer, here and there, and I know I have posted this photo before, but would like to share it again with you.
A Summer memory -


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Shane Kent Shane Kent Beautiful loon video! They sound like they are laughing, kind of.
R raysmyheart What a beautiful pic! Thanks for sharing it with us!
Norachan Norachan So glad you and cats are all safe!
MonaLyssa33 MonaLyssa33 I can't imagine what that must be like, but am very glad you have celebrated that milestone.
Jcatbird Jcatbird Thanks, I'll look them up. Kodiak is adorable! The story is long and painful, so I won't post it here on the PAWSitive thread -- the good part is, and thanks to all who have sent good thoughts, that yes, I survived without too much damage! 1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1 I am actually very attracted to fire, even still but I am very respectful of it. The safety of my loved ones (and I'm one of those, btw!) comes first. Always.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
The sun is shining, but not fierce, the mosquitoes are beginning to abate a little, the power hasn't even flickered in the last 24 hours, my apartment is back in order, and I've actually SEEN all but two of my ferals over the last few days. I don't spend huge amounts of time outside, so I'm fairly confident that those two survived Florence, as well!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Secret of Life by Faith Hill

M maggiedemi - My favourite by Faith Hill. "The secret of life is there ain't no secret." That says it all right there - personal opinion, of course.

R raysmyheart - Thanks for sharing one of your Summer memories photos; the swans - and the butterfly photos from earlier this year - were some of this thread's highlights.

Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 - Great to hear that you've seen most of your ferals at this point. I've no doubt the other two will show up before too long. :)

The rain's stopped here, supplanted now by dense fog rolling up from the river. Kitties are curled up on sofas, and all's right with the world he too.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
R raysmyheart --Beautiful pic. I need to get more outdoorsy. Maybe a new years resolution.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 --Glad you survived & that you're here with us.

di and bob di and bob --Great advice, thank you for sharing that. My brother says the same thing, you can never have a different past.

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine --That was always my favorite Faith Hill song since the day it came out. Simple pleasures. :)

Positive: I'm going to register to vote for the first time after being forbidden my entire life. It feels good, but a bit scary. I just feel really strongly about some of the things going on in our country and want to add my voice.

Let That Pony Run by Pam Tillis

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Pawsitive today!
-I woke up.
-No one got sick.
-No one died.
-Animals are happy.
-Spent the day working with my hands and on my feet and am physically capable of it.
-We got a delicious dinner ready to put in the oven.
-We got a roof over our heads, our bills are paid, and our animals are happy.
What more do we want?

Have a pawsitive song. One of the greatest of all time.
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