Let's Babble Our Way to Post #4,000,000 And Win Prizes Too!

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
You are so right, and my mind is going.  I was thinking of cyanide.    And as someone who worked in a medical lab doing those tests, EVERYTHING is in your hair!  A really good tech can tell you where you lived,  what drugs you took...the hair shaft saves all the chemicals.  It's like a road map.  As for Rasputin, I think I had heard that at some point.  I went through an entire Tsarist Russia kick in my 20's.  Pity it didn't work.  He managed to bring down an empire all own his own, pretty much.  Nasty man.

Now, I knew that the multi button on the photo function was for multiple pictures, I'm wondering about the multiple quote button...I see people with multiple quotes in their posts all the time, but have no idea how to do that!
I simply go through and hit the "quote" button on all the posts I want to reply to. It's not as fancy (and as long as you don't actually type anything until you've gotten all of the ones that you want to reply to) but it works.
The cats are wrestling with the foam stuff that goes under the floor. I wish that they would just leave it alone and let use finish! I feel like that part of the floor will be so weird underneath. I guess they're just trying to leave their mark since this will be under the floor for the next 30 years.
Maybe they just like the way the foam feels under their paws? I know my cats like satin. . . And old, threadbare sheets. Maybe it's a texture thing? (Rose used to steal Mom's silk shirt.)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
Ok, it hit 77 in the house, which is WAY beyond my comfort zone. Turned the a/c on. The heat was just on yesterday morning.
Its supposed to get 86 here. We didn't put the AC in the window yet. Probably do that tonight but need a new piece of wood to prop it,. the one we have been using is getting old and cracked. a few times the wood didn't stay put and came home to it on the ground-luckily the ac didn't fall out of the window. Wish I could afford central air but then it would cost an arm and leg for propane to run it. the window unit is much cheaper. Jon hates it. he sleeps in the bedroom when I have it on. I sleep right in front of it-never wake up with a headache. he sleeps in the sweltry 75 degree room. no thanks! I don't like it this hot. If I didn't have to pick him up after work at the garage where he is getting the van worked on-I would work later because the ac here works awesome. And I HATE it 86!

A quick funny about why the van is getting worked on-Jon got this van from his brother after he passed=I told him it has an exhaust leak. It sounds like a freight train.This was two years ago? Well he finally got it looked at and found that some gasket around the gastank or somewhere back there near the exhaust is broken along with broken bolts-and voila=exhaust leak=he says to me Monday-you were right-it was an exhaust leak-I said you can hear it when you start it up! It pings and makes godawful noise plus its got no power-I can hear the exhaust leak when he goes on the highway and tries to punch the throttle-the van makes lots of noise but hardly moves...my truck has the same engine. you punch the throttle=you get sucked to the seat. That's my favorite thing about fast trucks or cars=that feeling like you get in a jet before take off... I must be weird. :)
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Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Omg, it was so hot last night inside the house. I think it was cooler outside, but it was also humid which made it feel hotter, so opening the windows wasn't really a good solution. Air conditioning it was. At some point in the night, I felt the need to pull the comforter over the top half of me (it was over on the right side of my bed; I always sleep on the left side). Then maybe around 6am I completely huddled under it. It was wonderful! Woke up and saw it was 71 in the house, which was what I'd set it to. I didn't think it would even get that low so was happy when it did.

We're expecting some thunderstorms in the afternoon, and looks like there will be some overnight tonight. Thankfully it looks like it will mainly be AFTER I get home. And don't have to go to work tomorrow! Happy pseudo-Friday to me :)

Oh, and I hear you on work a/c, the a/c at my office is AMAZING.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jun 9, 2015
Washington State
my truck has the same engine. you punch the throttle=you get sucked to the seat. That's my favorite thing about fast trucks or cars=that feeling like you get in a jet before take off... I must be weird. :)
 This is one of the things that I love about my new Subaru. It actually has significant power along with good gas mileage. I'll have to admit that I love getting easily up to speed on entrance ramps and after stop lights now.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
The guys at work say I am spoiled. um no I have hot ovens in here to bake the welding rods-without the air conditioning it would be easily 80 in here all the time. no. That's way too hot. only in the winter I don't have to turn on the heat as much unless it gets below 20. then the cold air comes right through the walls-metal walls no insulation.

So far its not too bad out there. got it set at 73. When it gets hot I set it at 68 but I prefer to wear a long sleeve button up mens shirt over my tshirt-hides the lumps and bumps and if I get grease from the grinders on me-it doesn't ruin my clothes-kind of my smock if you will. That's the one thing about air conditioning that can be a pain for us women. If you know what I mean. And the days its 90 out they all hang out at the window in front of the breeze of air conditioning as the shop gets brutal when its hot. especially the poor guys who have to work up over 5-6 feet-the temp goes up 10 degrees I have been told. Inside a tyvek suit is just too hot.
 This is one of the things that I love about my new Subaru. It actually has significant power along with good gas mileage. I'll have to admit that I love getting easily up to speed on entrance ramps and after stop lights now.
Yeah my coworker bought a ford fiesta set up for racing-we have a really sharp ramp near our house-one morning on the way to work I told him hit it like you would if I wasn't here-those tires stuck right to the pavement and wow I think he was in 3rd gear going around that corner-and no one was on the road ahead-its uphill a bit too so even more fun.

One year my ex and I went to Poconos PA racetrack to drive the car-he drove and I rode in one-holy cow that was the best time of my life! 160mph and they taught us to drive in a square pattern-you cant turn the wheel gently otherwise you drift up the sides and hit the wall. you have to crank the wheel sharply to the left like a square otherwise you will crash. I forget the incline degrees for the ramps-I screamed the first corner. by the third corner-I yelled go faster! It was the best time and now I am not scared to drive on the highway-I  used to be scared to go fast but since then going 80 or 90 is nothing. Not that I do it often,. in the morning the traffic is moving 78-81 and I just get in the middle and GO. We really need to widen the highway from Rochester to Portsmouth. two lanes sucks. all it takes is one idiot going 60 in the left lane and traffic is backed up. Luckily people lately understand the language of the back car behind you edging towards the left side of you. Its a gentle notion to get you to move over. And usually they have no one in front of them or to their right. I don't like passing on the right but I do if they don't move over. The wonders of driving.
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TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 11, 2015
Naperville, IL
@Donutte   It got to 87 out here in the burbs. It was 81 in the house when I turned on the AC. Left it on all night and it was quite comfortable. I hope to get in some gardening this morning before it heats up again. It's way too early for summer!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
How is this attached to the window frame? I have sliders and would be interested in how this works.
It has 6 heavy duty suction cups. I'm still a little nervous about it though, as I've never truly, trusted suction cuos. The couch us usually about a foot from the window, but I scooched it up against the window in case the suction cups let loose. I think I'm going to put it up higher and screw the top ones into the wall above the window. They are the ones that keep it from collapsing and bare the most weight.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
So Spot brought home a snake (that I thought was dead) and proudly presented it to AWM. (See, not only was the snake not moving, but when he carried it the thing was stiff and in one position--just like it was in rigor.) AWM, hearing from me that the snake was dead, went to pick it up. (We were outside doing yardwork at the time.) The snake moved! It most certainly was not  dead! So, acting on the assumption that all snakes are poisonous until proven innocent I grabbed the two cats (Spot and Ra), and ran inside while AWM got on her phone to find out what kind of snake the blue thing was. (Eastern Indigo, apparently.) By the time we were both satisfied that the Eastern Indigo is not only not poisonous, but not a threat to the cats, the snake had motored away from the house. (Well, I would too, in his position.) Poor Spot has been sulking because his prey got away!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
Honeybee on my lap, music playing in background
oh yep the other day Honeybee brought a mole and let it go by the furnace door-she was sitting there forever-opened the door to see that thing try to squish under the furnace=Jon got the plastic container to scoop it up and he flung it into the woods-we watched and it still crawled away-it was a pile of old grass clippings=soft landing. We had to otherwise Bee Kitty would bring it back inside. So he calls honeybee pain in the "axx" cat.

love the stories! keep them coming!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 16, 2013
back in Laguna Woods, CA after a 2 yr absence
It has 6 heavy duty suction cups. I'm still a little nervous about it though, as I've never truly, trusted suction cups. The couch us usually about a foot from the window, but I scooched it up against the window in case the suction cups let loose. I think I'm going to put it up higher and screw the top ones into the wall above the window. They are the ones that keep it from collapsing and bare the most weight.
I don't trust suction cups either. Sooner or later they all let go, even the ones that have levers. So attaching it directly to the wall or a window frame would be safer. Thanks.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
GURK...I have to get off of here in a couple of hours to RECLEAN the apartment for the inspection that never happened.  She "had a family issue" seems to be the party line, but we noticed that the district manager showed up and spent three days in the office, so we're all betting on some idiocy that the former manager left behind.  We do know that at least 5 people have had their rent adjusted downward since New Manager came in...apparently there was some embezzling going on, overcharging rent and pocketing the difference (no, there are no secrets here...we hear all, sooner or later).  At a subsidized complex!  Stealing from the poor is a new low.  What should we call Old Manager?   Hood "N" Rob?  The reverse of Robin Hood?  Steal from the poor to give to yourself?  The mind boggles. 

handsome kitty

TCS Member
Top Cat
Aug 10, 2014
Newark CA
Oh no @segelkatt you have two consecutive posts.  Now the mods will come and

Went out to dinner yesterday at a restaurant I've been boycotting since they changed their rewards program and I lost my $75 reward I was looking forward to redeeming.  Have to say the food was really good. It was hard to find anything I could eat between being on the FOD-MAP and blood thinners.  Finally had Fish and Chips.  Probably should have gone for the GF pizza.  DS had one and it looked good.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 27, 2015
GURK...I have to get off of here in a couple of hours to RECLEAN the apartment for the inspection that never happened.  She "had a family issue" seems to be the party line, but we noticed that the district manager showed up and spent three days in the office, so we're all betting on some idiocy that the former manager left behind.  We do know that at least 5 people have had their rent adjusted downward since New Manager came in...apparently there was some embezzling going on, overcharging rent and pocketing the difference (no, there are no secrets here...we hear all, sooner or later).  At a subsidized complex!  Stealing from the poor is a new low.  What should we call Old Manager?   Hood "N" Rob?  The reverse of Robin Hood?  Steal from the poor to give to yourself?  The mind boggles. 
The rich have been stealing from the poor since the days of the old aristocracy. I'm more impressed with Robin Hood. 

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
GURK...I have to get off of here in a couple of hours to RECLEAN the apartment for the inspection that never happened.  She "had a family issue" seems to be the party line, but we noticed that the district manager showed up and spent three days in the office, so we're all betting on some idiocy that the former manager left behind.  We do know that at least 5 people have had their rent adjusted downward since New Manager came in...apparently there was some embezzling going on, overcharging rent and pocketing the difference (no, there are no secrets here...we hear all, sooner or later).  At a subsidized complex!  Stealing from the poor is a new low.  What should we call Old Manager?   Hood "N" Rob?  The reverse of Robin Hood?  Steal from the poor to give to yourself?  The mind boggles. 
Interesting that the manager has control over the amount of rent. That would have to include personal information usually handled in a government office. If she's employed at any level by the local , state  or federal government there should be active prosecution.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I'm jumping into this thread without catching up on everything but was interested to read about arsenic in rice.  It reminded me that people used to eat small amounts of arsenic to improve their complexions which always made me wonder in all those Agatha Christie mysteries if the rich old grandmother being slowly poisoned by greedy heirs had beautiful skin.  And shouldn't that have been a tip off when the old lady started complaining about stomach pains?  


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Oh no @segelkatt you have two consecutive posts.  Now the mods will come and

Went out to dinner yesterday at a restaurant I've been boycotting since they changed their rewards program and I lost my $75 reward I was looking forward to redeeming.  Have to say the food was really good. It was hard to find anything I could eat between being on the FOD-MAP and blood thinners.  Finally had Fish and Chips.  Probably should have gone for the GF pizza.  DS had one and it looked good.
Aaah, how right you are @Handsome Kitty.    
 Being me, I didn't notice until I read your post, then went back to take a second look at @segelkatt  's posts.  

Yep, please remember everyone, no consecutive posts here in the babbling thread.

Oh no @Tallyollyopia  ,   that all sounds very traumatic!   I'd probably do the same if I saw Mouse with a snake (if I could manage not to run a mile first).  But poor Spot ,not getting to keep his catch, or be rewarded for bringing it home!  

I'm being stared at just now and I have NO idea why.  
    Mouse is sitting on the floor about 3 ft away from me and staring right at me.  I've tried throwing him his biscuits and he isn't interested at all.  He isn't coming up for snuggles to divert me from the lap top but there is definitely something he is wanting me to do... 
     I am feeling very inadequate as a cat parent right now.   Usually he is easy to understand and pretty much points to what he wants so this is new to me.   I'm getting little blinks so he's not totally mad at me but I sure wish I knew what was going on in his kitty brain.      


TCS Member
Super Cat
Feb 9, 2016
I am with my boyfriend on vacation right now and something really awful just happened :(

Someone got ahold of my boyfriend's debit card information and spent almost all of his money in a matter of a few days including a single purchase of nearly $800 from Verizon Wireless (someone clearly bought a brand new phone with his money). And his phone bill is due tomorrow ($60 a month) and he doesn't even have enough left in his account to cover that. So he is going to be without service for a few days or possibly a few weeks until the claims to get all his money back go through. And I can't afford to loan him any money (I'm nearly broke myself from vacation expenses and I have to have enough $ to feed us for the next few days). :( of course this happens right now :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
I am with my boyfriend on vacation right now and something really awful just happened

Someone got ahold of my boyfriend's debit card information and spent almost all of his money in a matter of a few days including a single purchase of nearly $800 from Verizon Wireless (someone clearly bought a brand new phone with his money). And his phone bill is due tomorrow ($60 a month) and he doesn't even have enough left in his account to cover that. So he is going to be without service for a few days or possibly a few weeks until the claims to get all his money back go through. And I can't afford to loan him any money (I'm nearly broke myself from vacation expenses and I have to have enough $ to feed us for the next few days).
of course this happens right now
How terrible!  I am so sorry to hear this.  Hopefully it will not take that long for the claims to go through - when I had my debit card stolen, everything was refunded within a few days.  Perhaps it would help to call the phone company and ask for an extension on your boyfriend's phone bill.  I have done this before with utility bills and they will almost always give you a week, sometimes even more.  The main thing is that you call them before your phone service is cut off.
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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jun 18, 2015
Northern Michigan
I am with my boyfriend on vacation right now and something really awful just happened :(

Someone got ahold of my boyfriend's debit card information and spent almost all of his money in a matter of a few days including a single purchase of nearly $800 from Verizon Wireless (someone clearly bought a brand new phone with his money). And his phone bill is due tomorrow ($60 a month) and he doesn't even have enough left in his account to cover that. So he is going to be without service for a few days or possibly a few weeks until the claims to get all his money back go through. And I can't afford to loan him any money (I'm nearly broke myself from vacation expenses and I have to have enough $ to feed us for the next few days). :( of course this happens right now :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Oh wow. That's terrible. I'm so affraid of that happening to us. Hope it gets taken care of quickly for you guys.
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