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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
You all realize rice has arsenic in it? It's naturally occurring, and I don't know how much would be toxic for a cat.


TCS Member
Feb 23, 2014
Sunny Florida
You all realize rice has arsenic in it? It's naturally occurring, and I don't know how much would be toxic for a cat.
I only give the rice with eggs to my dog when she is having tummy troubles. My cats have never tried it, I don't think they would like it. The dog will eat anything 


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
My cats wont eat chicken and rice-hopefully your kitties eat it.

Got to go to dentist after work. Aspen dental seems to really care about comfort of people. Its been several years since my last appointment. My gums are still in good shape but I stopped flossing with those picks-the string always breaks-went back to traditional floss=it seems to clean better. I wish my teeth were not so tight together otherwise flossing would be easier. Anyone here dread the dentist? I also have cavities to get filled but they are the type caused by wear they said-they are tiny so wont be a big deal. I hate going to the dentist. my mouth always hurts forever.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
If you use organic rice, rinse it and soak it and rinse again, it lowers the arsenic level to nearly nothing. It just has to be prepared right. Also, white rice has less as the outer layer is striped, which is where most of the arsenic is.

White basmati is one of the safest ones. Imported rice usually has less arsenic than rice grown in the US.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
I didn't know that about arsenic in rice
 None of my cats have ever showed interest in it. my elder girl with constipation seems to have issues with rice so I try not to feed her with food with it if I can help it. I thought I read somewhere about rice binding up the colon or was that wrong information?

What about brown and black rice? I try to not eat white rice unless its long grain parboil type. I love wild rice. making me hungry!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
As long as you prepare it correctly, you should be able to enjoy any rice on occasion. I wouldn't eat it everyday though.

Make sure you rinse, rinse, rinse it until the water is clear. I put mine in a bowl with warmish water and swish it around vigorously. I strain it and repeat probably 4-5 times. Then I soak it in more water for 8-12 hours. Then strain it and cook as usual. You should use a little less water as it has been soaking in water and isn't as dry. It also cooks faster.

So I obviously have to think ahead when I want to serve rice. Once in a great while, like maybe 2-3 times a year, I'll want it last minute. Then I just keep rinsing it to death and I use organic white rice or basmati.

If you like rice, you should Google mexican horchata. It's a rice drink and it is fabulous and energizing. Lots of carbs, though, so watch your intake or before you know it, you won't fit into any of your clothes! Not that I would know....cough cough. If you do make it, use only half the amount of sugar that the recipes call for as it is disgustingly sweet if you don't. Also, be warned, there's a million different ways to make it. I choose the sumple version that just contains rice, almonds, sugar, water and vanilla.


TCS Member
Jan 23, 2015
Alabama, USA
I never heard about arsenic in rice. WOW even though I only use white rice I will make sure my cats don't eat any of it anymore. I usually let mine have a little when I'm eating but I don't want to take any chances.

Thanks @DreamerRose

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Walmart employees and lack of mouth filter. I bought a cat tree thingy there a while back. 40 bucks and it's held up really well. Plus it moves to the front door where the cats have a box seat for wildlife activity in the front yard. So last week I bought the other one offered by the same company. POS right out of the box.  It was the floor to ceiling type with a tension bar. No matter how I set it up there was a horrible wobble to it. I boxed it up and took it back. While returning it the clerk asked if there was an issue with it so I explained.

So her response was. That might have been sort of funny to watch the cats jump on it and have it come apart. And my reply without missing a beat. Why would you think it's funny to see my cats fall down and possibly get hurt ?  As she back peddled out of it

It's been a bad year. Tried to decide if I'd taken it wrong. Not really.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
No, Kittensmom, you didn't take it badly. That was a thoughtless thing for her to say. Besides that, the product was defective.

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Walmart employees and lack of mouth filter. I bought a cat tree thingy there a while back. 40 bucks and it's held up really well. Plus it moves to the front door where the cats have a box seat for wildlife activity in the front yard. So last week I bought the other one offered by the same company. POS right out of the box.  It was the floor to ceiling type with a tension bar. No matter how I set it up there was a horrible wobble to it. I boxed it up and took it back. While returning it the clerk asked if there was an issue with it so I explained.

So her response was. That might have been sort of funny to watch the cats jump on it and have it come apart. And my reply without missing a beat. Why would you think it's funny to see my cats fall down and possibly get hurt ?  As she back peddled out of it

It's been a bad year. Tried to decide if I'd taken it wrong. Not really.
I considered getting one of those but they had bad reviews and recommendations to anchor it to the wall with brackets.  Is your other one like that and if so, what do you think of it?


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
kittens mom kittens mom my husband and I were in Jays sporting goods store and I asked one of the associates if they had any rabbit pelts. I wanted some for the cats to lay on. Anyway, after I walked away, my husband had passed the man I was talking to and he heard another associate say that I should just do myself a favor and shoot the cats.

Instead of punching him in the nose, though, my husband took the high road and reported it to management.
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kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
@kittensmom my husband and I were in Jays sporting goods store and I asked one of the associates if they had any rabbit pelts. I wanted some for the cats to lay on. Anyway, after I walked away, my husband had passed the man I was talking to and he heard another associate say that I should just do myself a favor and shoot the cats.

Instead of punching him in the nose, though, my husband took the high road and reported it to management.
I might have fallen off the high road to a lower tier today.  Not rock bottom. For whatever reason people think its OK to say something like that about cats. It wasn't a young person either. She was my age and should have known better.  I stood in line one day and the cashier was telling the customer in front of me how she had spent all her money saving her dogs life and they weren't going to be able to afford propane to heat their home with this winter. And checking me out she made the comment she'd never spend this much money on cat food.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
kittens mom kittens mom Sorry. I wasn't implying that you didn't take the high road. In fact, I think you did. You didn't jump across the counter and knock her senseless!!!!!! Although, I do believe that a lot of people need that. Especially the cashier you just mentioned in your last post.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
foxxycat foxxycat , I hate the dentist too! I only recently started to force myself to go regularly. I'm on meds that cause gum problems and well... I'm pushing 40 and needed to start forcing myself to go. That required finding a new dentist of course because my old one almost scared me out of going - again. I really like the one I have though. My teeth were all good! Thankfully SOMETHING was good.

kittens mom kittens mom , and here I was about to say that I hoped she was just someone young and not thinking. That's just sad that someone would say such a thing. It is so ignorant. I'm sure if it was a swing set for a kid, she wouldn't have said it would be funny to see it fall apart.

Re: the arsenic in the rice... there are people some countries that eat it daily, and somehow it doesn't do anything to them. I guess I should add "that I know of". I haven't done any studies or anything. We made the burger with rice, since Honey didn't eat most her regular dinner today. Well, she ate a little bit when she thought Pea-Pea might try to eat it. Because Pea-Pea is my little omnivore. At least her tummy doesn't seem as noisy and seems to be slightly more up and about. Then again, it's freaking hot today, so we're all kinda melted against the furniture today - pets included. However, she is carrying her toys around right now, which makes me happy.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
@Donutte  I'm glad your puppy is feeling better.

Clerks have become overly familiar. In reality they shouldn't be commenting on anything you purchase unless there is an obvious defect. Like a leaking bag etc. AS per the return the clerk asked about the defect and I explained. If that explanation was not good enough or it was a product you can't return get a manager.

This Walmart has reached the point where I will not get in a line if I see certain cashiers. If the clerk with the cat food comment thinks fancy feast is expensive she should see the stuff I buy at Long Leash on Life. Oh wait. It's none of her business.

I'm not a particularly oversensitive person. If you feel the absolute need to share your views then I have the absolute right to respond to them.

BTW Any clerk working a check out that is smacking their gum makes me wanna puke. That open mouth with a wad of cud has to violate some health code.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
yes, and then he changed it to some crazy symbol. Hadn't heard anything about him lately but apparently he went back to using his first name "Prince" again
OH OH OH...I know the story behind that one.  His recording label was cheating him out of scads of money...they had him sign an outrageous contract when he was young and dumb.  When he tried to get out of the contract, they told him that they owned his name and he couldn't use it.  That's why the symbol (I used to know what it meant, but I forgot).  Later, he went to court, and won the right to use his name again.  So that actually had a good reason behind it, not just superstar sillilness.

Wanna bet I read some more and have to edit to answer?  It's because my "multi" button doesn't work, or I don't know how to work it (more likely).

Told you so...re the arsenic in rice...it is tiny trace amounts.  There is arsenic is a whole lot of foods that we eat daily  Many fruits with stones contain arsenic in the pit.  That said, most special diets for animals with sensitive tummies are based on rice, generally lamb and rice, because it is so easy to digest. 
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