Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I absolutely must drag myself to the laundry room later on.  I can think of two or three (thousand) things I'd rather do!  Hauling the walker and then the laundry down, walking the half-block over, waiting, then hauling it all back up (in two or three trips) is a bit much  in warmer weather!  Thank goodness the predicted 84 degrees never materialized!

I've had my windows opened, listening to the dulcet tones of the dratted city woodchipper as they chop down and chip several pinetrees on the lot where the church burned down.  The lot looks so empty now.  It isn't, but there are four trees gone!  They needed to go.  They weren't doing well, but it is still sad.  I live upstairs, and with all of the trees there. when I sat and looked out, I could have been in a forest.  That illusion is just a little marred for me now.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Happy birthday @Cassiopea  , I hope you have a great day.  

Monday is good with me:  I work all weekend and get Mondays and Tuesdays off usually, and this was a super-busy weekend.   I spent most of today flat out on my sofa.  Hopefully I'll have more energy tomorrow as going out to meet a friend for lunch.  


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
I passed out of the pop music scene in the mid 70s, so I don't know what all the fuss is about. Is he the same person called "the entertainer formerly named Prince"?
yes, and then he changed it to some crazy symbol. Hadn't heard anything about him lately but apparently he went back to using his first name "Prince" again


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
Last night Honeybee sat in the window all night watching the moles and mice. I woke up before the alarm with no warm bundle on me. Now that its time of year to open windows she will sleep on me less. She will hop up for a snuggle and make biscuits on her red velvet blanket but after 10 minutes she wants down.

They all wanted to go out this morning before it was light enough. It was warm out at around 50. Watered the strawberries before left for work. More things are starting to pop up. Only wish we got a day or two of rain. Takes forever to water with the hose. Last night spent an hour just trying to water enough but some spots the water didn't soak down deep enough. Will do some more tonight. At least the areas I watered were still damp this morning. Supposed to be warm in the 70s today. We are starting to get into a drought again. That's the downside of not having enough snow. Looks like rain will come to other areas but not my area tomorrow.
"it was warm out at around 50". You call that warm? EEK, living in SoCal we call that cold, brrr! And we have been suffering with that kind of cold for too long. It's supposed to be in the high 70s, beach weather and we're freezing! Usually we don't get any rain after March and this year we are having showers and it's the middle of May! El Nino has been doing a number although most of the rain went farther north. Now if we could just build a pipeline to  bring all that excess water from places like N.H. to California we would all be better off.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
I caught Ra going through the closets, drawers, boxes, carriers, and the tops of closets; all places Slipper liked to hide. I think he's looking for her, since those aren't his normal haunts. (He likes attention too much to hide from it.) How do I help him deal with this? I'm barely dealing with this! 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
I caught Ra going through the closets, drawers, boxes, carriers, and the tops of closets; all places Slipper liked to hide. I think he's looking for her, since those aren't his normal haunts. (He likes attention too much to hide from it.) How do I help him deal with this? I'm barely dealing with this! :bawling:
awwwww. That's so sad. I'm sorry you guys have to mourn slipper. I've heard it said a million times that the best way to move on is to get another kitten. I don't know from experience though, if it works or not. But maybe it would help. Plus you'll be saving another kitty from life in a shelter or possibly worse. I do hope you guys find some joy real soon.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Well, got some surprising news today. 

I am switching over to Medicare as of July 1. I decided to pick an Advantage plan to augment it. I have a PPO. 

I listed my PCP on the enrollment form. I have been seeing her for years.

Today, I got a letter from my insurance company stated that my PCP was either: not accepting new patients, or Not a provider, or is wrong. 

I called the doctors office to triple check that my PCP was on their list of approved doctors. I was told that her practice is closed to new patient, AND  she is RETIRING  as of September 1....  

My reaction: I was in a panic!!! They said another doctor in the group is helping to absorb my PCP's practice. 

My mind was going crazy! What am I going to do??

While I do not think of this as out of the ordinary, and the thought has crossed my mind. My PCP and I are about the same ages. I was also one of her first patients.. yes, we have been together that long!!!

I know her and she knows me....I can just e-mail her and explain symptoms. Most of the time she does not have me come in unless it is really necessary. I am good about annual physicals and such. sigh

I mean do I take a chance on a this 'new' doctor--in practice for 6 years or do I look around to find someone else??? and now of all times....


I made one last appointment in June with my PCP and scheduled a physical for the end of August with the new doctor....

Kind of in a panic...

now this is my babble for today...head still spinning.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
I caught Ra going through the closets, drawers, boxes, carriers, and the tops of closets; all places Slipper liked to hide. I think he's looking for her, since those aren't his normal haunts. (He likes attention too much to hide from it.) How do I help him deal with this? I'm barely dealing with this! 
It is really hard watching a cat when it looks like they are trying to find their cat companion or figure out what has happened.   When I had a surviving cat litter sister she spent several days pacing the apartment looking for her sister and seeming really anxious.  I was quite stunned by her behaviour after that though as it became obvious that she had been scared of her sister and once she had reassured herself she was no longer going to be hunted and bullied she became the most relaxed I had ever seen her.   Then I felt terrible for not having realised how miserable and stressed she had been over the years.  I allowed my self to miss her sister but was relieved  that she did not and that she then had some time to be her self.    If you feel Ra does need cat companionship then it may be another cat would be the answer but give both you and Ra time to decide.

What might be helpful for you is this article: 
[article="32396"]Do Cats Mourn  [/article]

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
I caught Ra going through the closets, drawers, boxes, carriers, and the tops of closets; all places Slipper liked to hide. I think he's looking for her, since those aren't his normal haunts. (He likes attention too much to hide from it.) How do I help him deal with this? I'm barely dealing with this! 
Mook hunted for Kitten. I removed a great deal of the things that were specific to her and left bed they had shared and a play rug. Mostly you have to let the cat work through it just like you have to.

I did have to force feed Mook for few days. Even now months later Mook will suddenly go check out the hall closet which was Kittens special spot. It kills you to watch it. Watching it is horrible. Best to keep your daily routine as normal as possible and make sure Ra is eating and drinking normally.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I caught Ra going through the closets, drawers, boxes, carriers, and the tops of closets; all places Slipper liked to hide. I think he's looking for her, since those aren't his normal haunts. (He likes attention too much to hide from it.) How do I help him deal with this? I'm barely dealing with this! 
oh, the poor baby....I feel so sad for him, and for you...Slipper was a special kitty. I am so sorry for your loss....

Ra is really lonely for Slipper. 

My cousin lost one of her boys a year ago. She had two males from the same litter. Her cat was really missing his brother. It was very traumatic, as it is for us. She decided to try to cheer him up a bit and adopt a young cat. 

Well, this did help a lot. She adopted a 13 month old from a hoarding situation. He older cat (around 7) cheered up quite a bit.  It does put more life into him, because they are chasing each other around the house. 

But her older cat still misses his brother. Occasionally, she notices him looking at the cat tree, or certain spots which were his brother's favorite resting places...

Could you get a younger cat for Ra....just to pick up his spirits a bit?


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Happy birthday @Cassiopea! I hope it has been a fantastic day!

50 degrees is definitely warm to me! It's 80 degrees today here in the Chicago area and that's HOT so yeah, 50 is just gorgeous to me! Doors-open type of weather.

One third of the way through my work week. Tomorrow I have a dentist appointment. I'm just thrilled. My jaw hurts just thinking about it. And then a half day of work after that. Then only one more day before being off for six whole days!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
The problem with getting a younger cat for Ra is that we have four other cats, and only one of them seems to be missing Slipper at all. I'm afraid that if we bring another cat into the house the ones that aren't in mourning will kill it.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
The problem with getting a younger cat for Ra is that we have four other cats, and only one of them seems to be missing Slipper at all. I'm afraid that if we bring another cat into the house the ones that aren't in mourning will kill it.
It doesn't have to be a tiny kitten. In fact it might be best to not have a very young one since Ra isn't very old either, is he? When Lucky died, my boys missed him a lot, and I adopted a girl that was only a couple years old. And this girl can most definitely hold her own.

However, I can understand not wanting to get another one with four others. It was a tough decision for me to make when I did it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
Random thought: Does anyone take their cat with the other cat when they go to have them put to sleep at a vet? We always did this with our dogs and the results were good. The surviving dog would know exactly what had happened to the other which seemed to remove all of the searching and mourning. We did something similar with animals that died at home. The surviving animals would be allowed to see the body and sniff it. They seemed much more settled afterward. Perhaps, animals just do better if they get a chance to say goodbye. Wouldn't it be possible to do this with cats? Does anyone do this with cats? 


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
Today was 'spoil your cat day' at our house. They got a new window seat, 2 new cat cubes to lay in and a new bag of food. They got to hang out on the patio all day and look out all 3 screened doors, as it was warm enough to open the house up. I've got some happy kitties this evening.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Random thought: Does anyone take their cat with the other cat when they go to have them put to sleep at a vet? We always did this with our dogs and the results were good. The surviving dog would know exactly what had happened to the other which seemed to remove all of the searching and mourning. We did something similar with animals that died at home. The surviving animals would be allowed to see the body and sniff it. They seemed much more settled afterward. Perhaps, animals just do better if they get a chance to say goodbye. Wouldn't it be possible to do this with cats? Does anyone do this with cats? 
It wasn't possible to do that with Slipper. Since she was found on the edge of the highway in the county, the county had to handle her. It's protocol for all animals killed on the side of public roads; I think it has something to do with testing them for rabies? I'm not sure though, but they wouldn't let us take Slipper home and we couldn't take the cats to her.
Note to self - when filling out a job application, don't let Pea-Pea walk on the keyboard and hit "submit" before I'm done :/
 Good luck in the job hunt!
Last edited:


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
It wasn't possible to do that with Slipper. Since she was found on the edge of the highway in the county, the county had to handle her. It's protocol for all animals killed on the side of public roads; I think it has something to do with testing them for rabies? I'm not sure though, but they wouldn't let us take Slipper home and we couldn't take the cats to her.
Oh wow. I didn't know that. I always thought if it was your pet you could take it home to bury it. I suppose it'd be hard to enforce of course. In Slipper's case, it makes sense not to. I've just never heard of anyone doing this at all even when it would be simple to do it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
Oh wow. I didn't know that. I always thought if it was your pet you could take it home to bury it. I suppose it'd be hard to enforce of course. In Slipper's case, it makes sense not to. I've just never heard of anyone doing this at all even when it would be simple to do it.
They probably would have let us take her home, if she hadn't been missing for a few days beforehand. Since we couldn't vouch for her whereabouts during those three or four days, they had to take her in for testing. It makes sense; we have a real problem with rabies down here in the spring and summertime--and we'll never know the answer as to whether or not she was  (which I doubt--her vaccinations were up-to-date), because that too is protocol.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
They probably would have let us take her home, if she hadn't been missing for a few days beforehand. Since we couldn't vouch for her whereabouts during those three or four days, they had to take her in for testing. It makes sense; we have a real problem with rabies down here in the spring and summertime--and we'll never know the answer as to whether or not she was  (which I doubt--her vaccinations were up-to-date), because that too is protocol.
Interesting. I live in a place that doesn't have a big rabies problem, so I've never heard anything like that.
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