My Feral And Rescued Cats

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Dec 5, 2017
United States
The kitties are all upset today. Not sure why. Maybe from me calling Thrasher. I hope that dog hasn’t been back. I do need to make sure that anything I use is safe and can be easily accessed by an older cat. Thrasher hasn’t done much jumping up on things since she has been inside. She could climb when she was out but I never did she her jump.I am trying to find a way to give her a safe place outside. More than just the feral shelter in the fence since I know that dog got inside the fence. Not one dish was touched today. Not by possum, bird or cat. Not by dog either do that’s good. Maybe tonight things will change.
M maggiedemi Maybe your prayers will be heard. Thrasher may hear! Thank you. That was very kind. If there is a small miracle for here, let it be for Thrasher.
I guess those cats went back home. Maybe the bed that is just right for them is in a house nearby. Lol

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 I looked and looked at various. The one I felt best was out of stock. Naturally! The small one at Chewy might be best for the time crunch. Walmart has the same one. Reviews aren’t great but I may be able to improve it to suffice until I can figure out alternatives. Thank you for helping! I need it to be from ground to window and that one ishigh enough with shelves she can hop up on to get higher. I have some left over cedar from the siding repairs that I can use for a floor and maybe a ramp.

rubysmama rubysmama I do think BJ sensed her but whether it is old scent or new, I do not know.
Post coming about that.

tabbytom tabbytom Awww! Thank you and tell January that I know he will help. As I always say, follow the gaze of a cat! Let me know which way he is looking!:);)

Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 I added a barrel type bolt. In order to do more, I will have to purchase another new lock and, hate to tell anyone this but better to know, it’s not that hard to pop a lock like that. When I had an intruder inside, they locked me out! However, I had a couple of tools and as I came in the front, they went out the back! Lol That was the last time I had an intruder that I knew of. That was back when all the kitties were in so much trouble. Years ago now. The word in the neighborhood is out that everyone is actively on watch again. That’s a huge plus.If anyone wants to get past that bolt, they will have to break the door frame. As Rosevelt said,” Speak softly and carry a big stick!”
I started giggling because it occurred to me that a good deterrent would be to line all the doors with litter boxes.:lol: The yellow brick road?
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TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Would BJ agree to wear the harness and walk outside to look for his girl?

BJ. I put the harness on so we can look for Thrasher together.

Go outside?!?!?!?

She might need to see and smell you BJ.

You think that might help?

I want her to come back BJ.

Me too. I really miss her.


What are you waiting for? Meow! Let’s go!

The very first thing is to scratch on the nearest log!

Now, let’s follow her scent. She left this way.

Amazing! His first time walking on a leash ever! And doing it outside! It’s awesome what can be done when needed. He is still the guardian of each and every colony member. It’s been a very long time since the night he followed me home and came in as a terrified feral. The last colony cat in. Cats are born rescuers. Bj the brave. :redheartpump:


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
dustydiamond1 dustydiamond1 I have not seen the dog. IDK.
The kitties are not back to normal behavior yet. Liberty and Wanda Heart were hiding in a closet today. I probably need to cover their windows for awhile. Liberty is extremely upset. I led her into the bathroom for treats and some brushing. She is a nervous cat since she was returned to me after the shelter tried to adopt her out but much more so right now. I’m going to let her stay in the bathroom until she calms down. Wanda Heart calmed down as soon as I talked to her. The others in the room were acting okay except that Alley actually wanted human attention. The main room is super quiet. The cats are not playing. Mostly just sleeping. Kodiak is staying close. The Bengal boys are being a little clingy. Mama is okay. Goldie, Moutain and Blue are asking for more petting too. Bj is on my shoulder, Banjo in my lap, Bonjure beside me and all the others are in carriers or cages sleeping. Not a creature is stirring. I did hear owls outside the past few nights but they are not in the yard. A hawk flew past today but a Bluejay chased him off immediately. I think the Clowder is either spooked or picking up on my feelings. Missing Thrasher too.


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
OMP! Well, leave a welcome mat at the door.........Pardon me fella, I know you aren’t exactly one of these but this is a CAT room, not a RAT room. Not a room for rent my little friend!

Moving day for the possum! Lol

Don’t feel bad for him. He just went around to the front porch. I think I got
the possum stink eye!


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
dustydiamond1 dustydiamond1 I moved Mr. Possum out and then used an odor remover to clean his scent away. After it was all cleaned up, I let BJ in the room. None of the cats were aware of the stink eye but now BJ is glued to the window and looking out towards the back. It looks right to the back corner of the greenhouse where I “ thought” I spotted Thrasher on the camera. I don’t know what he knows but I am going to let him look for a little while and perhaps be seen. I’ll bring him back in and try the open door policy one more time. I removed anything the possum would enjoy too. I’ll put a plate of food waaaaaay away for him. If Thrasher doesn’t come tonight, I may let the kitties back in where she can see them through the window tomorrow. Debating. I hope the scent train BJ left today may lead her in tonight. Paws crossed. This is going to take time. Maybe tomorrow night I will leave a window open? Lol


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
Maria Bayote Maria Bayote Awwww! That little Calico is so photogenic!! I just knew that a rainbow kitty would smile for the camera. Or is baby laughing? All the babies are beautiful. Eyes starting to open! Mama is moving them because her instincts tell her to keep them hidden. Very good mama. You can try putting a large box over on its side and slipping the crate into that. It will give her a feeling of being more covered. Kitties! They are so snuggable! Thank you for the smile and a laughing kitten. :lovecat3:

Maria Bayote

Mama of 4 Cats, 4 Dogs , 2 Budgies & 2 Humans
Top Cat
Jan 15, 2018
Mama is moving them because her instincts tell her to keep them hidden. Very good mama. You can try putting a large box over on its side and slipping the crate into that. It will give her a feeling of being more covered.
Ok, thank you so much. I will do so when I get back home later. :)


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
Jcatbird Jcatbird , you are doing everything possible to find Thrasher. I just wish she would come back soon. Maybe BJ can be of help. I hope the Clowder calms down soon. They must miss Thrasher and also see how concerned you are for her. Hang in there and stay safe.❤❤❤

My insomia is off the hook lately, it is making me really agitated. It doesn't help that some fool took my garbage that was put out and opened it & dumped it behind my iron gate in my driveway. 😠 Seriously, what is wrong with people???!!!! Now I have to put my garbage out in the early morning for pick up. I have a strong suspicion who did this and that person is a lying troublemaker who seems to have no life. This person hates that I feed outdoor cats, and I always hear whining about it. I just want to be left in peace, but no chance with a trouble maker. SMH. 😬

P.S. Sorry for the rant, I am just disgusted about this situation.

NY cat man

TCS Member
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Aug 6, 2018
Might I suggest that if you haven't already done so, replace the screws that attach the catch to the door frame with 3" ones. If you drill pilot holes and coat the threads with beeswax, they won't be too difficult to drive in, and will hold much better than the ones that usually come standard. Most hardware stores sell the screws individually, so you don't have to buy a whole box of them. Get screws with Phillips heads, as you can use a bit in your drill to install them.


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I hope BJ's scent is picked up by Thrasher and she finds her way back home. BJ is so brave, going back outside, but also not making a fuss over the harness. Guess that test run a couple weeks ago helped prepare him.

I'm sure mostly the clowder is picking up on Mom's stress, though some of them, I'm sure, are also missing Thrasher. I can't remember, is she one of the Cat Room regulars?

LOL at the possum. Not the friendliest looking critter, is he.

I too keep thinking about what caused Thrasher to escape, and what they were up to. Maybe when you have a chance, you should look into door alarms. : door alarms for home security


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
*PRAYERS* from the heart for you Whenallhellbreakslose Whenallhellbreakslose !!! We are living in treacherous times. People get desperate, and a lot of people seem like they didn't get any raising whatsoever. May you and your loved ones, indoors and outdoors, be Protected always. And I know about insomnia. Was finishing a great program last night when everything went down. It was VERY windy yesterday and worse as night fell, so I packed it in, but sleep evaded me as I was focused on my IT and hoping the new system would be okay. Called the power company on 2 different numbers and it disconnected -- they must be on VOIP too, which is very bad for a power company! Anyway, I tried to sleep and must have finally fallen asleep because the light coming on woke me 3 hours later, so I got up and set the clocks that need it. Then back to bed, listening to the crashing and blowing all night long.
N NY cat man Excellent suggestion!
Maria Bayote Maria Bayote Jcatbird is right. Cat moms are very protective of their babies and any time they think someone is endangering them, they'll move them. And those are some adorable babies -- just look at that fierce calico lioness!
Jcatbird Jcatbird BJ is up for the occasion, of course. How brave and loving! May Thrasher RETURN HOME, SAFE and WELL and SOON!!! Little Possum is adorable. They go on the premise of, "If you pour it/dish it up, we will come!" They are very helpful, always ready to eat up anything that they can reach. Maybe this one will help look for Thrasher!
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