Introducing Betty White


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
In a strange irony, she's having less problems with these larger poop pills than the repacked capsules I use for her other medications. There's a small chance that she didn't take her ondansetron and famotidine this morning. Only after she pretty much finished her breakfast, I noticed something that looked like a half dissolved remainder of the repacked capsule. But I looked for that capsule before plating her breakfast. I (almost) swear that she picked up both. The poop pill was taken up with no issue. I'm not worried about that one. Today's poop will be the first one since we started the poop pills. 🤞 I mean we certainly should have had a sneak preview by now if things weren't going well. I'm sure it will be great and I look forward to seeing what a month of these pills does for her. I skipped her morning A/D portion because it's unnecessary now that I'm not using it to hide dirt. And then I spitballed out the calories for the day in her journal and realized that either that portion gets added back or we add those calories to other meals. Unless I add some extra calories somewhere, she's going to come in around 192 calories today. That's good enough for a 9.5 lbs cat which is not quite there yet. 190 to 200 calories is my goal for her. I'd like her to grow into a target weight without having to reduce portions when she gets there.

I like that first breakfast is already in the books. I like that she sleeps a good chunk of the morning now and isn't crying for food or fuss most of my workday. But I would like to see her up and about a bit more. I would like to add a little more enrichment in the office for her. Sometimes I'd like to poke the bear. And other times, I'm grateful that the Betty alarm hasn't gone off yet. Although Krista had her needy moments, I feel like she was an easier cat to please. But she also liked laps, desks, and food more than Betty. Betty's getting there though. There's some five (plus?) years of history I know nothing about. I really wonder about her previous home training. This morning she came right to the edge of the kitchen, started to reach a paw in, and then pulled it back under her. "I promise you the kitchen floor isn't hot lava." But she's not yet convinced. Not unless she's really hungry and I'm taking a long enough time for her to ignore that training. It's the same with the kitchen counters. She's getting bolder and joins me up there some of the time. But she also retreats back to the floor like she's remembering prior training and possibly previous scoldings. Betty, you can get away with more than you know in this home. It's also the same with the desk. But some of the desk is now coming down to clutter. I had a bigger desk with Krista. And while I try to clear away space for Betty, she's like, "nah. that's okay. I just took a wrong turn at the window sill."
You need a Cat-In Box. It won't necessarily give you more desk space, but it will give Betty a space of her very own in a place of imPURRtance on your desk :hearthrob: :lovecat4: :hearthrob:
Maybe she instinctively knows what's in those pills and wants to just get it down the hatch quickly!:insertevillaugh:It'd be great if you could do a play session leading up to a snorking.
Baby Su is like that about the kitchen, too. She hasn't always been, because she used to come through the kitchen to get to the breakfast room, where everyone used to eat back in the day. But now, IDK if it's the presence of my roomies, the presence of Elvis, or what, that causes her to be more tied to her master bedroom. She does come out and explore, but the kitchen is pretty much out of her self-imposed bounds.


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Sep 7, 2018
Turns out there is a scale you can put under the litterbox and get all kind of data. And it also turns out, that I don’t want a daily (or several times a day) read on her weight. I would drive myself nuts thinking, “well she was 9.18 after breakfast and 9.17 after dinner but she ate plenty today. Guess breakfast needs to be bigger.” No, weekly weigh-ins are fine.

Smart Litterbox Monitor System

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
...Betty, you can get away with more than you know in this home. It's also the same with the desk. But some of the desk is now coming down to clutter. I had a bigger desk with Krista. And while I try to clear away space for Betty, she's like, "nah. that's okay. I just took a wrong turn at the window sill."
:lol:...""nah. that's okay. I just took a wrong turn at the window sill." :spew:
When I saw this cartoon last week,...I thought of your Betty, and you daftcat75 daftcat75 .

Check it out:
This will be Betty and you, in a few years. :blush: :wink: :lol:
Post #6686
(if the link does not work, it's here: post funny picture and memes here

Turns out there is a scale you can put under the litterbox and get all kind of data. And it also turns out, that I don’t want a daily (or several times a day) read on her weight. I would drive myself nuts thinking, “well she was 9.18 after breakfast and 9.17 after dinner but she ate plenty today. Guess breakfast needs to be bigger.” No, weekly weigh-ins are fine.

Smart Litterbox Monitor System
Very interesting.

But yeah, I would seems that the 'weight' parameter works the best...according to reviews.
The 'distinguishing' for different 'deposits'...sounds not so the reviews.
I also worry about the 'bluetooth' feature...and security issues, there.
(not sure how that works, and why you cannot install it on two phones.)

Price is a bit steep, and still needs to have some 'bugs' worked out.
Not to mention, does not come in Android, yet. Hopefully, in future.
And if you are using the 'under-bed clear storage boxes', for litter boxes, this system will not work.

Still, an interesting concept, though. 💩
When they develop a 'motion sensing camera' to go with it, then that would be useful. (or not, because again, I worry about security)

I kind of like the system you have 'set up' now, with the infra red camera, night vision. :thumbsup:
If it's motion activated, even better, you don't have to go through, loads of video.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Ok--back from Internal Med Vet appointment.. CBC and Blood Chemistry pending..

He agreed to do an endoscopy.. mostly because Geoffrey has been vomiting for so long, and because I need to know.
G could have IBD.. but the fact that he is not losing weight and has no diarrhea is confusing.

Vet also said that the Pica could be caused by IBD. And the Pica could be causing the vomiting: Foreign bodies affecting the stomach.
He did say that IBD is so common and so involved, that a lot of it is unknown.

Geoffrey had a full work up a year ago with the IMVET--- ultrasound, x-ray, a gamut of blood tests, pancreatic enzymes, heart worm, Vitamin tests.. all came back completely negative... yet he keeps vomiting.. nothing is out of order.

He did tell me that even fur, that is not in a complete shape of a fur ball is still considered a fur ball---as in unformed loose fur that has been vomited.

I asked about Pepcid or Cerenia. He said no, because we do not know if the vomiting is because of fur balls, PICA irritating his stomach or what it is.. If he was vomiting daily, or 2-3 times a week, that would be a different story.

This IMVet does not believe in giving medication, just because. He is a firm believer in laxatone for the fur.. I asked about Egg Yolk Lecithin.. He shrugged his shoulders.. He is not into other type of things..

He did say that the first thing you do for IBD is diet change... Which I was proactive about and did a year ago. So the endoscopy would be a natural next step.

I asked if there could be a motility issue? He said that Geoffrey would be much much sicker if there were-- much much more vomiting, and I would know it.

I asked why the fur is not being sent along through his GI system. He said no one knows the reason for this.. It could be overgrowing on Geoffrey's part. He said they could try meds, but with his PICA being so bad, it would be better for him to Vomit the foreign bodies, instead of resisting them, with something like prozac.. dam. He strongly said to use laxatone.

I really do not feel that I got anywhere with this appointment.. and this Vet is so good.. or maybe it is me? I now he feels that meds should not be prescribed unless they are urgently needed. He believes in the body trying to get through things.. or perhaps he does not want to worry me because we went through so much with Artie.. He knows what I went through... and wants me to be calmer.

He did say that Geoffrey was a lovely cat-- a really good cat...

Just so confused... I am going to try to take it one step at a time.. Endoscopy first... and take it from there.
Just got off the phone with IMVet... Geoffrey's blood tests are all normal!!!
He did say that Geoffrey does have a problem and we need to get to the bottom of it!! HOORAY!!
He said the PICA will be harder to solve--if we ever do...
Feeling so much better....

Will know in the next few days when the endoscopy will be and hopefully a rough estimate...

IMVet is so much easier to talk to, over the phone, than in person... It is me-- my anxiety...



TCS Member
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Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Ok--back from Internal Med Vet appointment.. CBC and Blood Chemistry pending..

He agreed to do an endoscopy.. mostly because Geoffrey has been vomiting for so long, and because I need to know.
G could have IBD.. but the fact that he is not losing weight and has no diarrhea is confusing.

Vet also said that the Pica could be caused by IBD. And the Pica could be causing the vomiting: Foreign bodies affecting the stomach.
He did say that IBD is so common and so involved, that a lot of it is unknown.

Geoffrey had a full work up a year ago with the IMVET--- ultrasound, x-ray, a gamut of blood tests, pancreatic enzymes, heart worm, Vitamin tests.. all came back completely negative... yet he keeps vomiting.. nothing is out of order.

He did tell me that even fur, that is not in a complete shape of a fur ball is still considered a fur ball---as in unformed loose fur that has been vomited.

I asked about Pepcid or Cerenia. He said no, because we do not know if the vomiting is because of fur balls, PICA irritating his stomach or what it is.. If he was vomiting daily, or 2-3 times a week, that would be a different story.

This IMVet does not believe in giving medication, just because. He is a firm believer in laxatone for the fur.. I asked about Egg Yolk Lecithin.. He shrugged his shoulders.. He is not into other type of things..

He did say that the first thing you do for IBD is diet change... Which I was proactive about and did a year ago. So the endoscopy would be a natural next step.

I asked if there could be a motility issue? He said that Geoffrey would be much much sicker if there were-- much much more vomiting, and I would know it.

I asked why the fur is not being sent along through his GI system. He said no one knows the reason for this.. It could be overgrowing on Geoffrey's part. He said they could try meds, but with his PICA being so bad, it would be better for him to Vomit the foreign bodies, instead of resisting them, with something like prozac.. dam. He strongly said to use laxatone.

I really do not feel that I got anywhere with this appointment.. and this Vet is so good.. or maybe it is me? I now he feels that meds should not be prescribed unless they are urgently needed. He believes in the body trying to get through things.. or perhaps he does not want to worry me because we went through so much with Artie.. He knows what I went through... and wants me to be calmer.

He did say that Geoffrey was a lovely cat-- a really good cat...

Just so confused... I am going to try to take it one step at a time.. Endoscopy first... and take it from there.
Just got off the phone with IMVet... Geoffrey's blood tests are all normal!!!
He did say that Geoffrey does have a problem and we need to get to the bottom of it!! HOORAY!!
He said the PICA will be harder to solve--if we ever do...
Feeling so much better....

Will know in the next few days when the endoscopy will be and hopefully a rough estimate...

IMVet is so much easier to talk to, over the phone, than in person... It is me-- my anxiety...

My thoughts is that the pica is a response to the nausea caused by the inflammation. It's like Betty trying to eat the cat tree carpet fibers when she was feeling nauseated. I think it's a cat grass substitute. Like G or B are trying to make themselves sick enough to bring up whatever is causing their nausea. Hopefully you can get some answers from the endo.

With Betty, she only barfs hairballs. She doesn't throw up her food and she doesn't have any poop issues. So how would I do a diet switch on her (especially because she doesn't seem interested in many foods) if there's no feedback to tell me we're on the right track?

I hope the specialist I consult with is more open and doesn't waste my time with, "use laxatone." Keep the updates coming as you receive them. I feel like Betty will be walking in G's footsteps even if their cases aren't quite the same. And yes, I would definitely be interested in an endo estimate.


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
So I did just say that Betty only barfs hairballs...

Well, I think we got our answer about whether she got her morning meds. 🤦‍♂️

She sulked from her cloud into the office and coughed up some stomach acid. Then after a brief joyless loafing behind my office chair, she Eeeyore'd back to the front room, as slow as she felt bad. 😿

I still wouldn't jump to IBD. But clearly she still needs the ondansetron/famotidine support.

I don't think this is going to be as rough as a hairball day. That may have been all that's coming up. But I'm not sure what's going down until she gets new meds in her. I'm going to watch for awhile and perhaps give her a few kibbles in an hour or so (if the afternoon portion remains untouched) to give her stomach acid something to munch on and also help her to get to next meds.

Whether this is prescient of anything or not, tonight was scheduled to be an EYL night anyway. I set an repeating alarm in my phone for Wednesday and Sunday at 1:05am to remind me of EYL nights. Because at 1am when I just want to feed the cat and go back to bed again, I can't seem to sort whether it's still Tuesday or now Wednesday.


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
:lol:...""nah. that's okay. I just took a wrong turn at the window sill." :spew:
When I saw this cartoon last week,...I thought of your Betty, and you daftcat75 daftcat75 .

Check it out:
This will be Betty and you, in a few years. :blush: :wink: :lol:
Post #6686
(if the link does not work, it's here: post funny picture and memes here

Very interesting.

But yeah, I would seems that the 'weight' parameter works the best...according to reviews.
The 'distinguishing' for different 'deposits'...sounds not so the reviews.
I also worry about the 'bluetooth' feature...and security issues, there.
(not sure how that works, and why you cannot install it on two phones.)

Price is a bit steep, and still needs to have some 'bugs' worked out.
Not to mention, does not come in Android, yet. Hopefully, in future.
And if you are using the 'under-bed clear storage boxes', for litter boxes, this system will not work.

Still, an interesting concept, though. 💩
When they develop a 'motion sensing camera' to go with it, then that would be useful. (or not, because again, I worry about security)

I kind of like the system you have 'set up' now, with the infra red camera, night vision. :thumbsup:
If it's motion activated, even better, you don't have to go through, loads of video.
:lol:...""nah. that's okay. I just took a wrong turn at the window sill." :spew:
When I saw this cartoon last week,...I thought of your Betty, and you daftcat75 daftcat75 .

Check it out:
This will be Betty and you, in a few years. :blush: :wink: :lol:
Post #6686
(if the link does not work, it's here: post funny picture and memes here

Very interesting.

But yeah, I would seems that the 'weight' parameter works the best...according to reviews.
The 'distinguishing' for different 'deposits'...sounds not so the reviews.
I also worry about the 'bluetooth' feature...and security issues, there.
(not sure how that works, and why you cannot install it on two phones.)

Price is a bit steep, and still needs to have some 'bugs' worked out.
Not to mention, does not come in Android, yet. Hopefully, in future.
And if you are using the 'under-bed clear storage boxes', for litter boxes, this system will not work.

Still, an interesting concept, though. 💩
When they develop a 'motion sensing camera' to go with it, then that would be useful. (or not, because again, I worry about security)

I kind of like the system you have 'set up' now, with the infra red camera, night vision. :thumbsup:
If it's motion activated, even better, you don't have to go through, loads of video.
These are motion detection cameras that record to the cloud and send me a notification. So back when Krista was sick with lymphoma, if I got the Poop Cam notification, I knew she was one or two poops away from giving up on the litter box and bombing the carpet. 🤦🏼‍♂️😾
But I also spent a lot of time one room away watching her on a camera work something out. 😿 Wow! The app on the iPad had a Krista preview saved. Like a selfie from the beyond. 😿🌈
Sadly, it seems I’m back to that with Betty this afternoon.
Let’s hope this holds for awhile and there will be no further incidents or ejections

I wonder if those pill fragments would be so horrible if I just squirted some A/D over them instead of trying to repack in a capsule. 🤔 We’ll see how tonight’s pill goes. 🧐

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
So I did just say that Betty only barfs hairballs...

Well, I think we got our answer about whether she got her morning meds. 🤦‍♂️

She sulked from her cloud into the office and coughed up some stomach acid. Then after a brief joyless loafing behind my office chair, she Eeeyore'd back to the front room, as slow as she felt bad. 😿

I still wouldn't jump to IBD. But clearly she still needs the ondansetron/famotidine support.

I don't think this is going to be as rough as a hairball day. That may have been all that's coming up. But I'm not sure what's going down until she gets new meds in her. I'm going to watch for awhile and perhaps give her a few kibbles in an hour or so (if the afternoon portion remains untouched) to give her stomach acid something to munch on and also help her to get to next meds.

Whether this is prescient of anything or not, tonight was scheduled to be an EYL night anyway. I set an repeating alarm in my phone for Wednesday and Sunday at 1:05am to remind me of EYL nights. Because at 1am when I just want to feed the cat and go back to bed again, I can't seem to sort whether it's still Tuesday or now Wednesday.
daftcat75 daftcat75 ...Is there any way that you could hold Betty those 'poop pills'...until she is more stable?
Because you did say, that she began eating so much, when you stopped those other prior supplements. 🤔
But now, with introducing the 'poop pills' won't really know, if they are affecting her digestive tract.

I think it might be wise, to wait...until you get that 'report' back, about her 'gut bacterial load'.
And then start the 'poop pills'.
(That's just what I would do.)

Change only one thing at a time...per know what is affecting Betty's vomits. :dunno:


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I primarily use these cameras. Though I also have a couple of other cameras of theirs.

D-Link Dome Cameras HD Mini Indoor WiFi Security 2-Pack White- DCS-8000LH/2PK-US (Renewed)

I like these specifically because they are about the same size and weight as a salt shaker. So I use either museum putty or command strips to mount these or hold them in place. This one I’m watching now is on the bookcase secured with a bit of putty. The poop cam sadly is no longer recording to the cloud and sending me notifications. I think I rearranged and renamed these cameras so much that I probably have to delete the cloud settings and start over. But when it does work, like the Food camera, it’s nice to see Betty eating during the afternoon after a long busy morning of sleep. 😴💤

I don’t need the fancy output detection algorithms or notifications from the digital litterbox creeper spy tray. I’m home more often than I’m not. If I hear her tending her zen garden, I can tune into the camera feed. Or maybe I’ll fix the automation. I can tell what she’s doing in the box simply by which way she’s facing. If she’s peeing, she walks in and squats. I see back view Betty, then some evidence tampering, and a leisurely exit. If she’s pooping, besides all the extra archaeology, she will turn around and face out. I understand it’s instinctual because she needs to see her only exit at her most vulnerable. But sometimes I pretend she wants me to watch her just as she watches me when I’m pooping. Good guard, Betty. 🤦🏼‍♂️😹 And then of course she either darts out 🏎🏁 or gives the most alarming wail that I can only assume is, “Service, hooman!”


TCS Member
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Sep 7, 2018
daftcat75 daftcat75 ...Is there any way that you could hold Betty those 'poop pills'...until she is more stable?
Because you did say, that she began eating so much, when you stopped those other prior supplements. 🤔
But now, with introducing the 'poop pills' won't really know, if they are affecting her digestive tract.

I think it might be wise, to wait...until you get that 'report' back, about her 'gut bacterial load'.
And then start the 'poop pills'.
(That's just what I would do.)

Change only one thing at a time...per know what is affecting Betty's vomits. :dunno:
Waiting for the report does nothing except give up that time that we could be trying something like the pills we bought. They already have her poop samples (or they will in another day.) But it could take up to two weeks to get that report back. We could be halfway done with the protocol by then.

I don't think the poop pills are upsetting her. I think she managed to lick and flick her anti-nausea and antacid pill and it escaped my notice. Now I make it a policy not to try to pill a cat with an unknown carpet fragment. So if I cannot absolutely say that white thing that sure looked and felt like a half dissolved capsule with her pills inside was exactly the same one I tried to feed her before breakfast, then I'm not rolling the dice and feeding it to her anyway. But that's what I believe what happened with that little acid spit up and her uncomfy loafs. I'm going to give her another hour or so and then prime her for food again with a couple pieces of kibble. That should make her feel better enough to take her next regularly scheduled dose. If there's anything to try from this it would be to see if she'll eat the naked pill crumbs in the A/D since they are such small crumbs and she's not really chewing unless it's a chewy meaty bit.

By the way, she did have her first FMT poops this afternoon and they were great. I could have been optimistic and hopeful. But the structure, consistency, volume, shape, and aroma were at least as good as before the poop pills with the dirt instead.

It really is unfortunate that all ejections by mouth get called or confused for vomiting. But regurgitation, hairballs, food vomit, acid spit up, and bile vomit are all separate events with different pathologies and different recovery protocols. Because the poop pills don't dissolve in the stomach, I would expect either a deep sick bile vomit or diarrhea if the poop pills were bothering her. And I wouldn't dream of trying to prime her stomach with kibble on a hairball day. But because it seems like she's just working through a bit of an acid stomach, a little food may be just what she needs to make her more comfortable until I can get her next dose of meds in her. And really make sure she actually eats them this time.

cat nap

stand with ukraine
Top Cat
Jan 31, 2014
It really is unfortunate that all ejections by mouth get called or confused for vomiting. But regurgitation, hairballs, food vomit, acid spit up, and bile vomit are all separate events with different pathologies and different recovery protocols. Because the poop pills don't dissolve in the stomach, I would expect either a deep sick bile vomit or diarrhea if the poop pills were bothering her.
That makes sense, yes.

For some reason I thought that the poop pills might cause excess intestinal gas pain pressure, but not flatulence, ...but you're would be seeing possible loose stools, and not well formed poop.
And I wouldn't dream of trying to prime her stomach with kibble on a hairball day. But because it seems like she's just working through a bit of an acid stomach, a little food may be just what she needs to make her more comfortable until I can get her next dose of meds in her. And really make sure she actually eats them this time.


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I knew it I read it somewhere. This site was very helpful in determining how to handle her acid stomach.
My Cat is Vomiting - What Do I Do?

Rather than kibble, they recommend freeze-dried meat treats or a mini-meal. The thought is that you give the stomach acid a little something to work on. If the stomach is too acidic, perhaps the cat will spit up the surplus but the next meal will stay down. That's the hope anyway. Betty doesn't always follow the ideal.

She was actually rather receptive to her food when I put it on the carpet. So I gave her half an ounce and called it good. If that stays down, that should make her feel that much better than not having anything since morning. So far, she seems rather relaxed and is actually sitting in the office window sill.


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
So the 5 pm snack stayed down and Betty sounded the 6 pm alarm at least 20 minutes early. She took up her meds without issue. I think she was so hungry she wasn't going to bother with the lick and flick. I gave her the med portion of A/D even though I wasn't mixing anything into it anymore. Because we're doing the poop pills, I am discontinuing the dirt and the Feline Comfort supplement (which has the dirt in it.) I can't confuse and distract her gut with probiotics and FMT at the same time. But I gave her the 6 grams of A/D anyway because those are easy calories. I cannot always count on her to finish her dinner. But she never walks away from an A/D portion. But I also don't want to feed her just A/D because that's too rich. So it's a balancing act. She got six grams of A/D and ate half her dinner. Not bad for not having any other food (besides the half ounce snack) since morning. If we're lucky and there's no further incidents or omissions tonight, she'll finish about 2/3 an ounce shy or about 21 calories shy of her 190 target (169 calories.) In the weekly average, that's only a 3 calorie impact. Not going to worry about it and not going to try to stuff extra calories on her plates tonight. I can add a few extra calories for the next few days to close that gap if she's bounced back tonight or by morning. She will still get an EYL quarter dose tonight.

Unless she proves me otherwise, we're just calling that a little acid-y hiccup in our med protocol and hopefully the pills she just took should be resolving any lingering tenderness soon.


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Sep 7, 2018
It’s already top of the 6th. Usually she’s too antsy by this time and I’m begging her to wait for the 7th inning. We might make it to the stretch before I scoop and dump her somewhere on my way to my teeth, lights out, and her next dinner.
If this was a hairball day, she’d be hugging the floor and possibly still spitting up. If her stomach was still too acidic, she wouldn’t have her head down. I think she’s doing alright and I look forward to some pit sitting and face smearing after the lights go out and the second dinner plate goes down. 🍔😽


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Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
She’s snooping my Wi-Fi again.

“I’ll give you six. You must be kitten me if you think you’re getting seven.”
Resting Betty Face. 😾


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Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
Second dinner already in the books. 🐷👍🍔😽

It would be nice if she didn’t need meds and prescription food. But it’s been a relief to have them and that she’s doing so well with them. Today was a problem of subtraction rather than addition. But it seems we’re back on track like nothing happened.
Finishing the game up with Dad before she moves on to her cloud. 😻☁


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Top Cat
Sep 7, 2018
I plated EYL portion at 1am. Sniff sniff. Pass! 🤦🏼‍♂️

Alright. Don’t panic. I think she wants cuddles first and she’ll come back to it. She has several hours.

At 4am, I look to her sleeping in her cloud. Did she? At all? Sit up and look at the sparkling clean plate. Wow! She even washed her dish for me. 😋

She missed almost a meal yesterday. So her poop is probably delayed by that. EYL is going to take awhile to transit. But we still have FMT poops to monitor.

Both breakfast pills were taken up with no fuss or retries. ✌👍

Half of first breakfast is in the books. I think when she finally poops, second half will be taken up.

For now, she’s stretched across my chest with the occasional face smear. 😻🍔😽