Artie and his Issues

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TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Artie is doing much better. I divided his lactulose dose up into 2 episodes, of 2 cc each time. Takes it much better.. He is also eating a bit better.. not great, but better.

At 6:45pm, The Poop Fairy decided to visit! He produced a 4.5 x 1 inch, very thick, hard, dry piece. That is good. I will take it, with more to come.. He had a lot stuck to him. It was like dry wall spackling compound. I could not wipe it off. It kept coming out of him!!!

That is ok.. he pooped.. That is the important thing. He is eating now!!

It all revolves around his poop! It really does.
I do not know if they still have this procedure, but the Fire Department used to charge for repeated false alarms. It was at least $100 per false alarm. They did charge this apartment a ton of money, many years ago. The alarm was constantly going off.

They finally put a sticker on each apartment's inner door, reminding tenants not to open the door, if there is a burnt smell from cooking. They reminded people to open the windows, balcony door and put the continuous fan on...
On my way out today, I found a bank deposit slip with 3 checks paper clipped to it. The Super must have dropped them. They were rents for this month!! A total of over $4,000 .. one was a partial rent of $280...

I decided to take them, and put them in the office's mail slot. I called the super to tell her about it. She was very thankful...

I was really shocked when I found it. They were stamped with the building's authorization... I could have cashed them.. but I was honest.
I cannot believe the super was that careless, that this fell out... man, imagine if it was someone dishonest, finding it..
I lost you guys for a few days, but found you again. Sounds like it's been never a dull moment over there! Chemicals are nasty, and cats' sense of smell is so much more acute than ours, it's no wonder you both felt yukky! I'm sensitive to those things, too, and try to limit them as much as possible. But in an apartment you don't have as much control over it...I remember I used to have running battles with my manager when I lived in an apt. over spraying for roaches, with my cats and me having to live in a tiny single and deal with that. There were 20 units in our building and 30 in the one right across the courtyard, so of course there were roaches! So glad not to have that to deal with any more. I try to use the gentlest cleaning products that are still effective, opting for cruelty-free whenever possible.

I'm very wary of people these days, because of things that have happened in my life -- and interviewing contractors and other people I need to have in my home is fraught with stress. Fortunately I've done pretty well so far, I guess. But there are just so many AWOL people in this society, one never knows!

Yeah, people are so forgetful these days and no wonder on that, either, the way life is every single day in this crazyhouse society. Good on ya for doing the right thing!

And I used to have problems with my alarm going off in that same apt. building -- at all hours, even when I was asleep! That happened once with the hardwired one they installed, and my neighbor upstairs called me, irate, understandably. I had to ask him to come downstairs and rip the thing out of the ceiling. It was horrible.

May you and Artie have a GOOD evening & night with no nasty smells and no nasty people!


Rules my home with an iron paw
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Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
First, I am THRILLED about the poop and the eating! YOU GO, ARTIE!

I cannot believe the super was that careless
I can. On the 30th of June, I put my money order for my July rent in the night drop box at my complex, and the site manager THREW IT AWAY! Just got that completely straightened out last week. Thank goodness I do choose to use money orders. I was able to stop payment on it and have the money replaced in my account after 90 days, and the complex was willing to hold my over-due rent until then since I had the m. o. receipts.


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Back from Artie's Vet appointment. I just love NVet...

Artie is doing good. NVet was pleased! No blood tests, his weight is stable, no EKG.. he took a good listen to Artie's heart, and did not find a change. Told me to go home!!

I asked about his limp.. Well, Artie was having a good day, of course, nice and sunny out.. so no limp today... sigh..
but that is ok.. NVet said that all these arthritis drugs do have side effects. Artie is on enough drugs, but it is something to think about for the future..

NVet was funny. He said he has gotten, "ALL my updates".. I said, Jen insists on me calling, daily....He laughed..

Got a lot of scripts filled.

While I was waiting one of the clinical supervisors came over to ask how things were going. He said he remembered me from the last time I was there. That was when we discovered the lesion on his lung, and I had 'the talk'.. I was crying then. This supervisor said he wanted to see how we were doing.. that is so nice.

They must be doing some customer service work, because I saw another well dressed woman, going around and dealing with other clients there. I still say Angel Memorial is one of the best places in the country for Vet care.

Artie was a great boy today.. acting so much younger. He was playing earlier in the day. He was not freaking out on the way in. He was quiet, and calm. I was also...strange.

On the way home, it was different. He had a full bladder and needed to pee.
When I got home, he had to check out the entire apartment, to make sure that nothing was changed, then he peed, and ate.. He is doing well today. He has peed, pooped, and eaten 1/3 of a can of food...It is a good day for him...

NVet said not to worry if he goes one day without eating much... but, I know Artie, that throws him off. That is ok.. NVet said that I am doing a great job with him. He will not take any credit for Artie.. He said it is me...

No EKG.. NVet took a good, long listen to Artie's heart. When finished he turned to me, and said, "Not needed.. why do it? Go home!".....

Blood tests will be taken at the next exam, in 4 months...

A good day....

Now to deal with my dental issues on Monday afternoon...

verna davies

TCS Member
Feb 23, 2016
Wales uk
You are so lucky to have such a brilliant veterinary practice. It is really important to have one you trust completely. Really good news for you and Artie. Now relax and enjoy the rest of the day after you have given yourself a big pat on the back for doing such a great job ( and the NVet can't be wrong). Lovely news.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Back from Artie's Vet appointment. I just love NVet...

Artie is doing good. NVet was pleased! No blood tests, his weight is stable, no EKG.. he took a good listen to Artie's heart, and did not find a change. Told me to go home!!

I asked about his limp.. Well, Artie was having a good day, of course, nice and sunny out.. so no limp today... sigh..
but that is ok.. NVet said that all these arthritis drugs do have side effects. Artie is on enough drugs, but it is something to think about for the future..

NVet was funny. He said he has gotten, "ALL my updates".. I said, Jen insists on me calling, daily....He laughed..

Got a lot of scripts filled.

While I was waiting one of the clinical supervisors came over to ask how things were going. He said he remembered me from the last time I was there. That was when we discovered the lesion on his lung, and I had 'the talk'.. I was crying then. This supervisor said he wanted to see how we were doing.. that is so nice.

They must be doing some customer service work, because I saw another well dressed woman, going around and dealing with other clients there. I still say Angel Memorial is one of the best places in the country for Vet care.

Artie was a great boy today.. acting so much younger. He was playing earlier in the day. He was not freaking out on the way in. He was quiet, and calm. I was also...strange.

On the way home, it was different. He had a full bladder and needed to pee.
When I got home, he had to check out the entire apartment, to make sure that nothing was changed, then he peed, and ate.. He is doing well today. He has peed, pooped, and eaten 1/3 of a can of food...It is a good day for him...

NVet said not to worry if he goes one day without eating much... but, I know Artie, that throws him off. That is ok.. NVet said that I am doing a great job with him. He will not take any credit for Artie.. He said it is me...

No EKG.. NVet took a good, long listen to Artie's heart. When finished he turned to me, and said, "Not needed.. why do it? Go home!".....

Blood tests will be taken at the next exam, in 4 months...

A good day....

Now to deal with my dental issues on Monday afternoon...
WOW. What a great post! FULL of great news. I've heard great things about Angell Memorial from others, too. It has the best reputation. And of course your excellent care and love certainly help Artie to thrive -- long may you do so and long may he do so!
Wishing you the best for your dental appt. I've seen ads on tv that financing is available in some cases for implants, but IDK if that's truly so. I hope it is.
I had a win, too -- was having problems with my gardener, so had to let him go. Had found another, but he was going to charge a lot. Talked to my neighbor next door, who called his gardener and set us up with a call. Gardener and asst. came early this morning, and I interviewed him, explained everything I need done, and hired him at a reasonable rate. He and his asst. really worked hard and the front looks better already! I hope they are consistent. I've had 4 gardeners in 10 years and I don't like the stress of having to find and interview them. So wish us luck!


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Back from Artie's Vet appointment. I just love NVet...

Artie is doing good. NVet was pleased! No blood tests, his weight is stable, no EKG.. he took a good listen to Artie's heart, and did not find a change. Told me to go home!!

I asked about his limp.. Well, Artie was having a good day, of course, nice and sunny out.. so no limp today... sigh..
but that is ok.. NVet said that all these arthritis drugs do have side effects. Artie is on enough drugs, but it is something to think about for the future..

NVet was funny. He said he has gotten, "ALL my updates".. I said, Jen insists on me calling, daily....He laughed..

Got a lot of scripts filled.

While I was waiting one of the clinical supervisors came over to ask how things were going. He said he remembered me from the last time I was there. That was when we discovered the lesion on his lung, and I had 'the talk'.. I was crying then. This supervisor said he wanted to see how we were doing.. that is so nice.

They must be doing some customer service work, because I saw another well dressed woman, going around and dealing with other clients there. I still say Angel Memorial is one of the best places in the country for Vet care.

Artie was a great boy today.. acting so much younger. He was playing earlier in the day. He was not freaking out on the way in. He was quiet, and calm. I was also...strange.

On the way home, it was different. He had a full bladder and needed to pee.
When I got home, he had to check out the entire apartment, to make sure that nothing was changed, then he peed, and ate.. He is doing well today. He has peed, pooped, and eaten 1/3 of a can of food...It is a good day for him...

NVet said not to worry if he goes one day without eating much... but, I know Artie, that throws him off. That is ok.. NVet said that I am doing a great job with him. He will not take any credit for Artie.. He said it is me...

No EKG.. NVet took a good, long listen to Artie's heart. When finished he turned to me, and said, "Not needed.. why do it? Go home!".....

Blood tests will be taken at the next exam, in 4 months...

A good day....

Now to deal with my dental issues on Monday afternoon...
Just checking in and hoping you and Artie are enjoying your weekend in comfort and good health. How are you both?


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Hi All! :hellocomputer:

I have had a very busy week; am apologizing for not updating. I will try to improve.
Artie is Artie..
He has been eating and pooping. Some days, he boycotts the dry food for a few days.. that is ok. As long as he eats.

He is still pooping. Some days, like today and Thursday, he did not poop. I wish he was more consistent but, he does still poop. His poops seem to be wider.. before, they were just under 1 inch in diameter. Currently, they are 1 inch or just a tad over.. and a packed one inch... very thick. but as long as it comes out.

I am stocked up on all his meds, for a while.

Artie is now psychic! He can be in a very deep sleepy, yet he reads my mind as to when I am going to give him his lactulose.. Beginning yesterday, he is hiding under my bed when it is time for it.. no matter how much noise I make in the kitchen, banging pans, dishes, etc.. to disguise me getting the dose ready, he still knows what I am up to. I come out of the kitchen and he is missing!!! Yes, under my bed!!

Yesterday, I had to chase him between underneath the bed, then behind the chair, then back to under the bed... at least 5 times at each location. It took me 15 minutes to grab him... and that was with the broom!!!

I ended up having to close off one end of the back of the recliner with the broom, and the other side with my body, in order to grab him.. unbelievable..

Today, he was sleeping on his quilt. I got the stuff ready.. again, he goes MIA!!!

I shut his bedroom door, and fooling him, I moved furniture to shut my bedroom door. He was trapped. He tried to hide under the dining room table, but I moved chairs, he ran out to behind the recliner. I did the same as yesterday.. broom on one side, me on the other.. He did not know what to do.. I trapped him!!!

OMG he is a terror... and too smart.

Yesterday was a very physically achey day. Did a lot of moving and was achey. I got up early for Church this morning. I think the humidity was effecting the asthma and my allergies. I felt horrible today. I ended up not fully reading the Sunday Newspapers, and just lying down on top of the bed for a while. Artie was going to be getting his Sub-q's late.

I guess he can tell time also. I was napping for about 30 minutes, when he just jumped up on the bed, meowing in my ear. He was reminding me about his sub-q's... he can tell time and knows when it is time for his meds... Artie is just too smart.

He is avoiding me now...because I am the nasty lactulose/broom person! He is also boycotting his food. Whatever... he ate well this morning.. about 1/3 of a can.. as long as he eats close to a 6 oz can, I am happy.

Today was a yucky day for me.. I did dump some large items from my balcony into the dumpster: a huge plastic lounge chair (crack in seat), a large pot with soil, my basil plant, and some watering bottles. They are supposed to start pressure washing, and painting the balconies, this week... who knows when they will get to me, but this way, I have some items dumped. I just have a new electric grill---never used, a gift to me... I will never use it.. debating on getting rid of it.. it is over 2 years old.
I want to do most of the major hard work, before I have the dental surgery.

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow afternoon at 2pm, for the "treatment plan'....
dreading it..

I want to get this started before the end of the month. I will feel better once it is begun.
At least getting the abscess taken care of, and the teeth pulled.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Hi All! :hellocomputer:

I have had a very busy week; am apologizing for not updating. I will try to improve.
Artie is Artie..
He has been eating and pooping. Some days, he boycotts the dry food for a few days.. that is ok. As long as he eats.

He is still pooping. Some days, like today and Thursday, he did not poop. I wish he was more consistent but, he does still poop. His poops seem to be wider.. before, they were just under 1 inch in diameter. Currently, they are 1 inch or just a tad over.. and a packed one inch... very thick. but as long as it comes out.

I am stocked up on all his meds, for a while.

Artie is now psychic! He can be in a very deep sleepy, yet he reads my mind as to when I am going to give him his lactulose.. Beginning yesterday, he is hiding under my bed when it is time for it.. no matter how much noise I make in the kitchen, banging pans, dishes, etc.. to disguise me getting the dose ready, he still knows what I am up to. I come out of the kitchen and he is missing!!! Yes, under my bed!!

Yesterday, I had to chase him between underneath the bed, then behind the chair, then back to under the bed... at least 5 times at each location. It took me 15 minutes to grab him... and that was with the broom!!!

I ended up having to close off one end of the back of the recliner with the broom, and the other side with my body, in order to grab him.. unbelievable..

Today, he was sleeping on his quilt. I got the stuff ready.. again, he goes MIA!!!

I shut his bedroom door, and fooling him, I moved furniture to shut my bedroom door. He was trapped. He tried to hide under the dining room table, but I moved chairs, he ran out to behind the recliner. I did the same as yesterday.. broom on one side, me on the other.. He did not know what to do.. I trapped him!!!

OMG he is a terror... and too smart.

Yesterday was a very physically achey day. Did a lot of moving and was achey. I got up early for Church this morning. I think the humidity was effecting the asthma and my allergies. I felt horrible today. I ended up not fully reading the Sunday Newspapers, and just lying down on top of the bed for a while. Artie was going to be getting his Sub-q's late.

I guess he can tell time also. I was napping for about 30 minutes, when he just jumped up on the bed, meowing in my ear. He was reminding me about his sub-q's... he can tell time and knows when it is time for his meds... Artie is just too smart.

He is avoiding me now...because I am the nasty lactulose/broom person! He is also boycotting his food. Whatever... he ate well this morning.. about 1/3 of a can.. as long as he eats close to a 6 oz can, I am happy.

Today was a yucky day for me.. I did dump some large items from my balcony into the dumpster: a huge plastic lounge chair (crack in seat), a large pot with soil, my basil plant, and some watering bottles. They are supposed to start pressure washing, and painting the balconies, this week... who knows when they will get to me, but this way, I have some items dumped. I just have a new electric grill---never used, a gift to me... I will never use it.. debating on getting rid of it.. it is over 2 years old.
I want to do most of the major hard work, before I have the dental surgery.
*BRAVO!* Artie! Yes, cats tell time by the sun and they do know when things should happen. How considerate and thoughtful of him to "remind" you! ;) He is so sweet. Keep up the great work, Artie man!
And *BRAVO!* to you for putting in motion the dental stuff. Stuff is always worst before you start it. You'll get it done and be on the other side of it, glad you went ahead and got brave! and you'll undoubtedly be more comfortable, too.
Funny, we're kind of home maintenance twins. I've got my roof stuff started and the guys will contact me soon, come over, draw up the paperwork, and get the job done. I'm also having my trim on the house sanded/repainted. It needs it. And I cleaned out a lot of my pantry cupboard in the kitchen -- some ANCIENT stuff in there! So glad I did that.

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow afternoon at 2pm, for the "treatment plan'....
dreading it..

I want to get this started before the end of the month. I will feel better once it is begun.
At least getting the abscess taken care of, and the teeth pulled.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Artie is now psychic! He can be in a very deep sleepy, yet he reads my mind as to when I am going to give him his lactulose.. Beginning yesterday, he is hiding under my bed when it is time for it.. no matter how much noise I make in the kitchen, banging pans, dishes, etc.. to disguise me getting the dose ready, he still knows what I am up to. I come out of the kitchen and he is missing!!! Yes, under my bed!!

Yesterday, I had to chase him between underneath the bed, then behind the chair, then back to under the bed... at least 5 times at each location. It took me 15 minutes to grab him... and that was with the broom!!!
Poor Artie, chased with a broom :)
Don't you think that this psychological pressure and condition might impact on his health? I mean, I noticed that when I was chasing my cats for meds or else, I was getting an opposite effect.
About ten years ago I had to give Pallina a pill for her gastritis and every night it was a nightmare for both of us. She knew when it was time and started hiding, I started looking for her and chasing her, then grabbing her and pushing the pill down her throat while she was fighting.
Well, in about a week it was clear that the effects of the meds were overwhelmed and cancelled by the stress of the therapy, so I stopped giving her the pill and things went fine on their own.

I know what you mean when you try to disguise the preparation of meds with noises and other actions and it doesn't work. My Pallina is as smart as Artie in this. Now I prepare the meds (usually extracting the pills from the blister pack) in another room or way ahead the time I need, so that she doesn't link the noise of the pack with the pill dropped down her throat ;)
Sometimes, however, she still reads my mind.

Today, it's already Monday morning here, 8:15 am, Pallina will have a new scan and blood test, she has to fast, and when she doesn't see me preparing her bowl within a certain time she knows what is going to happen...

They are supposed to start pressure washing, and painting the balconies, this week... who knows when they will get to me
Hopefully these guys aren't weird like the bathtub guys :lol:


Artie, my Angel; a part of my heart
Thread starter
Top Cat
Dec 22, 2014
near Boston
Antonio65 Antonio65 Poor Pallina, (hugs) to her...

Yes, I feel bad when I have to chase Artie with the broom. I know he fears it, along with the "monster' vacuum.

It must have been because he was trained to be afraid of the broom, when he was a kitten. When I adopted him, I noticed his fear of it, when I was sweeping. He is even afraid of the Swiffer mop, which is not a broom.

I always leave the broom as a last resort. Only when I cannot get him out from under the bed. That is the only time it is used. And more for pushing him out from under it.

Artie has kind of ignored me at night...sigh..
He will curl up on my lap for a few minutes, but leaves, very shortly... strange.

He did not poop yesterday...sigh.. that means more of the lactulose today.. sigh...
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