Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Geoffrey update: He was not himself for about a week after the Rabies vaccine.. vomited a couple times during that week, and seemed a bit down...
His urine was pretty potent smelling since he had his vet exam. Now, it is back to smelling better/normal. I swear he had a tiny UTI due to being so anxious and holding it for so long. He is so sensitive.

For the past couple days, he has had a bad stretch. He vomited on Wed, today is Friday. Wednesday, I had to resort to giving him a Cerenia tablet. He usually vomits that up, but I waited hours since his vomit episode, cut it in half, smooshed it into a smaller gel cap, and he kept it down. His meow had no volume at all.. At times, all I could see was his mouth moving.. He was weak..

He has not been eating as much as normal, and pretty lethargic. He gets this way every once in a while. Unfortunately, I have been very busy the days before and the day he was very sick. Geoffrey is such a strange cat when he is sick..He wants cuddles with his Mama... nothing else..

Geoffrey is slowly getting back to his normal self. It is taking longer this time. Usually it is just a day or 2.. I am fortunate that this does not happen very often... I am going to start tracking how often it happens, per year.

Dr B is aware of this. I am updating him. We both know it is from his SCL...
I am going to ask him again about Geoffrey and possible anemia causing this, or even his teeth.. although, will we put him through a dental?? Nothing was seen on visual examination. just tartar...

As far as the echocardiogram. Dr B does understand my apprehension about putting G through it. He said he is obligated to inform me of the increase in the murmur and the recommendation. He understands how I feel. I think he would feel the same way, if he was in my position. It was suggested we could book it, and mull it over before the appointment.
I found out that the waiting period is now down to a couple months or less.. Angell Med hired another cardiologist, so they have a faster turnover time..,

This afternoon, is kind of a feeling sorry for myself time.. I have adopted 2 cats, back to back.. and both have been seriously ill with life threatening issues. I feel shortchanged.. I do not seem to be able to have a cat who is not sick.. I feel cheated about the amount of time I have with them..
I am getting older, with more stuff happening to me.. and I love kitties.. I have been blessed to have found a couple of really beautiful, loving kitties.. Artie was my 'soul-cat', while Geoffrey is my 'baby-cat-cuddler".. Artie was a terror at the Vets-- bit a couple of techs, but was so good with me. Geoffrey just freezes up from fear at the Vets; and allows me to do almost anything to him: except for nails., and wiping his butt...

Ok-- pity party over.. have to dump and clean litter box.
Geoffrey must be feeling a bit better. He jumped on top of my printer, which is on top of a chest of drawers.. He always does that. He looks out the bedroom window, and give me head 'bops' when I come over and ask for them.. so sweet.
Good end of post -- very relieved to read this.
But I respectfully disagree that Geoffrey is "strange" when he's ill. Love and contact are SO important in healing! I believe in their power much more than I do in drugs and doctors and the so-called "health care" people are brainwashed to believe actually helps them. My mom always fed me and gave me lots of love when I was sick -- and I was a sickly kid. It helped. A LOT. Cats being probably more sensitive than humans, appreciate affection probably even more than we do.


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
This afternoon, is kind of a feeling sorry for myself time.. I have adopted 2 cats, back to back.. and both have been seriously ill with life threatening issues. I feel shortchanged.. I do not seem to be able to have a cat who is not sick.. I feel cheated about the amount of time I have with them..
I know it's been difficult for you having to deal with the worry, expense and amount of time needed to care for your 2 gorgeous orange tabby boys, but just think what might have happened with them, if they hadn't had you for their mom. Your prior experience in health care, and your patience and never ending love for them, means they could have had no one better to have adopted them. I know that doesn't make it easier for you, but I think it was just meant to be, that they found their way to you. :redheartpump: :lovecat2::redheartpump: :redheartpump::lovecat2::redheartpump:


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Geoffrey update: He was not himself for about a week after the Rabies vaccine.. vomited a couple times during that week, and seemed a bit down...
His urine was pretty potent smelling since he had his vet exam. Now, it is back to smelling better/normal. I swear he had a tiny UTI due to being so anxious and holding it for so long. He is so sensitive.

For the past couple days, he has had a bad stretch. He vomited on Wed, today is Friday. Wednesday, I had to resort to giving him a Cerenia tablet. He usually vomits that up, but I waited hours since his vomit episode, cut it in half, smooshed it into a smaller gel cap, and he kept it down. His meow had no volume at all.. At times, all I could see was his mouth moving.. He was weak..

He has not been eating as much as normal, and pretty lethargic. He gets this way every once in a while. Unfortunately, I have been very busy the days before and the day he was very sick. Geoffrey is such a strange cat when he is sick..He wants cuddles with his Mama... nothing else..

Geoffrey is slowly getting back to his normal self. It is taking longer this time. Usually it is just a day or 2.. I am fortunate that this does not happen very often... I am going to start tracking how often it happens, per year.

Dr B is aware of this. I am updating him. We both know it is from his SCL...
I am going to ask him again about Geoffrey and possible anemia causing this, or even his teeth.. although, will we put him through a dental?? Nothing was seen on visual examination. just tartar...

As far as the echocardiogram. Dr B does understand my apprehension about putting G through it. He said he is obligated to inform me of the increase in the murmur and the recommendation. He understands how I feel. I think he would feel the same way, if he was in my position. It was suggested we could book it, and mull it over before the appointment.
I found out that the waiting period is now down to a couple months or less.. Angell Med hired another cardiologist, so they have a faster turnover time..,

This afternoon, is kind of a feeling sorry for myself time.. I have adopted 2 cats, back to back.. and both have been seriously ill with life threatening issues. I feel shortchanged.. I do not seem to be able to have a cat who is not sick.. I feel cheated about the amount of time I have with them..
I am getting older, with more stuff happening to me.. and I love kitties.. I have been blessed to have found a couple of really beautiful, loving kitties.. Artie was my 'soul-cat', while Geoffrey is my 'baby-cat-cuddler".. Artie was a terror at the Vets-- bit a couple of techs, but was so good with me. Geoffrey just freezes up from fear at the Vets; and allows me to do almost anything to him: except for nails., and wiping his butt...

Ok-- pity party over.. have to dump and clean litter box.
Geoffrey must be feeling a bit better. He jumped on top of my printer, which is on top of a chest of drawers.. He always does that. He looks out the bedroom window, and give me head 'bops' when I come over and ask for them.. so sweet.
You're entitled to a 10 minute pity party,you have only used 1 1/2 minutes so I'm very proud of you!lol Seriously though,a very sick kitty is extremely painful-its a plate full and difficult to bear,let alone 2 back to back...... I don't know what to say except " I love you,,,God Bless you"

You remain in my prayers and on my heart...... you are the Blessing for these babies and I know that feels very good to know you enrich their lives❤❤❤sooooooo much:heartshape:
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  • #704


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thanks everyone..
Yesterday, I was really worried about Geoffrey. I thought he had pneumonia! I really did.. some type of aspiration pneumonia.. and it was Saturday.. Dr B was not in into Wednesday!

Friday evening, Geoffrey let out a couple of very deep, congested coughs.. and coughed several times during the night. G felt very warm also, although it was warm in the house. He ate because I gave him a good dose of mirataz. His voice was missing.. He tried to meow a couple times, but all I saw was his mouth opening.. and when he did get a meow out, it was very very raspy, as in laryngitis.

Geoffrey was meatloafed on my bed, all Saturday morning. NO play for 4 days. I was really worried. and he did not tell me hei pooped! That is so strange. He always wakes me up to tell me he pooped.

I was getting frightened. I put my head down to listen to his lungs. I could not hear any wheezing.. Thank God.
Checking his medication supplies, I found some clavamox liquid, which was expired. I was so tempted to give him a good dose. I figured I could use this until Dr B's secretary came in, and could find a Vet to advise us, or see us.

Then I remembered that Angell has an ER--- no, G was not sick enough for a visit, unless I heard wheezing; but he was sick... Alas the rain was torrential outside.. Do I chance an 8 hour ER visit?? Then I remembered Dr B, telling me, (all his patients) NOT to go to the ER-- To call in first, to the Vet who is covering for him, usually the same Vet covering the ER.. so I called in....
Left a message about G and waited inside... and waited,... and waited.... for a call back..

I was getting furious.. NO CALLBACK!! Now, I know Angell ER is swamped, especially on the weekend, as most Vets are closed and appointments are hard to get.. But.. NO Call back... I was furious.. As it was, I needed to do laundry, in the laundry room... I had to delay my laundry, by another day! Dr B is going to hear about this!! I mean it...

I prayed.. I kept Checking on Geoffrey.. no, he was the same. We spent all morning cuddling.

I left out a throw/blanket on the sofa. It was warm inside the apartment, and raining. Geoffrey came over to stay with me; Found the blanket, and decided to get "happy"... now, I do not allow him to do so.. but he was worrying me so much.. and I felt that if he felt good enough to get 'happy', then I would let him get some enjoyment. He got 'happy'" three times yesterday afternoon! My thinking was that he was improving..

Sure enough, He was slowly improving.. He was coming out of his meatloafed position!! He was going between our bed, his corner, and the blanket! And his voice was slowly returning! He was actually able to talk to me, not much, but so much more and clearer than earlier... He felt warm, but not as warm as before!!!

When I got up this morning.. he was still eating his food, and he did meow, once to me.. Still not back to normal, but so much improved!
Still NO play.. but, that will come around.

I am surprised that he stopped waking me up, to inform me that he pooped! I do not know what stopped him from doing so. Actually, he was getting a bit carried away with this. The last time he woke me up, I was so tired, he was so determined, that I told him to
STOP IT... I guess he remembers that... smart cat..
I could not understand how he got sick.. unless it is because he vomited earlier inn the week, and aspirated some of it?? or there was an aspiration of some water when I gave him his med.. which I did not notice.

Then, I realized, I had purchased a bottle of Extra Strength Natures Miracle Cleaner, to use for his litter box. It does have a really strong smell. I use the cleaner, after I dump out the litter, before I wash the box in the tub. I use it to wipe down the box, of the residue, before washing the box out, in the tub, with Dawn Blue dishwashing soap.. and I rinse really well... So no smell in box..

The smell of the Natures Miracle was strong! I had the windows open.. but it smelt was in the entire apartment. That was on Friday.. On Tuesday, I used the same NM cleaner on his Litter Genie... That I did not rinse off. The fragrance permeated the entire apartment or hours and hours. I am wondering if the fragrance was too strong for him, and caused an allergic reaction to his respiratory system.
That bottle is going to be thrown out! Back to Ecos cleaner!! unscented, plant based...

Man, this cat... My anxiety was sky high.. Thank God, he used up one of his lives...


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
Thanks everyone..
Yesterday, I was really worried about Geoffrey. I thought he had pneumonia! I really did.. some type of aspiration pneumonia.. and it was Saturday.. Dr B was not in into Wednesday!

Friday evening, Geoffrey let out a couple of very deep, congested coughs.. and coughed several times during the night. G felt very warm also, although it was warm in the house. He ate because I gave him a good dose of mirataz. His voice was missing.. He tried to meow a couple times, but all I saw was his mouth opening.. and when he did get a meow out, it was very very raspy, as in laryngitis.

Geoffrey was meatloafed on my bed, all Saturday morning. NO play for 4 days. I was really worried. and he did not tell me hei pooped! That is so strange. He always wakes me up to tell me he pooped.

I was getting frightened. I put my head down to listen to his lungs. I could not hear any wheezing.. Thank God.
Checking his medication supplies, I found some clavamox liquid, which was expired. I was so tempted to give him a good dose. I figured I could use this until Dr B's secretary came in, and could find a Vet to advise us, or see us.

Then I remembered that Angell has an ER--- no, G was not sick enough for a visit, unless I heard wheezing; but he was sick... Alas the rain was torrential outside.. Do I chance an 8 hour ER visit?? Then I remembered Dr B, telling me, (all his patients) NOT to go to the ER-- To call in first, to the Vet who is covering for him, usually the same Vet covering the ER.. so I called in....
Left a message about G and waited inside... and waited,... and waited.... for a call back..

I was getting furious.. NO CALLBACK!! Now, I know Angell ER is swamped, especially on the weekend, as most Vets are closed and appointments are hard to get.. But.. NO Call back... I was furious.. As it was, I needed to do laundry, in the laundry room... I had to delay my laundry, by another day! Dr B is going to hear about this!! I mean it...

I prayed.. I kept Checking on Geoffrey.. no, he was the same. We spent all morning cuddling.

I left out a throw/blanket on the sofa. It was warm inside the apartment, and raining. Geoffrey came over to stay with me; Found the blanket, and decided to get "happy"... now, I do not allow him to do so.. but he was worrying me so much.. and I felt that if he felt good enough to get 'happy', then I would let him get some enjoyment. He got 'happy'" three times yesterday afternoon! My thinking was that he was improving..

Sure enough, He was slowly improving.. He was coming out of his meatloafed position!! He was going between our bed, his corner, and the blanket! And his voice was slowly returning! He was actually able to talk to me, not much, but so much more and clearer than earlier... He felt warm, but not as warm as before!!!

When I got up this morning.. he was still eating his food, and he did meow, once to me.. Still not back to normal, but so much improved!
Still NO play.. but, that will come around.

I am surprised that he stopped waking me up, to inform me that he pooped! I do not know what stopped him from doing so. Actually, he was getting a bit carried away with this. The last time he woke me up, I was so tired, he was so determined, that I told him to
STOP IT... I guess he remembers that... smart cat..
I could not understand how he got sick.. unless it is because he vomited earlier inn the week, and aspirated some of it?? or there was an aspiration of some water when I gave him his med.. which I did not notice.

Then, I realized, I had purchased a bottle of Extra Strength Natures Miracle Cleaner, to use for his litter box. It does have a really strong smell. I use the cleaner, after I dump out the litter, before I wash the box in the tub. I use it to wipe down the box, of the residue, before washing the box out, in the tub, with Dawn Blue dishwashing soap.. and I rinse really well... So no smell in box..

The smell of the Natures Miracle was strong! I had the windows open.. but it smelt was in the entire apartment. That was on Friday.. On Tuesday, I used the same NM cleaner on his Litter Genie... That I did not rinse off. The fragrance permeated the entire apartment or hours and hours. I am wondering if the fragrance was too strong for him, and caused an allergic reaction to his respiratory system.
That bottle is going to be thrown out! Back to Ecos cleaner!! unscented, plant based...

Man, this cat... My anxiety was sky high.. Thank God, he used up one of his lives...
I would certainly attribute some or all of this to the cleaner as well- such a strong smell that you noticed most assuredly was an irritant to lil G!In any event the best place for it is indeed,in the trash!Good call ArtieMama- I'm sure Geoffrey is grateful

I'm really really glad he's feeling better- thank God! And do let the Vets office have it- that's enfuriatimg,I'd be livid

Continued prayers for you and Geoffry.... oh,and HUGE hugs :grouphug:From me Graycie,Bella,Sami,Max and Tjmmy too


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
How weird. I have a VERY acute olfactory sense but I use NM -- have for years -- and don't think it has a strong or offensive smell. Cats' sense of smell is far more acute than ours, though, and it very well could be too strong for Geoffrey.
Yes, Dr. B. definitely deserves some criticism! Even knowing the state of things these days, Geoffrey is a patient and you are valued clients. He needs to get back to you. Hopefully he has by now.
Hoping Geoffrey continues to improve! and even though of course we want to know the "why," we may not. Just having him well again is so important.
And hoping, Cindy, that you get your laundry done. I used to live in a building where the laundry room was in the basement. People would steal the light bulbs lighting the stairs:shocked:and all in all, it was a terrible experience having to deal with 20 units of people all wanting to use 1 washer/dryer. So I empathize.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
I think that NM makes a number of formulations, and I happen to have one (by accident) that has a nauseating flowery scent that does permeate the entire area if I use it...which I no long do unless no one is in the part of the house that I am going to apply it.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I think that NM makes a number of formulations, and I happen to have one (by accident) that has a nauseating flowery scent that does permeate the entire area if I use it...which I no long do unless no one is in the part of the house that I am going to apply it.
Yeah, they have made one "for cats" and another one that's sort of general use, at least. I buy by the gallon and it lasts a long time, so I'm not sure if they've got more formulas now.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #709


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I think that NM makes a number of formulations, and I happen to have one (by accident) that has a nauseating flowery scent that does permeate the entire area if I use it...which I no long do unless no one is in the part of the house that I am going to apply it.
Yes, that seems to be the one that I got.. Extra strength.. so strong.. I have asthma, so It did affect me for a bit.. I can imagine what it did to Geoffrey..

Yeah, it was 26 hours, after my phone call-- that I got a 'call back'...This afternoon, I was lying down, trying to nap while cuddling Geoffrey.. No, I did not answer the phone... Geoffrey is so much better, right now...Dr B will get my official complaint.. and I am not going to mince words.. I do nt car how busy it was in the ER. 26 hours is ridiculous!!

NM is either going into the trash or to my House cleaner, who has a difficult time clever, disinfecting my neighbors apartment because her dog is not trained-- pees on the carpet...and his owner is clueless.. puts down puppy pads, but with the plastic side the pe rolls off... so my cleaner will be getting the NM... getting it out of my apartment!

Never got my laundry done..I was up early, for Mass... I always have a lazy Sunday due to that. It just throws my day off.. getting up so early, running out for 8am Mass....


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I recently bought a really great cleaner for pet messes,lol
I took a photo ,easier to just read the label . I really like it,no detectable odor and works great

Oh,and it cleans the litter box beautifully,I like the fact I don't have to clean off this cleaner afterwards! No soap and water rinse necessary
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  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #711


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thanks, .. I have been using ECOS cleaner from Chewy. It is plant based, and is pretty much unscented. I use it on the carpet and on the linoleum. The only time I have an issue with it, is if I take a breath in, as I am spraying it.. once it is down, there is no smell. I have asthma so I am sensitive to fragrances also.

Geoffrey is much improved.. Still not fully back to his normal self.. but getting very close. His voice is slowly returning. He was chasing his tail, while on top of his cat tree last night..

I spoke with Dr B's Secretary/assistant.. She said that this particular doctor was no working on Sunday!!! and was not on the schedule for coverage!! She is getting right down to the bottom of this.. and she knows Dr B will be as furious as I am.. IF not more..
Need to update tomorrow.

I am going to cancel my cleaner for Saturday. Even though she uses natural things to clean with, I do not want the order of vinegar in her. It could possibly trigger another episode. I will give Geoffrey another day of rest and recuperation.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Yes, that seems to be the one that I got.. Extra strength.. so strong.. I have asthma, so It did affect me for a bit.. I can imagine what it did to Geoffrey..

Yeah, it was 26 hours, after my phone call-- that I got a 'call back'...This afternoon, I was lying down, trying to nap while cuddling Geoffrey.. No, I did not answer the phone... Geoffrey is so much better, right now...Dr B will get my official complaint.. and I am not going to mince words.. I do nt car how busy it was in the ER. 26 hours is ridiculous!!

NM is either going into the trash or to my House cleaner, who has a difficult time clever, disinfecting my neighbors apartment because her dog is not trained-- pees on the carpet...and his owner is clueless.. puts down puppy pads, but with the plastic side the pe rolls off... so my cleaner will be getting the NM... getting it out of my apartment!

Never got my laundry done..I was up early, for Mass... I always have a lazy Sunday due to that. It just throws my day off.. getting up so early, running out for 8am Mass....
I empathize. I have a big home maintenance project starting today and running for at least a week. All we can do is hang loose and try to keep the stress down to a manageable level. For our beloved cats, as much as for ourselves.
And actually, not to be arguing (I don't like arguing!) but in these times, and on weekends especially, it is not unusual for stuff like that to happen. I hear from people who don't get calls back at all. So again, try to hang loose and remember that if you like Dr. B. and he's good for Geoffrey, it's in both your best interests to not have drama between you.


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
I recently bought a really great cleaner for pet messes,lol
I took a photo ,easier to just read the label . I really like it,no detectable odor and works great View attachment 462075
Oh,and it cleans the litter box beautifully,I like the fact I don't have to clean off this cleaner afterwards! No soap and water rinse necessary
This just jumped onto my "cleaning supplies" list. Thanks Kwik Kwik looking forward to trying this one!


TCS Member
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Jun 1, 2022
Thanks, .. I have been using ECOS cleaner from Chewy. It is plant based, and is pretty much unscented. I use it on the carpet and on the linoleum. The only time I have an issue with it, is if I take a breath in, as I am spraying it.. once it is down, there is no smell. I have asthma so I am sensitive to fragrances also.

Geoffrey is much improved.. Still not fully back to his normal self.. but getting very close. His voice is slowly returning. He was chasing his tail, while on top of his cat tree last night..

I spoke with Dr B's Secretary/assistant.. She said that this particular doctor was no working on Sunday!!! and was not on the schedule for coverage!! She is getting right down to the bottom of this.. and she knows Dr B will be as furious as I am.. IF not more..
Need to update tomorrow.

I am going to cancel my cleaner for Saturday. Even though she uses natural things to clean with, I do not want the order of vinegar in her. It could possibly trigger another episode. I will give Geoffrey another day of rest and recuperation.
I love hearing about him chasing his tail on top of the cat tree. The mental picture I get is just so adorable. :)
I would cancel the cleaner too, let him (and you) have a nice, quiet day to rest together. I'm so glad this scary episode is over for you both.
I do not have asthma but anything "fragrance" that is added, I find stinks to high heaven. I hate scented litter and one of the things I hate more than anything are the garbage bags that are scented. Garbage will never smell nice, no matter what you do!


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I love hearing about him chasing his tail on top of the cat tree. The mental picture I get is just so adorable. :)
I would cancel the cleaner too, let him (and you) have a nice, quiet day to rest together. I'm so glad this scary episode is over for you both.
I do not have asthma but anything "fragrance" that is added, I find stinks to high heaven. I hate scented litter and one of the things I hate more than anything are the garbage bags that are scented. Garbage will never smell nice, no matter what you do!
Lol- scented garbage----- it is such a crazy gimmick(;thst I fall for all the time!!!)
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #717


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I think Geoffrey is finally over this episode! Thank God.... Yesterday afternoon, he had the "Zoomies" after a pee!! and we played a tiny bit.
This morning, he was back to his old self--- waking me up to tell me he Pooped! And he was persistent with his VOICE--- back to normal.. I was never so happy to hear him incessantly meow and paw at me to get up--- even in the deep darkness of early morning...

Yes, cleaner is cancelled for this Saturday. I texted her yesterday. She called me back. She loves Geoffrey and likes me. I am her sounding board about 'stuff' in here. I keep my mouth shut.. she knows HiIPPA. So we get along. She "knows" cats.. She had to come up her to see Geoffrey for herself. To make sure he was improving...
I gave her the bottle of Natures Miracle. She can use it with one client. She is so good to me. She said that sometimes, I I cannot afford her, she would gladly come in here and clean for nothing. I could never take advantage of her, that way... I am blessed to have her.

I am so grateful to have my kitty back..

As far as Dr B: No, I do not have to 'get in to it" with him.. Not at all. All I did is explain the situation, and say that I was furious about what happened-- nothing much more was said. I was talking to his Secretary/assistant. She was livid, and said both she and Dr B will get to the bottom of this. He should be aware of this glitch.
It probably all worked out of the best. Geoffrey did not need the clavamox. He did not need an ER visit.. just TLC... and time.

Today he will be alone for most of the day.. The Tenants association is sponsoring a bus trip to Merrimack, New Hampshire Outlet Mall. I usually never go on any of their trips, but this was very affordable. So I am going-- a bus full of us 'seniors' will descend on the Mall.
Hopefully, I can hook up with a few friends.. My monthly outing group, and have fun... I cannot afford to buy anything..

Geoffrey will miss me terribly.. I know he will cry. I have caught him doing that when he thinks I am not here.. Poor thing... but he needs rest.
Thank you all..


Happiness is being owned by a cat
Staff Member
May 12, 2016
Lion City, Singa-purr
I think Geoffrey is finally over this episode! Thank God.... Yesterday afternoon, he had the "Zoomies" after a pee!! and we played a tiny bit.
This morning, he was back to his old self--- waking me up to tell me he Pooped! And he was persistent with his VOICE--- back to normal.. I was never so happy to hear him incessantly meow and paw at me to get up--- even in the deep darkness of early morning...
:redheartpump: :hearthrob: :heartshape::heartshape::heartshape:


Animals are Blessings
Top Cat
May 29, 2023
South Florida
I think Geoffrey is finally over this episode! Thank God.... Yesterday afternoon, he had the "Zoomies" after a pee!! and we played a tiny bit.
This morning, he was back to his old self--- waking me up to tell me he Pooped! And he was persistent with his VOICE--- back to normal.. I was never so happy to hear him incessantly meow and paw at me to get up--- even in the deep darkness of early morning...

Yes, cleaner is cancelled for this Saturday. I texted her yesterday. She called me back. She loves Geoffrey and likes me. I am her sounding board about 'stuff' in here. I keep my mouth shut.. she knows HiIPPA. So we get along. She "knows" cats.. She had to come up her to see Geoffrey for herself. To make sure he was improving...
I gave her the bottle of Natures Miracle. She can use it with one client. She is so good to me. She said that sometimes, I I cannot afford her, she would gladly come in here and clean for nothing. I could never take advantage of her, that way... I am blessed to have her.

I am so grateful to have my kitty back..

As far as Dr B: No, I do not have to 'get in to it" with him.. Not at all. All I did is explain the situation, and say that I was furious about what happened-- nothing much more was said. I was talking to his Secretary/assistant. She was livid, and said both she and Dr B will get to the bottom of this. He should be aware of this glitch.
It probably all worked out of the best. Geoffrey did not need the clavamox. He did not need an ER visit.. just TLC... and time.

Today he will be alone for most of the day.. The Tenants association is sponsoring a bus trip to Merrimack, New Hampshire Outlet Mall. I usually never go on any of their trips, but this was very affordable. So I am going-- a bus full of us 'seniors' will descend on the Mall.
Hopefully, I can hook up with a few friends.. My monthly outing group, and have fun... I cannot afford to buy anything..

Geoffrey will miss me terribly.. I know he will cry. I have caught him doing that when he thinks I am not here.. Poor thing... but he needs rest.
Thank you all..
What a great morning-Geoffrey being back to his normal self has made my day!Best mews of the day-I feel bad he'll be missing you today but no doubt with no one at home he will sleep most the day away and that will be really good for lil fellow

artiemom artiemom have a great time ,Lord Knows you deserve a break and some fun time with the hooman friends..... have a wonderful day and God Bless you(& Geoffrey❤)


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I think Geoffrey is finally over this episode! Thank God.... Yesterday afternoon, he had the "Zoomies" after a pee!! and we played a tiny bit.
This morning, he was back to his old self--- waking me up to tell me he Pooped! And he was persistent with his VOICE--- back to normal.. I was never so happy to hear him incessantly meow and paw at me to get up--- even in the deep darkness of early morning...

Yes, cleaner is cancelled for this Saturday. I texted her yesterday. She called me back. She loves Geoffrey and likes me. I am her sounding board about 'stuff' in here. I keep my mouth shut.. she knows HiIPPA. So we get along. She "knows" cats.. She had to come up her to see Geoffrey for herself. To make sure he was improving...
I gave her the bottle of Natures Miracle. She can use it with one client. She is so good to me. She said that sometimes, I I cannot afford her, she would gladly come in here and clean for nothing. I could never take advantage of her, that way... I am blessed to have her.

I am so grateful to have my kitty back..

As far as Dr B: No, I do not have to 'get in to it" with him.. Not at all. All I did is explain the situation, and say that I was furious about what happened-- nothing much more was said. I was talking to his Secretary/assistant. She was livid, and said both she and Dr B will get to the bottom of this. He should be aware of this glitch.
It probably all worked out of the best. Geoffrey did not need the clavamox. He did not need an ER visit.. just TLC... and time.

Today he will be alone for most of the day.. The Tenants association is sponsoring a bus trip to Merrimack, New Hampshire Outlet Mall. I usually never go on any of their trips, but this was very affordable. So I am going-- a bus full of us 'seniors' will descend on the Mall.
Hopefully, I can hook up with a few friends.. My monthly outing group, and have fun... I cannot afford to buy anything..

Geoffrey will miss me terribly.. I know he will cry. I have caught him doing that when he thinks I am not here.. Poor thing... but he needs rest.
Thank you all..
Very glad to read that Geoffrey is feeling much better (and you, too, as a result!) and yeah, sounds like your convo with Dr. B.'s asst. will yield good results.
Hope your day trip is enjoyable.
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