Artie and his Issues

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TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2014
I've been reading this thread from the very beginning to get Artie's full story. I have a soft spot in my life for little orangies. My orange girl, Hariette, is currently curled up against my side, loafing on a cold morning.

She is very fickle when it comes to cuddles. Some evenings, she is on top of me all night long. Other nights, like last night, she was somewhere else in the house. While the snuggles are fantastic, I know she needs a break! lol.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
I've been reading this thread from the very beginning to get Artie's full story. I have a soft spot in my life for little orangies. My orange girl, Hariette, is currently curled up against my side, loafing on a cold morning.

She is very fickle when it comes to cuddles. Some evenings, she is on top of me all night long. Other nights, like last night, she was somewhere else in the house. While the snuggles are fantastic, I know she needs a break! lol.
OmGosh, Reading this from the beginning is a tremendous undertaking !!! I applaud you for doing so!! :wow:simply amazing! :catrub:

Artie has been through a lot, over the past year. It all began a year ago..

Yes, I think I do love orange kitties. My last cat was a long haired orange female. She also had a huge personality.

Thank you for reading and also for responding! :winkcat:

What is your kitties Name? and does she have a very human like qualities?

thanks again :catrub::kneading:


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Jul 27, 2014
Her name is Hariette. She is 10 years old and she is the loudest, most complainy old lady there is. She insists on sleeping in my bed most of the time, drinking out of my cups, and talking on the phone.

We just adopted another orange kitty. His name is Charlie and he is 9 months old. He's a demanding little baby kitten and we haven't had a lot of luck introducing Hariette and Charlie. He's too much of a kitten and she's too much of an old lady. Hopefully one day we can live in peace!

My love of oranges started with my sweet William. I lost him over three years ago to liver diseases, but he was amazing. Definitely my soul cat.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 9, 2016
New York City Area.
Hi Cindy & Sweet Artie,

I'm pleased to read that Artie is still Artie and you're doing well. I agree, yesterday was a lazy Sunday. I have a feeling we'll jump right into Winter.

I'm still having computer issues and typing on that tablet is horrendous. It's good for TV and searching but that's it, LOL. Who am I kidding, I'm just old and set in my ways. LOL

Anywho, I'm always thinking of you both and you and Artie remain in my thoughts and prayers.

I hope you are treating yourself kind.

Warmest regards, Hope


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
He has been eating and pooping. Some days, he boycotts the dry food for a few days.. that is ok. As long as he eats.
We'll take that, and be thankful for it!

Artie is now psychic! He can be in a very deep sleepy, yet he reads my mind as to when I am going to give him his lactulose..
This does not surprise me in the least. I mean, it is Artie!

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow afternoon at 2pm, for the "treatment plan'....
dreading it..
I'll be here, candle lit!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Antonio65 Antonio65 Poor Pallina, (hugs) to her...

Yes, I feel bad when I have to chase Artie with the broom. I know he fears it, along with the "monster' vacuum.

It must have been because he was trained to be afraid of the broom, when he was a kitten. When I adopted him, I noticed his fear of it, when I was sweeping. He is even afraid of the Swiffer mop, which is not a broom.

I always leave the broom as a last resort. Only when I cannot get him out from under the bed. That is the only time it is used. And more for pushing him out from under it.

Artie has kind of ignored me at night...sigh..
He will curl up on my lap for a few minutes, but leaves, very shortly... strange.

He did not poop yesterday...sigh.. that means more of the lactulose today.. sigh...
A very familiar story! My cats don't like the "big turquoise monster" (the vacuum) but they aren't phased by the broom or the mop -- unless I need to extricate them from under a bed, and have to use the broom for that.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Thanks, everyone..

I am having dental surgery on Oct 30, early in the morning, around 9:45am. It will take a couple of hours. I was going to drive myself, but my friend insisted that she be my chauffeur. She will also drive me down to the drug store to pick up the pain meds. She is so good to me.

I will be busy until this is done and then some. I am going to enjoy myself this week, and be good next week, well, salads.. at least I made a decision.. money will just have to fall out of the sky for me.

Artie did poop last night. It was hard, but he pooped before I went to bed. I fell asleep, watching TV, went to bed really late. Artie was waking me up this morning.

As soon as I got up, he started his 'sick' wail. I picked him up, off the rug, and he proceeded to vomit a bit..mostly bile, with a bit of food. He needs a MegaPoop.

I waited a half hour before giving him the morning meds. He took them well. I waited another 20 minutes before attempting to feed him. I took the can over to him, opened it, he came over to eat, but when the bowl was down, he refused it...sigh..

It is a vicious circle with Artie. His poops are the key to it. No poops = no food = least I know the cycle.

I wish he was not so hard to medicate with the lactulose. I do not dare even trying the powder form. He has enough issues eating.. I do not want to even think of adding anything to his food, for fear of food aversion.

He is 'sunning' himself right now; waiting for me to brush him a bit..


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Artie did poop, this afternoon.. it was 7.5 x 1 inch.. very thick.. a bit softer...

He ate a tiny bit.. the problem is: Construction!! They are jackhammering the entrance ramp which is right below my apartment. He is beside himself.. poor thing../

Artie is in his tent. I even have my closet door open, for him to hide, but he prefers his tent..

I want to give him some more lactulose, but I am afraid of upsetting him, even more than he is now.. I want to vacuum, or clean a bit, but again, I do not want to upset him.. poor baby.. He is such a sensitive soul.


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
Poor thing. Hekitty is having fits today because the yard team is here, cutting and mowing and trimming like there's no tomorrow. I can just imagine how upsetting the jack hammering is! Hand in there, Artie. They will be done soon.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Good man, Artie! And all the best to you, Cindy, for your bravery and for a quick recovery from the surgery.
I'll be joining your club, artiemom artiemom and Mamanyt1953 Mamanyt1953 1953 my favorite contractors are starting either tomorrow or Thursday to sand/paint trim, sand/varnish my gates, pressure wash the house, and coat the roof. I don't need a new roof yet, so I'm having more elastomeric coating put on it. That way we'll all be cozy this Autumn -- if we ever HAVE an Autumn -- and Winter and Spring. *HOPEFUL*


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Hey Artie's Army Members! :compsurfing:

Before I forget. I went into Angell Memorial to pick up a script for Artie.. I was shocked to see that I have a credit balance on my account!!! OMG...

I know I thanked you before, but this is really something I would never, ever, not in a million years, think would happen to me.... me of all people... Thank You all again...
I do not know how to adequately convey my appreciation for your love and support.
It will definitely be put to use, but I do not know why you guys did this.. but I will stop quivering now and just say Thank You :redheartpump::redheartpump::redheartpump::redheartpump::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: :rock:


On to the Man, himself:
Artie is himself today.. thankfully...

Yesterday and the day before were very trying days for both of us, as the saga of the Renovations/Demolitions continued.

The Jackhammer began again, at 9:05AM, yesterday.. constant, with a 20 sec break in-between.. I was going nuts...
I knew Artie would be going crazy and trying to run away from the noise and the vibrations...
I had on hand... yes, I am like a pharmacy.. some Zyklene which Artie's Reg Vet prescribed for fireworks, a while ago. I asked NVet if I could try it.. He said ok...

I gave Artie one capsule (huge capsules) around 8:00am... When my back was turned, he must have vomited it. It was several minutes before I saw the mess.

I cleaned it up, waited to see if he had absorbed any of it. Nope... nothing.. when the jackhammer started, Artie was ok at first, then he tried to get away from things..

He was in corners, behind furniture, under the bed, even coming up to me, several times with his pitiful 'help me' meow. I was livid.. no need for this crap..
And the cement dust was billowing up from below.. It was warm in here with the windows closed, so I had to put the AC on.. now the dust is in the vents.. and my place smells like exhaust fuel, dust, etc...anyway..

Obviously, none of the Zyklene was absorbed into him. It works great at calming him down when he takes it.. he gets mellow and sleepy.

I had some calming treats to try, also.... Guess what, Artie REFUSED the treats! sniffed and walked away!!! Crazy Cat...

I gave him another capsule. Because he was already agitated, it took a while to kick in.. Once I put him in his quilt/tent, he slept.. or hid in there.

Gratefully, the Noise stopped around noontime.

Artie was zonked out all day.. poor baby.. He was exhausted from the noise, and the Zyklene. At least he calmed down and rested.. poor baby..He did not even fight much when it came to the lactulose. And of course, he did not eat much..

He cuddled with me, later, during the night, and woke me up a couple of times..
The last attempt was to 'Play"!!!!

yes, Play!! When I did get up, he was ready to play, "Chase".. so I played with him.

He is himself today.. my lovey boy..

I went in to Boston to pick up a new script of Zyklene.. I do not think NVet has ever prescribed it! Amazing.. It does work.. not on all, but it does him. I had also plugged in a Feliway unit... just in case...

I found out they are planning to Power Wash the Balcony, Paint the Railings, and The Ceiling.. Artie will be upset.. man, I have to resort to medicating him for his own good.. dman...

No poops today; but, yesterday, before the aggravation, Artie did poop 5 inches..
And he left a couple presents on my pillows.. It was a message to wash my bedsheets..:crackup:

And Artie has a brand new litter box !!!!! It was time for one.. now he has to do one of his Megapooops!



TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Hey Artie's Army Members! :compsurfing:

Before I forget. I went into Angell Memorial to pick up a script for Artie.. I was shocked to see that I have a credit balance on my account!!! OMG...

I know I thanked you before, but this is really something I would never, ever, not in a million years, think would happen to me.... me of all people... Thank You all again...
I do not know how to adequately convey my appreciation for your love and support.
It will definitely be put to use, but I do not know why you guys did this.. but I will stop quivering now and just say Thank You :redheartpump::redheartpump::redheartpump::redheartpump::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: :rock:


On to the Man, himself:
Artie is himself today.. thankfully...

Yesterday and the day before were very trying days for both of us, as the saga of the Renovations/Demolitions continued.

The Jackhammer began again, at 9:05AM, yesterday.. constant, with a 20 sec break in-between.. I was going nuts...
I knew Artie would be going crazy and trying to run away from the noise and the vibrations...
I had on hand... yes, I am like a pharmacy.. some Zyklene which Artie's Reg Vet prescribed for fireworks, a while ago. I asked NVet if I could try it.. He said ok...

I gave Artie one capsule (huge capsules) around 8:00am... When my back was turned, he must have vomited it. It was several minutes before I saw the mess.

I cleaned it up, waited to see if he had absorbed any of it. Nope... nothing.. when the jackhammer started, Artie was ok at first, then he tried to get away from things..

He was in corners, behind furniture, under the bed, even coming up to me, several times with his pitiful 'help me' meow. I was livid.. no need for this crap..
And the cement dust was billowing up from below.. It was warm in here with the windows closed, so I had to put the AC on.. now the dust is in the vents.. and my place smells like exhaust fuel, dust, etc...anyway..

Obviously, none of the Zyklene was absorbed into him. It works great at calming him down when he takes it.. he gets mellow and sleepy.

I had some calming treats to try, also.... Guess what, Artie REFUSED the treats! sniffed and walked away!!! Crazy Cat...

I gave him another capsule. Because he was already agitated, it took a while to kick in.. Once I put him in his quilt/tent, he slept.. or hid in there.

Gratefully, the Noise stopped around noontime.

Artie was zonked out all day.. poor baby.. He was exhausted from the noise, and the Zyklene. At least he calmed down and rested.. poor baby..He did not even fight much when it came to the lactulose. And of course, he did not eat much..

He cuddled with me, later, during the night, and woke me up a couple of times..
The last attempt was to 'Play"!!!!

yes, Play!! When I did get up, he was ready to play, "Chase".. so I played with him.

He is himself today.. my lovey boy..

I went in to Boston to pick up a new script of Zyklene.. I do not think NVet has ever prescribed it! Amazing.. It does work.. not on all, but it does him. I had also plugged in a Feliway unit... just in case...

I found out they are planning to Power Wash the Balcony, Paint the Railings, and The Ceiling.. Artie will be upset.. man, I have to resort to medicating him for his own good.. dman...

No poops today; but, yesterday, before the aggravation, Artie did poop 5 inches..
And he left a couple presents on my pillows.. It was a message to wash my bedsheets..:crackup:

And Artie has a brand new litter box !!!!! It was time for one.. now he has to do one of his Megapooops!
That's great about the credit balance -- who can't use THAT?!! Though I was not able to be one of them, there are a lot of generous and very caring fellow cat lovers here on TCS!
Good on you, Artie man. Now let's get busy and *PRODUCE!* o_O
Well, we'll be "twins" again -- we've had our pressure washing, and are having sanding and then coating and painting. It's a lot of fun! I don't mind any of that, but I DO mind the radio outside. Last time I requested no music, but this time there's a new crew and I'm trying to endure it because they probably won't be here for more than 2 or at most 3 days. Isn't it nice, though, that we'll have nice clean newly-painted exteriors? and in your case, ceilings? ;):winkcat:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Hi all! :hellocomputer: The Artie's Army continues to fight!!!! :lol:

Artie is Artie.. He has diminished his food intake just a tad.. like 1/4-1/3 can, less than usual, but he is still eating.. and he is pooping! I try to make him have a couple of Megapoops a week!! Poop Fairy, got that???

His weight is still stable. I have not weighed him in a couple weeks, but he feels the same.

Seriously, that is the key to him. If he does not poop, he does not eat..

He had a Megapoop Saturday night.. about 11 inches.. He did 7 inches on Friday and 5.5 inches yesterday; with another 5 soft inches this morning.. so less lactulose and miralax today.

He is alert.. does sleep a lot..seems to like to wake me up, around 6:30 AM.. Sometimes earlier but I think that is when he has to poop. I think he wakes me up because he has to poop... yes, I trained him. I wipe his bum.. he always has a bit of poop hanging is like one of those old fashioned, before indoor plumbing, kitchen crank faucet. I lift his tail, poop squeezes out. I wipe it, tail goes down, no poop, yet if I lift it up again, more poop cranks out!!! :flail:

I know he is waking me up for that.. He has a newer habit of sleeping on my pillows.. yes, he is leaving a spot every morning...glad I have a ton of pillowcases, and do not care if they match or not.. sheets are white.. so who cares?

He has been playing a bit each day.. it is automatic after our brushing session. Artie will just jump down and wait for me to get one of his toys out.. He has been having a lot of the zoomies, lately.. and playing ball with me.. not long, but he does..

Each morning, Artie follows me all around, being my "Follow"..

I am having a more difficult time getting the sub-q needle inserted correctly. I think he has adhesions from the daily sticks. Poor baby. The needle seems to just go through his skin and out the other side, no matter how carefully I stick him, or it just sits there, without any flow... poor baby.. I have had to resort to the harpoons..They do go in better, but he can feel it a bit more.. poor thing.. :frown: I found that he does not like the faster flow, so I slow the flow down. I am now taking a small dish towel an placing it near him, to absorb the waste.. sigh:(

Artie had a sleepy day yesterday, and will have a sleepy day today. It is foggy outside, and we will be getting rain tomorrow afternoon and Wednesday.

I am stocking up on some food for him, today, and picking up a few things at the dreaded Walmart. They have some things there, that I cannot get elsewhere. I absolutely hate going to Walgreens... plus the WM is on the way to the Vet's.

Stocking up because a week from today, I will be in pain ~~~ Dental surgery, finally!!!!!! I am dreading it, but want it to be done and over with. This has lingered long enough. Now that I have a decision, it is time for action..

Lazy morning.. bills, shredding, brushing and playing with Artie, his meds, and just lazing around. Now I really have to get going... It is now the afternoon!! OMG!!

:argh: :argh: :livid: :angrywoman:

Waiting for the rainy day to pick up around here... other days are for errands.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
I am having a more difficult time getting the sub-q needle inserted correctly. I think he has adhesions from the daily sticks. Poor baby. The needle seems to just go through his skin and out the other side, no matter how carefully I stick him, or it just sits there, without any flow... poor baby.. I have had to resort to the harpoons..They do go in better, but he can feel it a bit more.. poor thing.. :frown: I found that he does not like the faster flow, so I slow the flow down. I am now taking a small dish towel an placing it near him, to absorb the waste.. sigh:(
Sounds like what was happening in her last months with my poor Lola. The needle would go through her skin on the other side of the pinch, and the Ringer's Lactate would flow along her fur down onto the couch where she was lying during the injections. I also had a spare small towel next to her, just in case.
I couldn't believe that I had lost the touch after thousands sub-qs done in the years.
Lola also hated when the flow from the syring was too fast, she let me know with a "meow"!

Poor Artie, how I feel for him! :(

This reminds me of a kitten that I was fostering some years ago, he had a disease (I will tell you about him one day) and his skin was so thin that when I did him his sub-qs (yes, he already needed them!) the RL would flow out of his skin from all his pores. He was like a strainer :bawling2:

Hugs to you and Artie!

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
I wipe his bum.. he always has a bit of poop hanging is like one of those old fashioned, before indoor plumbing, kitchen crank faucet. I lift his tail, poop squeezes out. I wipe it, tail goes down, no poop, yet if I lift it up again, more poop cranks out!!! :flail:
Love that description. Wouldnt it be easy if you could crank his tail every day until he pooped the desired amount.
I sympathize with you about the dentist, I went last week for a check up and have to go back 1st Nov for a filling and root canal. It's bad enough having the pain but we have to pay someone to inflict it. That can't be legal.
Hope Artie continues to poop and eat and you are able to relax a little about him.
Dont know what happened there but my reply got caught up in your quote.
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