My Feral And Rescued Cats

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Dec 5, 2017
United States
dustydiamond1 dustydiamond1 Herding cats is not the easiest thing. Lol That cartoon is so cute. The cats have the same catitude I would expect. :lol: For anyone out there trying to catch cats….. it is far easier to convince the cat that they had the brilliant idea of coming to you!!:runningcat:

N NY cat man You totally have an aptitude for those things. I have seen some of your creations! I know we can learn things if we just try but talent is something we cannot learn. I know you would not start laughing at my attempts, you’re too nice, but I would be laughing hysterically and laughter is contagious so it would be a good ending. :flail: Zig zag welding line?

There is a certain satisfaction in doing things ourselves. I may not be a carpenter but I survived the subfloor and moulding job! If closely inspected….. well, we just won’t go there. Lol Caulking!

rubysmama rubysmama I have dealt with the yucky slush period of snow too. That’s when you start wishing it would go away. Lol The city is nasty slush. I have been where it mixed with red clay too. Sticky , slick, slippery, slush! Lol Not fun to deal with but it usually went away before too long. It didn’t last all season. I was grateful. I guess you were glad to see the rain melt the snow BEFORE it was shoveled!
Answer to the kitties in the snow coming below.

M maggiedemi I don’t online shop for myself. Only kitties. Lol Banjo would probably claim any new clothes anyway. Or….return them for store credit. Lol

The big outlet is kind of nice. There are fountains and pretty decorative things. Lots of places to sit outside and enjoy the experience. I don’t love shopping but this is almost a park like atmosphere so it is better than most places. Lots of places to dine outside or get things like Krispy Kreme doughnuts! The stores are mostly small so not hard to navigate.
You would have loved the bamboo patch in summer. It was my secret garden. I have had a couple of places like that. Everywhere I move I try to add something similar.
I have had winter seasons but none that were snow for the whole time. Just very cold. Lol
I do know the Anastasia story and it was a horrible tragedy for those people. Humans suffered a lot during all of that. Humans caused it too! Like you, I had hoped that Anastasia had survived. Wishing for one part of that story to be different. Those poor children. We cannot choose who we are born to or our lot in life. We can change it later if given a chance but those children never got a chance. Weird that the jewelry protected them to a point. Sadly, that probably prolonged things. It was not uncommon for periods of unrest to lead to people hiding their jewelry or coins in clothing. If you look at old coins you will see that many have a small hole drilled in the coins to fasten it to a cord for the neck or for sewing it into clothing.
when thinking of Tortie, think or Tortuga, as in the Islands or Tortoise. She got her name from that rather than coloring.
I understand about not wearing jewelry and life changing for the kitties. They are worth far more than any jewel.;)
You’re not playing favorites. You just can’t resist rainbows! Lol

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 We don’t have palms in the north part of this state either. Mountains and it gets cold up there. Beautiful place though. There are cool plants that grow there but not here too. Snow on the Joshua trees is not something we usually imagine but I knew that deserts can get very cold. Your description of the lights, stops got hot chocolate, pastries and even shopping for needed supplies paint a cozy picture. Long Johns are the best thing to have on a cold day!
Sarah did love the snow. Mostly the sounds. I would bundle her up and we would go out to listen but I guess the pure air was part of it too. We fed a lot of birds and they are so easy to hear then. She loved the birds and everything about nature. From the time she was very little I would put her in a baby backpack and take her hiking in the woods. About two miles from our house was a stream that made the most wonderful sounds if you stopped to listen. In winter it partially froze up and the sounds were different but so great!! Lots of fragrant plants were present in Spring and Summer. We just went there and sat to enjoy the time and have our lunch. Sometimes Deer would wander up too. A fawn was very curious about Sarah a few times. It was sooo sweet!! Great days for us. I hated to move from there. Still miss it too. I have been back and it is still rural and beautiful there.
Cats are always natural. :catrub:Cat nature rocks!

Hi Baby Su!

Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose Love the video. The pictures in that are sooo pretty. Snowbirds! Lol Snowcatbirds too?
My brother is back in the hospital for now. I am hoping he will get out soon. BJ goes to the vet tomorrow. I had to call about Mackie today. He is sneezing. It could just be the weather though. Hoping. Me? Lol I am fine as frog’s hair. I think that is what is in my toe! :flail: How is everyone there?
The song is sweet. Thank you!!

Now. The cats in the snow! First steps in the mysterious white stuff. Lol Callie.

Totally feral but
Help hooman, I can’t wiggle my tail anymore! Get me out of here! I did. She was cold and miserable and I was able to go over and pick her up to bring inside. She was scared but not as scared of me as she was that freezing white stuff that fell from the sky! She was so glad to be warm again.

I didn’t post this one but this is Liberty.

The only cat that liked the snow and played in it was this one. She could have been cloned from Smokey.

I so wanted to keep this baby. A much younger version of Smokey. This is Duster. Smokey never had kittens and I don’t know how her twin came here but it was remarkable. Even the tiny white dot on the chest. Duster did get adopted. Beautiful kitty!!



TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
The Next chapter of the great cat herding. Lol

Lady noticed that Precious had been with the vet.,

Ewwwww! You smell funny. What did they outlet on you?

Stinky! I don’t want that on me!! What is it?

A few things…..

Actually two for every equals 50 things! Lol

Go way! Mitsy is hiding!!

I don’t need to hide? I had my shits? God but I am staying in the box anyway.

This is why cats love boxes! Lol


You’re not getting me!!


Hmmm. Maybe Lady is correct! She slipped out of her harness , preferring to be undressed rather than get stuck with stinky stuff!!

Ladyyyyyyy! Come out or I am coming back there to get you.

And they did!!! Rats!!!! Those vets know what they are doing!!;)


NY cat man

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Aug 6, 2018
Me? Nice? Under normal circumstances, yes, but given proper provocation? Um, not so much. If someone is making an honest attempt to do something, I try to teach and encourage, but I do not suffer fools gladly, and I don't particularly care if their feelings get dinged in the process. My time on this world is finite, and I don't much feel like wasting it on those who won't learn.


Forum Helper
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Nov 25, 2013
I guess you were glad to see the rain melt the snow BEFORE it was shoveled!
Actually, I had to shovel, as the rain didn't come till 2 days later. Oh well, I needed the upper body exercise. :)

Answer to the kitties in the snow coming below.
I was right about it being Callie. So that was the day she became a rescued feral?

BJ goes to the vet tomorrow.
Pawsitive vibes that everything goes well with BJ's dental surgery. :vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes::vibes:

Oh, and speaking of BJ, another of Jcatbird Jcatbird 's infamous typos accompanying BJ's pic. I guess it was a typo, and was supposed to be "shots". Unless, of course, BJ was telling us he'd just been to the litter box. :evilgrin: :flail:


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
N NY cat man I'm with you on that!!! Definitely. I try to offer the wisdom I've benefitted from, but I, too, do not suffer fools lightly.
dustydiamond1 dustydiamond1 *PRAYERS* for your brother. Hospitals are no place to be.
Jcatbird Jcatbird Mitsy, those vets are wily and sneaky. No matter what you do, they WILL get you in the end. :lol: The good thing is that it will soon pass and be only an unpleasant memory.
Duster is GORGEOUS! Very strange story because it mirrors one of mine. We always got every cat spayed/neutered, of course! and Nila was no exception. He's the one who'd get amorous with his sisters, first Tara and then Maya; and their vet assured me that nothing would come of it. Some time after they were grown, up pops Nila Junior! All blue, just like Nila. The only blue cats I'd ever seen in that neighborhood, so...??? Nila Junior was one of the crew who lived outdoors, unfortunately, and he was murdered by (dog). He was only a teenager.
I'm very glad Duster was adopted.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
There is a certain satisfaction in doing things ourselves.
I'm not good at remodeling type stuff, but I love housewife type stuff, like cooking & cleaning & cats. 🍝🧽:vancat:

I don’t online shop for myself. Only kitties.
Well bah humbug! Banjo needs to teach you how to pamper yourself. :bicolorcat:📦

Lots of places to dine outside or get things like Krispy Kreme doughnuts!
Awww, I would love to go to lunch or dinner with you. Coffee, not doughnuts though, I don't like dessert. ☕🍽

We just went there and sat to enjoy the time and have our lunch. Sometimes Deer would wander up too. A fawn was very curious about Sarah a few times. It was sooo sweet!!
I can just feel the empathy. I wish I had a mom like you! It would have made all the difference. :hugs:

The only cat that liked the snow and played in it was this one. She could have been cloned from Smokey.
Maybe only fluffy cats love to play in the snow. Maggie liked to run through it like a snow plow & throw it up in the air! :lol:

I don’t need to hide? I had my shits? God but I am staying in the box anyway.
Hee hee. Your typos are legendary. That was just "loaded", if you know what I mean. :flail:


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
N NY cat man I'm with you on that!!! Definitely. I try to offer the wisdom I've benefitted from, but I, too, do not suffer fools lightly.
dustydiamond1 dustydiamond1 *PRAYERS* for your brother. Hospitals are no place to be.
Jcatbird Jcatbird Mitsy, those vets are wily and sneaky. No matter what you do, they WILL get you in the end. :lol: The good thing is that it will soon pass and be only an unpleasant memory.
Duster is GORGEOUS! Very strange story because it mirrors one of mine. We always got every cat spayed/neutered, of course! and Nila was no exception. He's the one who'd get amorous with his sisters, first Tara and then Maya; and their vet assured me that nothing would come of it. Some time after they were grown, up pops Nila Junior! All blue, just like Nila. The only blue cats I'd ever seen in that neighborhood, so...??? Nila Junior was one of the crew who lived outdoors, unfortunately, and he was murdered by (dog). He was only a teenager.
I'm very glad Duster was adopted.
Oops, sorry. Vibes are for jcats brother.


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
My brother is back in the hospital for now. I am hoping he will get out soon. BJ goes to the vet tomorrow. I had to call about Mackie today. He is sneezing. It could just be the weather though. Hoping. Me? Lol I am fine as frog’s hair. I think that is what is in my toe! :flail: How is everyone there?
The song is sweet. Thank you!!
:vibes::redheartpump::redheartpump::redheartpump: Prayers, good vibes and thoughts going out for your brother who is back in the hospital, also for BJ and Mackie and ofcourse for you and the rest of the Clowder. Hang in there.

Glad you like the video and song. Very sweet and uplifting. We all could use that. Well take care . :heartshape:


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Aiiiiiiii! :blush::running::paperbag:Typos galore but that is the worst one! I often catch shot or shut being changed by spellcheck. I don’t know why it changes to the word Sh*t but I guess that is commonly used by humans elsewhere? Or, maybe it fit the story? :doh: Bj did not do that. Lol I also typed Gosh and not God. I don’t remember what I typed that got changed to outlet in the photo of Lady and Precious.,I have used the word outlet recently but ….. lol. That is near a Precious outlet. I think I typed , put on you.:dunno: One missed letter at the start and you have an outlet. Banjo!!!!!!!! Maybe she wants to go shopping but realized her chances right now are shot?
For tender eyes, please forgive the typos!
For the rest of you, glad you were kind enough to laugh or excuse them! :worship:

N NY cat man Under proper provocation, no one should be nice. There is a time for kindness, a time to be tough and time to walk away before we do a cat swat. Lol Cats swat to educate, discipline or when they have just had their fill. Smart kitties. You are right that we do not need to waste precious time. Better to put it where it counts. Nice? Yes you. Lol Ask any cat!!

rubysmama rubysmama Sorry you had to shovel but I guess it is good exercise.
You were right about that being Callie! She was a young, skinny lady then but still has that precious face. That was her Gothca day. I actually got several cats. The snow was so foreign to these kitties, it had them unnerved. I would have to look back at records but I think I got about ten over the week the snow stuck. Callie was the first snowbird kitty. Some kitties just stayed in the heated shelter. It was pretty cozy. I know because I checked. Lol So, Jan. 3 is her gotcha day. Her birthday was before that but she eluded me for awhile. She is daughter to Jazzy. Jazzy was the best feral mom snd teacher of all kitties!
BJ is at the vet now. Surgery is tomorrow. Hoping for only minor issues. It sure is strange not to have BJ here! Thank you for the vibes!
I love that black kitty in the pawsitive vibes picture!! So precious!
Ummm. Major typos! :lol: Maybe a record typo night? It was early so I can’t claim being sleepy. Just missed them. BJ was in a box but not a litter box. Poor BJ. I typoed all over him! Long day and long weeks lately. At least people laughed! Thank goodness!

dustydiamond1 dustydiamond1 Hilarious picture!! Total shock. Me too!! Shots are bad enough but…. The other is worse!
Positive vibes, obviously, needed here. Thank you!! Mackie will love the jokes. My favorite is the down joke! BJ will like the Purr ate one. Lol

No word yet today on my brother.
Surgery for BJ tomorrow, van in the shop on Thursday! Me in the shop next week! Lol

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Mitsy quickly forgave. Hiding in plain sight can work but it did “get her in the end” this time. All for the better though.
That is quite a story about Nila and so tragic about junior. I do know how some dogs kill. I attribute that to humans breeding them badly or teaching them badly. It goes back to interfering with nature again.
Finding Duster outside was quite a surprise! I did catch three shorthair blue cats but Duster and Smokey bore no resemblance to the bone structure of those cats. They were smaller versions of Bonnie. Bonnie also had a twin. Smokey had a brother that was the twin to Bonnie. Years apart though. When Bonnie was brought to me by that old feral Tom, he was sick and looked nothing like he does now. He certainly became the twin to Smokey’s brother though. Bonnie and Smokey acted like sister abd brother despite the age difference. Bonnie is a little like the return of a lost one. I have had that happen a few times in my life. Years apart and sometimes great distance apart. Cats are mysterious and have their own private stories which we can only guess about. We are blessed by their presence. I was grateful Duster found a home too even though it tugged at my heart. He was one of the early rescues and I had many, many more to go so, I did what would allow Duster a better life and allow more to be saved. Still….
Thank you for the prayers too!

M maggiedemi Cooking and cleaning and cats are a talent too!
Banjo has taught me to pamper myself…. With kitty love. She gives me so much joy and laughter! I do get myself the things I need but I love watching things like Banjo in her special carrier. Were you on site when she asked for her carrier? It was pretty amazing. Have you ever seen a child get disappointed and see their little bottom lip quiver just before tears? Banjo did that! If you missed that post, I have to find it for you! Worth repeating! Then when she got her new bedroom, she was funny all over again and so excited!!
I would love to go to lunch with you too! You can get hot stuff, I’ll pamper myself with a doughnut! :lol: Ummmm.
Fluffy cats do better in the snow because they have more paw fur and insulating fur. Maine Coon cats tend to do better in cooler areas because of that. Duster had paw fur and thick coat with undercoat. Kind of like wearing long Johns. Hmmm. Long John would be a cute name for a floof kitty.
That typo was “loaded!”:lol: I just can’t write this much without some stinking typos! I do try not to make boo boos! The cats do it!

Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose Thank you for the vibes and prayers for all. Mackie has to stay isolated completely right now. Poor sweet one. I can’t let him sneeze on anyone. Hopefully this will pass so he can come out for visits again. The vet says no antibiotics for him unless the discharge is not clear. So far, it is clear so he is upped on his lysine. He got lots of special foods tonight too. All the cats get their Felv shots so maybe that is helpful.
I did like the song and the video. So pretty! Uplifting is always welcomed!

tabbytom tabbytom Prayers from you, others and kitties! The best help out there! Thank you!
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