The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
Oh man, we're not gonna start the corn/harvest moon debate again are we?
No, but I seriously couldn't resist :D. I took the chance that 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine has been workin' too hard lately to pay me a whole lotta mind...

And, speaking of, WOW!!! That's a fabulous photo!! Is that storm coming or going?

Positive, breakfast (brunch?) in a few minutes.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Furballsmom Furballsmom --Oh man, you're playing with fire. :headshake:... I wish it would storm here. I need some rain.

Oh, I do have a positive for today. Tractor Supply sent me a $5 off coupon for my Birthday. And I also had money in my Paypal account for doing surveys. So my order of cat food was basically free. Can't get any better than free. :cheerleader:

I Cross My Heart By George Strait:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Is that storm coming or going?
Furballsmom Furballsmom - It's actually just over the river in that shot. In Summer, when Lake Erie is warm, the water from the Lower Niagara is even warmer as it's spread over the three shallow branches, and pressure ridges form over the warm water as it flows into Lake Ontario, pushing storms apart all across the isthmus between the last two Great Lakes. There's a Summer microclimate on the south shore of Lake Ontario much warmer and drier than it is even a mile to the south - inland - and storms often break apart, sometimes raining like mad in the woods at the west end of the back yard, while the east end of the property remains dry, only a thousand yards apart.

Here's the view to the south:


where the river curves 'round in a 90º arc. The low-lying clouds here will divide like the Red Sea (you can actually make out the division here almost straight above the guest house, as they break apart) before they reach the southern property line, and generally, as things cool down just before sunset, a Roll Cloud will form over the river, conserving heat just like William Rankine said it would. Sometimes, as if by magic, crazy people will appear, hang gliding along the roll cloud, riding the thermals like deranged, multicoloured raptors.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
@Shane Kent -- Another collection of incredibly cute finds! :yess:
M maggiedemi -- I always think of "Another Day In Paradise" as being a soundtrack for us here in la-la land, where there is such a divide between the uber-wealthy and those with nothing. Two memories that stand out: Driving through Beverly Hills at night, seeing homeless people sleeping in the doorways of shops I couldn't afford a thing in. And an article in our local paper two locations ago about a raid on a place in our city that was imprisoning slave labor, undoubtedly there to pay off their never-ending debt to human traffickers. A great song. *ConCATs, btw, on your savings!*:thumbsup:
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine Happy 600th!!! :goldstar: Speaking of micro-climates, I often thought it felt different out back from out front, in the Mojave, as the back was very close to the mountains and the front was close to "the flats" and one could see El Mirage dry lake out to the north. Maybe it was just psychosomatic, but still. Really like your anecdote about the hang gliders!

It's 83F outside, but still cool inside ;) and so all the windows and doors are open. The birds are not fighting in the hedge today, which is a good sign. Yesterday afternoon I thought I might have to send out a cat or two to break things up. :insertevillaugh:
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine That's fascinating - I love weather watching, --thank you for the description, and the bonus photograph! ...gee whiz, and here I thought the weather coming off the Rockies was odd LOL

Unfortunately the video was accidentally deleted (if I receive it again I'll post it), but there's a neighbor/friend/co-worker who has simply the sweetest little kitty they recently adopted. She and they have discovered how to play fetch with a mousie I took over to them the other day.

over and over and over and over, and over and again and again some more

It really is the most darling thing, however I got to thinking her owners may very well get tired of it before she does LOL so I sent them a link to this;
20 Best Interactive Cat Toys: The Ultimate List (2018) |

and there's my positive, from awesome amazing weather to small furry feline creatures finding out that life is a good thing.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Furballsmom Furballsmom --All that weather stuff went right over my head, so I'll just enjoy the pretty pictures. I wish I could get inspired like you guys over the weather. I haven't written a poem since 2005 when my sister-in-law died. I need something to inspire me. Nothing exciting ever happens out here in the boondocks. Hopefully I can move soon.

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 --I'd love to visit California again. I've only been to San Francisco.

Positive: Maggie hasn't hissed at me in at least a month. It took 4 years, but she is finally sweetening up. If she's sleepy, I can tote her around in my arms. She seems jealous if I'm deep in conversation and will actually come up and ask me for pets. :)

My Maria by Brooks & Dunn


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
I need something to inspire me. Nothing exciting ever happens out here in the boondocks
I really like that poem from when you were a teenager....ummm, what about cats?

Positive, starting to dismantle the garden, and in the process found one of those BIG zucchinis that was hiding. Looks like more Quickbread is in the near future LOL


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
I really like that poem from when you were a teenager....ummm, what about cats?

Positive, starting to dismantle the garden, and in the process found one of those BIG zucchinis that was hiding. Looks like more Quickbread is in the near future LOL

Furballsmom Furballsmom - Years ago (1985, I believe) there was an Erma Bombeck article in Reader's Digest about, "Hidden Zucchini." One of the paragraphs regarding these behemoths (and how to divest yourself of them once the neighbours had banned you from their property if you showed up with any more zucchini) found lurking under the leaves at the season's end was, "look hard at those zucchini and think sports. Here are a few to consider: Whitewater Squash. One large zucchini will make two canoes. Haul the squash into a clearing and split it with an ax. Hollow out the halves with your adz and set them in the sun to dry. The sport is simple: put your canoe into swift water. If it floats downstream and disappears, you win." "Zucchini Baseball, "Zucchini Skeet," and, "Zucchini Housing Developments" (for the truly enormous ones) were also mentioned.

Here, it's Winter Squash - but in the most Pawsitive of ways, since there are now 59 Butternut Squash asleep on the patio, just waiting for their butter and brown sugar fillings!

Edit: the article isn't online, but Google Books has a snippet view which at least identifies the Reader's Digest volume in which it appeared:

The Reader's Digest

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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US

oh, too much fun!

"Zucchini Baseball,
Somewhere I have a picture from a couple of summers ago; that one really was a baseball bat, in all seriousness.

--for those of you who aren't familiar, zucchini is considered to be a summer squash.

there are now 59 Butternut Squash asleep on the patio,
That's a LOT of squash!

Ok, I've got to ask - HOW do you get those incredibly stubborn vegetables open? I've tried a couple of methods, and have just about decided a chainsaw is the only viable means of cracking them (...kidding... heh. --only somewhat).

positive, speaking of baseball it's a better day today for the Rockies :thumbsup:
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Ok, I've got to ask - HOW do you get those incredibly stubborn vegetables open? I've tried a couple of methods, and have just about decided a chainsaw is the only viable means of cracking them (...kidding... heh. --only somewhat).
Furballsmom Furballsmom - When I was a kid, Dad used to just run 'em through the table saw, raw. Today, it's a lot easier - put 'em in the microwave for 2½ to 3 minutes. At that point, they're about one-third cooked - and soft enough to slice in half with any good sharp knife.

I put them back in face down with just a little water then, and nuke 'em three or four more minutes. Then it's just butter and brown sugar, and into the toaster oven they go. When the butter melts, they're ready. Ten minutes well-spent. Mucho pawsitivo - and beats the heck outta paddling a zucchini!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Furballsmom Furballsmom --Thanks, I'm glad you liked the poem. There's no notes written on it saying who it was about, but it was probably exaggerated or even made up, you know teenagers. I haven't written a poem about my cats yet, thanks for the idea. Maybe I'll write one about the changing Seasons too.
You should make a Ratatouille with the zucchini.

Positive: Got stocked up on cat food today and I think I found a dry food that Maggie likes after she rejected 87 bags. Demi doesn't care, he loves his kibble.

Ain't Nothing 'Bout You by Brooks & Dunn (I was front row at their concert!)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Furballsmom Furballsmom - When I was a kid, Dad used to just run 'em through the table saw, raw. Today, it's a lot easier - put 'em in the microwave for 2½ to 3 minutes. At that point, they're about one-third cooked - and soft enough to slice in half with any good sharp knife.

I put them back in face down with just a little water then, and nuke 'em three or four more minutes. Then it's just butter and brown sugar, and into the toaster oven they go. When the butter melts, they're ready. Ten minutes well-spent. Mucho pawsitivo - and beats the heck outta paddling a zucchini!
I looooove butternut squash and I have several recipes that use it, so it's pawsitive to learn an easier way to cut them!

A nap with a favorite girl cuddled next to my legs is a great gloomy Sunday activity. Especially when one is up babysitting too late the night before.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I LOVE squash. It's in my genes. ALL squash are great. And ratatouille is wonderful! Thanks much, 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine , for the great tutuorial on butternut squash. No more wrassling with the sharp knife and the hard-as-a-rock squash skin!
M maggiedemi Aww, isn't it satisfying when you earn the trust of a beloved cat? Maggie is realizing every day how loved she is. And even if "nothing ever happens here in the boonies" (it doesn't much in the big city, either, except for stuff we'd rather didn't happen!) THAT has to be exciting!
Yes, I could never be a nationalist, but California has always been special to me -- we have one of the top-producing economies in the world, every conceivable type of climate and topography, the most tolerant, compassionate and intelligent population in the country (and yes, I know that's my opinion, but it's based on a lot of FACTS), and very progressive people making big strides for cats! Here's an acoustic version of a song that's about California (because that's where he lives and where he's standing):


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 --I suppose you're right. I do keep myself out of trouble out here. :D I love the acoustic guitar! It has the prettiest sound.

Positive: I was trying to get Demi in from the garage and I got attacked by this big black insect looking thing. It was stinging me and wouldn't let go of my finger. My family is asking me if it was a black widow spider. Well how would I know? I was screaming and shaking my hand so hard to get it off, it was a blur. Now the positive part is it finally let go. I washed my hand and took some herbs that I usually take for infection. I will probably live to see another day. :)

Heroes & Friends by Randy Travis


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I just have to stop everything for this positive note! @Molly7321 is so great! Pursuing a hurt cat to rescue! She is going above and beyond! I love people who care so much! When she posted on TCS for help, a man with a small rescue group answered my call that night. Even though he was at a family function he stopped to take the call because he cares! A total stranger , he took my call and showed up to help another stranger for the sake of one kitty. Mr. McKay, you are awesome for helping our TCS member. His group is surviving on donations and caring for a group of ferals. Tropical Acres Feral Rescue Rocks! Of all the groups in that area , this is the one that actually helped. I just love cat people! It made my day to hear he is going to be working to get this cat with our member. I find a lot of great people through TCS. Now I know two more!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 21, 2015
M maggiedemi , that was scary about the insect! I hope you are feeling okay, sending healing wishes to you from Speedy and me.

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine , that is really a good way to easily cook and enjoy the butternut squash. I've heard a lot of my customers remark over the years about the difficulty they have preparing this delicious vegetable (probably one of my favorite vegetables of all) and this is a great preparation method to pass along.

My positive? Butternut squash with brown sugar and butter!:fallsmiley:
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