

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I've heard that about cats. But when they're jumping from their litter box to my bed and spreading litter and walking around after burying their waste, it just will never feel clean to me. I vacuum 3 times a day and there's constantly litter all over. My cat loves kicking litter.

I know they aren't the problem. Just want to eventually have my own bedroom. That's the one place that i like to myself. I take pride in having a clean peaceful room.

I want the cats safe, it's the only reason I'm doing this. Just desperately want peace and quiet in my life. Now they keep me up all night and i already struggle with sleeping.

My niece is acting two faced and saying i should ask her mom to let the cats visit downstairs. I'm sure the reason the cats are permanently upstairs (even without my sister being here) is because my niece is too lazy to watch her son and teach him how to treat animals. My sister claims hes too small to learn. Which is BS.

Had my dr appointment today. Was falling asleep the entire time. Lol they have me trying a new medicine to see if the abnormal cells i have finish clearing up.

I have to go to a regular dr soon. My bp is still very high even on medication.
The post I posted awhile ago on this thread about raising kids well is something to look at. As far as kids being too young to learn gentleness, respect, caring, compassion, and love for cats, I learned from birth.


TCS Member
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Mar 23, 2012
Going to sleep in the living room tonight. Couch isn't very comfortable. But my bed tent gets here tomorrow.

I'm hanging out in my room so they won't feel lonely. Kitty freaked out but they're finally calm.

Elsa is being an angel about all of this.

I know kids can learn at an early age. My niece is just lazy and self absorbed. She's creating an aggressive and angry child. I warned her and she didn't care.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Going to sleep in the living room tonight. Couch isn't very comfortable. But my bed tent gets here tomorrow.

I'm hanging out in my room so they won't feel lonely. Kitty freaked out but they're finally calm.

Elsa is being an angel about all of this.
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I know kids can learn at an early age. My niece is just lazy and self absorbed. She's creating an aggressive and angry child. I warned her and she didn't care.
Not caring, and not disciplining and educating kids, creates abusive, cruel criminals. So for the sake of all that matters, before it goes any further, the kid needs both, from someone.
Kitty and Elsa look so sweet in their furniture! Really nice furniture, too, by the way.


TCS Member
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Mar 23, 2012
Not caring, and not disciplining and educating kids, creates abusive, cruel criminals. So for the sake of all that matters, before it goes any further, the kid needs both, from someone.
Kitty and Elsa look so sweet in their furniture! Really nice furniture, too, by the way.
I'm not going to bother helping my niece. She's ridiculous and immature. She'll listen if you give advice sometimes. But for example, her son struggles painful constipation. Hes 2 years old and has been struggling for months. I give her a link to Jackson hospital to gastro that specializes in child nutrition. She gets annoyed and says she doesn't want to think of him being sick.

Shed rather leave her son in pain, rather than going to a specialist as a precaution. She thinks she knows everything and takes suggestions as an insult to herself. I don't know everything and prefer to go to experts for advice.

Not going to bother anymore.

Anyway, kitty only woke me up once last night. So they are getting used to things. I am finding the air in my room hard to breathe in. Even with the air filter. Might have to get on allergy pills again.

Still not happy that they're stuck in a small room. Or that they're in my room. Lol but hopefully this is only temporary.

Thank you for compliment on their trees. I like it to be functional but look nice too. 😊


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I'm not going to bother helping my niece. She's ridiculous and immature. She'll listen if you give advice sometimes. But for example, her son struggles painful constipation. Hes 2 years old and has been struggling for months. I give her a link to Jackson hospital to gastro that specializes in child nutrition. She gets annoyed and says she doesn't want to think of him being sick.

Shed rather leave her son in pain, rather than going to a specialist as a precaution. She thinks she knows everything and takes suggestions as an insult to herself. I don't know everything and prefer to go to experts for advice.

Not going to bother anymore.

Anyway, kitty only woke me up once last night. So they are getting used to things. I am finding the air in my room hard to breathe in. Even with the air filter. Might have to get on allergy pills again.

Still not happy that they're stuck in a small room. Or that they're in my room. Lol but hopefully this is only temporary.

Thank you for compliment on their trees. I like it to be functional but look nice too. 😊
Yes. Although cats love pattern and routine, they are also very resilient when they need to be. Hoping and praying you get out of there soon and you and your beloved cats can have a better life.
Yeah. I'd cut them off 100% except to speak up on your cats' behalf because they are in your care and they depend on you to defend and protect them. The rest of it, I would never get involved in, period. People have to want to take personal responsibility and clearly, this isn't happening there.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Based on your niece and the dog I'm not surprised she's ignoring her son's digestive issues but it's really sad. I dealt with quite a few parents like that as a teacher and it's so frustrating when they don't want to get help for something that could be an easy fix (like speech therapy), but they're more worried about labels or looking bad and then things are only going to get worse and harder to solve.


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Mar 23, 2012
Yes. Although cats love pattern and routine, they are also very resilient when they need to be. Hoping and praying you get out of there soon and you and your beloved cats can have a better life.
Yeah. I'd cut them off 100% except to speak up on your cats' behalf because they are in your care and they depend on you to defend and protect them. The rest of it, I would never get involved in, period. People have to want to take personal responsibility and clearly, this isn't happening there.
I agree with you. That's what i plan to do. I've realized that people rarely change and there's no sense hoping they'll see the light. I just want to focus on myself at this point even if that sounds selfish.

Based on your niece and the dog I'm not surprised she's ignoring her son's digestive issues but it's really sad. I dealt with quite a few parents like that as a teacher and it's so frustrating when they don't want to get help for something that could be an easy fix (like speech therapy), but they're more worried about labels or looking bad and then things are only going to get worse and harder to solve.
I can't even imagine what you've seen as a teacher. I've seen it in my own family. Never thought id see a mother avoid combing her daughters hair for months on end. Her 3 year old son actually needs speech therapy and she keeps putting it off and doesn't sit with him to try to help him learn new things.

Anyway, finally build my bed tent. I have no idea how i got this on my mattress. 20210205_202204.jpg 20210205_202214.jpg I'm worried though that my cat might jump on it and hurt herself. Or tear it apart and I'm out the money it cost me.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
I wouldn't think most adult cats would jump on it, but maybe try not to leave anything too close to the bed for her to hop up on. I doubt she'd take a flying leap from the floor.

(But sometimes cats do things you wouldn't expect, so don't hold me to that! 😬)


TCS Member
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Mar 23, 2012
I wouldn't think most adult cats would jump on it, but maybe try not to leave anything too close to the bed for her to hop up on. I doubt she'd take a flying leap from the floor.

(But sometimes cats do things you wouldn't expect, so don't hold me to that! 😬)
My cat is very needy and capable of being crazy. Lol i did move the bed away from her tree though.

Dealing with the zipper every time i need to do anything is no fun lol. Especially at 2am when you just want to go. 😳

What sucks is that i get very painful leg/foot cramps. Getting up is hard enough. The only way i can release the cramp is to forcibly walk around.

Edit: i was wrong i thought kitty was doing better. She keeps trying to rip the new bed tent. She won't stop meowing and throwing things. As most nights I'm struggling to sleep and shes just making things worse.

She's always been needy, but i could escape to my room. She used to meow at my door for hours on end while i tried to sleep. It got to the point that just hearing her meow throughout the day would remind me of being in bed hearing her hysterical cries.

Once we gated the stairs i was finally able to escape from her.

I'm just tired. My niece (not the one i live with) left me her 2 dogs and cat. So I'm stuck taking care of 5 animals.

I'm not feeling well and just frustrated. I have to figure out a way to get along with kitty in my room.
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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Mar 23, 2012
I always thought pets were adopted for life and if you gave them away you were horrible. But im getting to the point that i have moments where i cannot stand kitty and don't want to deal with her. It's been years of dealing with her. I used to have patience for her behavior and i just don't anymore.

Its 4 am and with back pain I'm moving furniture and putting things away just to see if i can finally get some sleep. I'm tired. I just want to break down and cry. I don't do well when I'm sleep deprived.

I hope this doesn't make it seem like i don't love her. I dedicate so much time to my cats. The first thing i do in the morning is brush their teeth and give them some home made cat food. Food that takes hours to cook, portion out, and freeze. And then i deal with their box and clean up their litter. I spend money on them before myself. I have gone by with cheap food just so they won't have to go without their treats and food.

I don't want to give her up. What I'm desperate for is peace and quiet. With my health issues i tend to get to impatience/ being overwhelmed very quickly. I didn't use to be this bad. I used to have patience and didn't lose it quite so easily.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
I always thought pets were adopted for life and if you gave them away you were horrible. But im getting to the point that i have moments where i cannot stand kitty and don't want to deal with her. It's been years of dealing with her. I used to have patience for her behavior and i just don't anymore.

Its 4 am and with back pain I'm moving furniture and putting things away just to see if i can finally get some sleep. I'm tired. I just want to break down and cry. I don't do well when I'm sleep deprived.

I hope this doesn't make it seem like i don't love her. I dedicate so much time to my cats. The first thing i do in the morning is brush their teeth and give them some home made cat food. Food that takes hours to cook, portion out, and freeze. And then i deal with their box and clean up their litter. I spend money on them before myself. I have gone by with cheap food just so they won't have to go without their treats and food.

I don't want to give her up. What I'm desperate for is peace and quiet. With my health issues i tend to get to impatience/ being overwhelmed very quickly. I didn't use to be this bad. I used to have patience and didn't lose it quite so easily.
Get some earplugs from drug store. They're cheap and they help.
Yes, people who abandon and betray their cats are the lowest of the low.
Do you have to brush their teeth every day? Greenies treats and Tropical liquid (add to their water) help to keep teeth clean. Do you have to make their food? I feed my cats Blue Buffalo and Soulistic brands, from Petco (dot) com. They are healthy and happy. Litterbox should not be a big deal for two or three cats. It isn't for me. And yes, when you have loved ones in your care, whether human, feline, or ???, they should come before you. Mine do. Their food costs more than mine. I don't mind at all. I wouldn't have it any other way, in fact. They're carnivores -- meat costs alot. Healthy cats don't have to go to the vet as much. It all works out, and as my beloved family members, I want the best I can afford for them.
I get leg cramps at times, too -- everyone does. They pass. I have read that sometimes they're caused by calcium deficiency. You can research that if interested and take calcium supplement if you want. Contrary to popular belief, dairy products are not the best quality calcium -- deep green vegetables are, though.


Forum Helper
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Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
I always thought pets were adopted for life and if you gave them away you were horrible. But im getting to the point that i have moments where i cannot stand kitty and don't want to deal with her. It's been years of dealing with her. I used to have patience for her behavior and i just don't anymore.
I would hope most people do adopt pets for life, however, people's life situations do change, and it isn't always possible for someone to keep a pet forever. In fact, the contract I signed when I adopted Ruby stated that they would take her back and rehome her, at any time. That fact, actually, is reassuring, as I know she'd be cared for, if something happened to me, that I could no longer care for her.

So no, people who return a pet to a shelter, are not horrible people. And if you ended up having to rehome one or both of your cats, I would not think you were a horrible person either. I would worry, though, that you would regret your decision. There have been the odd post here on TCS where someone did in fact return their cat to the shelter, and then realized they'd made a terrible mistake, but were unable to reclaim them. So please don't make any hasty decisions that you might live to regret. 🤗


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Mar 23, 2012
Get some earplugs from drug store. They're cheap and they help.
Yes, people who abandon and betray their cats are the lowest of the low.
Do you have to brush their teeth every day? Greenies treats and Tropical liquid (add to their water) help to keep teeth clean. Do you have to make their food? I feed my cats Blue Buffalo and Soulistic brands, from Petco (dot) com. They are healthy and happy. Litterbox should not be a big deal for two or three cats. It isn't for me. And yes, when you have loved ones in your care, whether human, feline, or ???, they should come before you. Mine do. Their food costs more than mine. I don't mind at all. I wouldn't have it any other way, in fact. They're carnivores -- meat costs alot. Healthy cats don't have to go to the vet as much. It all works out, and as my beloved family members, I want the best I can afford for them.
I get leg cramps at times, too -- everyone does. They pass. I have read that sometimes they're caused by calcium deficiency. You can research that if interested and take calcium supplement if you want. Contrary to popular belief, dairy products are not the best quality calcium -- deep green vegetables are, though.
I've been taking vitamins. What usually causes the cramps is when i push myself too much. I just deal with them. It's just hard to get out of this tent when i need to. Lol I'm not very flexible anymore.

I don't mind cooking for the cats. Their poops used to stink really bad. The homemade food has helped a lot with that. I plan to keep it up until I'm not able to do it anymore.

I can try the treats for their teeth. I'm just traumatized after elsa had her dental surgery. She went through such pain i don't like to remember.

Edit: I've tried earplugs. I tend to remove anything i put on earplugs/ sleep mask/ socks. I do it in the middle of the night while I'm asleep so it ends up not helping lol

Is this just petsitting or a permanent arrangement?
No, not permanent. Lol thankfully. I love dogs, but I'm not a dog person. I'm only watching them and the cat until tomorrow night. Dogs are such hard work. 3 walks a day and you have to pick up the poo. They have accidents even with all the walking. The cat and dogs are vomiting from missing my niece. Not sure how people handle so many pets. I spend the day trying to remember what everyone needs.
I would hope most people do adopt pets for life, however, people's life situations do change, and it isn't always possible for someone to keep a pet forever. In fact, the contract I signed when I adopted Ruby stated that they would take her back and rehome her, at any time. That fact, actually, is reassuring, as I know she'd be cared for, if something happened to me, that I could no longer care for her.

So no, people who return a pet to a shelter, are not horrible people. And if you ended up having to rehome one or both of your cats, I would not think you were a horrible person either. I would worry, though, that you would regret your decision. There have been the odd post here on TCS where someone did in fact return their cat to the shelter, and then realized they'd made a terrible mistake, but were unable to reclaim them. So please don't make any hasty decisions that you might live to regret. 🤗
Don't worry, my head always clears and i know i would hate myself if i gave up my cats. I would always wonder and worry. My mom had wanted to adopt a boy cat from the street. My brother never allowed him in the house.

I fed him outside after she passed. Until one day he disappeared. It's been four years and i still look around for him when I'm in my old neighborhood.

My point is, as much as i complain i do get very emotionally attached to my pets.

Thank you for your words. They made me feel a lot better.


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Mar 23, 2012

Kitty has finally calmed down. She still meows and is a little needy. But the more i ignore it the less she does it.

They're allowing me to sleep and even nap during the day (even before they moved into my room i struggled with sleep. )

I'm glad they're safe from my nephew. Just hate they're stuck in a tiny bedroom. Then again they were stuck in their trees most of the day because of my nephew.

Haven't felt well since my gyno app. Don't know why but the iud caused me really bad cramping/ pinching pain. Ibuprofen finally got rid of the pain. I had thought it was improperly placed because of how strange i felt.

I think I'm just sensitive from all the biopsies.

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TCS Member
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Top Cat
Mar 23, 2012
The cramping is pretty normal with a new IUD, terestrife terestrife . It improves over time.
What was odd was that it was mild from thursday and then Saturday it suddenly got really bad for couple of days. That's why i grew concerned.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia

Kitty has finally calmed down. She still meows and is a little needy. But the more i ignore it the less she does it.

They're allowing me to sleep and even nap during the day (even before they moved into my room i struggled with sleep. )

I'm glad they're safe from my nephew. Just hate they're stuck in a tiny bedroom. Then again they were stuck in their trees most of the day because of my nephew.

Haven't felt well since my gyno app. Don't know why but the iud caused me really bad cramping/ pinching pain. Ibuprofen finally got rid of the pain. I had thought it was improperly placed because of how strange i felt.

I think I'm just sensitive from all the biopsies.

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It looks beautiful and they look quite happy. You'd be surprised at how well cats adapt to small spaces if they have vertical options and windows.

I had IUDs for years. Heavy periods, cramps and "pinching" are common. Nothing's free in this world, unfortunately; but I absolutely opted for this over other methods of birth control until I could get a tubal. It may calm down in time.


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Mar 23, 2012
It looks beautiful and they look quite happy. You'd be surprised at how well cats adapt to small spaces if they have vertical options and windows.

I had IUDs for years. Heavy periods, cramps and "pinching" are common. Nothing's free in this world, unfortunately; but I absolutely opted for this over other methods of birth control until I could get a tubal. It may calm down in time.
They seem happy and calmer now. I'm not happy that my niece got her way as always. But I'm glad my cats are happy and safe. I don't need to worry as much about them now.

Thank you for sharing that information. Its my first time getting an iud so i wasn't sure what to expect. Your post made me feel relieved.

I didn't get it for birth control. Mirena has a secondary use, it helps with providing progesterone when you have precancerous cells.