My Feral And Rescued Cats

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 6, 2017
Oh, something in writing is a good idea! I'll take any more of those you have.

And obviously take your time, I know you have your hands full.

Took this picture just for you:

View attachment 258404

Two street urchins (President Richard Milhous Nixon left, Lady Fluffington right) who complained when I first brought them in, and who felt terribly betrayed when I gave them to strangers to have parts of 'em cut open, messed around with, and sewn back up again, and now they're homebodies who never want to leave and can't get enough love.

Lucky for us animals forgive!

(Dunno about crows. Did you know they hold grudges? That article doesn't say whether or not the researchers bothered to try to be forgiven though, will they forgive? WILL SOMEONE TELL ME IF CROWS WILL FORGIVE, WHAT IF I ACCIDENTALLY PISS ONE OFF?!)

(Also further, if you're bored, here are some that show the flip-side of the grudge-holding coin.)

(Man why aren't there any crows around here for me to befriend??)

Anyway, I'm sure BJ'll soon wise up and realize it's much better inside, where you can mess up the kitchen carpet, and shred the paper towels, and screw around on the counter, and beg for goodies...

@JosieQ - My White Tip thinks that President Richard Milhous Nixon is extremely handsome!


Jcatbird Jcatbird - Has BJ given you the ol' head-to-head headbutt yet?


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine when BJ was outside I got the head bump but not an indoors one . I am shooting for one though.
He met a new person today and imitated a flying squirrel so now might not be the best time to try a head bump. Lol My friend who does foster care for kittens helps me transport kitties and she offered to take BJ to be neutered today. Since his bodily functions are not in full swing right now I decided that I should observe him a little before he is put under anesthesia. He may need a vet check first. He is confined so he can’t reproduce right now. Just going to be a little cautious. The clinic is very good but since it isn’t a regular vet check I’d rather play it safe for a few days. He isn’t doing anything as it should be. I did consider that the drug might relax him but I always trust my instincts and they told me to give him a little more time. I may regret that if he decides to try and eat me. I’ll let you know if I still have fingers to use to type with. ;)


TCS Member
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Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
1CatOverTheLine 1CatOverTheLine when BJ was outside I got the head bump but not an indoors one . I am shooting for one though.
He met a new person today and imitated a flying squirrel so now might not be the best time to try a head bump. Lol My friend who does foster care for kittens helps me transport kitties and she offered to take BJ to be neutered today. Since his bodily functions are not in full swing right now I decided that I should observe him a little before he is put under anesthesia. He may need a vet check first. He is confined so he can’t reproduce right now. Just going to be a little cautious. The clinic is very good but since it isn’t a regular vet check I’d rather play it safe for a few days. He isn’t doing anything as it should be. I did consider that the drug might relax him but I always trust my instincts and they told me to give him a little more time. I may regret that if he decides to try and eat me. I’ll let you know if I still have fingers to use to type with. ;)
*GOOD ON YA, @Jcatbird.* *As always.* :goldstar::goodluck:


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Dec 5, 2017
United States
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Thank you. I am trying all I know to do. I wish I could do more.
M maggiedemi The Bengals are part Bengal. Their is a local breeder that had a wild cat escape. The vet thinks it bred with the mother who was either dumped, lost or neglected. I found them in the woods. The mother socialized but the children still won’t deal with other people. The vet is very cautious with them and I have been bitten once myself but it wasn’t the fault of the cat. There was a nasty person and a dog involved. When I got them neutered it took three times the anesthesia to knock them out. The litter was unusual in that there were three males and only one female. Perhaps there were others originally that didn’t survive. The males are quite large but the female is typical housecat size. The female is not accepted by the other cats very well and if they hiss she is prickly to handle. The males are a bit touchy with each other but I do not allow the other cats to get too close. I may still get one male to seperate okay. It’s a work in progress. They are all very beautiful.
I have had other cats turn up with some similar traits as far as markings and coloring. We used to glimpse a large brownish spotted cat in the woods but I have not seen it this past year. Perhaps Daddy. You probably have read of Jeremiah, Cheetah, Sherbie and Muffin. They are the Bengals. I don’t take a lot of photos of them because they get very demanding of special attention and it can easily start territorial challlenges between them. Muffin is the easiest to deal with. They are all quite lovable but they take special care. A feral Bengal is not like a domesticated one. They are really awesome though!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Thank you. I am trying all I know to do. I wish I could do more.
M maggiedemi The Bengals are part Bengal. Their is a local breeder that had a wild cat escape. The vet thinks it bred with the mother who was either dumped, lost or neglected. I found them in the woods. The mother socialized but the children still won’t deal with other people. The vet is very cautious with them and I have been bitten once myself but it wasn’t the fault of the cat. There was a nasty person and a dog involved. When I got them neutered it took three times the anesthesia to knock them out. The litter was unusual in that there were three males and only one female. Perhaps there were others originally that didn’t survive. The males are quite large but the female is typical housecat size. The female is not accepted by the other cats very well and if they hiss she is prickly to handle. The males are a bit touchy with each other but I do not allow the other cats to get too close. I may still get one male to seperate okay. It’s a work in progress. They are all very beautiful.
I have had other cats turn up with some similar traits as far as markings and coloring. We used to glimpse a large brownish spotted cat in the woods but I have not seen it this past year. Perhaps Daddy. You probably have read of Jeremiah, Cheetah, Sherbie and Muffin. They are the Bengals. I don’t take a lot of photos of them because they get very demanding of special attention and it can easily start territorial challlenges between them. Muffin is the easiest to deal with. They are all quite lovable but they take special care. A feral Bengal is not like a domesticated one. They are really awesome though!
It's interesting your hypothesis on the Bengals. I thought the same thing must be occurring 2 locations ago, because there were Siamese-y cats of two or three generations, and a lot of community cats, plus cats who were part of families but were let out, and not fixed. We did a lot of trust-earning, TNR, and adopting in that location.


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
M maggiedemi I have some really good pictures on a digital camera but not sure if I have any good ones on this phone. I’ll look and see what I can dig up for you.
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 It is amazing to find all sorts of breeds mixed into the feral world. All beautiful. I once rescued a tiny kitten that I thought was very Siamese. I bottle fed it and adored him. His markings seemed very lilac point. My nephew was getting his first apartment shortly after that and he is a cat lover. I knew this baby would get lots of love an undivided attention for my nephew so I offered to let him take the baby as his first “cat child “ of his own. It pleased me greatly when he happily accepted the kitten. He had to drive almost four hours with the kitten and I had to laugh when I got a call from the road. My nephew had not experienced a yowling Siamese voice before. They survived the trip and grew to be inseparable. The kitten is now a huge cat and no longer looks lilac. It has become very dark brown and appears Tonkinese. Who knew? He still carries the Siamese voice and attitude. Burmese thrown in? Something was. I also have a cat whose siblings all looked Siamese but he is black. Purry Como has a Siamese build and voice with super shiny black fur and gold eyes. I have stumbled on all shapes, colors and patterns around here. Every kitten is a treasure. My update on BJ is that he did eat and drink today. Apparently he is very aware of some human activities around here that he finds disturbing. He decided that he needs me to guard the door so that he can eat and drink without worrying. I spent much of my day with him. When I did come away from him he cried for me to come back. I did. I found out that he loves being brushed. It was a scratch fest for him.

Glad to oblige him!

It is very late here now and BJ
is crying for me to come back so I will post more tomorrow

I did let three kitties go today. Lady and Lambie are still here for now. Missy was the surprise party member.
I will share all tomorrow after BJ and I have had some rest. Goodnight all!


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
M maggiedemi I have some really good pictures on a digital camera but not sure if I have any good ones on this phone. I’ll look and see what I can dig up for you.
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 It is amazing to find all sorts of breeds mixed into the feral world. All beautiful. I once rescued a tiny kitten that I thought was very Siamese. I bottle fed it and adored him. His markings seemed very lilac point. My nephew was getting his first apartment shortly after that and he is a cat lover. I knew this baby would get lots of love an undivided attention for my nephew so I offered to let him take the baby as his first “cat child “ of his own. It pleased me greatly when he happily accepted the kitten. He had to drive almost four hours with the kitten and I had to laugh when I got a call from the road. My nephew had not experienced a yowling Siamese voice before. They survived the trip and grew to be inseparable. The kitten is now a huge cat and no longer looks lilac. It has become very dark brown and appears Tonkinese. Who knew? He still carries the Siamese voice and attitude. Burmese thrown in? Something was. I also have a cat whose siblings all looked Siamese but he is black. Purry Como has a Siamese build and voice with super shiny black fur and gold eyes. I have stumbled on all shapes, colors and patterns around here. Every kitten is a treasure. My update on BJ is that he did eat and drink today. Apparently he is very aware of some human activities around here that he finds disturbing. He decided that he needs me to guard the door so that he can eat and drink without worrying. I spent much of my day with him. When I did come away from him he cried for me to come back. I did. I found out that he loves being brushed. It was a scratch fest for him.View attachment 258776
Glad to oblige him!

It is very late here now and BJ
is crying for me to come back so I will post more tomorrow

I did let three kitties go today. Lady and Lambie are still here for now. Missy was the surprise party member.
I will share all tomorrow after BJ and I have had some rest. Goodnight all!
:wave3::clap::clap2::dance::jive: :cheerleader::bouquet::hangin::goldstar: :grouphug::grouphug2::catlove:


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
BJ greeted me with calls this morning. After much petting. ( he trusted both hands today lol) He ate his breakfast. I feel a sense of relief. He is still wary of outside movement but I have covered one of the French doors. That seems to help.
The house seems a little empty. I know that might seem strange since I still have a house full of kitties but the ones that went for adoption have left a void here. Sweet little Kodiak finally got her chance at a home. She is a snuggler and loves to play. I miss her sitting behind my head on the back of the sofa. Missy left too. I never expected her to go. She never wanted to but she went willingly. She had a chance st a home once before but once they lady tried to take her she reacted so violently I would not let her go. I think there is a very good chance she will come back. I don’t know if she will react badly at the shelter but I heard that when she got checked over by the techs she got quite upset. I should know soon. The third cat to go was my last Gingerbread cat. Mom cat, Kelly. Such a beautiful cat, I think she will quickly find a home. She is beautiful to look at and has a beautiful spirit. She is loving and gentle. She loves to curl up in a lap, purr and make biscuits with her paws. It was very hard to say goodbye to such an amazing group of girls. I have high hopes for them. Missy washed my face and purred as I held her the last time. Kodiak cried when she left. I did raise her from a baby as one of Goldielocks three bears. Her parents and one bear remain. Kelly was quiet and nervous. My update is that Kelly and Kodiak are doing okay. Missy is doing just what I expected. I did not make the choice of sending Missy. I explained her issues but she has been given a chance anyway. I would not deny her that. I keep all her things as they were for now. It is hard to see her empty house but she may return and I want her to be comforted by familiar things if she returns upset.
I only have 26 here now. In November three more will get a chance. I must try to prepare them for a new life. We will see who might be ready and willing.
I am glad that I have been spared from parting with Lady and Lambie for now. I plan to enjoy every moment with them.

Here are my parting pictures of the girls. All very sweet pictures.

Kelly. My last Gingerbread kitty. Gingerbread will always have a special meaning for me now.
Making biscuits!


Kodiak A goodbye head bump.

Missy. My kissing kitty.


Good luck my sweet girls.:redheartpump:


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
I just have to post about something. The only person who has helped me with the kitties here just texted me. She usually rescues kittens and tends to some huge feral colonies doing TNR and giving them food and medical care. She does a huge amount of work and has managed to find time to help me with transport of the kitties here. She took on a litter of kittens recently and has been keeping me updated on them. Most of you know that I raised a daughter who had some health issues and that I lost her a few years ago. She had been unable to walk and had many other complications but managed to lead an inspiring life and made huge accomplishments for herself and others. She was a part of raising awareness for many children and adults who had any form of disability. She always left me in awe of the things she did. She was a natural with any lost kitty. She just had a way with living creatures that I could never come close to matching. Because if Sarah I have a very soft spot for anyone who has to fight a battle for life. Two legged, four legged, winged or crawling it doesn’t matter. They all count. What is the connection I am trying to make here? My friend is trying to save a kitten that has Hydrocephalus. It’s a beatific kitten and full of life. The joyful spirit of this kitten reminds me of my Sarah. My friend has written me that the kitten must have surgery to save it’s life. Fluid must be drained from it’s tiny brain. This is a feral rescue of the most desperate kind. I am inept when it comes to providing links through this phone but I would like to give everyone a chance to read about little ET. You can find the story about ET on a gofundme page called “ET phone home”. I just looked at the page and the photos are adorable. ET will be needing a family. If anyone can share this information in any way, I would greatly appreciate it. So would ET.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
Great news about the adoptions. I wish Missy could find unconditional love. I don't care what my cats do to me, they are never leaving.
That's wonderful that BJ cries for you to stay with him now. Don't forget the compliments! It is really working with Demi & Maggie. I should have known, I love compliments too. ;)


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
surya surya I am not able to do much myself except spread the word. I did tell the person to come on this site but I don’t know if she will figure it out. I explained to her that we cannot ask for funding here on this thread but that there is a forum where she can. Prayers may be needed even more than anything else in the end. Thank you for helping. :redheartpump:


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
M maggiedemi I understood what you meant. I always get you. You might get a giggle from your kitties reaction to a favorite word I use. Beautiful. Funny how my kitties seem to like that word over almost anything I can say! They get very affectionate when I tell them how beautiful they are. :petcat:


Minion to Gypsy since October 2016
Top Cat
Jan 24, 2017
Central Illinois, USA
BJ greeted me with calls this morning. After much petting. ( he trusted both hands today lol) He ate his breakfast. I feel a sense of relief. He is still wary of outside movement but I have covered one of the French doors. That seems to help.
The house seems a little empty. I know that might seem strange since I still have a house full of kitties but the ones that went for adoption have left a void here. Sweet little Kodiak finally got her chance at a home. She is a snuggler and loves to play. I miss her sitting behind my head on the back of the sofa. Missy left too. I never expected her to go. She never wanted to but she went willingly. She had a chance st a home once before but once they lady tried to take her she reacted so violently I would not let her go. I think there is a very good chance she will come back. I don’t know if she will react badly at the shelter but I heard that when she got checked over by the techs she got quite upset. I should know soon. The third cat to go was my last Gingerbread cat. Mom cat, Kelly. Such a beautiful cat, I think she will quickly find a home. She is beautiful to look at and has a beautiful spirit. She is loving and gentle. She loves to curl up in a lap, purr and make biscuits with her paws. It was very hard to say goodbye to such an amazing group of girls. I have high hopes for them. Missy washed my face and purred as I held her the last time. Kodiak cried when she left. I did raise her from a baby as one of Goldielocks three bears. Her parents and one bear remain. Kelly was quiet and nervous. My update is that Kelly and Kodiak are doing okay. Missy is doing just what I expected. I did not make the choice of sending Missy. I explained her issues but she has been given a chance anyway. I would not deny her that. I keep all her things as they were for now. It is hard to see her empty house but she may return and I want her to be comforted by familiar things if she returns upset.
I only have 26 here now. In November three more will get a chance. I must try to prepare them for a new life. We will see who might be ready and willing.
I am glad that I have been spared from parting with Lady and Lambie for now. I plan to enjoy every moment with them.

Here are my parting pictures of the girls. All very sweet pictures.

Kelly. My last Gingerbread kitty. Gingerbread will always have a special meaning for me now.
Making biscuits!
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View attachment 258810
Kodiak A goodbye head bump.View attachment 258813View attachment 258815
Missy. My kissing kitty.View attachment 258822
View attachment 258823 View attachment 258824
Good luck my sweet girls.:redheartpump:
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