Struggling With Play Time


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Mar 14, 2016
I am going to consolidate the posts just to make it easier for us.

It can be interesting when cats play with them but I do worry how the mice feel because I think they don't realize it isn't a death sentence. For the most part. But you never know when their instinct might come out. When a cat brings "things" those are gifts. It tells you they like you. Sometimes I wish the cats would dislike me!!! I hate seeing dead animal parts. :( That is crazy the cat didn't hurt the frog. Wow.

Ash is, Ash is cool. Hmmmm, almost that is good. Keep trying. He may be ignoring the toys. But I am guessing it just isn't realistic enough for him.

Yeah, I don't think a camera is needed. But if your mom really is serious and worried then it might have to happen to prove he is not being attacked when everyone is gone. Yes, managing stress is really important as cats do pick up on it very easily.

Oh no. I wonder why. Anything out of the ordinary? Was the house busy for the holiday? Was the towel near the litter box? It could just be a negative association with the box and if it was the first time in a while the towel was accessible then it could be that.

Yes, he would be going a fair amount if it was. Keep an eye on him and see if he keeps doing it then you will know. I think you will know if it is a UTI. Towels are things cats like to go on if accessible if they have a negative association or pain etc. Because it is kind of like litter. Make sure you use an enzymatic cleaner to clean it up so it removes the scent.

Oh yes, I have been there. But things happen for a reason. Ember and you were meant to be. She needed you I think. I think you are well past any real issues. In other words, you are over the tough part though there will be some bumps but they will be minor.

Yes, thinking of that is VERY difficult. That is interesting she has helped you. I know the one cat I have helped me. It is amazing how we can help them and there love helps us. Love goes both ways and that is really special. That is really good to hear.

That is so common and those places usually cause issues (even for cats that get along). Giving them options to move around the other cat is really important. I usually go up since the floor is difficult. But it is hard to find the right solution. Just keep being creative. If you can go high the other can go along the ground and they can avoid an awkward confrontation.

I would post on here and ask for advice. I am really surprised about Ember but I take it as a really good sign. Just never let your guard down even though they haven't darted out yet. Cats can change quickly.

Wow, that was really good. Using food is really a good way to get them used to it. Cats don't like things on others terms or something that limits them so harnesses take time. It sounds like they did really well.

I wouldn't worry but I know what you mean. I think he realizes how nice it is. And being with Frost and Stella is really great. I have a feeling Ember will be coming around more too with them. And it will be great. I am sure she loves being on your lap when they aren't there. But I think she will get the courage to join them more. Hahahaha, jostling is fine as she just loves being on you!!!

Please let me know anything about Ash. There is some reason, we just need to figure it out.
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  • #762

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
The mice certainly don't realize it doesn't have to be a death sentence. Prey animals weren't meant to handle the fear alone though. Cats can get along with prey animals fine though. My rats lived with my aunt who had up to six dogs and two cats at one time. One of my rats got out of her cage on a daily basis and the rats honestly chased the cats more than the cats chased the rats. I wouldn't have trusted them alone, but Candy gave me rather few options. I'm fortunately that my cats don't have the opportunity to bring me "gifts" though. We'll stick with toys. It was a surprise that the cat hadn't hurt the frog. I had rushed over to save it, but it was totally fine.

Well, I did get Ash to play today. Not much, but it's something. The first time he looked like he was going to go for it Frost ran out and went for it, scaring Ash off. Then I had to regain his attention again.

I can't think of anything different. He peed on the puppy pad too. I'm not sure what to think. I don't know if I'd rather it be a UTI which is easy to fix, but expensive or just a preference of his which is a bit of a pain since we have to be careful, but manageable. We always wash the towels twice, but I need to clean my bathroom floor. He went on the edge once, so he might've gotten the floor. There have been towels on the floor, but I'm not sure for how long. We normally take a shower in the evening and shut the door before going to bed, so if the towels are picked up in the morning then he doesn't actually have much of a chance.

I hope we're past the worst of it. She seems to be doing well. There's some minor things like the occasional hiss or slap, but I don't think I've seen them even make contact.

She's been a lot of help. I didn't realize it in the moment, but looking back she really has been a great teacher. She's helped prepare me for what I intend to walk into.

I'll try to figure something out. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to find anything or not, but I'll look. Maybe my dad can help if nothing else. He does wood work.

She's been full of surprises lately. I'll be careful and I will post.

I kind of expected it to take a while, but if they continue at that pace I think they'll be used to it in a few days or so. Once they're okay with that I'll hook up the leash. I didn't really expect they'd let me get the harness on on the first day.

It was really just the suddenness of it that concerned me a bit. It seemed very random. I enjoy having him on my lap, but I can hardly do anything anymore. If it's not one, then it's another. And when I do get up, I come back to either Stella or Ash in my spot. He actually passed me up to curl up behind Stella though. Right up against her. She, surprisingly, seemed okay with it. But then she yelped and came over to me. I don't know if Ash kneaded her or what.

I would like Ember to be more comfortable with being around them and sharing with them. She's always been like that though. If we get a new toy, she'll wait until the boys are done with it to play. If she's playing with something and one of the boys takes it, she backs off and lets them have it.


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Mar 14, 2016
Yes, so true. That is wild. Maybe the animals are so secure in their food source and removed from hunting for food that they except? Even my ferals sometimes let the squirrels eat the cat food.Of course, sometimes they can't resist and go after them but that is the outdoors. My sister has birds an though her cats watch the birds they don't go after them. It is fascinating.

Ughhhhhh, so close....... But you got him interested, keep doing what you were doing. It worked!!

On the pad too? Did he go in the litter box between those? It could have soaked through the towel and gotten on the floor so an enzymatic clean would do it well. It wouldn't sink through the puppy pad. Let me know if he is using the litter box occasionally or if it is outside every time now. I would give the floor a good enzymatic cleaning. Also, are you sure it is him? Maybe someone else?

You are well past the worst. There are always slaps and hissed, they are cats. You should see my ferals who LOVE each other and sleep with each other every day. I have the experience so I know when to worry, it is harder for people who haven't seen it all.


Oh wow, he could be a big help. Just try to describe to him what you are trying to achieve. Fingers crossed.

Hahaha, they always are. She is a sweetheart.

It is amazing. That seems really fast. A good sign they really trust you.

Well sometimes when they experience something and like it then the floodgates open an they want it all the time. I know exactly what you mean. I have one on my lap most times i type or sit down etc and when you want to gt up they wont get off. :( Then of course they go where you were because it is you and it is warm. It is pretty cute though it can be annoying at times. Like now where it takes 3times as long to type because she wants to be pet.

She will be. That is normal and a way to show respect as well to the elders in the house. She is a sweetie. I wish one of mine was more like that!!!
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  • #764

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Maybe. I'd say it's probably a combination of things. For the ferals, yeah, it seems likely they hunt more on a need-to basis. Why expend extra energy when you don't have to? Purebreds, it seems, lack some of the basic instincts ferals have. Or perhaps not lack per say, but they're dull. Faded. Movement catches their attention and triggers what instincts are there, but they weren't taught to hunt and kill. I think part of it for indoor cats is also that they know who family is. They live in colonies outside and they kind of do inside as well. Like my cats get along with each other and with the dog because they had to adapt and live with each other. They accepted each other into the colony. But they still don't like intruders. Same with dogs. Stella got along with my rats fine, but she'll chase squirrels and rabbits. She knew rats were family, but squirrels outside were still prey. They weren't pack members.

I got nothing today. He mostly kept his back to me. When I tried to get him to turn around, he flopped over and wouldn't get up after that. Apparently he was partying while we were out.

I'm not entirely sure if he used the litterbox between those two incidents. They were pretty close together. But he seems to be using the litterbox most of the time. Or just not going at all, but that's doubtful since it's been a normal amount. I'll try to keep an eye on him. They all seem to use the litterbox in the morning before and/or after I feed them. I'll have to see if he's using it then. It's usually dark, so I don't know who it is. I'm still betting on it being him. I haven't seen it, but I can't really see it being the other two. Ash has a history that points to it being him and I know I've seen him do it once or twice, but it hasn't been just recently. Maybe a few weeks or a month ago.

It can be difficult. It would be great if they could all just get along the entire time. I think it was really hard when it was so peaceful with just the boys. I love Ember very much, but she did cause a lot of chaos. We never had an issue with just the two of them. I don't think I had ever even heard Frost hiss until he started getting crabby more recently. They got along almost too perfectly.

Yeah, I'll have to bring it up. I'm going to look around first though. If I ask him then there's no telling when he'll actually make it.

It does seem really fast. I don't want to push them, but they honestly did get over it very quickly. I thought I'd put it on them a few minutes and take it off because it would bother them so much, but they acted like everything was normal after a few minutes.

Lol. I always struggle with getting up. Especially with Ash. It's still so new and unusual that I don't want to ruin the moment, but of course they have terrible timing. I feel bad for Ember because she always wants to be on my lap when I'm going to be getting up within the next half hour. Ember and I have, fortunately, formed a nightly routine. Right now, as I type this, she lays on my lap using my arm as a pillow and sleeps. After this I'll watch anime and she'll lay curled up against my stomach and during that time I'll pet her some. Then I finish getting ready to go to sleep and go back to bed and she'll lay in the crook of my knees if she's sleeping with me.

I feel bad when Ash steals her toy though. I'm always tempting to take it away from him and give it back to her, but I know they need to handle their relationship when they can and all I'll succeed in doing and stopping anyone from playing. I'm an overprotective mother though.
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  • #765

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Well, I'm really worried now. I noticed Ash didn't come into my room this morning when I got up. Usually they all come when my alarm goes off. I went and made their breakfast and I turned around to give Ash his only to realize he still hadn't come out. That was really worrying. I found him on the cat tree in the storage room. I went and petted him, but he didn't purr. He usually purrs very easily, especially when it comes to food and petting. And he's a loud purrer. I picked him up and carried him to his food with no resistance. He usually clubsc to the cat tree. When I put him down, he barely sniffed his food and walked away. I tried again later and still nothing.

My mom said yesterday he had thrown up a hairball and his food with it. Today she found a global of brownish slime apparently and we've no idea what that could be.


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Mar 14, 2016
I think that is right. They do understand some animals belong while some don't. It is interesting. I have only had ferals from the streets as cats so I have seen them change but I have interacted with cats that were born non-feral and they are more calm since they didn't have that need to hunt to survive.

:( Hahahaha. maybe!!

It wouldn't be good if he didn't use the litter box between the incidents. Maybe a UTI is starting. I didn't think that was the case but reading this I am wondering. What is your sense?

That is pretty amazing they got along so well. Male cats do get along better but still it is impressive.

Great, yeah just try. Maybe he will be able to improve it. Let's hope.

That is so amazing. Yeah, just read them and see how they react and make it as positive of an experience as possible.

They ALWAYS pick the worst times. Never fails. But they are resilient and though they may not like it at that moment they keep trying. That is a pretty good routine, I would guess Ember loves that routine!!

I know exactly what you mean. It is hard to see it but probably worse to try to fix it. Aren't we all overprotective??? Hahahahaha.

Ughhhhh, I am so sorry I only got to the site now. This was weighing on my mind the whole time I was responding to the other post.

It sounds like he is not feeling well. Now, mine will be like that at times as well and it is nothing. They are just lazy or not hungry or it is just bad timing. Or they are comfy and they are like why bother. BUT I worry because he has gone outside of the litter recently. Throwing up can just be from an upset stomach and it passes. I am wondering how he did today. I am guessing it is just a bug or he ate too much etc but I am worried as well. It is a bit sudden though.

I am so sorry for not getting on here sooner. Please let me know how he is doing today.

I will say, I have had my cats act like that and it has been nothing BUT we need to really monitor him. We have to make sure he doesn't have a blockage as hairballs can cause issues. Let me know if he is using the litter as usual, eating and drinking normally, etc. Any changes in how he is acting vs his usual routine. Now if he hasn't eaten then he wouldn't have to use the litter box but he should be drinking. Or if he is having trouble keeping his food down. It is hard to describe but I think your senses will know if something is wrong. It is just strange that it came on so suddenly. Which tells me that it is probably just an upset stomach but if it is a blockage then it could happen this way so watching his litter box use is very important. You'll know if it doesn't feel right.

Has he been grooming more lately? I wonder if he is pulling some clumps of hair out and ingesting them.
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  • #767

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
I don't really have time to reply to everything, so I'll do that tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know that we took Ash to the vet today. He wasn't doing well. He still isn't, really. He wouldn't purr. He didn't meow. His silence was almost eerie. He did meow going to the vet and purred quite loudly while there, which was a relief since it would be concerning if he had been quiet, but I still miss his purr when he's happy. He still hasn't eaten, so this is his fourth missed meal. He refuses treats. He threw up once with undigested food and fur and once with just fluids. He's had diarrhea twice that I know of.

The vet said it's likely just that bad bacteria in the colon got the upperhand and made him sick. She felt nothing like a blockage or anything. No fever. Nothing else other than he was slightly dehydrated. She gave him fluids under the skin and an anti-nausea shot. We were also given some oral medication to give him. I tried giving him a dose tonight, but he spit it up. I don't know what I'm going to do if I can't get it down him because he needs the medication to feel better and to start eating, but he's not eating so it isn't like I can put it in his food. She said not to worry about food tonight, but I'm still worried. He's missed four meals. He's lost a little bit of weight. Not a ton, but he's been mostly stable for a while now.

He's really just seemed... off. It's hard to explain exactly since he isn't exactly a lively cat. It's difficult to say he's lazier than usual and his normal expression is grumpy. But he still seems somehow... subdued.


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Mar 14, 2016
Thank you for the update. I am glad you got him to the vet. It doesn't sound like the vet was too worried. It kind of came out of the blue it seems. I wonder where it came from. Do you think the mouse you found?

Just do your best about getting the medicine in him. All you can do is your best and if the vet wasn't worried about food last night them then I wouldn't worry. Hopefully he eats tonight a little but all you can do is encourage him and he will eat when he feels better.

Ughhhhhhh, I have been there. I know how stressful it is. But it doesn't sound like the vet was too worried. And he was doing well a few days ago so it is pretty early in this.

One of my cats had a bout of this a few months ago. We never figured out what it really was but he got over it. Ash is fundamentally healthy so his body is in good shape to fight it and hopefully he will start getting the medicine in him soon to speed it along.

Hang in there, I know how frustrating and stressful it is but try to stay as calm as possible for him. And keep talking to the vet for advice on how to handle it.

I am so sorry, I hope Ash gets better really soon.
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  • #769

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Well, I lied. I still don't have time. I want to give an update though.

Ash still isn't doing great. He seems a little better, but not much. I don't know about what caused it to happen. I'm not sure if there is a cause. The vet basically just said good and bad bacteria exist and the good keeps them from getting ill, but sometimes the bad gets the upper hand. It's a fairly common occurrence.

I still can't get all the medicine in him. I don't understand how he does it, but he immediately begins drooling terribly. I try to tilt his head back and close his mouth immediately after getting the medicine in, but there still ends up being a long string of medicine-white drool. I think I got a little more in him than the first time, but he isn't getting much to begin with. We're probably going to call the vet. I don't know if he's getting enough of the medicine. It's really quite gross. I don't know how he makes so much saliva in such a short period of time.

My main concern is his not eating though. He's already lost weight. It also puts him at risk of dehydration and UTIs. I don't know how long the fluids they gave him are supposed to keep him hydrated for. He's also not getting his glucosamine which means his arthritis could get worse. Which is another weird thing. He's not getting anything for his arthritis, but he hasn't put up any fight when I brush his hind legs. It seems like that should be bothering him. He did eat some treats today. I fed him quite a few since it was all he'd eat. We tried both wet foods and dry food. I tried giving him the beef liver treats too, but he turned his nose up to that. So in three days he's eaten maybe an ounce of wet food and a few chicken treats.

And he still won't purr. His silence is unnerving. I never thought I'd miss his yowling.


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Mar 14, 2016
Don't worry, just respond to what you can when you can. It is more important to take care of Ash.

When that doesn't sound like the vet is too worried which is good. Too bad he is not a bit better. I know mine go through this once in a while at times. I just had one go through this. And then they got over it.

I know, it is SO HARD to administer medicine to cats. :( I am not good at it either. Cats are so good at not taking liquids. I wish I had good advice. Maybe try to post on the health side?

Well, that eating is not as worrisome as the drinking. He needs his liquids. But I know what you mean. You want him to eat as well. Try to get the stinkiest wet food you can. It is usually fish but I don't know if he likes fish. And add some water. It is odd that he doesn't mind the brushing but it could be that he is a bit weak from not eating. Maybe try to give him some water by a dropper. You know, the syringe like things. To help him get some hydration.

Ughhhh, this is awful. Poor Ash. I wish I had a good solution and help for you.

Please let me know how he is doing if you have time.
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  • #771

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
I can usually handle getting liquids in him with a syringe, but this is something else. And extremely gross. I've never seen so much spit at one time in my life. I do think I'm getting better though. There was less white in his drool this morning. It was mostly clear. The vet said it's just because the medicine tastes terrible.

The only reason I said his not eating was the main concern is because he's never been good at drinking, so his food is his main source of water. Now that's gone. The only thing he'll eat is PureBites chicken treats. Not the beef liver. I tried. And we can't figure out why he won't eat. He enjoys the chicken treats and keeps them down fine. The only thing we can think of is that he blames the food for getting sick, but that doesn't explain why he won't eat beef liver treats.

He likes fish flavored wet food fine(he likes all wet food), but we usually try to avoid fish due to his getting UTIs. We are going to try some plain meat tonight and hopefully that'll get some water in him.

We had a vet appointment for tonight since he wasn't improving, but I got him to eat some treats and he started acting a lot better. He purred for the first time since getting sick and was more alert. So we're going to put the appointment off until tomorrow and see how things go. For now we just need to figure out what we can get him to eat and how to get some more water in him.

I've used a syringe for water. I just hate forcing anything else on him. He's already getting some pretty terrible medicine.


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Mar 14, 2016
That is good. I am sure it is horrible tasting. I have had to give some awful stuff and it is very hard for them to get it down. It sounds like you are doing a good job though which is great.

Understand. I don't know, it could be that. That is interesting.

Oh, I didn't know the fish is bad for UTIs. Let's hope he eats the other wet food because he does need his hydration. Fingers crossed.

I am so glad to hear he is getting better. Let's hope he continues.

I know. Just consider it in case he needs to be hydrated. I know how hard it is and how worrying. Just use your best judgement. I know he is in good hands.

Thanks for the update, I am so glad to hear he is doing better. I am hoping he is over the bad part and is now on the full road to recovery.

Keep up the great work.
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  • #773

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
It apparently is pretty awful. Ash thinks so at least.

It's been back and forth a lot. He eats and purrs when I get home at three and he acts totally normal once he does eat, but it's only at that one time of day. He wont eat in the morning or evening though I did get him to eat a tiny bit last night. And he threw up this morning and again right after he got his medicine.

But now it looks like Frost is sick too. Someone threw up food last night or this morning, but it was food from the evening. And then more food was thrown up when I got home today. Friday has had a bit of poop in his fur twice now and I saw him poop a very small amount in the litterbox.
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  • #774

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Ash seems to be doing great now. We tried s different brand of wet food and he loved it. I think I even heard him growl a little when Frost came to check it out. I put some in water and he drank pretty much all the water. He didn't eat a lot, but more than he has been. He ate chicken treats andanother kind of treat. He's purring and affectionate. He's alert, moving around, and you can just see the difference in his eyes.

Frost, on the other hand, is going downhill. He'll only eat one kind of treat and we didn't want to give him too many because he's thrown up a couple of times. We're going to get KMR to try and plan on him going to the vet, but we're sort of hoping to manage without doing so.


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Mar 14, 2016
GREAT!!! You made my day!!! Let's hope he is finally over it. I am so glad he is doing better!!!

Ughhhhh, now I read the second paragraph. It sounds like something is going around between them. Ash got something and passed it to Frost? I have had the same thing happen. Who knows what we bring in or if it is the food etc. Poor Frost now.

Ughhhh, I feel so bad for you and all of them. It is never a good time but this is especially a bad time.

Please let me know how they are doing. At least the fact Ash is getting over it tells us it can't be too bad. But poor Frost.

I wonder if others are going through this. Mine went through a bout of something a while ago. Not sure what it was but mine got over it after a few days.
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  • #776

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Ash is completely better now. He was normal this morning and ate like he was starved, which he probably was. Now he's even worse than Ember when it comes to wanting what I'm trying to get Frost to eat.

Frost isn't eating anything now. He ate some treats last night and threw up sometime during the night. I don't know what to do about him though. He's the least food motivated of the three and it's not uncommon for him to turn his nose up to human food. I really don't want him losing weight though. He is, at least, drinking.

It's really terrible timing. I'm supposed to go to my dad's this weekend. I feel kind of bad since I haven't been there for the weekend in a little while, but I hate leaving my animals when they're sick. I always try to be here and go to the vet with them. But it's not like I can really do much for them. The vet is off today, so she's supposed to call tomorrow. I would have preferred doing it before I left though.
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Mar 14, 2016
I am so glad Ash is doing better. Thanks for letting me know.

Poor Frost. Just let him eat when he wants to. It sounds like he is going through what Ash did. Not eating for a few days isn't the worst thing I don't think. It is really good that he is drinking. How is he acting?
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  • #778

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
I just don't like him losing weight because he's already underweight. He needs to gain a little.

He seems a bit lethargic. It's hard to tell because he's a calm, relatively quiet cat. He lays around a lot. But he's been spending more time in the dog bed. He laid in that for hours yesterday. This morning I saw him laying with his head on the edge of the water bowl in my room. It didn't look comfortable.


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Mar 14, 2016
I totally understand. When he gets better you can try to get him to add more weight.

It doesn't sound too bad but it does sound like he isn't feeling well. But maybe not as bad as Ash? I hope it isn't as bad.

Hopefully it only lasts a few days like Ash but Ash did gt the medicine.

By the way, I was thinking about you. You should think about being a vet.
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  • #780

Animal Freak

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Mar 18, 2016
Not too bad from what I can tell, but it's only just started too. I hope it doesn't get much worse.

That is a problem. I'd rather not take him to the vet especially since I'm not sure how much the medicine helped, but it did seem to help.

Well, I do want to work with animals. Probably not as a vet though. I'm sensitive to others pain and seeing bones/organs. I also have tremors that are bound to get worse, so I'm not exactly steady handed.