Name Three Things - 2022

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Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Winchester Winchester Feeling rough today, Pam. thanks for asking. How is your knee?\\\

Wahed some throws will dry them outside.

Hope to be able to read on the deck.

Saw Rebecca, the baby daughter of Regina, the reverse Albino skunk. She is adorable.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Winchester Winchester Hope it goes well for both you and Rick. Our health center clinic does flu shots but not covid boosters. However our local pharmacy does. But the pharmacist said he thinks it is better to wait a week between covid booster and flu shot so that's what we did, going to the pharmacy for both. No reaction to either shot.

Tree company here to cut / drop / chip etc. Cookies baked this morning.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I waited 2 weeks in-between vaccinations. They did the same thing with the Booster and flu clinic in here. Iw net to my won pharmacy, and doctors office. So I did it at my own pace.

Not much of a reaction to either. Just tired from the Booster, that day and next.. The flu shot was not bad. I was very surprised.

* quick vacuum and morning stuff
* Clean Geoffrey Vomit
* medicate Geoffrey
* Off to Physical Therapy
* Mass-- special memorial Mass, which I was invited to attend.
* picked up mail
* have to give G his chemo
* make a salad for supper. Or go down to get some soup and butternut squash-- if it is not sweetened. They make it too sweet.
* Cuddle with Geoffrey-- if he will have me... read my book.
** Think of questions to ask Orthopedic doctor, about my knee... dm. appointment Thursday, afternoon..


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Mia6 Mia6 I really hope you feel better soon. My knee is doing OK, I guess. It doesn't really hurt much during the day, but it wakes me up at night. Started doing the PT exercises again, but not much help. I'm going to have to call the ortho-weenie, I guess.

The drugstore called yesterday morning; somebody had cancelled their boosters and did we went to come in at noon? Sure! Rick and I went in, got both shots (we did last year, too) and then went to the Roadhouse for a late lunch/early dinner. My arms are having a contest to see which one hurts worse; so far, the Covid arm is winning, but the flu arm isn't that far behind. Other than that, I feel fairly well. I just dragged my sorry butt out of bed, slept much later this morning. But it was fine and I'm having my coffee.

Did I mention that I really like my baking steel? I tried it with the apple pies, but haven't tried it with pizza yet.
  • As God is my witness, if I don't get apple dumplings made today, the deer in our neighborhood are going to have a mighty fine feast! I swear! I was getting ready to start them yesterday when the drugstore called and offered us the earlier appts. Didn't make sense to start anything, just to have to stop and clean up mid-way through. I have to make those puppies today. Rick's mom had a bit of a hissy fit when Rick showed up with no dumplings.
  • Made dinner arrangements with a good friend for her and her wife and Rick and me. Haven't seen her in ages. We worked together at the paper plant. She's the one who helped get me into college and we went through so much together. I saw her for lunch about a couple years before I retired, when she was in town. I retired, Covid hit, and the rest is history. Dinner is next Thursday and I'm really looking forward to seeing her again. We have that kind of a relationship; we don't see each other for a long time, but when we get together, it's like no time has passed at all and we're good to go. They can't have dinner at our house bc her wife is allergic to cats.
  • Two loads of laundry today.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
went to the grocery store
had a light lunch
took a very short nap ( couldnt get comfortable)
checked the mail
paid a bill online
write some letters
talk to mamanyt1953 later


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We have never been told to wait between the two shots. Last year, both Rick's doctor and mine said to go ahead and get them both at the same time. So we did. This year, they said the same thing. Our pharmacist said she's been giving them both at the same time. And this way, it's over and done with.

Yesterday was not a good baking day. I sliced into my fingers twice, I burned my hands three times, and I slopped dumpling syrup out into the oven and on the kitchen floor. Some days, I am such a klutz. I gave up after I made 16 dumplings and said, "Good enough!" Finished them up, set to the oven to clean for three hours, and washed the kitchen floor. Muttering the entire time. But the dumplings, although they don't look the best, are quite good, and that's what counts, I guess. My neighbor was happy, my sister and BIL were happy, and Rick is happy. He stopped at the store on his way home from bowling for vanilla ice cream last night. Rick's mom will be happy today. Finally! I added toasted pecans, raisins, and a bit of brown sugar to the holes in our apples. Yum! Oh, and after the dumpling fiasco, I did tomatoes and got a little over two quarts. (I always take the apple peelings and such up to the back of the yard; the deer love them.)
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am back here with my coffee. Molli and Muffin are both on the cat tree back here. Molli started growling at Muffin and I told her to knock it off. They're sleeping right now.
  • I need to do Evelyn's Kindle this morning; I cleaned it and it's charging now. Rick will take it up to her.
  • Applesauce today, followed by washing the kitchen floor. Again. I ran out of freezer containers a while back and am now using Ball canning quart jars for the freezer. I'm really careful and don't fill the jars too full. My BIL gave me a large box of jars and I figured I might as well use them, since they're here.
  • I was out to the WeShed this morning, checking on tomatoes and brought in a boxful. They're just at the blushing stage. We're finally down to one Chewy box of tomatoes out there. (We had had two broken down Chewy boxes full of tomatoes spread out.)
I'm tired. I'm just so damn tired this morning. Some days, I just don't know whether I'm coming or going.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
*Quick Swiffer of litter
* medicate Geoffrey
*update Vet
* out early to pick up a neighbor/friend's prescription and some food for her
* Trader Joes
* Get litter... running out
* Deliver stuff to above person
* Having a quick snack---
** As Winchester Winchester would say: I am off to the 'ortho-wenie" in about 2o minutes for my knee. Will have x-rays of both knees. The right one is the one I specified. The other one is giving me issues also.
Wish me luck.. please.

UGH.. I went to Petco to get litter. The shelves are almost bare!! Most of the litter, all brands is gone! Nothing out back!!
Picked up some Arm & Hammer---only because I needed some in the house.
Turned car around, went to Petsmart. They have a lot of litter. I could not pick up the Tidy Cats Free and Clean unscented. That was out; but, was able to get 2 boxes of Precious Cats.
I am going to return the Arm & Hammer, tomorrow.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
check mail
write letters
make something for my lunch
talk with mamanyt1953 later this afternoon
maybe get a start on organizing the book cases


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
I did 9 quarts of applesauce yesterday; used quart freezer bags for storage instead of the canning jars. And that is the end of the apples, except for my Grannies. Cleaned the top of my stove with baking soda and Dawn, scrubbing like crazy to get the burned-on apple juice off. Took the peelings up to the back of the yard. And you'd never know it. I walked up this morning and everything is completely gone. I kept one quart of sauce in the fridge; Rick would like to have applesauce brownies; I'll make those over the weekend.

Rick had been up in the garden, tearing down the fence; he came down with a quart of green beans. Washed, blanched, flashed-froze, bagged them up, and threw them in the freezer. It's the end of October and he's STILL bringing down stuff from the garden! He swears he's going to tear the garden down. But he can't bring himself to do it. We went all summer with no rain; now we're getting the rain and plants have tons of flowers. But it's getting too cool for the flowers to do anything. The garden needs to be put to bed.
  • A load of towels and a load of kitty things for the washer.
  • A quick vacuum and swiffer about the house. Nothing major.
  • Work outside this afternoon. The WeDeck needs a good sweeping; there are leaves everywhere. A thankless task.
I found a quart of pureed butternut in the freezer yesterday. We thought I had used all of my squash. Since it's from last year, it needs to be used. I'm thinking of pumpkin crescent rolls with the squash; they're so good. Tomorrow is a good day to bake.

My niece has requested cranberry sauce for her Thanksgiving dinner; she's having dinner early in November, so I'll need to make it next week. That got me thinking about our Thanksgiving dinner. The menu and a grocery list. I think the only things I'm going to need are the turkey and the fresh produce. I have everything else.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
Winchester Winchester Di weenie ever mention a replacement? I was able to go ffor a walk this morning and it felt grea o be out in the chlly, crisp air as I was dressed for it?
artiemom artiemom How did your appt go>

I felt like such a bad mom yesterday]y as I left Cal out for about 6 hours in the middle of the night!

went for a walk

may got to McDonald's for lunch wit Nicole

attempt chores


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
I worked today as usual, then I took a break and went outside to throw the ball for my dogs. I made a detour to the garage and vacuumed out my kiln so I can use it this weekend for the first time and I ended up cleaning my garage and rearranging things so I could get around a little better. I also made dinner. I decided to try making a Thai coconut potsticker soup. It was okay. I'm not a fan of ginger and I could taste it even though it only marinated in the broth and I removed it after 5 minutes.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Mia6 Mia6 My ortho-weenie says I'm not ready for knee replacements yet. In fact, when I fractured my tibia last year, the x-rays showed that that knee is still in really good shape. I had had meniscus surgery on that knee several years ago and, so far, it continues to do well. As for my other knee that just had meniscus surgery, if I would stop doing really stupid things, that knee would probably be OK, too. My doctor said that he did remove a bit of arthritis in that knee and it's not in the best of shape, but it should be OK for quite a while yet. IF I STOP DOING REALLY STUPID THINGS!!
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am back here with my coffee
  • Need to work on tomatoes (Rick told me to choose a date; once we get to that point, any tomato that hasn't turned is being trashed. He said if I don't do something, I'll be doing tomatoes at Thanksgiving! I chose Veterans' Day, November 11. Why that day? Because that is the weekend, I'll get the Winterberry dishes out to start decorating the kitchen for Christmas. And we'll be putting the TWT up out in the WeShed.)
  • Once the tomato sauce starts cooking down, I'm going to make pumpkin bars. I was going to make applesauce bars, but Rick said he'd rather have pumpkin; tis the season for pumpkin. OK then! The bars have a decadent cream cheese/orange frosting that is just wonderful stuff. I really hate cream cheese, but the orange tang takes away the taste of the cream cheese. And I love orange anything, so it works. Probably the only time I will actually eat cream cheese.
  • Rake leaves this afternoon. I rake them away from the WeShed out into the actual yard. Rick uses the riding mower to blow them further away and into a long pile. Then we put them on a large tarp and take them up to the garden. At some point, they'll be burned. Or he'll take them over to the mountain and dump them there.
  • When we're finished outside or Rick decides to come in and watch football (whichever comes first and I'm betting on football), I'm going to grab a quick shower and go out to the WeShed for the rest of the afternoon and evening. Dinner is just leftovers, so we will eat when we want. I want to watch some tv (Discovery+) and there's a Smirnoff Ice, or three, out there with my name on it.
It's been a long week.
Last edited:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Mia6 Mia6 The orthro guy said that my knee cap is bone on bone. I saw it myself, on the x-rays. He said I have a replacement in my future, when it gets to a point where it really impacts my life. Try strengthening quadraceps. The other knee is getting to be bone on bone.. not much else. Perhaps I slightly tore a cartilage when I fell. Nothing about arthroscopic surgery, or any injections. He did offer a cortisone shot, but since the last one did not help me, he did not push it.
I can go down stairs, but not up. I guess that is one of the surgery points. I can go grocery shopping, and walk a bit on the treadmill.

Not sure if I like this guy.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
go to the mailbox and mail out my letters then check the mailbox
write some letters
make some lean cuisine for lunch
talk to mamanyt1953 later this evening
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