My Feral And Rescued Cats

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Okie dokie! I have done all I can elsewhere for now. How about sharing some smiles? This is what I imagine the kitties are taking about.

It’s raining so Banjo and the construction crew refused to work anymore today. Banjo got raindrops on her paw! :kitty:
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For any of you who don’t know, BJ has been trying to get Kodiak more comfortable around all the other kitties.
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Since she came to us before BJ was in charge and then went traveling, he felt she needed a little snuggling.
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He does love the girls and he is very protective of everyone but last night he really made sure she felt the touch of kitty kindness.
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Yeah! He needs to protect us tonight. I’m wet.
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It’s really storming BJ!
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BJ? It’s storming!
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Storm? Yeah,
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Wha???? I’m up. I’m protecting.
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I got you Kodiak. Eyes open.
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He’s asleep Mom.
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No, I’ve got you Kodiak. Totally awake.Terrible storm.......
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Banjo, I think BJ is becoming a house cat.
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I’m very glad to you relaxed BJ. BJ? Lol This is quite a difference from the days when he first joined us. I would never picture him trying to eat me right now!

Mom, BJ is supposed to be protecting us.
I think I should throw raindrops on him and see what he does then.
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Banjo! View attachment 287722
What?!?! I’m innocent Mom.

I could swear that is an innocent face two photos ago but that last one.....Looks like a mischievous grin to me!

I did not let Banjo disturb BJ.

I hope I was able to share a smile with everyone. These faces get me laughing every time.:kitty::redheartpump:
Some VERY sweet smiles there, whatever the reasons for them!
Hope the storm has abated.
Yeah, the doc would be a good helper! These projects always take more time than anticipated.


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Got caught up after being gone yesterday! LOVE the pictures and stories of the pet sitter and the rain drops!

OK...for those who are interested...

My dad was a pilot, and had a remarkable sense of the absurd. Many many many years ago, in Panama City, Florida, a radio DJ was just...looking for something interesting to say, and came up with, "HELP! There's a live Maine lobster loose in the studio!" It really got to be a big deal, you know how those things go. LOTS of call-ins, lots of hype over several weeks, with the stories getting wilder by the day! Dad got a bright idea...why not get a real Maine lobster, set it up with a traveling tank, and make a big deal about sending him back home? And they did. Took a bit of doing, but they got it all arranged, with tons of publicity. Loaded the DJ, the lobster, and a specialist in lobster care from the local aquarium onto a plane, with a big send-off at the airport, and took off for Maine, with a couple of publicity stops on the way. When the lobster (who was utterly confused by it all) finally reached Maine, the mayor of some little town on the coast, whose name escapes me now, met the plane, along with half the town and local radio and tv personalities to welcome the Native Son back home, and all adjourned to the beach to release the lobster with much rejoicing and fanfare. I've often wondered what he thought about it all, and I really hope he was never trapped again! If ever a lobster deserved to live to a ripe old lobster-age, that one did! Need I say that Dad enjoyed every minute of it? And yes, he was the pilot who flew the lobster home.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Got caught up after being gone yesterday! LOVE the pictures and stories of the pet sitter and the rain drops!

OK...for those who are interested...

My dad was a pilot, and had a remarkable sense of the absurd. Many many many years ago, in Panama City, Florida, a radio DJ was just...looking for something interesting to say, and came up with, "HELP! There's a live Maine lobster loose in the studio!" It really got to be a big deal, you know how those things go. LOTS of call-ins, lots of hype over several weeks, with the stories getting wilder by the day! Dad got a bright idea...why not get a real Maine lobster, set it up with a traveling tank, and make a big deal about sending him back home? And they did. Took a bit of doing, but they got it all arranged, with tons of publicity. Loaded the DJ, the lobster, and a specialist in lobster care from the local aquarium onto a plane, with a big send-off at the airport, and took off for Maine, with a couple of publicity stops on the way. When the lobster (who was utterly confused by it all) finally reached Maine, the mayor of some little town on the coast, whose name escapes me now, met the plane, along with half the town and local radio and tv personalities to welcome the Native Son back home, and all adjourned to the beach to release the lobster with much rejoicing and fanfare. I've often wondered what he thought about it all, and I really hope he was never trapped again! If ever a lobster deserved to live to a ripe old lobster-age, that one did! Need I say that Dad enjoyed every minute of it? And yes, he was the pilot who flew the lobster home.
Good on your dad. I absolutely cringe when I see those Red Lobster ads on tv, knowing how lobsters, crabs, langostino, crawfish are made into dinner for those who partake.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
What we do for our cats is very different. I'd indulge Hek in a lot of things I wouldn't do for myself, if she loved it.
That's my philosophy, too, Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 -- and while I'm mostly vegan except for a little tuna and a very occasional chicken meal, cats are obligate carnivores, and there are only so many things I can feed them. So I get them the things they love that are good for them.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 26, 2017
I needed to use power tools.
Yeah, probably don't want to use power tools when it's storming. :eek2:

BJ has been trying to get Kodiak more comfortable around all the other kitties.
Does Flowers get jealous? ;)

Mom, BJ is supposed to be protecting us. I think I should throw raindrops on him and see what he does then.
Awww, I think BJ worked too hard today. He needs a nap. :sleepycat:

ll adjourned to the beach to release the lobster with much rejoicing and fanfare.
Great story. I hope the lobster survived & had a good life.:)

knowing how lobsters, crabs, langostino, crawfish are made into dinner
I never really thought about it that way. :bawling:


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
I am running very late tonight. It stormed again and I waited to try and get some work done afterwards. Got very little accomplished on the room but I did connect with another county that is trying to get No kill established for a shelter there. I hope they find a way. No TNR in that county either. I am going to try and connect with another person there. I tried working with a shelter there many months ago but it’s a very unusual situation. They don’t adopt the surrenders out. They also don’t allow rescues from other places to rescue them. I guess other shelters may do this but it was my first encounter with a place like that. I’m so relieved that change is coming there. Originally, I had been very frustrated after talking to someone there. The decision to release some of the cats to properly liscensed, tax exempt rescues from other counties has been approved! :yess: I hope the people leading this effort have continued
good results.

Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 I love the story! Your Dad was a hero and a Lobster liberator! The lobster may have been confused but I bet that ocean felt really nice. The current, waves and Foam, sweet foam. ;) Maybe it produced baby lobsters!

tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 I grew up by the ocean. The Sea provided a lot but even now, I will not eat seafood.
The kitties must eat caught food from somewhere and if it helps any, crabs can be dispatched other ways.

The best thing about humans and kitties sharing their lives.........:redheartpump::redheartpump:

I think these photos are self explanatory.

Along with the pile of kitties I send a Goodnight or good morning everyone!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
M maggiedemi Yeah, people don't think about how their animal-sourced food BECOMES food. It's pretty much universal, until they study it. Once they do, a lot of people make different decisions. My dad was a lifelong "meat and potatoes" guy until he saw an old documentary called, "The Animals' Film" which was about all the ways animals are brutalized by humans. After it finished, he told my mom that they would no longer be having any meat in the house. He stuck to it for quite some time, bless him!
Jcatbird Jcatbird On that theme, I can understand why you don't eat seafood. I make a few things with tuna, and as I mentioned, a VERY occasional (like every few years!) chicken meal, and that's it. I'm very lactose intolerant, so dairy is a no-go unless I want the mother of all stomach-aches.
Huge props to you for your wonderful TNR advocacy! You're already responsible for saving who knows how many innocent lives. That's how it's done -- one person, one meeting, one community at a time. It's amazing how many around the world have come on board -- and we won't stop, will we?
May the project go well! I think I spy a bag on the shelf that might interest the crew...:lolup::cutecat::kneading:


TCS Member
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Dec 5, 2017
United States
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Yes! We work with one person, one group, one kitty or any way we can but we never, never, give up. I have seen huge improvements in my lifetime and they are moving forward at a much more rapid pace. :redheartpump:

N NY cat man how about checking this over for me ? :please:I would appreciate it. :help:Day after tomorrow I hope to put the flooring down on the new subfloor. Still have to close up the holes where I treated for insects and thought to use Thompson’s waterseal on the surface the subfloor too but not sure if that will interfere with the bonding of the adhesives I plan to be using. Have I missed anything important? Major boo boos? :crossfingers: I sure hope not! :thud:



TCS Member
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Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I worked all day and may do a little more tonight but I came in for supper exhausted. I was sitting here eating and I was treated to a show by Whistle. I can’t remember the last time I looked at the television. I have it on but I watch the cats. :lol:

Feeling tired Mom?

Things around the house been looking a little rough?

Well........spin around!

Don’t take it laying down!

Chomp down.....

Take your best swing.....

Put your ears back....

Hold your chin up.....

Take stock of the world around you.....


Take a huge leap over everything and....

Keep looking up!

You get my message?

It’s the end of the day......

And it’s a beautiful world!
Enjoy the Whistle!

I am! :)
The purrfect end to my day.
Thanks for the playtime Whistle! :lol:
Thank you even more for the :redheartpump:
I hope it spreads! :heartshape:

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
tarasgirl06 tarasgirl06 Yes! We work with one person, one group, one kitty or any way we can but we never, never, give up. I have seen huge improvements in my lifetime and they are moving forward at a much more rapid pace. :redheartpump:

N NY cat man how about checking this over for me ? :please:I would appreciate it. :help:Day after tomorrow I hope to put the flooring down on the new subfloor. Still have to close up the holes where I treated for insects and thought to use Thompson’s waterseal on the surface the subfloor too but not sure if that will interfere with the bonding of the adhesives I plan to be using. Have I missed anything important? Major boo boos? :crossfingers: I sure hope not! :thud:

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Using a sealing agent may prevent the adhesive from penetrating the wood fibers and getting a good bond. Are you using contact adhesive, or a trowel-on mastic?

NY cat man

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 6, 2018
On a further note, I would probably use the mastic over the contact adhesive because you will have a little wiggle room, whereas with the contact adhesive, where you first put the flooring is where it stays- period. You can't make adjustments if any are necessary.
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