Yeah, well, as you've pointed out, they hand-slap for murder in this society, as well. Life -- any and all life -- is not valued here or in these times much of anywhere that I know of. I have very strong feelings on overpopulation and what it is doing to every aspect of life, which I won't bore you with, but suffice to say that when there is too much of anything, it loses value. I saw a TV show a long time ago that was set in the old west and this little community was extremely excited because at long last, they were going to get a treasure -- a CAT. I loved that show. Anything, or anyone, becomes treasured when there is only one of it, or a small amount. I pray this will happen when we finally get to 100% and every cat will truly be valued.What kills me, re animal abuse, is that we now have FEDERAL laws on the books, but they ARE NOT ENFORCED. They were put there because of the long-known link between violence toward animals and violence towards humans, and STILL THEY ARE NOT USED. Spit. I need a cookie.
HUGS, y'all.
But for now, I read and hear very frequently of serial killers (of humans) being paroled after serving hardly any time, or their cases being overturned on technicalities and them being released. Recidivism apparently has no importance whatsoever, because life is not valued. And as for violence (I don't like it being called "abuse". It's VIOLENCE. Let's call it what it is.) against animals, a lot of law enforcement and judges would laugh you out of your shoes if you try to get them to apply even the wrist-slap laws there are. And as for "animal abuse leads to crimes against humans" -- yeah, okay. I care about both, of course, but to imply that the crimes against animals are only important in that context makes my blood boil. I actually had someone close to me ask the cliche question of whom I would save -- my cats or a (human) stranger. I reacted off the cuff by saying truly -- my cats, of course -- at which he laughed rather dismissively and disappointedly. If I had taken time to think I would have said, "I'd pray, because I can do no thing without my Creator, and I would pray that ALL would be saved." But if it is truly either/or, my beloved family members, who happen to be feline, would ALWAYS be those I would help first. (Besides, the guy does extreme sports. He's not the hypothetical "stranger", but yo, bruh, you'd be on your own, no matter how much I like you.)