Name Three Things - 2022

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Individually wrapped the red spot banana culms / roots, need to move from garage to basement.

Brushed soil off the tubers of Canna Pretoria, or is it Bengal Tiger, and packed in layers in crates lined with garbage bag and layers of dry peat moss. Two crates.

Brushed tubers of Canna musaefolia, packed in crate etc. One crate.

Need another bale of peat moss.

Intermittent handyman here. I demonstrated how I wanted the hardy bananas cut down. Then dispose of in woods. I suspect he did not dump as neatly as I wanted. Had him rake leaves off the front lawn and loosely fill large black tubs which we upended over cut down banana stumps. Then had him rake more leaves off front lawn and start dumping over upside down tubs.

Tomorrow, after the plumber comes to snake out the clothes washer drain pipe and I help Himself move two heavy logs onto the asphault from where they are on dirt at the bottom of the driveway - after all that I am hoping to rake more leaves, pile on bananas, and have Himself supervise / help get their plywood covers / roofing installed for the winter.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We finally got the call! The contractors are bringing in a dumpster early next week and will start replacing our siding. They're thinking two, maybe three, days tops. New siding, new shutters. New everything. Wow!

Added another 2-1/2 quarts of tomatoes to our freezer stash yesterday. There are probably about 50 tomatoes out in the Shed yet. I brought another 15 or so in the house as they're starting to turn. Whatever doesn't turn by next weekend will be trashed. Enough is enough.

My Kindle Fire came yesterday. Got it set up and have my library ebooks on it. I also have my Kindle collection on it; my collection has over 1,000 ebooks and I haven't read most of them. Yet. Winter is coming! Hot chocolate, a Muffin purring on my lap in the Shed, and my Kindle. Life can't get much better than that.

Not doing much of anything today
  • Changed the bed sheets and will wash tomorrow
  • Work outside with those blasted leaves. These are going on the truck to go over to the mountain. We have enough leaves in the garden to stop a clock. Rick is getting some manure from the neighbor across the road and will rototill everything together. And then he'll plant rye grass.
And that's pretty much it. I don't even have to make dinner tonight, since we're going out with friends.
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strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
check my mail
write some letters
sort through my letters and stamp them
do some research on gods and goddesses that are connected to cats
talk to mamanyt1953 later


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We had such a good time last night. Did you ever have one of those friends that, even when you haven't seen each other in years, when you get together, it's like no time has passed and life is just good? That's how it's always been with us and that's exactly how it was last night. She's always been one of my best friends, but with the pandemic and life (and distance), it's difficult. Right before the pandemic, they moved back to PA after several years in another state. And we finally got back together last night. It was so much fun.
  • Breakfast for the girls, made our coffee, and am back here with mine. No dishwasher to empty this morning.
  • Must make the cranberry relish for my niece. My sister and BIL will come over tonight to pick it up.
  • Tabby and Muffin have vet appts this afternoon. I have a feeling Muffin will need a dental, maybe Tabby as well.
  • Work on a Trader Joe's list. My brother and SIL called the other day, "Hey, wanna go to Trader Joe's with us on Saturday?" "Yes! Yes! Of course!" I need a list. I'm almost out of EVOO, I need almonds, and cheese! Love TJ's cheeses. Big TJ's fan. The big problem with TJ's is that I buy something, fall in love with it, go back for more, and it's not there anymore. Fontiago cheese, for example. Lord, it was decadent. And they don't carry it anymore. :sigh:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
We had such a good time last night. Did you ever have one of those friends that, even when you haven't seen each other in years, when you get together, it's like no time has passed and life is just good? That's how it's always been with us and that's exactly how it was last night. She's always been one of my best friends, but with the pandemic and life (and distance), it's difficult. Right before the pandemic, they moved back to PA after several years in another state. And we finally got back together last night. It was so much fun.
  • Breakfast for the girls, made our coffee, and am back here with mine. No dishwasher to empty this morning.
  • Must make the cranberry relish for my niece. My sister and BIL will come over tonight to pick it up.
  • Tabby and Muffin have vet appts this afternoon. I have a feeling Muffin will need a dental, maybe Tabby as well.
  • Work on a Trader Joe's list. My brother and SIL called the other day, "Hey, wanna go to Trader Joe's with us on Saturday?" "Yes! Yes! Of course!" I need a list. I'm almost out of EVOO, I need almonds, and cheese! Love TJ's cheeses. Big TJ's fan. The big problem with TJ's is that I buy something, fall in love with it, go back for more, and it's not there anymore. Fontiago cheese, for example. Lord, it was decadent. And they don't carry it anymore. :sigh:
So glad you had a great time last night! You deserve more of them!
Trader Joes! I have not been there for maybe a couple weeks, and that was a very quick trip, for bananas. I used to go every other week. There is a TJ less than 10 miles from me. It is located on a small highway, so traffic can be an issue--depending on the day and time. I may go there this weekend. or do laundry..
TJ's is currently in the middle of it's Pumpkin Spice Festival. All Things Pumpkin.. Too much for me. Not a fan.
I would suggest you go on line, to see what they are featuring.

Yesterday was a lazy, nibbling day for me.
Went to eye doctor... Getting my eyes dilated really does a number on me. I am down for the entire day. I came home, had a snack for lunch, then lied down with Geoffrey, napping for the rest of the afternoon.

Supper was junk--- main dish was cheese and crackers. I did not even feel like heating up soup.

Tod is a busy day.
* regular stuf
*medicate Geoffrey, chemo day
* off to new physical therapy appointment
* will miss for committee meeting-- unless I get to the end of it.
* Newspaper meeting.

Still not sure about supper.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
Got up with a bit of a headache this morning. Nothing bad. At least, not yet. Drinking a double dose of caffeine and hoping it goes away.

Tabby and Muffin had vet appts yesterday. They are both absolutely fine and no dentals needed for either of them. Tabby is a little low-key after her rabies shot. She threw up her supper last night and was so embarrassed that she hid for the rest of the night....she has never thrown up, other than a hairball every once in a while. Muffin peed on the mat outside the litter box in the computer room this morning. I guess that's their way of saying, "Hey! We were not amused!" Mollipop had the run of the house while we were gone yesterday. I don't think she enjoyed it. I opened the door and she was right there. "Where in the name of Bastet did everybody go? I was alone here! ALONE!" And then Muffin came out of the carrier. "Oh. Oh, it's YOU!" I'm outta here." And off to the bedroom she went. But only until I served supper. And then she came back out, giving Muffin a wide berth. "You stink of TED, woman. Bathe!"
  • Off to TJ's this morning (I have my list!). I may try to talk my brother into checking out Home Goods, too. And then a late lunch/early dinner.
  • When we get back and Rick turns on football, I'm going out to the Shed for a while.
And that will be my Saturday.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
We had a great time yesterday! It was the first time my brother and SIL went to TJ's. It wasn't anything like they expected, but they said they enjoyed it. Followed by a late lunch/early dinner at the Roadhouse. Got home and I was pooped; that headache did me in for a while. (And it didn't help that I had two margaritas at lunch, followed by some chocolate last night. To be fair, I didn't order the second margarita, the waitress brought it out. And it would have been so impolite to turn it down, now wouldn't it?! So I drank it.) I went out to the Shed, flopped down and napped for an hour or so, came back to the house and the girls and I hit the bedroom to watch TV. Sound asleep by 11:30. And I feel fine this morning. Actually, I feel pretty well.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am back here with my coffee. When I'm finished, I'll do the boxes.
  • We have to take the car into the garage tonight for some work tomorrow.
  • Leaves! Good grief! The yard was fairly clean....and then the wind hit. And many of our trees still have their leaves, so it's a never-ending job. If Rick decides football is more important (and he just might), I'll hit the Shed.
  • Get the laundry ready for tomorrow.
  • Start thinking about a grocery list. Rick is almost out of creamer and that's when I start putting a list together.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Still need to reset a few clocks. I'm always amazed at how many there are to reset. The computers do themselves, I reset the microwave, kitchen timer, dining room clock last night. I don't wear a wristwatch so that's one I don't need to deal with. Both cars need to be reset, also the clock in garage, and clock in my tool shed.

It's raining, so no outdoor "things." But I can work on packing up canna tubers in the garage,

And need to make dough for chocolate chip cookies, refrigerate, then bake.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
We had a great time yesterday! It was the first time my brother and SIL went to TJ's. It wasn't anything like they expected, but they said they enjoyed it. Followed by a late lunch/early dinner at the Roadhouse. Got home and I was pooped; that headache did me in for a while. (And it didn't help that I had two margaritas at lunch, followed by some chocolate last night. To be fair, I didn't order the second margarita, the waitress brought it out. And it would have been so impolite to turn it down, now wouldn't it?! So I drank it.) I went out to the Shed, flopped down and napped for an hour or so, came back to the house and the girls and I hit the bedroom to watch TV. Sound asleep by 11:30. And I feel fine this morning. Actually, I feel pretty well.
  • Breakfast for the girls, emptied the dishwasher, and am back here with my coffee. When I'm finished, I'll do the boxes.
  • We have to take the car into the garage tonight for some work tomorrow.
  • Leaves! Good grief! The yard was fairly clean....and then the wind hit. And many of our trees still have their leaves, so it's a never-ending job. If Rick decides football is more important (and he just might), I'll hit the Shed.
  • Get the laundry ready for tomorrow.
  • Start thinking about a grocery list. Rick is almost out of creamer and that's when I start putting a list together.
Just being curious--- What did you get at TJ's? I was there yesterday, for a quick in and out.


In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
artiemom artiemom A quick in and out? What did you get??

Ciabatta Rolls
Tuscan Pane Bread
Flatbreads (for pizza this week)
Pub Cheese
Blue Cheese Crumbles (for sprinkling atop pizza and soup)
Gruyere Cheese (for French onion soup)
Jarlsberg Cheese
Colby Jack slices
Pound Bar of milk chocolate with almonds (It's mine!)
Lightly Salted Almonds (in the freezer for my holiday almond brittle)
Lightly Salted Cashews (for Dear Richard)
Meyer Lemon Cookie Thins
Two bottles of TJ's EVOO
Two bottles of TJ's General Tsao's Chicken Sauce
Basmati Brown Rice
Yellow Corn Tortilla Chips (for the above-mentioned salsa)
TJ's Harvest Blend (Pearled Couscous, Orzo, Split Baby Garbanzos, Red Quinoa)
TJ's Cornbread Stuffing Mix (to be used for filled pork chops. I'll add apples, onions, and raisins)

I think that was it. We'd love to grab some meats and frozen items, but we're 60 miles away and, even in an ice chest, the items would probably thaw to the point where they couldn't be safely re-frozen.

strider rose

cat toy lady and cat mom to 3
Top Cat
Jul 19, 2020
Marshall Michigan
pick to military ladies to write to
try to move more books from one book case to another
talk to mamanyt1953 later this evening
post on my other websites


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
artiemom artiemom A quick in and out? What did you get??

Ciabatta Rolls
Tuscan Pane Bread
Flatbreads (for pizza this week)
Pub Cheese
Blue Cheese Crumbles (for sprinkling atop pizza and soup)
Gruyere Cheese (for French onion soup)
Jarlsberg Cheese
Colby Jack slices
Pound Bar of milk chocolate with almonds (It's mine!)
Lightly Salted Almonds (in the freezer for my holiday almond brittle)
Lightly Salted Cashews (for Dear Richard)
Meyer Lemon Cookie Thins
Two bottles of TJ's EVOO
Two bottles of TJ's General Tsao's Chicken Sauce
Basmati Brown Rice
Yellow Corn Tortilla Chips (for the above-mentioned salsa)
TJ's Harvest Blend (Pearled Couscous, Orzo, Split Baby Garbanzos, Red Quinoa)
TJ's Cornbread Stuffing Mix (to be used for filled pork chops. I'll add apples, onions, and raisins)

I think that was it. We'd love to grab some meats and frozen items, but we're 60 miles away and, even in an ice chest, the items would probably thaw to the point where they couldn't be safely re-frozen.
WOW!! Quite a haul!! I am sure you picked up other things, also.
I really like the Cranberry Orange one. Picked up a couple bottles of it. Their San Francisco Sourdough bread is awesome. I picked up a package, and promptly ate 1/2 of it with butter!
Some chocolate covered peanut butter Joe-Joe cookies.
Just some produce: lettuce mix, cuke, tomato...
I have some roasted garlic hummus in the refrigerator.
Butternut squash risotto--frozen...
container of their lemon Kitchen soap-- I love it.
and some other things, I cannot remember.
I use their EVOO, also. I have 2 bottles of it in the house.

But, I am very fortunate. I can run up there, anytime I want. TJ is not far from me.. maybe 10 highway miles, but a busy highway. Petco and Petsmart are on the same road, along with a Starbucks.

* Quick morning stuff.
* Medicate Geoffrey -- darn cat got the zoomies last night, around 11pm. Woke me up!! I was so tired, I was sleeping on the recliner. He 'discovered' a ball, which I found yesterday afternoon!! Bashing it all around the living area-- running on top of furniture, etc...
* Drive into Boston, for an appointment.
* back home, for a quick stop
* out for Physical Therapy, this afternoon..
In between all, and after PT, I will remember Geoffrey.

Yesterday, It was a gorgeous day out there. I had all the windows open. Normally, my apartment door, closes automatically when I leave; so I do not have to worry about Geoffrey getting out. I went out to the trash room, thinking the door was closed. When I returned, I saw the door was partially open, with Geoffrey, PEEKING outside!! He is getting gutsy and adventurous!! When he saw me walking down the corridor, he panicked, turned around, walked towards my bedroom, looking at me, as if to say: "Why are you upset?"" I wanted to know what was out there!!" "You disappear all the time!
I want to know where you go!!"....

All I had to do was give him a look, not even having to say: "what are you doing".. "That is a No-No.. you get boo-boo if you go out the door."

Crazy cat!!
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In the kitchen with my cookies
Thread starter
Aug 28, 2009
In the kitchen
artiemom artiemom They did not have the SF sourdough bread. I would have bought a loaf. We enjoy the Tuscan Pane as toast. So good. I really wish we had a TJ's closer than State College. A TJ's opened in Camp Hill and that is a few miles closer. We'll go there the next time, probably not until after the holidays now.

I had the windows open last night! First week in November and it was still close to 70F at 11:00. Awesome! But then it started to rain and I had to close them.

The men are here to start the siding today. Going to be noisy around here for the girls! They're already not amused. Molli came running back here. "Mom! Mom, what's going on outside?!"
  • After I finish my coffee, I'm going to start laundry.
  • I have some tomatoes that should be done today, but I think I'll bag them up and stick them in the freezer for another start on pasta sauce in another month or so. I have a plate of tomatoes, too, that are working on getting red. There might be 30 yet in the Shed. I've done a fairly good job on tomatoes, considering our two-month drought during the summer. And peppers; we have enough peppers in the freezer to see us through for a while. If we could live on just onions, tomatoes, and peppers, with some corn and green beans for good measure, we'd definitely not starve!
  • A quick vacuum and swiffer.
  • Honestly, you'd never know that we've been so diligent about the leaves. Leaves everywhere! I guess that's the downside of planting a ton of trees in your yard. We love the trees, so we deal with the fallen leaves. At some point, they'll all fall and the task will be finished. I rake them up and get them away from the gardens; Rick comes along on the riding mower and puts them into long piles. Then we put them on tarps and haul them up to the garden. Although these are going on the truck for the trek to the mountain. Yesterday, Dear Richard decided that he really needed to watch football. I spent the afternoon and early evening in the Shed. The leaves are calling today!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 10, 2018
I woke up earlier than I wanted to given that I went to bed at like 3am, so I ultimately fell asleep on the couch for a little bit. I eventually woke up and decided to hang up my Christmas lights on my house. I also made egg salad and I plan on (hopefully) finishing my cross stitch project this evening and I might do some writing as well.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 5, 2010
Raked five tarps of leaves off upper driveway area near garage. Dumped three over cut bananas piled in woods, two over leaf filled tubs over banana stubs. Much more needed in the way of leaves over cut down bananas before the plywood covers for winter can be put up.

Cleaned canna tubers, packed in peat moss. Fit that crate on top of the already filled and stacked crates.

Usual every day events - feed us, feed cats, clean litter pan. Also stripped bed, washed / dried sheets, washed dried heavy load of jeans etc.


Mother of one and numerous ferals
Top Cat
Jan 22, 2017
Ohio, USA
artiemom artiemom Winchester Winchester You guys are naughty!! All this talk of food!!

Amazon boxes...unpacked

rubbish night and I was able to take out about 4 bags plus Amazon boxes to bins

will call case manager to see what is going on with the helper situation...I may pay someone to do it although the are funds allocated for me to have a helper no one wants to work for such low pay It bothers me that I paid into SS for over 35 years and this is happening.

did chores by pacing myself

Margot Lane

Kitten at heart, not a Top Cat
Top Cat
Oct 24, 2021
Brought firewood to an elderly person and stacked it
Paid taxes
Learned a Bessie Smith song on ukulele
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