The Mega Pawsitive Fundraiser

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
Furballsmom Furballsmom
I Cross My Heart By George Strait:
That song is my parents' song according to my mom, even though it came out years after they were married. I love George Strait though. My mom tried getting me tickets to see him when I was 10 or something but they sold out within minutes. My mom couldn't even get the phone call through to the ticket place (back before you could buy tickets online).


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Furballsmom Furballsmom --I guess that insect wasn't poisonous, since I'm still alive. It stabbed me & left a bloody pin prick. I've about had it with this country life.

@raysmyheart --Thank you to you & Speedy for worrying about me. That was so sweet. I'll be alright. I know a lot of natural cures.

MonaLyssa33 MonaLyssa33 --I don't know if they still do it, but American Express used to reserve the first 15 rows at concerts for their cardholders. I always had good seats.

Positive: I survived that big bad insect sting and bonus positive, it actually rained last night! I could hear it coming down while I was sleeping and that made me so happy.

Two Sparrows In A Hurricane by Tanya Tucker


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
it actually rained last night! I could hear it coming down while I was sleeping and that made me so happy.
M maggiedemi - It rained all night up this way was well; nine tenths of an inch in the rain gauge this morning. I'm surely happy that I finished the re-seeding when I did; the rain and cooler nights should hasten germination along.

Hey - it's October - and we all know what that means - Snowshoe Cats banging on trees with rubber mallets - Autumn colours!


I'm hoping for an encore of Mother Nature's performance last October.





Come on - let's see those Autumn leaves!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
@Jcatbird BEST news! Do they have social media presence? I would definitely add them to my LIKES if they do!
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine Gorgeous pix! And I wish I could comply, but unfortunately, we don't have any evidence that it's Autumn here in parched, arid, hot la-la land, where it's forecast to be close to 90F today.
M maggiedemi If that had been a Widow, you'd know it. My ex got bitten by one a long time ago and he lived -- fortunately? -- but he said it made him hallucinate and sick.
Another week has started, and every day is an opPURR-TUNA-ty to help cats! I'm doing wash, too, which is good. For some reason I love doing laundry. *It may have a lot to do with all of the excellent bed-making help I've gotten over the years. The current helper/overseer is Elvis, of course*
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Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
oh my goodness, 1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine --Plus Bob, your graphic depiction had me laughing out loud....I'm still smiling, what a hoot!!

...and some more wonderful photographs! thank you for sharing!

I'll have to get on the other computer and look for previous years' autumn color pictures. This year was a bit of a dud in the high country for leaf-peeping, because some aspen have already dropped their leaves, some are still in that amazing color that almost glows in the right light, and some are still completely green.

M maggiedemi , I'm glad it wasn't a black widow spider, but now I'm wondering what the heck the insect was that it didn't seem to want to let go?? eeesh.

The television will be on today quite a lot, the Cubs/Brewers tiebreaker now, then the Dodgers/Rockies tiebreaker, and Broncos football tonight :thumbsup:

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine Not a lot of color at the cottage yet. I fully expect that to be different this upcoming weekend. Should be a lot of color and birds on the bay this upcoming weekend. I have to remember to bring my Canon camera with me so I can get some decent photos and videos.

This is at my work today.

If that is too much color for one post maybe these will balance it out:)



Have a great day / night everyone.:happycat:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Shane kent - Wild grapes, woodbine and Sumac - all three are always good for a little early Autumn colour. Kinda reminds you a little of Boundary Waters, Algonquin, and the Adirondacks, doesn't it?

Mother Nature's spaced the two Great Lakes storms an hour apart this afternoon - perfect timing for fox feeding! M maggiedemi - The storm looks to be about half way through where you are, and the leading edge of that storm is what @raysmyheart should be seeing right about now. From here, this looks like this might be an all night / all day / all night rain, and we'll finally be ahead of schedule for precipitation for the year.

I'll drop one more October photo here - maybe my favourite of all time. A bright sunny later October afternoon, looking south, with the Mute Swan breeding island at the left edge, center. This was the last pair of swans that year, the cygnets already having flown. Next day, this pair was gone as well. Nice memory.



TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Furballsmom Furballsmom --Well I said that I wanted something exciting to happen out here in the boonies. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. :D

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 --Why the question mark after fortunately? :lol: I didn't hallucinate at all, but my finger felt paralyzed for a few minutes. I don't think it was a spider, I think I saw wings.

Shane Kent Shane Kent --I'm kinda stumped on those. Cup holders? Candle holders?

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine --Love the swans! Thanks for the weather report. If it rains again tonight that will be a definite "positive". Laundry is really piling up here, so we need a full well. :crossfingers:

Here's another positive, one of my favorite singers, this guy has the voice of an angel: Lovin' You Against My Will by Gary Allan

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
@maggiedei - Shane Kent Shane Kent has great command of the language - you just don't notice it as much because he doesn't have a big flapping mouth like 1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1 and myself certain people who shall remain nameless.

I heard this just now, and had almost forgotten how much I liked it - a salute to every last one who gave their all.

Big flapping mouth, huh? :redtongue::redtongue::redtongue::thumbsup:
..I got nothing man. Seriously.
*rubs back of neck, looks away.*

I rather like the song you shared. I volunteered to deliver a truck of a deceased pal of mine to it's new owner and it was rough but it was kind of a gift I think. Really emotional but there was something in my eye. And I was chopping onions earlier. And Baby Girl clawed me in the face (even though this was years before she was born.)
Not a really "pawsitive" song but I do love it. We've talked of Michael Jackson before, right? I've been humming it for, oh, I don't know...30 years.
Just for fun, I heard a rumor (don't know if this is true) that he deleted this song from the line up when Princess Di was going to attend, and before the show she asked him if he'd sing this song and he was like "NO!" and she asked him to because she thought it was a really great song. So he did, but kept shooting her "THIS ISN'T ABOUT YOU OK" glances.

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
M maggiedemi Candle holders for those short little candles that come in metal containers would be my guess. I would think they were imported through Quebec because the sticker on the bottom is in French. "Chat relaxe-support bougie" which translates to "Relaxed cat-candle holder" and the sticker says made in China.

The following cat figurine I like a lot. I paid 99 cents at a thrift store for it today but we don't have the penny here anymore so it cost me 4 quarters. How is that even possible? I can't find that in a store new and if I did it wouldn't be a dollar.


It may look bigger than it is. I cropped the photo in. It is a lot smaller than the floor cats.

Shane Kent

Crazy Cat Gentleman
Top Cat
May 9, 2016
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Thanks for pointing out cats and candles:climbcat::runningcat::dizzycat:

Karen and I don't burn candles because we have four cats and the reason you mentioned. I think the little fake candles would fit nicely on the relaxed cats now you mention it. I would be much more relaxed:)

Karen used to burn candles back in the 90s until one morning two cats, Zaren and Kane, had wax all over them when we woke up. We are lucky they didn't burn the apartment building down and that was the end of candles and cats. Karen used to have a thing for candles and I never understood it, I guess I am just too much a computer/electronics geek. At a fancy dinner OK but all night long? We have light bulbs??
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1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Shane kent - Wild grapes, woodbine and Sumac - all three are always good for a little early Autumn colour. Kinda reminds you a little of Boundary Waters, Algonquin, and the Adirondacks, doesn't it?

Mother Nature's spaced the two Great Lakes storms an hour apart this afternoon - perfect timing for fox feeding! M maggiedemi - The storm looks to be about half way through where you are, and the leading edge of that storm is what @raysmyheart should be seeing right about now. From here, this looks like this might be an all night / all day / all night rain, and we'll finally be ahead of schedule for precipitation for the year.

I'll drop one more October photo here - maybe my favourite of all time. A bright sunny later October afternoon, looking south, with the Mute Swan breeding island at the left edge, center. This was the last pair of swans that year, the cygnets already having flown. Next day, this pair was gone as well. Nice memory.

View attachment 255215
That is an awesome autumn photo man...
We had a pair of non native wild birds show up and then disappear. I hope they just moved on. But they were really cool to see, even though the initial sounds of their callings made me piss my pants and consider calling 911.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Shane Kent Shane Kent I'm a geek AND a romantic, but also a burn survivor (candles not involved, but I'm wary of fire since then) and really glad there are flameless candles now, as well as really great lights/lamps! I have one that malfunctioned right away, so they're sending out another. It's a silicone cat-shaped one that changes colors if you want, or stays white. I do like low light and the feeling of "long ago" that you can get with candles. But not at the risk of a fire. I also have a crystal chandelier with those candle-shaped bulbs that was on a dimmer switch, but the switch no longer works, so it's just on or off. Still beautiful, though.

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
Shane Kent Shane Kent I'm a geek AND a romantic, but also a burn survivor (candles not involved, but I'm wary of fire since then) and really glad there are flameless candles now, as well as really great lights/lamps! I have one that malfunctioned right away, so they're sending out another. It's a silicone cat-shaped one that changes colors if you want, or stays white. I do like low light and the feeling of "long ago" that you can get with candles. But not at the risk of a fire. I also have a crystal chandelier with those candle-shaped bulbs that was on a dimmer switch, but the switch no longer works, so it's just on or off. Still beautiful, though.
Not sure of your story tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 but burns and fires suck. I'm glad you're here. And I'm glad you're safe....minus the risk of candles!
We used to be candle people but with the asthmatic cat, we learned a lot of do's and don'ts, and what's safe for most folks and cats isn't for others...and we now appreciate a nice low watt table lamp in place of that. It makes the place look really inviting, danger is much less IME and, well...anything to be cozy you know.
We actually dismissed the real fireplaces for electric. Safer, less smoke (again, asthmatic cat that has cost us thousands but taught is more than millions :hugs:) and less panic stricken if I wake at 4:30AM wonder "was that fire really out?"
There is NO worse feeling than waking in a panic 6 hours after you KNOW you put that fireplace/candle/whatever out, but you have a pretend heart attack as you leap out of bed, your spouse is like "WTF?" and you rush to the area, breath in relief and go back to bed thinking you're either responsible or insane.

I love campfires, well controlled, but I hate fire in general. Maybe "hate" is the wrong word, but I respect it and know it can go out of (our) control in no time.
Again, no idea of your story but I'm glad you're here. :sunshine::sunshine:

1 bruce 1

TCS Member
Top Cat
Apr 8, 2016
M maggiedemi Candle holders for those short little candles that come in metal containers would be my guess. I would think they were imported through Quebec because the sticker on the bottom is in French. "Chat relaxe-support bougie" which translates to "Relaxed cat-candle holder" and the sticker says made in China.

The following cat figurine I like a lot. I paid 99 cents at a thrift store for it today but we don't have the penny here anymore so it cost me 4 quarters. How is that even possible? I can't find that in a store new and if I did it wouldn't be a dollar.

View attachment 255224
It may look bigger than it is. I cropped the photo in. It is a lot smaller than the floor cats.
If you lift the other front foot into a 90 degree angle, this is Baby Girls "I'm starving! ..but I bet you don't care, do you. I'll just take my little kitten self and go starve in a corner, bet you don't care..." then I drop a whole turkey into her mouth and wife is like "I COOKED THAT FOR YOU:angrywoman: :angryfire:"
But we both love her to pieces...


Cat Devotee
Jan 9, 2018
Colorado US
This is at my work today.
That is a terrific picture! and I'm pretty sure Karen would enjoy your color to white balance comment LOL

1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine The swans, wow, I can see why that one would be a top favorite shot - you really caught everything that's beautiful, peaceful and wonderful.

@les26 there's some darn good Monday Night football going on Go Broncos :thumbsup:

Hopefully Shane kent doesn't mind me giving this re-direct, to some VERY positive photos of cats ;);
Someone Said They Feel Sorry For My Cat...

Also, there's a thread that you-all might really enjoy if you haven't seen it yet;
My 19 Year Old Cat 'ran Away' Two Doors Down. Turns Out There's More To The Story Than I Thought.

Here's a little of that incredible glow;


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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Furballsmom Furballsmom --Thanks for the link about the old kitty. I have tears in my eyes over his great adventure. What a wonderful owner & landlord too. :bawling:

Shane Kent Shane Kent --I know why Karen likes candles, for the scent! It's a girlie thing. I sometimes buy vanilla candles just to sniff, I don't light them.

1 bruce 1 1 bruce 1 --I love that Dirty Diana song and I heard the same story about Michael & Princess Di too.

Positive: I've got my baby Demi sleeping on the chair next to me. Funny how something so simple makes my heart so happy. Maggie sleeps with my dad. I don't know how I'll ever separate those 2 when I move out. It's a true love match. :)

Smoke Rings In The Dark by Gary Allan


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Here's a little of that incredible glow;
Furballsmom Furballsmom - Yep - that's incredible. I'm convinced that golden filtered light is what Frost saw in his mind when he wrote The Road Not Taken. There's something magical about it, like certain Thomas Kinkade Autumn scenes.

Leaves on the lawn, in an Autumn past:

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