Tera + 2 - 4


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
That statement was in context to this site. I've probably rescued more dogs than many dyed in the wool dog lovers. I abhor all animal abuse. I have warned many dog owners out here who let them run loose. What one dog will never think of, two will consider and three will act like a pack if there is one among who has the proclivity to chase and kill or chase livestock. I had a goat for years that came from a horrible situation. She was horrible and no one else wanted her so I learned to lover her for who she was and that led the way to transforming her.
Dogs can be trained to suppress some of their natural behaviors IF the guardian takes the time. The biggest issue with all astray animals is they are acting like animals and their guardians have failed to crawl out of the low end of the gene pool and behave like adults.
The lawsuit that still sits ready to sell the holy ever loving crap out of my in-laws for their loose , vicious , untrained, unsocialized non stop barking dogs is not because the dogs were bad but because they allowed them to become a menace. So far the threat of real legal action has suppressed most of the nonsense.
Most of us here get an animal make if family and settle in for better or worse and deal with issues. Other people use their car and a dirt road in the dark of night. They are usually serial animal owners.
I shared Frog and Toads first year here and while it may have been heartwarming raising kittens to be good cats does take some effort.
I shared the horrors of losing Kitten to a veterinary monster sub human and the pain we go though when we lose one of our own.
Never once did we consider dumping her in the night box at the shelter or just dumping her in a crate somewhere. If you can't handle the eventual end no matter how it comes you shouldn't have that puppy or kitten. That is simply a transitional stage to the very quick onset of adult dogs and cats. Your dog doesn't belong chained to the bumper of your car and your cat cannot take care of itself outside alone.
To bring home an animal and then abandon it or dump it in a shelter is pure selfish and self serving behavior. It is why Bek that getting the laws changed to hold DVMs legally accountable for some of the gross negligence they are guilty of is so hard. People still think it's ok to acquire animals like objects to be used , liked and then discarded like last years scarf from Aunt Mable. We're a going to change that.
Agree 100% and fighting those battles for most of my life. My family raised me to that. And you're right about the behavior issues, not only with dogs but with humans (or anyone else) -- society is the way it is because of bad, or no, training by parents/family/teachers/clergy/guardians of kids. It's not the kids' fault. Kids are born blank slates. They soak up whatever is around them. If what's around them is evil and/or uncaring, it's pretty hard (not impossible, but difficult) for them to become productive and caring members of society. My folks were exemplary and I give them all due credit for instilling the best values in me. And I pray that everyone could have such amazing inspirations for family members. It makes all the difference.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
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Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Agree 100% and fighting those battles for most of my life. My family raised me to that. And you're right about the behavior issues, not only with dogs but with humans (or anyone else) -- society is the way it is because of bad, or no, training by parents/family/teachers/clergy/guardians of kids. It's not the kids' fault. Kids are born blank slates. They soak up whatever is around them. If what's around them is evil and/or uncaring, it's pretty hard (not impossible, but difficult) for them to become productive and caring members of society. My folks were exemplary and I give them all due credit for instilling the best values in me. And I pray that everyone could have such amazing inspirations for family members. It makes all the difference.
I watch with sadness as my nieces and nephews mirror the behavior of their parents my SIL , BILs . who learned it from their parents. My MIL and FIL. Thankfully my husband has fallen far from their family tree. Yet another generation of animal neglect. Beyond sad. They don't learn they just slog on like the low class scum they are.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Gorgeous photos of gorgeous cats!!! :loveeyes:
Yeah, sadly, that's what a lot of people do. And yeah, a lot of people just don't break the mold. For my part, one of the things I'm here on earth to do is to walk the talk and be an example for others if they want to do that, and to help if others want to learn. I like to exchange information and thoughts with others and if I can do anything to advocate for cats to them, I will. Some people aren't willing, so I just provide the example and hope the seed gets planted. :vibes:

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
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Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Sometimes the only thing we can do is stand firm by our principals and let the unwashed herd swarm around us.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
To bring home an animal and then abandon it or dump it in a shelter is pure selfish and self serving behavior. It is why Bek that getting the laws changed to hold DVMs legally accountable for some of the gross negligence they are guilty of is so hard. People still think it's ok to acquire animals like objects to be used , liked and then discarded like last years scarf from Aunt Mable. We're a going to change that.
Yes, we are. Hopefully, State by State until the Federal Government FINALLY catches on. City by city, if we have to.

GOD, I love that photo of Mook! It is STUNNING! Well, they all are, but that one really grabs me! So, when is Merci going on Dancing With the Stars? And...what WAS Frog doing that had Mook and Toad so fascinated?

Spit. I'm going to have to buy a new office chair. This one keeps sllooooooowlllyyyy lowering down to the lowest position, leaving me peeking up over the edge of the desk at my computer!

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Yes, we are. Hopefully, State by State until the Federal Government FINALLY catches on. City by city, if we have to.

GOD, I love that photo of Mook! It is STUNNING! Well, they all are, but that one really grabs me! So, when is Merci going on Dancing With the Stars? And...what WAS Frog doing that had Mook and Toad so fascinated?

Spit. I'm going to have to buy a new office chair. This one keeps sllooooooowlllyyyy lowering down to the lowest position, leaving me peeking up over the edge of the desk at my computer!

Cats express so much emotion. As to Toad that's just an ongoing show.
Check the handle on the bottom of your chair sometimes they just slip out of the lock position. In lieu of a new chair you can sit on some phone books.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
...or give them some soap and water and a towel. ;)

I have learned the hard way that they either ask for the soap , water and a towel or it makes no difference. Spots don't wash off a leopard.
I have helped many people with animal issues where it appeared to be abuse but was just ignorance and once shown they changed but for some the clean up is simply superficial.
I call many animal abusers fence walkers. They know exactly how to stay just that hair on the right side of the law while continuing to have dogs, cats and other animals in a state of basic neglect.
Animal Control officers are bound by the law and sadly they can do little even when they are disgusted unless actual laws have been broken. Also understand many judges simply do not use the full weight of the laws on the books to hold offenders accountable.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I have learned the hard way that they either ask for the soap , water and a towel or it makes no difference. Spots don't wash off a leopard.
I have helped many people with animal issues where it appeared to be abuse but was just ignorance and once shown they changed but for some the clean up is simply superficial.
I call many animal abusers fence walkers. They know exactly how to stay just that hair on the right side of the law while continuing to have dogs, cats and other animals in a state of basic neglect.
Animal Control officers are bound by the law and sadly they can do little even when they are disgusted unless actual laws have been broken. Also understand many judges simply do not use the full weight of the laws on the books to hold offenders accountable.
OH, yeah. With so many people breaking so many laws and the "just us" system being SO screwed up, a slap on the wrist, if that, is all a lot of abusers get. Abusers/killers of humans, likewise. I call it a bitter joke, a little better than no judicial system at all, but not a whole lot. I absolutely do not want anyone innocent to have to pay for a crime they did not commit, but it's skewed so far against victims that many people never receive justice. My beliefs and knowledge indicate that they will eventually face the Justice they cannot evade, and then the price WILL be paid. Also, that all victims will be restored and Loved.
Yeah, there are a lot of sociopaths and psychopaths out there -- amoral societies seem to breed them profusely! but for all of the just plain ignorant, there is hope that examples like ours can provide food for thought and action. I mean, we're all born ignorant and unless we get the right input, how will we develop these complex values? They're certainly not found on the media or among most people's peers/families. And though ideally those who judge should judge on intent, not just by the book, this is not how the justice system is set up here. VERY few judges actually judge on intent.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
OH, yeah. With so many people breaking so many laws and the "just us" system being SO screwed up, a slap on the wrist, if that, is all a lot of abusers get. Abusers/killers of humans, likewise. I call it a bitter joke, a little better than no judicial system at all, but not a whole lot. I absolutely do not want anyone innocent to have to pay for a crime they did not commit, but it's skewed so far against victims that many people never receive justice. My beliefs and knowledge indicate that they will eventually face the Justice they cannot evade, and then the price WILL be paid. Also, that all victims will be restored and Loved.
Yeah, there are a lot of sociopaths and psychopaths out there -- amoral societies seem to breed them profusely! but for all of the just plain ignorant, there is hope that examples like ours can provide food for thought and action. I mean, we're all born ignorant and unless we get the right input, how will we develop these complex values? They're certainly not found on the media or among most people's peers/families. And though ideally those who judge should judge on intent, not just by the book, this is not how the justice system is set up here. VERY few judges actually judge on intent.
We live in a permissive society were it's mean to send someone to prison for crimes. Murderers get 4-6 years in many cases. We had an offender let out on bail in Albuquerque and he robbed and stole another car and the judge let him out on bail again. Where he..you guessed it. Stole another car. We slap animal abusers and then when they finally cross the line no one can ignore someone will say they've been making complaints for years over the situation. We need an aggressive judicial system that nips this crap in the bud. Right now NM is trying to change the law so that convicted felons of non-violent crimes can eventually erase their record. The thing is those laws already exist and this is just a move to let them exonerate themselves without doing the work. Employers will have no idea who they are hiring. Incarceration is expensive. People lose jobs, apartments, homes, cars their children end up in foster care of welfare. And for some reason all of those evils are pushed onto the victims who are supposed to forgive and forget rather than the people who should bear the shame and responsibility.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
We live in a permissive society were it's mean to send someone to prison for crimes. Murderers get 4-6 years in many cases. We had an offender let out on bail in Albuquerque and he robbed and stole another car and the judge let him out on bail again. Where he..you guessed it. Stole another car. We slap animal abusers and then when they finally cross the line no one can ignore someone will say they've been making complaints for years over the situation. We need an aggressive judicial system that nips this crap in the bud. Right now NM is trying to change the law so that convicted felons of non-violent crimes can eventually erase their record. The thing is those laws already exist and this is just a move to let them exonerate themselves without doing the work. Employers will have no idea who they are hiring. Incarceration is expensive. People lose jobs, apartments, homes, cars their children end up in foster care of welfare. And for some reason all of those evils are pushed onto the victims who are supposed to forgive and forget rather than the people who should bear the shame and responsibility.
Absolutely. And those who advocate for this laxity obviously have never experienced being a survivor of violent crime, or a loved one of a survivor of violent crime, themselves. I'm particularly incensed by those who try to play the socioeconomic card, because it is disproportionately those in the demographics they claim to be FOR who are negatively affected (i.e., victims) of violent crime. Family members and loved ones have been victims, and I watch a lot of true crime stories and can tell anyone who cares to listen that we do not appreciate being USED as poster people for their agenda. Yes, it's well documented that a lot of innocent people, especially in these socioeconomic groups, have been incarcerated, killed, and otherwise victimized by those who have their own agenda. But anyone who has had a loved one killed or otherwise victimized, can tell the world that these are separate issues. The ignorant and gullible get on the bandwagon with whomever yells the loudest. The rest of us are left to bear the pain.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
What kills me, re animal abuse, is that we now have FEDERAL laws on the books, but they ARE NOT ENFORCED. They were put there because of the long-known link between violence toward animals and violence towards humans, and STILL THEY ARE NOT USED. Spit. I need a cookie.

HUGS, y'all.